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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Andrew J.

Lupin III (Blue Jacket) 01

Gotta catch up with this before AOTY voting closes.

I'd forgotten how good the OP was. Anyway, it'd be nice if this series was willing to introduce a new recurring character, a sort of anti-Fujiko who occasionally comes out of nowhere to wreck Lupin's plans while being all lovey-dovey. I guess we'll see.



I really enjoyed that episode. I understand people being uncomfortable with the rape scene but from what I've heard the LN goes to very dark places.

That said, I'm really hoping
Pina, Rory, or Itami kills the prince in the slowest way possible.


Luck & Logic Episode 1:

Why do I have the sudden urge to buy overpriced trading cards? At any rate, I am rather mixed on this one, I really like the visual design and color palette and how everything pops on my screen. None of the characters so far seem very compelling and the MC is so painfully generic that they even lampshade hang this fact. Turning to the metatext isn't making this archetype and less overplayed and the anime equivalency of the 30 year old white guy with brown hair. Also, he is written a bit like a shitty LN protagonist in the fact that he ultra special awesome with his powers but at least he is a veteran of whatever war is going on here. Still, what is really breaking the show is they had the gaul to include that fucking little sister character that I hate with the passion of a thousand suns. Maybe I give this a second episode watch next week and maybe I don't, depends on if I feel like eating some empty calories at that time.




No, I don't even know what you talk about.


Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation - 1

The story of one boy peer pressured into playing PSO2 by the student council, of a school clearly financed in someway by SEGA, and finding out he kinda likes it.

Alternatively on Crunchyroll it's 25mins of how fun PSO2 being rubbed in your face.

All of the school stuff was so generic that it feels like it should be parody but the show seems to be playing everything off with a straight face. On the other hand I kinda enjoyed seeing the game, kinda fun seeing the touches they put in to make it seem somewhat accurate like a random player just dancing in the lobby.

I still would have preferred it to be based on the actual PSO2 story but I dunno, I guess a story about a fleet of colony ships being attacked by evil space bugs, protected by a somewhat mercenary military group, while an idol occasionaly has live concerts might just not work for in anime.
So, I was betting that Divine Gate would be the worst show of the season.

But then I saw Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut.

"The story of the light novel series revolves around Lux, a former prince of an empire named Arcadia that was overthrown via a rebellion five years earlier. Lux accidentally trespasses in a female dormitory's bathing area, sees the kingdom's new princess Lisesharte naked, and incurs her wrath. Lisesharte then challenges Lux to a Drag-Ride duel. Drag-Rides are ancient armored mechanical weapons that have been excavated from ruins all around the world. Lux used to be called the strongest Drag-Knight, but now he's known as the "undefeated weakest" Drag-Knight because he will absolutely not attack in battle. After his duel with Lisesharte, Lux ends up attending the female-only academy that trains royals to be Drag-Knights."

We got a contender boys and girls.

There's zero chance it will be worse than Divine Gate. Absolutely none.
Yu Yu Hakusho - 46

Hiei has had one too many conveniently unknown K.O abilities by now, that the climax of the fight felt unsatisfying in a way with yet another one. Everything up to that point was a fun watch filled with lots of cool alternative art though.
The last couple of minutes was really cool. Slowly reveiling the fate of Kurama through dissipating smoke, accompanied with the sense of terror made it memorable. End result made me uttering 'What the fuck?'



Yu Yu Hakusho - 46

Hiei has had one too many conveniently unknown K.O abilities by now, that the climax of the fight felt unsatisfying in a way with yet another one. Everything up to that point was a fun watch filled with lots of cool alternative art though.
The last couple of minutes was really cool. Slowly reveiling the fate of Kurama through dissipating smoke, accompanied with the sense of terror made it memorable. End result made me uttering 'What the fuck?'

yoko kurama = shit just got real

John Blade


Most fun action pack movie from beginning to end. That's all I can say really. For a movie that was release in 1993 in Japan, it age quite well today that anyone could watch it now. The story is very simple and in a way generic when you start to analyze which isn't a bad thing here as most of the strength is coming from the actions scenes. You notice this a lot as the plot of the movie move the main character from different setting to another fight scene.

They is some good character development but it's most toward to Jubei. He is someone who have a good heart of what he is trying to accomplish. His sword skill is great to watch when he battle the enemies. As for the rest of the characters, they isn't much to discuss as they're isn't much developed at all. This is sad as the 2nd main female character, Kagero, have some interesting idea but never develop too much. The love between her and Jubei is interesting to watch as you start to see Kagero other side which she never have before.

The final showdown was a bit lacking for me as you kinda expected a big epic showdown but what we got mostly is seeing Jubei getting beat up by Gemma a bit too much. Still, you got to see what you want to see is Gemma getting kill by Jibei.

Another thing I like in the movie is seeing each enemies that Jubei have to fight and how he manage to kill them one by one. Some of those fight look great while the rest end too quickly I got to say. Kinda wish it last a bit longer for some.

Overall, a great fun movie to watch if you love action flick movie. Would recommend anyone to go watch it but don't expect much of other stuff in the movie.

Just something to ask but do anyone watch the TV series of the same name. I am wondering if I should look into it or should avoid it.


Ninja Scroll's among the few Kawajiri works I've enjoyed, which isn't to say that I think it's great or anything. It's a fun action movie for sure, but I'm just not a big fan of his.


So, I was betting that Divine Gate would be the worst show of the season.

But then I saw Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut.

*generic LN description*

We got a contender boys and girls.

That's a bold claim.
I watch and enjoy a lot of shit, but even I was bored by Divine Gate.


Ninja Scroll seems to be put on a pedestal for reasons I cannot comprehend.

Nostalgia goggles. It was very popular when Manga Entertainment brought it over in the mid 90s. I think the whole "it's a cartoon, but with gore, meaning it's not for kids!" attitude made people think of it as some sort of classic, honestly.


Nostalgia goggles. It was very popular when Manga Entertainment brought it over in the mid 90s. I think it's the whole "it's a cartoon, but with gore, meaning it's not for kids!" attitude made people think of it as some sort of classic, honestly.

Clips of it on mtv's Liquid Television gave it some exposure too.

John Blade

Nostalgia goggles. It was very popular when Manga Entertainment brought it over in the mid 90s. I think the whole "it's a cartoon, but with gore, meaning it's not for kids!" attitude made people think of it as some sort of classic, honestly.

Also, nudity scene, gore scene, an anime that isn't for kids but for teenager, fighting scene which does look cool to watch at that time and even today for a bit, and few more.

I guess the nostalgia googles is on me a bit but I notice quite a few issue with the movie when you start to analyze it. Still, if you set your brain that you're going into watch action scene fight non stop, the movie isn't too bad but other than that, then the movie isn't worth the watch.

Another reason it did well from what I see is it was kinda the 1st batch of Japanese anime that come to North America that grab the attention of people here. I know in Canada, Space channel show this at they Friday midnight show which grab my attention into animated when I was a young kid.

Bad guys are comically bad. Good guys are comically saints with not a single bad apple in sight. Not one of the SDF used a prostitute? Sure. The whole things just comes apart once you apply a bit of thinking to it, the show is the sort of thing you would come up with if colonialism never actually happened and Iraq/Libya came into peace as soon as the dictators where removed. Soldiers aren't superhumans, they are still vulnerable to knife attacks and in the narrow alleyways on the red light distract could easily be overwhelmed. In any case this was actually one of the better episodes since it didn't focus on Itami or any of the members in his stupid harem.

Divine Gate 01

Meh. I didn't hate this as much as others did. The dialogue was extremely cringeworthy at times, but the idea wasn't too bad. I like the fact that blue guy is depressed as long as he doesn't suddenly change when he joins the other 2.

Luck and Logic 01

Nah. I really despise this type of depiction of male-female interaction. Suddenly this magical girl he has never met before drops into his lap and he is paired off with her before the episode even ends. There is no feeling or emotion in it, it's just an easy way of giving the main character (and by extension the dumb teenage audience this is aimed) everything they want without putting any effort into it.

Shouwa Rakugo 01

I really liked it, but I felt like it was really rushed. The guy goes from prison to the rakugo stage in an incredibly short time, and puts on a performance which gains the respect of his old boss and firmly cements his change into a new person..... but the episode isn't even half done! So the impact of this event becomes lost in the rubble of all the other stuff that happens. Sometimes you need to give things room to breathe. That's why FMA is better than Brotherhood in the beginning where they slowly flesh everything out instead of rushing through at breakneck speed.

Active Raid

I can't believe an original anime could be such tripe. It's like WTF? There's a million crappy manga and light novel you can adapt, but if you are going to spend your own time and money to create a truly original product why wouldn't you try to make a Code Geass or something, y'know something that feels like someone actually thought it through and said "This is an interesting idea". Perma-blush on every singly female character is the worst thing (next to putting terrible CGI everywhere) to come to anime, it tells me either you have never seen a woman before in your life or that your designs are so shit you need a clear marker to say who is a girl and who isn't. Yes, I know that blush make up exits but these characters look like shiny clowns. They are supposed to be police officers not fashionistas on the streets of Harajuku. And then there is the CGI, O lord save us. Sorry duckroll, anime CGI is shit, it doesn't blend in at all and is an eyesore. Seriously though, WHY IS IT ALWAYS SO GLOSSY.
Ninja Scroll is the opposite of good

Ninja Scroll seems to be put on a pedestal for reasons I cannot comprehend.

Just something to ask but do anyone watch the TV series of the same name. I am wondering if I should look into it or should avoid it.

I take it none of you have seen the far superior Ninja Resurrection? It gets overlooked by it's more stationery relative, but I believe anyone who calls themselves a fan of anime should have seen this one.

Also, Ninja Scroll was a huge introductory anime. It did for anime in the 90s what Bebop did in the 2000s (well... still 90s, but close enough..).
Ninja Scroll's among the few Kawajiri works I've enjoyed, which isn't to say that I think it's great or anything. It's a fun action movie for sure, but I'm just not a big fan of his.

From what I've seen of Kawajiri's direction (mostly X TV), I have to say he's mostly boring.



WAT THE FLAMING FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT? Hopefully this is another case of first episode fuckery and not indicative of the final episode 1. This episode was meh and made no sense.

Susei No Gargantia Season 2 EP 1 and 2

It was so good and had so much potential but have no clue where it's going after this. Land people seem like dicks. I have a hard time believing they snuck what they snuck where they snuck it without anyone from season 1 finding out. I need more greatness from this show.


Ninja Scroll puts together some kinetic fighting scenes and it's amusing to see the villains scheming against one another. But there's very little to it in terms of story or themes. Instead it's very "episodic", moving from one action setpiece to the next until it runs out of bad guys to defeat. It's a bit of a relic, I suppose.

If I'm in the mood for a Kawajiri action movie, I'd rather watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust which has a bit more going for it.


I take it none of you have seen the far superior Ninja Resurrection? It gets overlooked by it's more stationery relative, but I believe anyone who calls themselves a fan of anime should have seen this one..

It's not much better outside of the Masamichi Amano soundtrack. It stopping produciton due to similar murders taking place leaves it a very unfinished product.
It's not much better outside of the Masamichi Amano soundtrack. It stopping produciton due to similar murders taking place leaves it a very unfinished product.
Ninja Resurrection was one of the worst things ever created by the anime industry and a solid benchmark for what a 1/10 anime should be. It makes Ninja Scroll look like the Schindler's List of anime. I only recommend it so that people can learn the definition of garbage.

For my money, it's about on the same level as Gundress and Arcade Gamer Fubuki.


Ninja Resurrection was one of the worst things ever created by the anime industry and a solid benchmark for what a 1/10 anime should be. It makes Ninja Scroll look like the Schindler's List of anime. I only recommend it so that people can learn the definition of garbage.

For my money, it's about on the same level as Gundress and Arcade Gamer Fubuki.

It's far better than truly bad stuff like Eiken or Ten Tokyo Warriors.
It's far better than truly bad stuff like Eiken or Ten Tokyo Warriors.

I could watch Eiken every week if it meant I never had to watch Ninja Resurrection again. Maybe not Makai Tenshou. I think I got two episodes in at my uncle's house when I was in high school before I tried to hang myself.

John Blade

I guess it depend on when you're born and what anime make you get into Anime really. In a way, if you want to give credit of this Anime crave into North America, you might want to thank Astro Boy in 1964 for starting it. Without this, we won't be watching Animated stuff now.


I could watch Eiken every week if it meant I never had to watch Ninja Resurrection again. Maybe not Makai Tenshou. I think I got two episodes in at my uncle's house when I was in high school before I tried to hang myself.

Ninja Ressurection is Makai Tenshou and there are only two episodes.



Bad guys are comically bad. Good guys are comically saints with not a single bad apple in sight. Not one of the SDF used a prostitute? Sure. The whole things just comes apart once you apply a bit of thinking to it, the show is the sort of thing you would come up with if colonialism never actually happened and Iraq/Libya came into peace as soon as the dictators where removed. Soldiers aren't superhumans, they are still vulnerable to knife attacks and in the narrow alleyways on the red light distract could easily be overwhelmed. In any case this was actually one of the better episodes since it didn't focus on Itami or any of the members in his stupid harem.

The report on Kurokawas table was about the STDs of the 'Special Region.' There might be a reason the soldiers are a bit cautious about it, eh? Misery also mentioned why they are ok in the district. Once Bellasa bought the farm due to his foolish attack, the other crimelords got his money and his lands, plus they are making money by selling info to the JSDF. Why would they want any harm to come to the JSDF? They all have only gained by their presence.
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