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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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The NOVA games are already out on both iOS and Android man.

Edit: Also, still no updates on the Store, what the shit is this? NOT THAT MY UPDATES MATTER, considering I'm going to have to send this sucker in for repair/replacement anyway. I love the phone otherwise, except the Store, it sucks, they need to fix it.

At least allow users to A) Manually check for updates and B) Set the update-check interval.


If you are talking about app update, you can always force it to update your app, by trying to redownload the apps you have and it will ask you to update.


never left the stone age
If you are talking about app update, you can always force it to update your app, by trying to redownload the apps you have and it will ask you to update.

Yeah but there are updates to system settings, and you can't really do much for those other than wait for the updates to show up in the store :\
The NOVA games are already out on both iOS and Android man.

That's not all there is.

If you want to play a game like Gears of War, you can get Shadowgun on iOS and Android. The online multiplayer version of this game is Shadowgun: DeadZone and you can play that for free. You have to supply the Marcus and Dom voices yourself by shouting at your phone as you play.

Like Call of Duty? Check out the Modern Combat series on iOS and Android. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour just came out and apparently it's like Call of Duty down to the over-the-top setpieces and ridiculous cutscenes. It also has online multiplayer.

And so on and so forth. I don't know what MS has been doing the past 2-3 years but smartphone gaming has grown up in a big way entirely in the absence of the big console players. If MS thinks they can just wander in and say "XBOX!!" and expect people to flock to their devices, they have another thought coming. Everyone from small indie studios to big boys like EA, Epic Games, and Square-Enix are already all over the iOS and Android app stores.
That's not all there is.

If you want to play a game like Gears of War, you can get Shadowgun on iOS and Android. The online multiplayer version of this game is Shadowgun: DeadZone and you can play that for free. You have to supply the Marcus and Dom voices yourself by shouting at your phone as you play.

Like Call of Duty? Check out the Modern Combat series on iOS and Android. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour just came out and apparently it's like Call of Duty down to the over-the-top setpieces and ridiculous cutscenes. It also has online multiplayer.

And so on and so forth. I don't know what MS has been doing the past 2-3 years but smartphone gaming has grown up in a big way entirely in the absence of the big console players. If MS thinks they can just wander in and say "XBOX!!" and expect people to flock to their devices, they have another thought coming. Everyone from small indie studios to big boys like EA, Epic Games, and Square-Enix are already all over the iOS and Android app stores.

They are prepping that Surface Xbox so they can have one more platform that they are two years behind on and confuse the consumer even more.
Yeah but there are updates to system settings, and you can't really do much for those other than wait for the updates to show up in the store :\

Ah, those Nokia system update, those always pop up for me really early. I got the Display+touch a week ago even before the firmware and OS update and there was just another one the other day.


never left the stone age
Ah, those Nokia system update, those always pop up for me really early. I got the Display+touch a week ago even before the firmware and OS update and there was just another one the other day.

I got Info+ and Display+Touch update, the first ones, along with some others. But the second updates never showed up, same with pretty much every other app out there too. Hope that shit is fixed in Portico.


In all seriousness, unless I'm mistaken Wordament was developed by two MS employees in their spare time, it is not a MS developed game, so the decision to make the game for iOS isn't Microsoft's.

It was but now those guys are the head of their own team within Microsoft.
In all seriousness, unless I'm mistaken Wordament was developed by two MS employees in their spare time, it is not a MS developed game, so the decision to make the game for iOS isn't Microsoft's.
That's now Wordament started, but those employees moved to the Xbox division since then and Wrdament is a Microsoft brand.

Microsoft published Wordament for Windows Phone and iOS, including the Xbox branding and achievement support. No 3rd party is allowed or can include Xbox APIs without Microsofts certification.

Microsoft pretty much went 3rd party, just like it was announced last year.

Exclusive: Xbox Live games coming to other platforms

Microsoft’s heavily rumored plan to bring Xbox Live games to platforms other than Windows Phone is a reality.

While the company would not reveal specific plans, a Microsoft spokesperson all but confirmed them by telling Inside Mobile Apps “while the Xbox Live experiences and games always work best on the Windows platform, we understand that some Xbox fans may be using other types of devices. To satisfy that need, we are working to extend a few of our Xbox experiences and titles to other platforms.”

Rumors Xbox Live games would no longer be a Windows phone exclusive began to pick up steam in early January, when LiveSide and Business Insider spotted a job description for a developers with iOS and Android experience to “bring the latest and greatest gaming and entertainment experience to mobile platforms including Windows Phone, iOS and other mobile platforms.”

When asked about when the same Xbox Live experience available on Windows Phone would be available for iOS and Android, the company remained tight-lipped, saying “we are laser-focused on providing the best mobile Xbox Live experience to our customers, regardless of platform.”

I think the real revelation here is that there is apparently an API for accessing Xbox Live and if you use it, you can access Xbox Live on any platform and not just MS sanctioned ones.

you don't get to use Xbox Live features in your game without Microsofts approval.


People don't really buy phones for exclusive games. It doesn't hurt me as a Windows Phone user if other people can also enjoy wordament. What sets Windows Phone apart from the other OSs aren't the apps but the OS itself and how apps and services are integrated into.
like what? Xbox video doesn't even work with WP8. MS's own Bing, although not integrated, is more functional on iOS than on WP.

this is about MS not prioritizing their own mobile platform. Their lack of urgency in the market will lead to their demise. Consoles are on their last legs, ARM powered tablets/phones will rule gaming. the PC world is shifting to post-PC, and MS will struggle. If Windows Phone and Windows RT don't survive, MS could forever be Google and Apple's bitch.

MS is sitting on goldmine franchises like Halo and Gears of War and all they could come up in 2-3 yrs of being in the mobile space is Waypoint? Seriously? I'm not asking for a Gears port or Halo 5 but come on, where are the side story games? A Halo RTS on WP would have killed. Have that mobile game open up maps on Xbox Halo. That shit would have gamers buying up WP devices.

thinking about all the wasted potential is making me sick.


Well, we still have Kids Corner, press back arrow furiously to shut apps, and the so confusing you'll never use playlist management as WP exclusives.

ok, enough out of me. I need to go to a live music event and pureview rich record some video to make me feel better.




Junior Member

The negativity is getting out of hand.

What's your favourite thing about Windows Phone?

Bitching about it.

But seriously, the Gaming part in WP was always bad and nothing has changed. Heck it gotten even worse. Let's see..

- We have like...what? 40 Xbox games? and most of them are bad ports.
- Did I mention how 70% of these games have no multitasking support? Oh you hit that back/windows button? WELP TRY BEATING THAT LEVEL AGAIN
- 99% of game devs target iOS and Android first with no mention of anything WP
- No big Xbox game (AKA Halo/Gears) yet. Heck, even Rare won't bother porting their old Gameboy/DS games to WP
- WP8 breaking compatibility and thus we are left with half the amount of games WP7 had

I can go on and on but in the end, it's MS fault for focusing on gimmicks like shit corner instead of bribing every goddamn developer on earth.


like what? Xbox video doesn't even work with WP8. MS's own Bing, although not integrated, is more functional on iOS than on WP

I'd say bing, xbox live, office, skydrive, skype, and xbox music are nicely integrated (even if there are still some flaws). But that's not all I meant. Things like live apps, lenses, VoIP services like Skype integrate neatly into the OS. I'd choose WP over iOS and Android any time and that's not because of exclusive games.

Consoles are on their last legs, ARM powered tablets/phones will rule gaming. the PC world is shifting to post-PC, and MS will struggle. If Windows Phone and Windows RT don't survive, MS could forever be Google and Apple's bitch.

That makes it even more important that they offer their their services on other platforms. E.g. Office is a huge part of MS' earnings. If they do a good job on other platforms and maybe get people to get a subscription that would be great for MS. Apple and Google are already ramping up their own Office competitors. If MS wants to stay relevant they should get in there and not leverage Office to push Windows Phone.
Being available on every platform is also essential to Skype. That's what makes it really useful (I'm looking at you, Facetime).


like what? Xbox video doesn't even work with WP8. MS's own Bing, although not integrated, is more functional on iOS than on WP.

this is about MS not prioritizing their own mobile platform. Their lack of urgency in the market will lead to their demise. Consoles are on their last legs, ARM powered tablets/phones will rule gaming. the PC world is shifting to post-PC, and MS will struggle. If Windows Phone and Windows RT don't survive, MS could forever be Google and Apple's bitch.

MS is sitting on goldmine franchises like Halo and Gears of War and all they could come up in 2-3 yrs of being in the mobile space is Waypoint? Seriously? I'm not asking for a Gears port or Halo 5 but come on, where are the side story games? A Halo RTS on WP would have killed. Have that mobile game open up maps on Xbox Halo. That shit would have gamers buying up WP devices.

thinking about all the wasted potential is making me sick.

Agreed although this also applies to windows 8 as well. Gaming has been by far the biggest mistake ms has made with the metro revolution and its the one area they could dominate. Even the games they are producing is a mistake imo. They shouldn't be bringing games that compete with ios/android but leveraging their brands and making "real" games for mobile.

Halo Wars mobile would be awesome on something like windows 8, real fable/gears/halo/forza games as well.

My only hope at this point is the xbox surface really happens and the xbox teams tells everyone to gtfo and does gaming properly themselves and they create a device that has the hardware to run those games. I think that's our only real hope for gaming from Microsoft at this point.


I'd say bing, xbox live, office, skydrive, skype, and xbox music are nicely integrated (even if there are still some flaws). But that's not all I meant. Things like live apps, lenses, VoIP services like Skype integrate neatly into the OS. I'd choose WP over iOS and Android any time and that's not because of exclusive games.

That makes it even more important that they offer their their services on other platforms. E.g. Office is a huge part of MS' earnings. If they do a good job on other platforms and maybe get people to get a subscription that would be great for MS. Apple and Google are already ramping up their own Office competitors. If MS wants to stay relevant they should get in there and not leverage Office to push Windows Phone.
Being available on every platform is also essential to Skype. That's what makes it really useful (I'm looking at you, Facetime).

If that's the case then why even bother with your own OS since you can get directly to the to the IOS and Android user base with their service? Honestly they'd find more success doing that if that's their end goal.


Junior Member
Seriously, get someone from the Xbox team to replace Joe Belfiore.

Even Major Nelson would do at this point.

Microsoft's Tentacles is now on iOS when it isn't even compatible with WP8.


Is tentacles still within the WP Store? I can't seem to find it?

Agreed although this also applies to windows 8 as well. Gaming has been by far the biggest mistake ms has made with the metro revolution and its the one area they could dominate. Even the games they are producing is a mistake imo. They shouldn't be bringing games that compete with ios/android but leveraging their brands and making "real" games for mobile.

Halo Wars mobile would be awesome on something like windows 8, real fable/gears/halo/forza games as well.

My only hope at this point is the xbox surface really happens and the xbox teams tells everyone to gtfo and does gaming properly themselves and they create a device that has the hardware to run those games. I think that's our only real hope for gaming from Microsoft at this point.
Agreed, the Xbox team really needs to jump in and say "Our Brand, stay out".

Funky Papa

My relationship with Belfiore is that of a beaten wife. He may punch you in the nads every few days, but he's such a sweet talker.


has calmed down a bit.
I'm not a huge mobile gamer, obviously. If games were the biggest factor in deciding on a phone I don't see how you would own anything but an iPhone.

It stings to see achievements on another platform, but it's one game. I'll wait to see how it plays out. I've switched platforms twice before and own android and ios devices, so I'm no blind fanboy, but WP is still my choice for phones. When my Lumia cracked, I could easily have switched. I was offered a iP4 by my in-laws to use until my contract is up, and I'm choosing to use a Focus OG instead.

I ordered a
Lumia 920 and I'm like a child at Christmas waiting for it to get here. No other phone on any platform would get that sort of reaction from me. Part of it is Apollo, and part of it is Nokia hardware. There is something to bitch about on every platform, you have to prioritize what's important to you and if its not on WP, then go where you think you will be happiest. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but no platform is perfect. You WILL have plenty of crap to bitch about on ios and android.
I guess I should count my blessings as I do most of my gaming on my 3DS and my laptop. I don't do most smartphone gaming - I prefer using them for on-the-go web browsing, getting connected, and photos.

The negativity is getting out of hand.

What's your favourite thing about Windows Phone?
Making playlist, it is just like a game in itself. Only if it has achievements.

Seriously though, all the best part of my Lumia is Nokia doing. I amaze my coworkers with PhotoBeemer with pictures of my trip. An Apple guy quickly proclaim he can do that on his iPhone (not sure if true) and Cinemagraph always keep me entertained with my kitty.
More like, every Samsung phone that is running 7.5 right now, right?

At first I thought they meant that every Samsung phone that came out with 7.5 will get the update (Omnia W and on), leaving first gen phones (Omnia 7) out. A Dutch site interpreted as Omnia 7 will be getting the update to 7.8. This is the original statement from Samsung (translated):

"We can confirm that our products carrying the version Windows Phone 7.5 [and therefore all the Windows Phone so far marketed by Samsung, Ed] , are updated the [version] 7.8 but will be made ​​available with terms decided by Microsoft."

So how should I read that? All phones that launched with 7.5 or all phones that are running at least 7.5?


I guess I should count my blessings as I do most of my gaming on my 3DS and my laptop. I don't do most smartphone gaming - I prefer using them for on-the-go web browsing, getting connected, and photos.

I think the issue is that you can go into the Apple and Google ecosystem and get pretty much all the Microsoft services on them whereas the same thing can't be said about having the Apple and Google services in the Microsoft ecosystem. What incentive is there go with Microsoft when you can go with the others and get the best of what Microsoft provides? Live tiles? Font?

Even the Microsoft products don't integrate well with each other on the system like XBOX video that was mentioned earlier. I'm still using my WP7 device as I wait for announcements of new phones but it really is getting harder and harder to justify purchasing a WP8 device when there are better alternatives out there and you won't miss any of Microsoft's services since they're also available there.


I think you guys should consider that while Xbox (and Xbox Live) are the top dogs now, everything starts brand new next year with the launch of the new consoles. The more people they get into their ecosystem the better. It is probably really hard for them to ignore 97% of the market, and while it'd be good for us, it might allow a company like Sony to gain a lot of ground.


I think the issue is that you can go into the Apple and Google ecosystem and get pretty much all the Microsoft services on them whereas the same thing can't be said about having the Apple and Google services in the Microsoft ecosystem. What incentive is there go with Microsoft when you can go with the others and get the best of what Microsoft provides? Live tiles? Font?

The problem is... Microsoft's services are fighting for their lives while Google's arent. Bing, Xbox Music, Xbox Movies, SkyDrive... none of them are dominant. Xbox is, but gaming reboots every 5 years.


I think you guys should consider that while Xbox (and Xbox Live) are the top dogs now, everything starts brand new next year with the launch of the new consoles. The more people they get into their ecosystem the better. It is probably really hard for them to ignore 97% of the market, and while it'd be good for us, it might allow a company like Sony to gain a lot of ground.

I don't think anyone has issues of XBOX Live going to other platforms, it's just that they need to fix what's on their platform first. All those incompatible games at the moment should be a priority for them to fix. I also have a Nexus 7 and using SmartGlass and the XBOX app is similar to WP and I didn't see a difference between them. Shouldn't the best version be on WP as an extra incentive?


Easiest phone OS ever.

That's basically why I'm sticking to it.

Also, Nokia's monster phones. I lift, bro.


Didn't know Crimson Dragon was up for WP8. I can't redownload it right now (no WiFi at work) but does anybody know how it runs on the 920?
That's now Wordament started, but those employees moved to the Xbox division since then and Wrdament is a Microsoft brand.

Microsoft published Wordament for Windows Phone and iOS, including the Xbox branding and achievement support. No 3rd party is allowed or can include Xbox APIs without Microsofts certification.

Didn't know that, thanks.
That's been out for a while. I think like September or so.

I jumped ship from WP8. :/. I liked the platform but MS still didn't have their shit together.
Noooo! Well I can't blame you. Lost so many already why not another one. My family going to be so miff next year when contracts go up and I convert everyone to iPhones.
My fav news app, Newser, was just updated for WP8. Tiles/lock screen haven't updated yet, but Newser took a while after install to initially update tiles...been great since.

Could be worse, you could have a SIM free Lumia 920 and have no update. Pretty shit when some network branded devices already have it.

So much for MS bypassing them for WP8 OTA updates.

Seriously, wtf is up with this? Has MS made a statement on this?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Why is my phone lock screen saying tomorrow is Christmas? The calendar doesn't seem to agree.

I may have had this same issue with WP7 last year and can't remember why..


Just got my first smartphone (a cheap LG Pro Optimus C660) and I've got to say that I'm not fond of Android. I especially hate all the preinstalled apps I can't hide/remove.

I'm not sure if I should get another phone though. So far I only use it to go on social network sites and it's fine for that, but I do wonder what more a phone like Nokia Lumia 610 can offer.

Does anyone know where I could get a quick overview of the Windows OS?
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