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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Gintama' 257


And, we're back!

Great episode to return to. Great mix of characters being used in this arc.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Psycho Pass 12
A tremendously poor effort. Maybe one of the worst episodes of anything I've seen in a long time. Horrifically ugly and narratively disconnected, this episode feels contrived, awkward, and poorly constructed. The voice acting is terrible. I almost never notice that kind of thing but it actively gets in the way of certain scenes, though I guess in their defense the script is juvenile and dull. The stuff with the "cocktails" is laughable. There is more logic to be found in your average episode of Guilty Crown.

New ED and OP are garbage too.


Subete no aware
Psycho Pass 12
A tremendously poor effort. Maybe one of the worst episodes of anything I've seen in a long time. Horrifically ugly and narratively disconnected, this episode feels contrived, awkward, and poorly constructed. The voice acting is terrible. I almost never notice that kind of thing but it actively gets in the way of certain scenes, though I guess in their defense the script is juvenile and dull. The stuff with the "cocktails" is laughable. There is more logic to be found in your average episode of Guilty Crown.

New ED and OP are garbage too.
So it's still SyFy then?


So GJ is really just a blander version of Seitokai no Ichizon/Ebiten/Seitokai Yakuindomo/etc. I never would have thought that the non-harem harem was such a big thing... and it also makes me wonder why the reverse-non-harem-harem doesn't exist (a girl can't be put into a room with four guys without love shapes forming?).

Yakuindomo is still the best of these, if only because it has an actual hook and jokes.


Also, Polar Bear Cafe has a new OP. I still miss the first one though. :(
The music sound track for a shounen up to the point I seen episode 27, is very poor and very lacking by shounen average standards, am not comparing it whole runs but shounens up to that same point.

For example toriko started with 20-30+ nearly or all awesome tracks but continued to surprise me with even more out of nowhere epic tracks to accompany the great set piece moments, very early on.

Another example rurouni kenshin started off with a similar problem as gintama when it abused thesame 2 to 3 tracks but that changed with each canon arc with more tracks being add(the problem was only short lived), by episode 18 I was rocking to completely different set of mortal kombat sounding tracks.

It's been 27 episode with gintam it's long long over overdue for some godamn new music something good please so far it brings great shame to shounen everywhere.

Am not even joking every single episode so far have used the exact same music for each episode.

Either watch more or stop bitching about the early episodes.


GJ-Bu - 01

Pretty standard affair, has more energy than Seitokai no Ichizon Lv2 if that means anything.

So GJ is really just a blander version of Seitokai no Ichizon/Ebiten/Seitokai Yakuindomo/etc. I never would have thought that the non-harem harem was such a big thing... and it also makes me wonder why the reverse-non-harem-harem doesn't exist (a girl can't be put into a room with four guys without love shapes forming?).

Which is why superior Haruhi from Ouran Highschool Host Club is superior Haruhi.


I didn't say the voice work was bad just it's hard to notice when the characters are intended by the creator the manga author to be monotone(lazy laid back attitude) , yes the voice working is really fitting and natural to a point you don't think about it and the exaggerated monuments are done really well, that's when you notice how good it is.

The music sound track for a shounen up to the point I seen episode 27, is very poor and very lacking by shounen average standards, am not comparing it whole runs but shounens up to that same point.

For example toriko started with 20-30+ nearly or all awesome tracks but continued to surprise me with even more out of nowhere epic tracks to accompany the great set piece moments, very early on.

Another example rurouni kenshin started off with a similar problem as gintama when it abused thesame 2 to 3 tracks but that changed with each canon arc with more tracks being add(the problem was only short lived), by episode 18 I was rocking to completely different set of mortal kombat sounding tracks.

It's been 27 episode with gintam it's long long over overdue for some godamn new music something good please so far it brings great shame to shounen everywhere.

Am not even joking every single episode so far have used the exact same music for each episode.

That's cool, if your only on episode 27 then I 100% agree with you. The thing with Gintama is you don't get the first major serious arc until somewhere after episode 50. Stick with it, you'll be rewarded with great things. You've only just reached what people call the turning point.


It has like 3 OSTs worth of music. Please deal with facts in the future.

Make that four OST's worth. ;)


Tamako Market 01

Perhaps I'm on something but I thought this episode was fantastic. The first 5 minutes are incredible. And just when I thought it was going to flub the goodwill from those 5 minutes with the bird, it actually doesn't and ends up being funny.

I thought this show about some mochi loving character was going to be nothing but shit, but this was good.


((((;゚Д゚))))))) ((((;゚Д゚))))))) ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

Kotoura-san 01

Best Unexpected Opening Episode of the Year confirmed!

Where did all these onions come from!?

EDIT: It seems the director is the same guy that did Minami-ke, Mitsudomoe and YuruYuri... WHY!?


Psycho Pass video game kinda

cyberpunk 2027 said:
The Psycho Squad specializes in combating "psychos" -- individuals who overuse implants and substances that boost or otherwise alter the human body.

There comes a point when they overdose on these innovations, and their bodies start to rebel against their biological body parts as well as all things organic around them. Simply put, they start killing people, who they now derisively call "meatbags."

When a psycho goes on the rampage, strange things can happen. There's carnage, and the psycho might be taken down by regular police, but they're not always able to get the job done.

When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.


The dangers of too much :chet.
Maybe it's the indoctrination but I no longer find the Precure CG endings to be awful. I'd even watch a full series made like that.
CG dance conditioning.
I don't actually mind it that much either and it scares me. Full CG is a lot less offensive than CG cars in otherwise 2D shows.


Tamako Market Episode 1


Tamako Market Youkoso!

A lot of different people mentioned they found this first episode boring but personally I really liked this first episode and didn't feel that way at all.(The same went for K-On! and Hyouka). The detailing here was insane! Where the visuals of Chuunibyou were still good overall they were a noticeable downgrade from that of Hyouka but here I feel KyoAni really stepped it up again. Each new location introduced just seemed to be so lovingly and craftly made. Every time a new area was shown I kept finding myself thinking "Wow! Look at the detail here. Wow! Look at the detail here!" Some might be thinking I'm just your typical KyoAni fan gushing or some might have gotten used to expecting high production values due to KyoAni but I think they really deserve praise for what they're doing. I've been drawing since I was in kindergarten and would always like to lovingly detail my drawings and people would often remark at how much insane detail I too would put into them and I didn't have any budgets or schedules to worry about(usually,unless it was a school project) so I really appreciate what KyoAni delivers in their shows.

Not just in the environments but take a look at when we first meet An here:

Most other studios would probably just have her in her uniform with just her hat and backpack but here she's wearing a scarf,got a couple of extra carrying pouches and is holding onto a bag or two. To me it doesn't really feel excess or too busy either but practical details as well that just add that extra layer of polish. Even the quick shot of the fellow handing Tamako her drink in the coffee/tea cup and tray. Even it has an ornate design to it. Did you notice that the reflection of the drink even shows how it's angled as he's holding it and then sloshes around slightly to level out now that it's on the counter? Lot's of times you don't see studios putting in little details like that. The coffee or tea will just be static in the cup.

I like how lively the animation and everyone is too. Even right at the beginning you see the girls running and jumping on their way home. The environment is even put to use as the girls try to jump across a shaft of sunlight beaming between the shadows of two buildings here:

I just love all these details. I noticed that because I did those kind of silly things when I was younger too. Although I was more An's age rather than Tamako and her friends. Can we talk about the hair? I LOVE how KyoAni does hair! It's always so dynamic and got this exaggerated bounciness to it. Just the detailing too. The way it bends and conforms around a scarf or collar and just the little bits of animation and detail they put into it. Like this gif where instead of going around,the bird goes under Tamako's left twin-tail and you see the hairs split and bend. Just a lot of movements like that. I love how things are always unrealistically and exaggeratedly "bouncy" like during the ending here:

There's a scene at the beginning of one of the episodes of K-On!! where Yui is just fiddling with her hair getting ready for a school photo that you find out about just after. It's literally just a couple of minutes of her playing with her hair and that's it but I loved every second of it due to the hair animation. Even quicker shots such as Mio twirling around her hair to put it in a ponytail to get it out of the way for some work.

Anyway,the animation in this first episode of Tamako Market was great in general but the one scene where
in the bath house Tamako throws the bird back over the wall
the actual animation itself seemed good but Tamako's general movements seemed a little off and strange if that makes sense.

Speaking of Tamako, you really do get that sense that she's really friendly with everyone and everyone likes her. It also came through as a member of the audience that I liked her too and would want to be around that kind of person. There was the more obvious with everyone greeting her but then there were other scenes where the two father's were quarreling and she wanted to pass in between. They respected her and stopped and let her through. There was also the gentleman who was playing the records for her. He genuinely seemed to want to care for her and help her. The noticeable disappointment in his expression and voice,even his slumped shoulders and the way he phrased it "Not this one either", which implied he had been looking and trying to help her for awhile. The dialogue then between the bird and Tamako revealed a little bit more as to why he was looking for a particular song for her. While her seiyuu has done a couple of shows now I believe she's still fairly newer and I think she's doing a great job. I think all the vocal talent was good for every character really.

You really get that feeling of a big family don't you? Everyone seems to be friends(for the most part haha) and Tamako is sort of the glue that holds them together. I think the only character I'm not sure on yet is the bird. At times he was funny and amusing but other times he was sort of weird and annoying. I could really relate to An when she mentioned he was creepy or she was disappointed that this weird bird was the only one to call her An. Also, KyoAni doesn't get enough credit for their "old man moe", I personally like those guys.

I could talk more about this first episode but overall I really liked it and as KyoAni's first original show since Munto I think they're off to a pretty good start. This will probably be up there, hopefully, as one of my favorite shows to air this season and possibly just in general.

Thanks to those who took the time to read. :)


Kotoura-san - 01


Holy shit, the first half is as though all the keyshit in the world got caught in a vortex and converged into a steaming mass of depression, ready to wipe out all the fluffy shit in the world.

I've never seen a character being shit on so much in so little time!

At the very start and I'm talking seconds here the opening of the show starts with rainfall, and our dead eyed main character then we go into flashback mode.

We then learn that she was born with the ability to hear the thoughts of others, given that she doesn't know better she just blurts out what everyone is thinking and the result is everyone treating her like a monster, oh no it doesn't stop at school!!


Mother of the Year!

Parents can't handle their child's ability, and then they finally crack and then just straight up bail out on our main girl.


That despair man, that pure despair of being alone in the world.

And then smack bang at the halfway point you're greeted with a happy up beat OP, where the show essentially ends up being like this

I said Goddamn!!


SHAFT is a disease that must be stopped....

SHAFT, as a studio, doesn't really have many of the qualities of a disease though. They certainly produce some, er, questionable content but they're not really any worse than any other studio that produces similar otaku-bait. SHAFT just happen to have some extremely large hits which makes them a bigger target than other studios who cater to otaku tastes.
Zetsuen no Tempest 13

Did you forget what happened in this show since there was a two week break? Then, this episode is perfect for you!
You know... the toothbrush scene was definitely the worst offender. I can't even be mad at the scene right before it when Karen breaks Arararararagi's chest cavity(she totally broke it and he healed it up before going full creeper) and creeps him the fuck out by not letting go. I thought that was pretty funny, but it gets kinda lost in the mania of proper dental hygiene. Same thing could be said about other scenes like Neko Kuro's attempted kissing scene in episode 3 iirc. The toothbrush scene really painted the series in a worse light than the usual family stuff involved.

Neko Kuro 3:

"Is that how you respond to your sister's devotion?!"
"I'm taking disciplinary action!"
"It's in our genes! Like brother, like sisters!"

That had me rolling there for a second when it panned to Koyomi's creeped out face in Neko and I found it harmless compared to Nise's supremely creepy dental work.


Tragic victim of fan death
Psycho-Pass 12

Ended the last cour with a bang. So we should start with a bang and progress through the plot, right? NOPE! FUCK THAT! The show starts off with a flash back to how Yayoi became an Enforcer and while the episode is interesting, it doesn't cover anything new or does world building at all. In fact, it's the repetitive theming that's been occuring throughout the entire series of how fucked up the world is. Sure we get some info about Yayoi but does it matter? Not really. We get to see Kogami pre-Enforcer but that's not anything new since he's basically.... the same. So... yeah. This episode wasn't very good. Nothing happened.

New OP sucks. Song's okay but the animation is just stupid lazy bullshit. Ending sucks too.


Maturity, bitches.
Dear OP and ED directors,

Polar Bear Cafe has come out with yet another OP and ED that shits all over your. Are you even trying.

This is especially directed at Psycho Lets shove a load of clips from previous episodes with filters over them and pass it off as effort Pass.

Anywho, the OP brought back memories of childhood television themes and the second half was great. Nice to see Penguin in the limelight.
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