Junketsu no Maria Episode 2:
I am developing a curious relationship with this series, when it tries to be serious it is pretty damn good but when it is trying to be funny I want to burn every copy in the known universe. I will continue to watch but I am unsure which side of my own dichotomy will win.
I can definitely see that. All the bad sex jokes have been taken from the manga so far, which means they'll never completely go away even if their frequency might change on occasion, but the new additions to the anime seem to focus on expanding the serious or neutral elements. I hope that helps keep the balance on the positive side in the long run.
I know Im late to the party but I started Code Geass. 7 episodes in. Its pretty alright. Hope it gets better.
Well, it's a rollercoaster so things will go up and down several times. In my view, the series is both fun and interesting enough if you can handle that.
Sad news. Despite not being as much of a fan of her music as others probably were, I also liked her anime work.