Did anyone notice how much better the animation quality was this episode? .
The first 15 minutes was charming light entertainment. The last 7 was sublime nonsense.
I'll never get tired of the Salami-sama names
Cross Ange 21
This episode kinda highlights how badly this show is animated at times. There are all kinds of weird animations, like that shooting-spin Hilda did when closing in with Chris. What the hell was the point of that, beside trying to look cool and failing miserably.
I'd also like to have a chat with the director. The flow of events is all over the place and that choir piece with the male vocalist(s) does not fit with what is going on on the screen at all.
Tusks and Momokagoing all kamikaze was kinda sad. Though if Momoka stays dead, so should Tusk. You don't kill the best maid and leave Tusk alive, dammit!
Huh.. I found this episode to be one of the derpiest yet. Maybe not the faces, but plenty of other kind of jank.
Momoka with mana. That's why she lit up.Cross Ange - 21
Who drove that parked car?
Cross Ange - 21
Who drove that parked car? It was pretty good timing.I admit I laughed way harder than I should have when it exploded. Maybe it's all the Aloha Snackbar videos I've seen.RIP Momoka and Tusk
Momoka with mana. That's why she lit up.
Momoka activated the car remotely with mana
Cross Ange is not a show I come to for things that make realistic sense, lol. It's flashy. It's trashy. I think it's good at what it does. ..
I started a rewatch and events that happen in the late teen episodes are set up in the first handful. I'm somewhat impressed that there was at least that much thought put into the show. .
AnimeGAF I've been drinking and all but I just wanna say that i love all of you. Even with your giant breasts anime girls
Lain predates the matrix right?
Bakemonogatari 1
This show is good
Bakemonogatari 2
Hunter x Hunter - 125
I love the impacting soundtrack in this scene. Chairman going bananas on the king. This better turn out to be one of the best fights ever for the amount of teasing they've done.
AnimeGAF I've been drinking and all but I just wanna say that i love all of you. Even with your giant breasts anime girls
Hunter x Hunter - 126
The fight was alright I guess. Netero made up for it with his crazy Bodhisattva, nen aura blast from space etc, but the king is nothing special to me. He's basically a tank that eventually reads his opponent. Whoopity fucking do. What a let down. Hisoka where are youuuuu
I don't even know what to think of the nuke. I'm going to bet my left nut that the king is still alive somehow. RIP in pepperoni NTR, you tried.
Bakemonogatari 1
This show is good
Bakemonogatari 2
Hunter x Hunter - 126
The fight was alright I guess. Netero made up for it with his crazy Bodhisattva, nen aura blast from space etc, but the king is nothing special to me. He's basically a tank that eventually reads his opponent. Whoopity fucking do. What a let down. Hisoka where are youuuuu
I don't even know what to think of the nuke. I'm going to bet my left nut that the king is still alive somehow. RIP in pepperoni NTR, you tried.
This is not what you should do .![]()
let me show you the way.
Cross Ange - 21
.So fucking good. Momoka's Death, dat car, the unveiling of the true purpose of the master plan behind Embryo's master plan, Tusk being a boss and claiming Ange, everyone who uses mana is a homunculus, the Demon of Heiselberg Resident of a nondeterministic world (wut is going on), Ange is getting cuter again for some reason, all those little kids died again, dat friendship and betrayal between Chris and Hilda+Rosalie, Salashalasa-sama gets another new name, Momoka legit surprises the shit out of Embryo-sama by using mana against him and using her free will to do so, zombies, god dammit Tusk please don't be dead.
Cross Ange ep 21
Jebus, Embyro is like Kenny from South Park.And Tusk/Ange are fucking stupid, they already know killing Embyro is useless and spawns him anywhere the moment he dies so why bother to keep on killing him?RIP momoka, your death was overshadowed by Tusk lol
Samurai Flamenco 7 Uh wtf just happened
It's a stupid thing to be ranking a character on in the first place.4chan's /a/ can rant all they want about how the MC is more alpha than High School DxD's Issei]
Samurai Flamenco 7 Uh wtf just happened
Samurai Flamenco 7 Uh wtf just happened
I hope you saw my new favorite picture.
<3Woofington has no love for me, though.
Is it ok to jump straight into the 3rd Madoka movie after a long absence from the TV show and not seeing the previous 2 movies?