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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Tragic victim of fan death
It's very good for a late night anime movie. I think Garupan topped out at 2.45b, and that was after being open for an entire year. It's hard to say how much momentum it'll sustain, but it'll probably end up at least around the same ballpark as theatrical K-On, and will have far better international takings.

SAO is a late night anime? I did not know this....


Masamune-kun ep.11
The ending of this is going to suck and unless they announce a second season.... Seriously, it is going to have the $hittiest ending in history with absolutely rushed answers and reveals.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Elma is actually a member of a working class. I'll take her and Tohru so i can have the perfect shut in life

Konosuba 2nd season 10

Damn, they really go all out for this final episode. Aqua's God Blow, Megumin Explosion, and Wiz Cursed crystal prison looks really great.
Overall, i say this one is as good or even better than the 1st season. Comedy part is still strong. Animation wise it got even better. So yeah, SEASON 3 WHEN!?
Your Name

I caved. Was home, sick with nothing to do and just about everyone I know has already watched it.

Yup now I see why it got as much praise as it did, I totally see it. Really, really liked this. Some incredible visuals and a fantastic musical score made this story one that is worth watching, and rewatching again in the future. 10/10.


Tamako Market 02


What she said.

I really love the character animation through out the show, very expressive, at moments we just see their hands reflecting on their response. If anything, this is such a delight just to see them flutter about (excuse the pun).

They've hinted on Midori's love interest, I had to double take on who but I'm still not 100% sure it is


Oh well, I'll continue my onslaught of finishing all of these incomplete shows on my "currently Watching" list. Next up is DearS.

Oh, hey. DearS is at the top of my list of worst television anime I've ever seen. And I watched it when I was young and devoured anime too. It really is impressively bad. I know I've posted about it before but can't be bothe nvm I just googled it.

I see this topic's quickly devolved into "anime I don't like" and "popular shows that aren't as good as their popularity would indicate" (yeah I agree guys allot of it is bad but the question is for bottom of the barrel). I'm gonna take an actual shot at answering the question. Let me just preface my response with that 10 years ago I watched allot of anime. As in, huge stacks of DVDs I would consume in weeks and subs I would tear through at lightning pace. Of everything I watched, by far the worst and trashiest is the 2004 TV series DearS.

DearS hits a bunch of the notes. Hapless teenage boy who lives by himself inadvertently enters a master-slave relationship with a hot, scantily-dressed, mentally challenged alien chick who he tries to "civilize" to humanity to whacky results because - surprise - their race's culture is based on master-slave relationships. He does have help though: The competent but decidedly less hot daughter of the landlord who puts up with all this because they're childhood friends and it's revealed near the end (concretely!) that she likes him!

The first alien chick apparently wasn't supposed to show up though, and a second hot alien chick (who also happens to be a tsundere) moves in to teach the first one how to be a proper slave, much to our hero's chagrin who just wants to do the noble thing of course and treat her like a human. They all also go to school too where everyone naturally fawns over the hot aliens and nobody gets much learning done because their one teacher is a total nympho who comes to school in lingerie and turns situations that didn't already have sexual misunderstandings into just those.

There's also a bizarre subplot with an alien catgirl (emphasis on the 'cat' part in her behavior) on some kind of mission that's awkwardly shoehorned in and breaks the flow of any episode she appears in because her relation to the main plot isn't adequately explained for... the entire run? I think she ties in to the last episode to help close out a show that's obviously about nothing else except fanservice.

Also, the show looks bad. I don't have a good eye for good or bad art and animation unless they're far on one side of the scale or another. This one's definitely on the bad end.

DearS earns bonus points for super generic openers and closers for that era. I'm pretty sure it's a copycat, probably trying to cash in on Chobits' success. Anyway, the ender has chibified versions of the female aliens doing a little dance to an upbeat track, pretty standard for that type of the show of the time. The opening is super of-that-era and totally shameless, even for the era. A second, high-pitched vocal support timed with the rising background music in a way that's supposed to sound sexual (the image on-screen includes the female lead falling in water towards the other alien chick to a forbidden lesbian kiss, while perioidcally cutting to bubbles containing images of her nude, upper body). Perioidcally there are shots in the opening showing the aliens moving in to the camera as if to kiss the viewer. And the part that gets me the most that I don't think I'll ever forget: The lyrics when the lead alien chick moves in to kiss you are "I'M YOUR SLAVE!" The rest of the opening is just super-generic and totally of the era: Shots of the supporting cast doing their 'thing', a pan of the whole supporting cast staring at the camera (as if to establish some sort of credibility with the audience that this show will be about something other than just whacking off), action sequences distributed in no particular order, a pan of a mysterious, comatose chick in a tube or something I guess. It's got allot of elements of '90s openings but with all the fanservice of the '00s, and this one's dialed up to 10.

... DearS is more bad than anything else though. It's not even bad-good. It's just bad. I could probably find something more generic but it would also be better. DearS is just awful.


Yeah, MaiDragon certainly is one of the top contenders for anime I'd recommend if it weren't for all the harmful retarded anime tropes that give us big boobs girl x shota and thousand-year-old loli x actual loli yuri bait in what would otherwise be a perfectly good and comfy slice of life show with fantasy elements in it.

Fuuka - up to #10

This show makes no sense. MC has already been going out with his childhood friend for a short while after they confessed their love to each other, while his relationship with Fuuka never amounted to anything past some generic teenage tension and that stupid CPR scene, so I don't see why they could ever end up together unless Tama-chan goes full-on altruist mode and gives the mc up to Fuuka after realizing she likes him.

It's also hilarious how Fuuka, who basically roped everyone into forming a band in the first place, is now deciding to go solo after only making their freaking second concert as a band. She even crumpled up the guy's business card and also talked back to him a couple episodes ago, and yet here she is acting dead-serious instead of playing this like an obvious way to get the mc's attention.

The punchline, however, comes from having read the CR comments on the latest episode: It looks like there's been a really big divergence from the manga with how
Fuuka didn't get run over by the truck in the anime. I was honestly expecting her to get hospitalized or something and have the mc finally realize his feelings for her or something (in typical anime fashion), but as it is that scene had no real meaning other than mildly breaking her alpaca strap and having her leave it behind as a really ham-fisted piece of foreshadowing. Seriously, I hated how she was all "this is our second concert ever, woo!" one scene and "I'ma gtfo right now" the next, because the inconsistency was just too conspicuous and felt like awful, awful writing and storyboarding. There was no sign to her ever deciding to take the producer's offer up, and the way it was framed didn't make it seem like she was just setting things up so that the mc would try and stop her from leaving either... as it stands, it's like she'll get Poochy'd out of existence soon, but at the same time I wonder if they're just looking to tie all plot threads up in the next two episodes and calling it quits on the series...
It's also hilarious how Fuuka, who basically roped everyone into forming a band in the first place, is now deciding to go solo after only making their freaking second concert as a band. She even crumpled up the guy's business card and also talked back to him a couple episodes ago, and yet here she is acting dead-serious instead of playing this like an obvious way to get the mc's attention.

What gets me is I could understand if she made the decision after having a change of heart, but she seems more fueled out of spite over the fact that Yu is no longer single.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The worst thing about the loli yuri girl is that her reaction is totally overblown. If it was more flowers and blushing like Tomoe in CCS it'd be much more palatable but it's like just full loli orgasm every time.
Made the post. Drove home. Went to sleep. Woke up to bullies. :p

I'll give you the way he frames scenes, but art style? Quite distinct between all three. I can't say that I find the color usage very similar either, though to be honest, though admittedly I'm not great at noticing colors. I don't think we've seen enough of Devilman yet to judge how the characters are animated, though Ping-Pong's cast tended to be exaggerated less of the time compared to The Tatami Galaxy's.

It's really too bad you don't like his various stylings, but that's alright. Though I'd like to add that people like Yuasa's work for more than just being "unique"; it is unique, but it's also well realized and executed, whether it's the surreal future societies of Kaiba, or the subjective world of The Tatami Galaxy. It's not just that it's different, it's that it's different and it works well. Well, not for everyone, I suppose.

I know that most people here like his way and style. I'm just not one of them. Never pulled me in and his style is a little too surreal for my liking. It is really hard to describe as any adjective I can use would sound like an attack on his style, which isn't my intention at all.

HOT TAKE: Yuasa's style isn't different for the sake of being different. It's different for the sake of showing us how shit PshycoNinja's taste is.


:D :D :D :D







But everyone already knows that.

Discussion: this is a good take



duckie why are you bullying so much lately?

My full name is Duck Narag Roll.

It all makes sense now!

this bullying.

At least I have one friend.


What gets me is I could understand if she made the decision after having a change of heart, but she seems more fueled out of spite over the fact that Yu is no longer single.

And the best part is the anime didn't even really try to sell us on how she was acting out of spite! You could tell me she had developed a split personality after what happened on her way to the concert venue and I'd actually believe it more than the ridiculous contrast between her being happy as hell of being in the band and thanking the audience, only to then go all serious about accepting the offer for going solo.

Seriously, I honestly don't get what the fuck happened in between her composing a song with lyrics such as "I'll accept everything so I can have a future with you" and her throwing a temper tantrum and saying she's going to leave the band behind (mc included). The guy was already dating Tama-chan for real by then, for crying out loud...

Also, extra points for all the flashbacks reminding us that Tama-chan's advice to Fuuka was to sing about her loved one, a flashback that even the freaking mc got, and yet he's completely unaware that the lyrics Fuuka came up with were about her feelings for him... it's awful because all that makes us think that the mc knows about it and should be expecting something like that, and yet he's completely oblivious to it all.

Is the thing gonna happen? That's literally all I know about it LOL.

If by the thing you mean
Fuuka getting run over by a truck
then I'll have you know that it didn't happen in the anime, so it's now rocking an alternate continuity to the manga.


Oh, hey. DearS is at the top of my list of worst television anime I've ever seen. And I watched it when I was young and devoured anime too. It really is impressively bad. I know I've posted about it before but can't be bothe nvm I just googled it.

LOL, yeah, it's not very good, but I have waay to many incomplete shows on my watching list, so I'm trying to purge them one at a time.....

Fuuka - up to #10
This show makes no sense.

After reading this, I am now angry again. I thought I was over it, but this was bad..... really really bad.

And yeah, everything from here on out is anime original and has nothing to do with the source material..... They better not try shoe horning in a love triangle now, or making the childhood friend lose, just because....

I'm genuinely excited for Fuuka tomorrow.

Not Masamune levels of excitement. But it should be interesting.

Don't be excited for Masamune... it's pointless.


Unless the big twist is something other than what I've already mentioned, as I said before it looks like the anime adaptation will be doing away with it entirely.

I guess that makes the anime reverse despair-inducing. Upupupupu.


Unless the big twist is something other than what I've already mentioned, as I said before it looks like the anime adaptation will be doing away with it entirely.

no, there are two twist in the manga, but one cannot happen without the other, so they just took both out and are replacing it with some garbage anime original ending that has nothing to do with the manga story. The whole name "Fuuka" makes no sense now...
Everyone other named character is more likable than Fuuka in the Fuuka anime.

I don't know if she's better in the manga
before Truck-kun has his way
, but the anime makes Fuuka entirely unlikable.
If by the thing you mean
Fuuka getting run over by a truck
then I'll have you know that it didn't happen in the anime, so it's now rocking an alternate continuity to the manga.
Oh wow interesting. So I guess they didn't think the anime audience would appreciate that event unfolding lol. Either that, or they themselves realize that after that point, the manga audience did not enjoy the story anymore. Either way, cool!


no, there are two twist in the manga, but one cannot happen without the other, so they just took both out and are replacing it with some garbage anime original ending that has nothing to do with the manga story. The whole name "Fuuka" makes no sense now...

Cool. Guess I'll have to prepare for whichever mental gymnastics they'll have to go through with to ship the mc and Fuuka together in the remaining two episodes.

Still, I'd say anything is better than (big manga spoilers I read on CR)
the mc getting hung up on Fuuka after her death, and eventually falling in love with another girl who shares her name for some reason. Like, get out red string of fate, you're drunk.


Cool. Guess I'll have to prepare for whichever mental gymnastics they'll have to go through with to ship the mc and Fuuka together in the remaining two episodes.

I don't know if I'll be mad, or laugh really hard if that happens.

Exactly, after the mom said,
"So the Childhood Friend has one for once"
you knew it was going to be some bull$hit that happens.

There will be, laughing, crying, and tears of frustration all at the same time. I can already see how terrible and predictable his break-up will be with Koyuki, just so they can redeem the name Fuuka in the show and ship
Fuuka and Yuu
.... *pukes*

Personally, I would rather them show the final scene with
Yuu and Koyuki playing together on stage meaning she took over as the lead of Fallen Moon


I don't know if I'll be mad, or laugh really hard if that happens.

Even Gahara-lite makes for a better love interest than Fuuka. She constantly ropes the rest of the cast into following along with her whims in a way that makes her quite similar to Haruhi, but at least the latter's boldness helped her character more than Fuuka constantly leaving out the most important things she wants to say or do as things burn down around her instead.

@Corn: Yeah, I can definitely see the stupidity of Koyuki giving up her lifelong crush and muse just because of the one song Fuuka wrote. If anything, I'd actually prefer a mini-arc were she hits a writer's block because of how her feelings have finally been recirpocated, and takes the Nadeko way out by breaking up with him so that she can continue her professional career. As crazy as that'd be, I'd probably like it more than "her love for him is bigger than mine... oh well, gg".


Nana ep 13-14

Man, I wish Nana just punched
Shoji and the little tramp, Sachiko
He is truly a despicable human and needs to get a beat down. Where Hachi is weak and needy, Nana is strong willed and independent, which is why their relationship works so damn well and is a pleasure to watch develop.

heh, I can't wait to see your reactions to some of the later episodes.

Shoji is comparably a (minor spoiler)
saint :3
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but was it known that Rightstuf has discontinued its monthly "Got Anime" coupon for members? Not really a huge deal, but with the recently price increase for the membership it seemed like an odd choice. Just got off a chat with them I can post if there are any Got Anime members here who are curious. I contacted CS to ask where this month's coupon was, and that's what they told me.


DearS ep. 5-7

The dub isn't half bad,, but the show is pretty unremarkable. I know why I dropped it for so long now, but oh well, only 5 episodes left.

heh, I can't wait to see your reactions to some of the later episodes.
Shoji is comparably a (minor spoiler)
saint :3

Yeah, I've heard that Hachi is actually worse in the end. Long way to , so I'll see what happens eventually...


Was that why they took the week off two weeks ago, to remove or change things at the last minute?

No idea, they played it up as this big dramatic moment and you know something was about to happen, then the tone totally changed and itwasnothing.gif took over. Felt odd and out of place and you found out why immediately online when everyone was freaking out about how they skipped/changed the "big moment" as well as the entire premise of the show and it's name.....


DearS ep. 5-7

I don't know if it's the case in that show, but I always find it funny when girls and only girls get to have absurd hair colors. It's almost as bad as the amerika-jin having caucassian features 90% of the time and abusing eigo for the waras.

...In hindsight, it's probably the same kind of cheese "wtf are they thinking" feeling that the Japanese probably get from westerners who get kanji tattoos (bonus points for them being rubbish, mirrored or botched google translations).


Umm.... You might want to sit down when I say this, but it was SUPOSSED to happen last week, but they removed "it" from the anime and everything is now anime original garbage.

I read that but I thought with TUSR post we might still not have our dreams crushed.

Alas I've been had :(


LOL, yeah, it's not very good, but I have waay to many incomplete shows on my watching list, so I'm trying to purge them one at a time..

Your life, man, but I don't recommend it. I purged the compulsion to finish things after Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It's pretty releasing. Unless I'm right at the finish line already or am watching something for the sake of having watched it (discussion-worthiness, usually only for super-notable titles like Sailor Moon Crystal or for some work from a producer whose other works I'm interested in even if I don't like the one I'm watching but I just want to be comprehensive about), I'll gladly drop something 50% of the way in. If something just sucks and shows no sign of improving, I'm not torturing myself to hit a checkbox.


I read that but I thought with TUSR post we might still not have our dreams crushed.

Alas I've been had :(

Oh well. When I originally heard the name
truck-kun, I thought he knocked one of then up in a truck School Days style, lol
then after last week, I read what really happens in the manga for that scene and what follows...... Not even close. FUUKA means nothing now, lol.


I'm looking at next seasons animes, and boy are there a lot of shows I'll at least check out for one reason or another:

- My Hero Academia 2
- Rage on Behamut: Virgin Soul
- That dungeon pickup spinoff thing
- Clockwork Planet
- Yuuki Yuna is a Hero 2
- Busou Shoujo Machiavellism
- Re:Creators
- Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho

And that's just with a cursory glance and mostly shows I'm at least somewhat familiar with the source material, or prequel, there are likely more.

At least half of those will probably turn out to be shit, but hey!
I'm looking at next seasons animes, and boy are there a lot of shows I'll at least check out for one reason or another:

- My Hero Academia 2
- Rage on Behamut: Virgin Soul
- That dungeon pickup spinoff thing
- Clockwork Planet
- Yuuki Yuna is a Hero 2
- Busou Shoujo Machiavellism
- Re:Creators
- Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
- Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho

And that's just with a cursory glance and mostly shows I'm at least somewhat familiar with the source material, or prequel, there are likely more.

At least half of those will probably turn out to be shit, but hey!

Yuuki Yuuna is in October, not next season.

Next season is the second prequel movie.
I was actually building up my list for the season as well:

- AoT 2
- Saenai Heroine 2 (don't judge)
- Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
- Sakurada Reset
- Re:CREATORS (big maybe)
- Sakura Quest
- Tsuki ga Kirei

7 shows, bolded the ones I know for sure I will be following. The rest will probably be narrowed down, and if you folks sell me on something, something else will be added. From the outside looks like an ok-ish season?
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