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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Majin Bone 1

There's a pleasing old-school vibe here created by the straightforward setup and by Murata's character designs. Even the lead scrambling to hide his gravure magazines when others come into his room has a certain charm to it. That's married to a good modern usage of color and CG which, if not great, is at least acceptable. My favorite part was how eerie the relationship between the main character and the alien invaders was made through effective visual and sound direction. Looking forward to more.


That sick segment hit pretty hard considering how sick I've been lately. Pretty good episode and Totty continues to be the best/worst.


phantom menace 2

It's clearly trashy still and looks like the worst among their recent trash but it's actually kinda watchable unlike say chuu2. Their powers are pretty fun... it's almost like persona!
Majin Bone 1

There's a pleasing old-school vibe here created by the straightforward setup and by Murata's character designs. Even the lead scrambling to hide his gravure magazines when others come into his room has a certain charm to it. That's married to a good modern usage of color and CG which, if not great, is at least acceptable. My favorite part was how eerie the relationship between the main character and the alien invaders was made through effective visual and sound direction. Looking forward to more.

The action moments in the cocoon were so good espcially on a large tv.

Also KENN is perfect for Shougo.

majin bone had one of my favorite EDs ever in a show. This garage punk rock sounding song.

Glutamine sensation signal gave it such a good OP as well as LEGEND IS BORN, I still listen to both.

I liked all the EDs but Blue Destiny was my favorite, she was such a good singer and the lines, perfect for majin bone.

First ED was a fun one.
Erased 1

I'm not really sure why people were criticizing Kajiura's score in this episode? I thought it was really effective at building up atmosphere and mood, kind of like a more mainstream version of Fukasawa's Flowers of Evil soundtrack. It fit nicely into the overall sound direction, which made good use of different types of recording sounds to put the voices in different environments. If Kajiura had written something more bombastic - which the music dangerously approached in a couple places already - it would have damaged the overall work.


Phantom World ep.2
I got a chuckle watching him get thrown out the window multiple times and that vicious demon summon he has was crazy strong, lol.
Ojisan and Marshmellow 1

O-OK. I didn't really get it, but it's harmless enough.

Sekko Boys 1

So loud it's more annoying than funny. I did get a kick out of Sugita saying "DRAGON SURAYER" though.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Nurse Witch Komugi R 1
That idol concert at the beginning was nice. Hmm, i don't think i will continue watching this. The plot and animation looks mediocre to me. The joke about mahou shojo outfit being embarassing and yatterman did make me chuckle for a bit.


Shirobako - END
Usually I don't write long posts for anything not called Avatar The Last Airbender, but I guess I'll make an exception for Shirobako.

Came away pleasantly surprised from Shirobako. I'm not huge on the MOE art style overall, which was a bit of a turn off at first, but it grew on me.

-I really liked the use of the teddy bear and the female pirate girl as a way to explain animation concepts, and Miyamori's inner thoughts, rather than just rely on internal monologging. This is one of several cases where Shirobako goes for a more inspired route that while might not have been necessary, added a lot to the overall production.

-Continuing from that point, the fact that Miyamori (And that female office manager with one eye covered by hair) are such horrible drivers was incredibly funny. Theres absolutely no reason for it, but it adds personality to the show. A similar thing can be said for the scene where the director finally confronts the author, in what was the closest this show got to a shonen action sequence. They could have gone for a very grounded-in-reality scene, but instead made it silly. In doing so, they made it memorable.

-The cast of characters was - overall - fantastic. So many colourful individuals that gave the show personality. Mowhak guy (Tauro, I think his name was) was a good time throughout, and the director stole pretty much every scene he was in. I liked how even side characters were developed, like Goth girl (Who had a great backstory, and far more personality than I gave her credit for at first). The editor in the second season was a great "Love to hate" kind of character. And the blond production assistant was fun to watch too. Oh and old animator guy!

-The subject matter for the show (Making anime) was far more entertaining than I thought it would be. It was really cool seeing all the different parts of production. My favourite bits were when they showed incomplete scenes as a work in progress.

-Good animation all around, and character designs too.

There were some things I didn't like.

-Miyamori was a good lead, but her lack of backbone even late in the series got annoying. Seeing her get nervous over even simple things started to grate, and the fact that she didn't tell off that asshole glasses guy (Who I will get to momentarily) was a missed opportunity. Great ending speech though.

-Asshole glasses guy. Fuck this guy. I understand what they wanted to do here (Show someone who was disillusioned by the whole anime making process) but I did not enjoy watching this character at all. He was all around unpleasant, and not in a "Love to hate" kind of way. One of the best scenes in the show is when that one animator told this fucker off. He does improve by the end, but is still a big dick. Wish he had gotten fired or did a personality 180 - sort of felt like this lacked resolution.

-The animator girl who for some reason can't speak. This was stupid. I don't know what they were thinking with this character. She was horrible, not at all fun to watch.

-The discussion on 3D was good, but I felt like it sort of lacked resolution and was never really brought up again. I am a bit biased here though as I don't particularly like CG in anime, and the show was really pushing for a "Well its the future so accept in" message. Felt like they missed some opportunities here. Like, ok its the future but is that a GOOD thing?

-The discussion on "Why do I make anime?" again felt a little half baked. There was a lot of "Well... I don't know, just cause." which I have to call bullshit on. If you're gonna bring that up as a topic, you need to do something with it. The subject was seemingly dropped for most of the second your only to show itself at the end.

-I missed the baker guy in the second cour :( At least he had cameos. Funny that he got skinny - a nice little detail.

-Blond production assistant's dad being sick felt irrelevant. Nothing really happens with it - she leaves for a few episodes and comes back. Sort of seemed like a plot point that went no where.

-Finally, the two shows they make are (A) a magical girls anime with a horrible art style and (B) an anime with cute, horribly designed girls flying CG airplanes. Neither appeals to me, and unfortunately that takes away from the show. Its hard for me to get attached to the struggles they were facing when I didn't really care about the product overall. One moment in particular stands out: when the director was mulling over the ending for the first show, only to come up with the most batshit stupid ending I've ever heard, somehow involving idol singing and horses. It's like... ok I want to connect with these characters trying to come up with a good ending for their show, but then they come up with this stupid ending that just devalues the whole struggle. I imagine someone who likes magical girls idol anime might feel differently about this.

So in all, I'm really happy I watched the show. It was a pleasant surprise and I feel like I have a better appreciation for the animation process now. Its not perfect, but it was a very enjoyable ride.

tl;dr Awesome show, great concept for a show, awesome characters (Except for 2), a few things I didn't like/ a few things felt a bit half baked, more plz.

I am glad you enjoyed it! Yeah it was a pleasant surprise for me too.

If there is one thing I disagree with you on is the "why I make anime" discussion. For me I really liked it because it seemed true to life. A lot of times people just wander around trying things, and before they know it, they are stuck doing that one thing they turn out to be good at, really like, and didn't expect to end up in. Saw it happen with my brother.


Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R 1

Aikatsu has spoiled me in regard to CG dancing. And everything idols. I do need a new magical girl show though, and this seems okay, so I'll probably stick with it.
So from what I hear of people who have read the source material of Grimgar is that it gets real dark.

So I believe the comfy tone from episode 1 isn't really what the series is about.
So from what I hear of people who have read the source material of Grimgar is that it gets real dark.

So I believe the comfy tone from episode 1 isn't really what the series is about.

Is it rapey dark? Because I could totally see happening with all the red flags about the show's treatment of female characters from the opening episode.
Koufuku Graffiti 6

A mediocre episode, not up to the series' established standard of storyboarding/direction/animation/art, even aside from the unnecessary bathtub scene which I mostly skipped. Music is as good as always, of course.
Is it rapey dark? Because I could totally see happening with all the red flags about the show's treatment of female characters from the opening episode.

I believe it doesn't have rape in it. However,
there are deaths due to how incompetent the group is.
Not really a spoiler but I put it just in case.


I believe it doesn't have rape in it. However,
there are deaths due to how incompetent the group is.
Not really a spoiler but I put it just in case.

I'm calling, self-proclaimed "
Master of Choices"
will be the one. Dumbass will make a dumb decision. Him, or that nice guy

Russ T

I believe it doesn't have rape in it. However,
there are deaths due to how incompetent the group is.
Not really a spoiler but I put it just in case.

Okay this makes me instantly more interested.

Hearing this makes me really hope the dumb light novel conversations in the first episode are setup that way as a stark contrast to what happens later. I really do believe there's... soemthing. Beneath all that bullshit, there's an interesting premise. If that's the road they're taking, I'm all for it. It's just a shame the first episode had to be so offputting.

Of course, what I really suspect will happen is it'll be GRIMDARK, not just dark, and it'll continue to have shitty pandering camera angles and costume designs.

But I'll keep watching anyway.


So from what I hear of people who have read the source material of Grimgar is that it gets real dark.

So I believe the comfy tone from episode 1 isn't really what the series is about.
kinda shocked about this

I'm calling, self-proclaimed "
Master of Choices"
will be the one. Dumbass will make a dumb decision. Him, or that nice guy

I'm willing to bet latter, but not former. As this does seem like it a self-insert LN kind of deal, you can't have someone more competent than MC, so he needs to die to pave the way for everyone to adore MC only. By that same logic, former will live to constantly highlight how much better MC is in comparison.


How could people think Grimgar was bad?

It's pushing the genre forward! With such interesting character designs too! (NSFW?)

Okay that first episode of Grimgar wasn't very good, but I feel like the show could improve. Hopefully by pushing some of the more terrible aspects out the story. (Looking at you barman.) I'll probably be completely wrong, but I want to believe.

When I saw Fremy from the Six Braves wearing an outfit like that it really annoyed me because it was such a disconnect with her personality and the world of the show. I haven't seen Grimgar yet and I'm not super interested in doing so but honestly I'm not at all bothered by what I see in that show with regards to that outfit. It seems to "fit" on that character and in that world from what I can tell looking from the outside.

Russ T

It's been a part of the marketing since the beginning. Even if they don't bludgeon you with it, the trailers have all emphasized how the protagonists are way out of their depth at even the basics.

That's true, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to go dark. It could go the route of some sports anime where the newbies work hard and become the best, like no one ever was. I'd argue that's what the marketing really feels like to me, and for sure the first episode (mostly) feels that way.

When I saw Fremy from the Six Braves wearing an outfit like that it really annoyed me because it was such a disconnect with her personality and the world of the show. I haven't seen Grimgar yet and I'm not super interested in doing so but honestly I'm not at all bothered by what I see in that show with regards to that outfit. It seems to "fit" on that character and in that world from what I can tell looking from the outside.

I am not capable of articulating exactly why, but I actually really like Fremy's outfit in Six Braves. Like, I know normally I would be bothered by an outfit of that ilk, but I think it looks cool. I am a terrible person! I'd even probably agree that it doesn't fit her character, but I still like it! Ugh!

Bunny girl's outfit is fucking atrocious, though.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Konosuba 1
Lol, i enjoy this. Both Kazuma and Aqua are terrible people being asshole to each other make this a lot more fun. Kazuma death was hilarious. Then there's montage of them being labour since beginner monster already extinct. Boob jiggle is kinda distracting, and Aqua nopan.


I'm willing to bet latter, but not former. As this does seem like it a self-insert LN kind of deal, you can't have someone more competent than MC, so he needs to die to pave the way for everyone to adore MC only. By that same logic, former will live to constantly highlight how much better MC is in comparison.

Nice breakdown. I'm buying this. He's going to eat it to save one of the girls or bromance style.
Kimi ni Todoke - 04

The good news:


this expression remains hilariously stupid

The bad news:


Yes, clear this misunderstanding up! Good job...


You gotta be fucking kidding me. At least let her end her sentence.

So the first half of the episode is solid and I'm happy to see Chizuru and Ayane not believing the rumor that Sawako is supposedly spreading vile rumors about them. Not only do they have a hard time believing such a thing, they even investigate her about it and come to the realization that she couldn't possible have done that. Great!

But then we get a bunch of unfortunate timings and the two over hear something Sawako says and one even points out they better listen to all she has to say. Instead, they get conveniently pulled away that moment. Having doubts now after all, they decide to talk to Sawako directly again...just that they phrase their question awkwardly, cut Sawako off before she can say everything and then become depressed as fuck. Which in turn worries Sawako, who then decides to ignore Shouta even, in order not to hurt his popularity by proxy. It then even goes as far as Chizuru and Ayane bawling their eyes out at home and, upon encountering Sawako in school again...she's just the more upset about seeing them so sad and blames herself, of course deciding not to ask them what the fucking fuck is actually the matter. She avoids Shouta's attempt at dialogue once more, too.

In short:
Forced drama and bullshit misunderstandings to the max!

What makes this especially egregious is that this is how the show follows up 3 full episodes of Sawako becoming quite popular within her class, making quite a few friends, one of whom is destined to be her future boyfriend (and who was about to confess several times) and understanding the importance of explaining yourself. So there's this huge progress she's making and, as I said, it almost felt like there's no real conflict left to solve, and then...we get this.

Someone (obviously the one girl interested in Shouta) is miraculously spreading half a billion outrageous rumors about several folks in just 2 days but no one can pinpoint those back to said person. It all turns into more rumors and a lot of misunderstandings. This kind of situation sucks for me as a viewer. Nothing of this is really our MCs fault. I can't empathize with some flaw of hers or so because she's just thrown into a shitty situation that's there in spite of her managing to escape this kind of crap for the previous 3 episodes. The only one at fault is the one asshole girl spreading those rumors and I'm now forced to watch people have some understandable but unfortunately also a lot of pretty contrived misunderstandings. I already know how the situation really looks and can do nothing but consume the annoying drama that's generated until all these misunderstandings are inevitably cleared up.

I don't universally hate misunderstandings, but if it feels as contrived and structurally unsound as is the case her, it's the worst.

Only gonna be as detailed about this once. If it remains similarly in the following episodes it'll be dropped hard.
I believe it doesn't have rape in it. However,
there are deaths due to how incompetent the group is.
Not really a spoiler but I put it just in case.

I'm calling it right now.
Priest guy is gonna bite it super hard. He's the only one who seems to know how to do his job. He's too efficient.


Kimi ni Todoke - 04

In short:
Forced drama and bullshit misunderstandings to the max!.

Welcome to From Me to You, perfect summary.

Seriously though, there are a couple really cute parts, but yeah, ...

I'm calling it right now.
Priest guy is gonna bite it super hard. He's the only one who seems to know how to do his job. He's too efficient.

Yup, ThatChairMan broke it down perfectly above, lol.
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