Got my Paprika and Nausicaa Steelbook order today, I'll be watching these later, I haven't watched Paprika before and I haven't seen Nausicaa in 10 years.
Gunslinger Girl S1: Better than what it covered in the manga, really good stuff.
Gunslinger Girl S2: Dropped it 5 mins into episode 1, disgusting.
This has been on my radar as something to check out eventually, can you elaborate ? Did the quality dropped so much or is it some violence/sex/fan service stuff ?
This has been on my radar as something to check out eventually, can you elaborate ? Did the quality dropped so much or is it some violence/sex/fan service stuff ?
Got my Paprika and Nausicaa Steelbook order today, I'll be watching these later, I haven't watched Paprika before and I haven't seen Nausicaa in 10 years.
So I watched S1 of Psycho Pass and enjoyed it.
But I hear S2 isn't so hot. Anyone weigh in?
So I watched S1 of Psycho Pass and enjoyed it.
But I hear S2 isn't so hot. Anyone weigh in?
Quality drop and also bad directing, there was ridiculous looking shaking cams and stills for most of what I saw. The drawings also looked like total ass.
The original Gunslinger Girl was made at Madhouse, and looks like a typical, high-quality Madhouse production, with well-considered direction and good animation.
Gunslinger Girl Il Teatrino was made by Artland, and even as early as the first episode, often it's idea of animation is shaking the camera wildly at static images.
S1 is bad and S2 is a gold mine of laughs.
For actual reasons there's a noticeable drop in the quality and the writing being comically dark with funny twists.
Unless you take the series super seriously, S2 is definitely worth watching for a barrel of laughs. It's so over the top and stupid.![]()
I still maintain that season 2 is just as stupid as season 1.So I watched S1 of Psycho Pass and enjoyed it.
But I hear S2 isn't so hot. Anyone weigh in?
So I watched S1 of Psycho Pass and enjoyed it.
But I hear S2 isn't so hot. Anyone weigh in?
The problem is that thematic material and symbolism only matter if the core story and characters are engaging. Which is not what I find to be happening with Yuikuma. People aren't missing out on the point of the show so much as they are disinvested in it and its poor structure and storytelling. The easy comparison here is to Utena, where one could gloss by 95% of the symbolism and still find a great show about compelling characters.
The flashbacks in Yuri Kuma are a serious detriment for me. Unless well done I really dislike this kind of storytelling where they constantly reveal major background information via flashbacks. The current timeline of Yuri Kuma makes next to no sense and basically requires me to take a good guess or simply wait for another revelation to breathe some understanding into me. It's even worse here because we're constantly teased with more to come. They're similar to pointless twists. It's not like these revelations change my point of view in an interesting way and feel like puzzle pieces click into place. No, instead that didn't work before makes a bit more sense for the first time.
There's also this point where I wonder: "wouldn't I enjoy this story more if it were told more linearly?" Because the vast majority of 'twists' in this story aren't any good, there's no actual benefit from the constant flashbacks. It's a very cheap "stay tuned for possibly GROUNDBREAKING REVELATIONS in the next episode!" A promise that's never really delivered.
Meanwhile, if we had a more linear story I wouldn't be needlessly confused the first 6 episodes or so. That may still not help the rather unimpressive story itself, but at least the storytelling wouldn't grind my gears as much.
I also tend to dislike watching a show that has half it's actual story taking place in the past. I really got irritated watching Mekakucity Actors for that reason. Towards the end I was like "fuck, what was even the point of having all these characters get together when, instead of having them do anything we're just told their personal background stories over almost the entire show. Until the very last episode pretty much."
I dunno, I think there are further issues I have with excessive use of flashbacks but can't really articulate currently. I'll simply agree with Basileus777 that heavy flashback storytelling is difficult to pull off well.
Man I can't remember any good OST's from 2014, though last year was a very weak Anime year for me.
15 maximum.
All time.
Oh yea some additional information:
There will be a Best Composer voting subsection that I will limit to three votes per person (mostly because I'm lazy) and a Best Song with the same restriction.
Edit:I'll explain this in the thread OP later but a big point of Best Song is for people who want to highlight OPs and ED.
Little Witch Academia
That was awesome! Amazing animation, and some really good action. Loved the story though it was a bit cliche in some regards. Can't wait for the sequel.
I'd love for a full series on this.
should've bought dr hitomi's infirmary v1 & centaurs worries v1-5 instead
Shirobako Episode 1
Ah, I love my seinen in my shows. Hopefully some slice of life can be seen there, it just feels overwhelming seeing how much work goes into animation.
I haven't read it personally but I have seen the art for it and man is it breath taking at times.
Man I can't remember any good OST's from 2014, though last year was a very weak Anime year for me.
So I watched S1 of Psycho Pass and enjoyed it.
But I hear S2 isn't so hot. Anyone weigh in?
I was satisfied at the end of the first season. I watched S1 on its own and really enjoyed it.Yikes, thanks for the info. I wouldn't actually mind this much as it only shortens the number of episodes, I would have to go through by half, but does the S1 concludes in some satisfying way ? I wouldn't want to get burned by a cliffhanger ending or major unresolved plot lines.
Ping Pong also had an incredible soundtrack.Space Dandy, Terror in Resonance, and One Week Friends all had great OSTs.
Kyon reminds me of Porky from Accel World.
They seriously moeified (if that's even a word) everything. It doesn't help that Haruhi looks a bit like a monkey.
Shirobako 7
blonde twin tails is best girl
i would watch Jiggly Jiggly Heaven. Can we get that as an OVA?
ema is so moe
nee-san is such a troll, i'm in love
this is some existential shit right here
Ping Pong 7
all this engrish
but pretty action light, instead favoring character development, and really good shit too.
lol what a creeper
and then there's this white knight
yeah, smiles totally gonna have to face the same predicament with peco, it's so obvious. so, so obvious
Mushishi Zoku Shou 17
holy shit this was depressing
jesus. the moment when the kidwas fucking brutalturned into vapor in his mother's arms
Parasyte 7
is he gonna get a sidekick? totally a superhero show now
i have this bad feelingis gonna get rekt.Miki-chan
ahhh yeah. what a great team. I hope we see more of this team up.
Power Plant No.33 this a Pacific Rim anime? BASED FUCKING TRIGGER
This was just amazing. Such a well formed and explained world (aside from the robot) with so little time to do it, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and the gargantuan sizes are so fully formed. Like, both the kaiji and the robot just feel big and heavy. Like, End of Eva gets props for making stuff like Asuka's final fight feels so big, and heavy, but in that department it's got nothing on this. Sure, this was a pretty simplistic fight, but holy hell did if feel like the sizes were right. Absolutely well done.
Also that main girl de-suiting at the end UNF so hard. Would totally waifu. Theonik, Zachy, Cajun, et al. get on this shit.
okay, well, appearently we're gonna hit critical mass soon with my List Double Dose? Wish me luck.
Blood-C 7
PEOPLE ARE DISAPPEARING EN MASSE but just keep an eye on your daughter k? ;p
yes let me think, who could it be
the dog is basically gonna turn out to be like satan right
if school's cancelled, why are you still there, teacher?
so is this like Dark Souls the anime?
oh so you don't even know? or are you just being a cheeky cunt. fuck off.
Arjuna 7
is this episode gonna be about mining? please let it be about mining
cindy fuck you
tokio fucking lol
ALL THIS COLA He's jittery because of all the caffeine moron wait seriously that's what this episode's gonna be about? lololololololol
wait it's seriously promoting psychic plants hahahahahahahahahahahahahha
please let him die please
lol there's totally hentai of this isn't there?
wait...please...please let this be true...
actually no words are against nature now. really. fucking really.
mother fucking WORDS
lolololololololololololololololololololololol fucking denied tokio
this show is seriously against words
as a poet, this was my reaction, without using my ink of choice (toxic words):
fucking lol lord save me i'm gonna have an aneurysm from laughing and anger
also that preview fuckkkk
i'm done
fucking hell
goodnight gaf.
and god speed.
fuck you chris
Seiken Tsukai no World Break 10
He justs keep on adding to the harem and now he's also super op too.
also probability of her drowning?0%
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. 1-2
Also finished K-On! and started K-On!!
FelixOrion is broken, i mean watching Blood-C and arjuna at the same time ...
Stay strong , felix !!
sweet, that's the one I was leaning towards....
Thank you, so next week, I'm going to have to pick a series to watch this week now on Crunchyroll...
So after Voices of a Distant Star, where should I look next for a good Anime series that has a good story/plotline, good relationships/love stories, it can be crude (I stumbled upon the holy boobs of Sekirei this weekend, but it's not on Crunchy, lol) and action/adventure to go alone with the story could be nice as well: I need to plot the series out now. For reference, my only Anime experience is SAO and Log Horizon. I really loved SAO and everything it offered. (Crunchyroll)
previous GAF recomendations:
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
Cross Ange
Haibane Renmei,
Kino's journey,
the movie Millennium Actress
Shin Sekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
He should watch Yami to Boshi next!
Man I can't remember any good OST's from 2014
Yeah, I went back to my copy of the manga and noticed the beginning was cut, and wondered why. I assumed it would show up at some point.A lot of the time difference comes from both the slower pacing of the 99 version (due to it starting pretty close to the manga's debut 1.5 years) and the filler content added to the 99 version as well. The only thing the 2011 removed was most of the first chapter (aka first encounter with Kite) and moved it after the GI arc.
Ping Pong also had an incredible soundtrack.
These are so good. Im really enjoying this.
I can almost feel the rage coming off the screen.
He should watch Yami to Boshi next!
Didn't he already watch that?
You literally cannot go wrong with anything on that list.
Maybe Shin Sekai Yori, if I were to pick the weakest one.
Voices of a Distant Star
I didn;t realize this was a "classic" anime when entering, very intersting short story, that is for sure. Sad story, but hard to feel the emotion deeply because of it being a short film with no character build up, backstory or progression.
Also, is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann the same as Gurren Lagann? Garren Lagann is the only one on Crunchy..
Too good... What was that shoujo of that girl that was an idol. She looked like a middle schooler.
Will look into this list!
Oh man, reading is like hard and stuff, lol. If that is the only way to get the true conclusion to the story that will suck; I've really enjoyes it thus far. I'll have to look up the books online...
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
I'm on the third episode so far, this is an interesting one for sure. I'll have to watch for a little while longer to get deeper into the story for it to make sense
This face scares me lol
Fixed that for ya.
I was rally sad because I hated Gurren Lagann with a passion. I know I shouldn't feel contempt for not liking something, but I really wanted to like it and and by the end I wanted to throw my blu-ray into the trash, set it on fire and dance on it's charred remains.
Holy shit! My Kino's Journey DVDs shipped! Nearly a whole three months after I ordered it.
Wakaba*Girl, from the author of Kinmosa, is being adapted into a series of half-length anime.
Is this work also a "no male characters" haven for 'yuri' lovers?Wakaba*Girl, from the author of Kinmosa, is being adapted into a series of half-length anime.
Wakaba*Girl, from the author of Kinmosa, is being adapted into a series of half-length anime.
Came in today.
Yona of the Dawn 11:
What a show. I just love watching these character so much. Yona hits on the key factor of being able to mock all of the characters and have funny moments with them, but then turn around and have some very serious, heartfelt moments with the same characters. It's not an easy task to accomplish.
The development of Yona herself has also been really great. She's becoming a much stronger character, both in how she deals with other people, as well as in her physical strength. I'm excited to see where she goes next. Gija has also been a very fun addition to the cast, and his interactions with Hak (who is increasingly more and more tsundere) are constantly amusing (and even there they can turn serious, as we saw with the two of them at the end of the episode).
Japan... my eyesight ain't that good.
Im not sure what show you refer too. Any other things you remember about it?
Yandereface is best face.
Chill... I don't wanna die lol
Wakaba*Girl, from the author of Kinmosa, is being adapted into a series of half-length anime.
Should I watch this Kuwabara?
I was satisfied at the end of the first season. I watched S1 on its own and really enjoyed it.
Should I watch this Kuwabara?