There's really no reason that the Darker than Black S2 BD shouldn't be undulation.gif on repeat.
Ratatouille is the best of the Pixar films. Watch it!
Unfortunately, I hear it bombed fantastically and that a second season is probably never going to happen. I started reading the manga recently; I miss the rotoscoping style; the manga doesn't look like that at all. It's not bad, it's just different. More typical, I guess.
The producers themselves expected that outcome after all!Doesn't surprise me, massive shame but was to be expected. That's why I'm planning to just buy the manga and forgo any hopes of the anime finishing.
Ratatoulle is the most overrated, meh Pixar film. "Quaint" is what I would describe it and nothing more.
So, Funimation announced their May releases. Of interest is both seasons of Puchimas, coming to DVD as an exclusive on their web store, I think.
Hm... Might get...
The producers themselves expected that outcome after all!
I'm fairly sure that your (or everyone's) exposure to the story itself was the primary objective, and that is why you guys who keep following the original publication did good! :-D
They're pretty cheap. Only $15 per season, and the sets include the OVAs. I might pick them up myself at some point.
Flowers of Evil 11-13 END
Somehow I don't think thats quite the result Nakamura's father had in mind whenWell judging by that S2 teaser, this is clearly not happening. RIPhe invited Kasuga to his house. And neither did I. After the confrontation in the rain where he admitted to being empty and not as special as he imagined himself to be, I kinda figured he'd start on his path to redemption.
Throughout the duration of the Flowers of Evil, I was baffled by the behaviour of some of the characters and after finishing the show, I remain puzzled.I suppose I just don't get these people. The show ended in a fairly logical place to leave things hanging but given that tease of future events (talk about pouring that salt into the wounds), one gets the impression those 13 episodes were more of a prologue and the meat of the story begins now.Saeki's infatuation with Kasuga feels more unnatural and forced than anything in Nisekoi. Maybe the manga explains it somehow further down the line but as it is, I couldn't buy it all. Second thing that irked me was total lack of resentment of Nakamura on Kasuga's part. She tortured him for the first half of the story but after their classroom stunt they suddenly become best friends. No matter how cathartic that moment was for the both of them, the sudden, subsequent 180 turn in their relationship rubbed me the wrong way.
Flowers of Evil has a real knack for creating a dense, tense atmosphere. I never suspected a series about a bunch of ordinary (hmmm) high schoolers could be this suffocating but Aku no Hana manages it with ease. And I must say that I've grown to really like the rotoscoping. Sure it does have its drawbacks (dunno whether they're inherent to the method or just something that was fumbled here) – the lack of facial detail in the long shots and its gradual, disturbing pop up + some lip synch/movement issues but with its realistic character models (duh) and naturalistic movement and detail, it brought much more to the game than it took out. I've no idea how financially draining it is compared to the traditional animation but I wouldn't mind more shows being done this way. I'll take it over CG any time. Combined with the immense amount of Pablo background porn and stellar direction, it manages to create a very good looking and visually distinctive series.
Bonus points for amazing opening and ending songs.
Anyhow really good if heavy show. Can't wait for Season 2 which undoubtedly is just around the nearest corner !
You don't know sjack. Pow pow pow! That's the sound of shots being fired.Ratatoulle is the most overrated, meh Pixar film. "Quaint" is what I would describe it and nothing more.
I like the Maru, enough to buy a plush of him, but come on![Aria the Natural] - 06
でっかい poor President Maa, I mean President Aria.
I much でっかい prefer Alice school hairstyle than her work one.
Athena dropping でっかい truth bombs, and that でっかい nice smile at the end.
[Poyopoyo] - 1~52 END
Roundcats > Mars cats.
Having trouble deciding what to watch next: Tsuritama, .hack//Sign, or Uchouten Kazoku. Any suggestions?
Complete First Season on Blu-ray
Specialty ''classified'' packaging
48-page art book
Display easel
Episode Commentaries
Cast Auditions
Production Artwork
U.S. Trailer
PUCHIM@S Season One - FUNimation Exclusive DVD Release Date: 5/19/2015
PUCHIM@S Season Two - FUNimation Exclusive DVD Release Date: 5/19/2015
Solty Rei Box Set - S.A.V.E. DVD Release Date: 5/5/2015
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 Complete Series - Anime Classics DVD Release Date: 5/19/2015
.hack//Roots Complete Series DVD Release Date: 5/19/2015
Michiko & Hatchin Complete Series - S.A.V.E. DVD Release Date: 5/12/2015
Michiko & Hatchin Complete Series - S.A.V.E. Blu-ray Release Date: 5/12/2015
Darker Than Black Complete Second Season - Anime Classics Blu-ray & DVD Release Date: 5/12/2015
Darker Than Black Complete First Season - Premium Edition Blu-ray Release Date: 5/12/2015
I assume they fight over who gets the girl's chocolates? lolBrother's Conflict Valentines Day OVA
All that fuss over chocolate. Subaru's lines were the most hilarious.
I wish Fuuto was in this.
Io x Ryuu reconfirmed canon. Loved all the lines for it and how both were so amazed at each other in the bath, and also how the others also see them together. Everyone sees through he womanizing act.
Does this girl have severe mental problems?
She doesn't even seem to be able to talk!
How on earth did she get a job at an animation company?
@FUNimation: Any Contractors out there? Good news! #DarkerThanBlack is coming to blu-ray in North America!
So, Funimation announced their May releases. Of interest is both seasons of Puchimas, coming to DVD as an exclusive on their web store, I think. Both seasons of Darker Than Black make their way to the 'Anime Classics' line on BD, with Bubblegum Crisis 2040 joining the same line on DVD. Meanwhile, Michiko & Hatchin gets tossed in the SAVE line on BD.
There's also another .Hack anime and something called Solty Rei. That's about it.
High quality shots of the Kill la Kill #2 UK Blu-ray, I guess, complete with obi (No Kotaku review this time)
Brave takes the meh crown.
I like the Maru, enough to buy a plush of him, but come on!
I'm sure I'm LTTP, but I'm discovering the trend of "subscribe to a box of shit every month" services that seems to be the new business model to have taken hold, and I found this:
25 bucks to ship a box of Japanese snacks to you every month. Wish I had thought of it, since it seems like a complete no brainer. lol
Does this girl have severe mental problems?
She doesn't even seem to be able to talk!
How on earth did she get a job at an animation company?
I'm sure I'm LTTP, but I'm discovering the trend of "subscribe to a box of shit every month" services that seems to be the new business model to have taken hold, and I found this:
25 bucks to ship a box of Japanese snacks to you every month. Wish I had thought of it, since it seems like a complete no brainer. lol
Does this girl have severe mental problems?
She doesn't even seem to be able to talk!
How on earth did she get a job at an animation company?
She seems excessively shy, but she can draw. Being a good animator seems like it's pretty high on the list of qualifications for animation.
Both Vol1 and Vol2 of Shirobako have crossed the 10k sales milestone now. Yay~
She seems excessively shy, but she can draw. Being a good animator seems like it's pretty high on the list of qualifications for animation.
I take it that you don't know about Japan Crate?
Now that I covered the part where you're going to need to pick up the manga to complete the story (Vertical published it in English; there are 11 volumes), let's get to the substance here. I will note here that I have not passed the anime in my reading of the manga version, so I'm bringing nothing to the table but my understanding of the characters in the anime. I'll center this on our three main characters so as to not ramble forever.
Let's start with the first thing to clear up. These are middle school students, not high school students. I know; the use of adult actors and actresses to animate the series did not help, but it is stated explicitly. Weirdly, given some of their behavior, I do think this helps explain the characters rather than making them more strange.
Kasuga is basically a mild chuunibyou (8th grade syndrome) case, not the stupid, played up for comedy stuff you see in series every now and again. He has delusions of grandeur; that's what chuunibyou is: a kid thinking they're more special and powerful than they really are as they start thinking about what they want to do in life. We all get it to some extent.
He's fascinated by these deep books he reads and considers himself just as deep and special for reading them. But he succumbed to his baser urges (as we all do to some degree) and spends the series hating himself for it. He's really the easiest to understand; he discovered something dark within himself and Nakamura, who hates the boring everyday and wants something interesting, is okay with it. She found that something in Kasuga and damn if she's going to let him get away from her.
I don't know if I'd call what Nakamura has for Kasuga is love; I'd probably term it a kind of kinship, however messed up it is. From Kasuga's perspective she's someone who accepts the "real" him. It's really not that complex; it kind of is that simple. She's someone who knows what he's done and reproaches him for it, but (crucially) doesn't isolate herself from him.
As for Saeki, this is again something that's explained easier once you get past that they're middle school kids.Kasuga was probably the first person who ever told her that they liked her. There's an attachment there, rightly or wrongly, which also goes to her budding sexuality. She doesn't want her first love to be this fucked up thing it is. Moreover, she feels threatened by how close he is to Nakamura and there's a kind of "if she can accept you, I can too" deal there. She probably thinks Nakamura is trying to steal him from her. Again, she wants this to work and is trying to avoid being hurt. Thus she's unreasonably willing to forgive his transgressions, in part because she sees them as proof of a connection.
Of course, this doesn't work because, to Kasuga, Saeki's supposed to be this unreachable goddess when of course she isn't.He can't deal with that.That she's willing to get down in the mud to be with him tarnishes her; the thing he aspired to. "If there's no good in the world, then what the hell am I doing?"
TL;DR: Flowers of Evil is freaking amazing. Please let me know if I'm misremembering anything.
I like the Maru, enough to buy a plush of him, but come on!
The main difference is pace, the hunter arc is tighter and more brisk in the 2011 adaptation. The first 30 episodes of the first anime are 21 in the 2011 adoption. One episode can be explained because the 2011 tells the Kaito part later, but the other 8 is just slower pace and a bit of filler, as the manga was running around that time and they couldn't run a lot.
Of course the original anime doesn't reach the part of the Chime Ant arc, I suppose the pace would be the same there...
Don't expect much growth from Gon. Not saying he gets none, but he very much remains the same stubborn kid.
That said, hunter x hunter is known for deviating from standard shonen tropes.
Samurai Flamenco - 07
....the fuck?
I had some vague memories after reading the spoilers for this episode a while back but that was certainly not what I expected. Especially after such a grounded plot point about Masayoshi's past at the mid-point.
Either this is just going full crazy orthis is all a really elaborate setup by that production company guy
Sailor Moon R 35
Everybody starts hating ChibiUsa, and then Sailor Moon shows up and ruins everything ;P
Nah, but ChibiUsa shows off her power level and a familiar looking character lurks around in the future. Looks like there'll be time travel soon.
Well, I'd have to get somebody to get them for me since Funimation doesn't ship outside of NA![]()
Does this girl have severe mental problems?
She doesn't even seem to be able to talk!
How on earth did she get a job at an animation company?
Denpa Kyoushi TV anime is directed by Masato Sato at A-1 Pictures, series composition is handled by and Isao Sugimoto is the chracter designer.
The main difference is pace, the hunter arc is tighter and more brisk in the 2011 adaptation. The first 30 episodes of the first anime are 21 in the 2011 adoption. One episode can be explained because the 2011 tells the Kaito part later, but the other 8 is just slower pace and a bit of filler, as the manga was running around that time and they couldn't run a lot.
But which version! Oh, I think it's 2011 right?Hunter x Hunter - 56
Aww shit, this ending. The last 10-15 episodes have all been great in one way or another, this Yorknew stuff is wonderful and it doesn't seem to stop.
I keep thinking "just one more episode then I'll stop for the night" over and over. I love how they build up the cliffhangers at the end of the episode with the soundtrack.
Chibiusa sucks. Never liked her.
I blame DiC for really souring me on Chibi-Usa, I mean she is bloody terrible all around but that dub just made her the worst.
But which version! Oh, I think it's 2011 right?
the dub brought out the worst in everybody. DiC really messed up.