Acer managed to receive my laptop, change the screen and send it back in two days.
It's not like it takes time to change the innards of a phone, I guess that they just doesn't care, or they're totally backed up by all the shitty phones they sell.
The 920 has been pretty janky for me. Reboot after opening the mail app, several times the touch screen got stuck and I needed to reboot, slow reaction times etc.
This. Rogers is "coming soon"
The strange thing is, your update is up on Navifirm, Rodgers is not.
Carrier phones suck. I don't have the full APN menu in the settings either, so no MMS for me.
Woo my phone is back! Expected them to wipe it, hoped they wouldn't. No more Snapchat or BBC News.
Download this:
Will allow you to set it up manually.
Gameloft announced 15 new games coming to WP8 and win8 with cross-platform play.
Yeeeah, can't wait for more not-Halo, not-Call of Duty, not-WoW and not-NFS.
e: I mean, they don't even have a section for Windows Phone on their page. It's iPhone Games, Android Games, iPad games, Mobile games, Other games.
Welcome back, brother.
Gonna give your app a spin now and pretend I'm gonna get one of these graduate jobs I'm applying for so I can stick a proper salary in.
This. Rogers is "coming soon"
In case you guys weren't aware: Stuff in the new update
The next update is ending up being quite substantial with quite a few extra features, GUI tweaks and a few other bits, but yeah give it a spin!
In case you guys weren't aware: Stuff in the new update
Data sense sucks that it's reliant on carriers.
IIRC, it works by telling you exactly what the carrier is billing you for, not what we estimate you are using. Instead of telling fibs and you getting a substantially different bill than what it says, we'd rather only tell you da troof.
IIRC, it works by telling you exactly what the carrier is billing you for, not what we estimate you are using. Instead of telling fibs and you getting a substantially different bill than what it says, we'd rather only tell you da troof.
don't take it for gospel, just vaguely remember thinking I heard that.
don't take it for gospel, just vaguely remember thinking I heard that.
After CBOAT shitting the bed with his recent rumor thread, #TRUTHFACTS don't exist anymore as far as I'm concerned.
lied about indie program, got ps4 launch wrong.
lied about indie program, got ps4 launch wrong.
Not really a lie, just that indies only get 3gb partition of ram
It's still not on Navifirm (the EE update), so it's unlikely to come out this week OTA.
Which fucking sucks.
Speaking of games, will the new indie development benefit WP8 and Win8?
Because it's time we see the games are games instead of separating arcade and indie.
It's still not on Navifirm (the EE update), so it's unlikely to come out this week OTA.
Which fucking sucks.
It'll still take a long while before the rhetoric and negativity surrounding the Win8 app platform dies down. Why put it there when you have Steam? RT is pretty much dead as a target-able platform too.
True but the app store isn't just Win8. It's gonna be built in for every future Windows release.
Unless they say fuck it and scrap it all.