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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Tamako Market 1


This was a sweet watch. It looked great, had a relaxed tone and has a good opening to boot. The was a good time and I'd like to see more from it this season. I do have one issue with it, however. I dislike
"x" and/or small dots to signify an animal's anal cavity
and it shows up thrice too much here. Having nothing in that region would suit me fine. Anyways, it's a minor remark towards an entire episode that was a delight to watch. I'm eager to see how the tone will be maintained (and characters touched on) in coming episodes.


A Good Citizen
ii) I feel like the script, for all of its quality characterisation, is screaming at the viewer "LOOK AT MY PERFECT CONSTRUCTION! SEE MY SUBPLOTS STARTING UP!" The setup is so well executed that it feels like I can see everything coming from a mile away. I have no doubt that the each subplot will be well paced and given plenty of time in the writing - but does it have to be so obvious about it?
Why is this a bad thing? Perfect organization and construction should be commended.

i) It's so unrelentingly nice. The squabbling fathers and Dera's haughtier moments aside, there is absolutely nothing other than fluffiness emanating from the screen. I get that it's perfect for many anime viewers to have shows like this, but it's not my kind of thing. While the show has mysteries - Tamako's mother's song, for instance, or the identity of Dera's prince or the bride he searches for - they're the kind of wholesome, feelgood mysteries that have very little to do with anything in the long run, and I need something a bit more substantial I guess to hold my interest.
Substantial how?


I guess it does make sense that they only logical explanation is that they got all that from the holy gods of mahou shoujos but it's still lame.

Eh, I think I'd share your opinion if the series had just glossed over that, but they did have a scene with Sunny trying to make sense of the transformation and complaining about that catch phrase being embarassing. It's not like they just had the generic pose and were done with it.

I guess that would make sense as to why they'd have to rush it though at the same time, they could just as well as had them in the movies and introduce them fully in the show later. (there is no real need for direct continuity in the films.)

It's not a matter of the movie being "in continuity" (It clearly isn't considering how in the movie's setting everyone knows about the "Pretty Cure", but in Smile no one in the human world has ever heard about them), but it'd be weird to have some Smile Cures that wouldn't even have introductions appear and fight in the movie before their own tv debut. Even if it's not canon, the movie and tv show were clearly working together there.


It's so unrelentingly nice. The squabbling fathers and Dera's haughtier moments aside, there is absolutely nothing other than fluffiness emanating from the screen. I get that it's perfect for many anime viewers to have shows like this, but it's not my kind of thing. While the show has mysteries - Tamako's mother's song, for instance, or the identity of Dera's prince or the bride he searches for - they're the kind of wholesome, feelgood mysteries that have very little to do with anything in the long run, and I need something a bit more substantial I guess to hold my interest.

I think this is the main issue for me.

As much as I can praise the show for doing a lot right, at the end of the day... I just don't think it's for me. The mysteries that were introduced probably do have some potential but absolutely nothing that was introduced in the first episode made me feel compelled to continue watching it. The main character while very cute and endearing had literally nothing that made me feel interested in her.

From the preview artwork, the supporting cast all seemed like they were very eccentric and colorful in their own ways but I ended up a bit disappointed by the character interactions and they never really felt all that interesting beyond their character designs. I just never really felt engaged like I was with the first few episodes of Hyouka, for example. I mean I hate to sound like some "MATURE ANIME FAN" but I just don't find it interesting, despite how well produced and directed it was.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Windy Tales 1

This is really entertaining. I never expected to come across a
show with an art style like this one's. And yet, here we are. The characters are too expressive!

I wonder in what direction the plot will head now. I'm guessing
the main character will also learn to control the wind... But after that, I have absolutely no idea.

Okay, I have now managed to do an approximation of Tamako's arms there (yes, I am serious, I have been trying to do it!). It just seems like a completely unnatural movement, and I still think looking at that shot it is very, very odd. It's a "moe" pose, not a natural one that anyone would make.

Maybe I just don't understand body language well enough. I remember reading somewhere (probably in one of these threads) that some of the Japanese audience were confused by Bahi JD's sequence in Apollon 9 (or whenever it was) because he animated students beckoning to each other in a "Western" manner. Maybe something like this is something Japanese people do frequently?

Maybe I'm just making something out of nothing, though, you're probably right :p


Anyway, if that Tamako pose was actually a thing that people do in Japan, we'd probably have other examples or at least recognize the general context in which that kind of gesture is made. It stood out as unnatural and, well, bordering on tryhard to me when I watched as well.

I went back to watch that scene again, and I still don't see what's so unnatural about it. Honestly. I mean, I would probably never put my arms like that, but... It's possible to do it, haha. And it doesn't feel like this is the first time I've seen it being used in anime.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Smile PreCure 04

After having watched 4/5 introduction episodes I have to say I've begun to tire of this already. It feels forced and bland trying get all the introductions out of the way but not doing it in an interesting way at all. I just can't help comparing it to HeartCatch and how organic it was in the same thing. Another piece of nag is in the transformation sequences. They seem to have the cure decor to transform. It's not in the compact so where did it come from, it literally doesn't exist till it goes in the compact. Shit makes no sense. They also seem to have everything figured out from the start like their names and catchphrases. In HeartCatch they did all this much better. All nagging aside, let's talk about the actual episode. Cure March is super OP
she can damage an Akambo without going precure!
cure happy is also so much better with normal hair than whatever she usually has on.
I also didn't mention this but out of all the transformations so far I really love this frame the most. Love her design! Also for the ship watch, let it be known I maintain my position of Cure Happy x Cure Sunny but now I am accepting of a love triangle scenario.

Like Regulus said earlier, HeartCatch had the advantage only dealing with two girls at the start of the series in contrast to Smile's five. You do have a solid point in saying that they could've mixed it up so their intros weren't so formulaic, but I kinda enjoyed that as it defined what drove them each specifically to accept this powerful responsibility in such a simple manner.

For shipping, it may be in the next few episodes that you see the potential of AkanexNao. I still have hope!


K-ON! 12

Aww, that was a nice end to Season 1. Everything came full circle. The Light Music Club has become pretty popular at Sakua High, haven't they? The scene with Yui at the end was the bomb. I'm still not sure why that song is called "Fluffy Time", but it's a nice little tune they have.

I like how Ui went in pretending to be Yui but the club got suspicious because she was too good.


Are you saying little girls are not allowed to ride mecha? Sexist.

No, just that I didn't know that the show had mecha.

Doesn't ring a bell. The only mecha-related anything I can think of from from S-E are Front Mission and Robot Alchemic Drive.

I could've sworn they just did a game about a car that became a robot.

Eureka Seven 12

One part pulse pounding ship-to-ship combat, one part crazy drug trip to the center of Renton's mind. Anemone continues to be the coolest part of the show, as she is stuffed into a fridge and then turns into a shark. Talho provides the episode a decent ounce of :chet and still nobody is slapping the green haired second lieutenant upside his head.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Not for every show.
Taking things case by case is obviously a better approach than generalising.
Like Regulus said earlier, HeartCatch had the advantage only dealing with two girls at the start of the series in contrast to Smile's five. You do have a solid point in saying that they could've mixed it up so their intros weren't so formulaic, but I kinda enjoyed that as it defined what drove them each specifically to accept this powerful responsibility.
I think this is a case of the commercial interests of the franchise damaging the narrative purposes of Smile. It's obvious that the studio speeds through the introductory episodes for the sake of selling as many toys as soon as possible, and that takes on atoll of making each character's arc feel compact and unfulfilled. Having two Cures in Heartcatch made for some great episodes about Tsubomi and Erika having to adjust their lives to that of being a Precure, among other filler conundrums. There's very little of that in Smile, and what's there is usually crammed in Reika episodes that deal with the material so quickly nobody ends up liking the character at the end.
No, just that I didn't know that the show had mecha.
Seriously, watch episode 35. It's good and it's only twenty minutes long.

:( :(

Pizzaroll I will try and respond to you in the morning. I am sorry if my thoughts have made people mad/sad/vomit in their mouths a little/threaten me with SOS :(

I liked your post and thoughts, but as my avatar is literally Mocchi I am obliged to disagree.

I also made a longer one, but as I only focussed on the aspects I liked/approved of, no one took offense.
I get a bit cynical about KyoAni shows because every time the character animators come up with another cutesy little moment for their characters or the voice actresses squeak out another line I feel like I'm being manipulated. They know exactly what they are doing, and I know that too. It jolts me out of the show - like, say, the first episode of Hyouka where Chitanda keeps peering closer and closer at the camera and all those CG vines start growing in the classroom or whatever it was. I start treating their shows like product instead of being immersed in their world.

I totally get where you're coming from with this, as it bothered the hell out of me in the parts of Hyouka that I watched. Still, I didn't really have this problem with Tamako.

:( :(
Pizzaroll I will try and respond to you in the morning. I am sorry if my thoughts have made people mad/sad/vomit in their mouths a little/threaten me with SOS :(

I guess the lesson is to stay away from making detailed arguments and just post pics of animated tits.
K-ON! 12

Aww, that was a nice end to Season 1. Everything came full circle. The Light Music Club has become pretty popular at Sakua High, haven't they? The scene with Yui at the end was the bomb. I'm still not sure why that song is called "Fluffy Time", but it's a nice little tune they have.

I like how Ui went in pretending to be Yui but the club got suspicious because she was too good.

It's a really nice ending. And the song is about the feelings you have when you fall in love. Being light and fluffy.

And Ui is perfect in every way. It only gets more apparent in the second season.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Why would this pertain to good setup? A good 'surprise' should lead in with good development.
I suppose it depends on what one expects from their entertainment? Seeing a the little bits and pieces can take you out of the immersion, as our friend Wacky points it out. I think seeing certain tropes or "flags" is inevitable if you consume too much out of a medium.

For the record I think BluWacky is totally whack.


apparently (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani's now reached the point where they're just too good for anime fans

:bow:bow (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani

Haganai NEXT 1

Tried to watch this but the art still sucks even if it looks slightly better than before so I think I'll just start reading the manga instead.


Mobile Suit Gundam 12

I feel like everyone in MSG is like a child in a way. They're always terrified of stuff that isn't remotely scary in later Gundam shows. Like vulcans, or in today's episode, LIGHTNING. Hahaha. I do like that Zalbi, who should be getting presented as the big bad, is in fact shown as an old man, grieving his son. Ryu slapping Amuro out of his PTSD and back into action was interesting, too.

Really, it isn't hard for me to see why Kira is so popular. Amuro's trauma is a compelling story, and retelling it through Kira to modern audiences is no doubt a part of his popularity. If only Kira hadn't had that ridiculous out of body experience with a suddenly super busty Flay at the end, it would've been fine.

"Sir, the Federation has a new super weapon!"
"No, that's just lightning. It happens on Earth."
Haganai NEXT 1

Tried to watch this but the art still sucks even if it looks slightly better than before so I think I'll just start reading the manga instead.

I myself don't really mind the art too much in the anime, but I really like the art in the manga.


apparently (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani's now reached the point where they're just too good for anime fans

:bow:bow (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani
I dunno, I think it's easy to pick at specific statements but he's not entirely off, there. There's more to a piece of work than craftsmanship and in all its technical competence there's not much I truly love about the first episode. Then again, it's the first episode so I'll wait for more, although it's clear just where it's heading.

Tamako Market!! will cure all though.


And yeah, RIP Manga Rika. One of those few megane characters improved by removing the megane.



apparently (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani's now reached the point where they're just too good for anime fans

:bow:bow (non-ishihara original shit) kyoani

Haganai NEXT 1

Tried to watch this but the art still sucks even if it looks slightly better than before so I think I'll just start reading the manga instead.

The manga's art is kind of bad. Really rough.


A Good Citizen
Taking things case by case is obviously a better approach than generalising.
It's not really about taking things case by case, it's more about judging things for what they are instead of what you want them to be. It's tedious to read so many of the posts in this thread because of that. Not to mention that most anime fans have such deranged sensibilities, so what they want is usually something that would be ghastly.


I myself don't really mind the art too much in the anime, but I really like the art in the manga.

I might've mentioned this before but I like the artwork in the Plus manga better than the original.

It's shorter but the ending is pretty awesome too.


Yosuga no Sora: Episodes 2-5
The crazy train that was episode one significantly died down. Which is a shame. I like the way it seems to be going about different routes. I figured it was based off a VN because like a Key show, you can tell by the visual novel ass music that's always playing.

Let's see how many more things Sora can poke. (NSFW maybe? Maybe not? I've seen worse in here but you can never be too careful.)


Eh, I think I'd share your opinion if the series had just glossed over that, but they did have a scene with Sunny trying to make sense of the transformation and complaining about that catch phrase being embarassing. It's not like they just had the generic pose and were done with it.
Her being the only one noting it and then having it not explained at all does at the same time make it inconsistent. But my complaint is with the whole way it was executed being lazy. (comparing it with how HeartCatch did the same) As I said it's more of a naggy feeling than anything. I understand it's not really that big a thing.


Gundam AGE 12

1. Where did Commander Candybar get a communicator after Grodek JUST TOOK ALL HIS COMMUNICATORS?

2. How did Commander Candybar get onto a warship waiting a good distance outside the colony when Grodek and company handcuffed him to a boat and left it stranded in the water?

3. How did Commander Candybar get out of those cuffs?

4. Where does Commander Candybar get all those candybars? Why doesn't he ever finish one?

5. How stupid does Commander Candybar have to be to NOT secure the Gundam like the other mobile suits?

6. Why do the UE always show up at convenient times to bail Flit out? No, seriously. Can Flit and company resolve NOTHING without the UE's assistance?

7. Who really just abandons a space fortress? I mean, c'mon.

This whole thing was set up by Flit's mom. In the final episode, he'll stab the last UE and find out it was mommy, and she set it all up so everybody would love her little boy as a hero. And I'm sick of every enemy they have instantly becoming their friends at the end of the episode because Flit taught them a Very Special Lesson through the power of beating up the dUEs ex machina.


Windy Tales 1

Man, that was a great end to my first week of this season. The cynical, tongue-in-cheek remarks of Nao remind me of Watashi's best traits (to name a character I've seen recently that shares these traits). The art is an instantly notable aspect of this anime. It has an exaggerated sharp line art that creates everything from the clouds to the clothes to the limbs. Most of the eyes are extremely dark with a speck of white for reflection (if any). It's quite different from my usual intake of the medium and I enjoyed the novelty of it all.

I also liked the episode overall, but I can't pinpoint a clean way to explain the central theme in it. Well, besides the obvious keyword: wind. It flows through the topic of wind and
wind control
. I'd like to see what is going to come of it and this
field trip
set up for the next episode. I have a good feeling about Windy Tales.


It's a perspective thing, I think

Yeah like her arms are canted forward.
Its foreshortening.

So, Anime GAF, while I'm still watching Gundam RAGE, MSG, and Eureka Seven, I need something to fill the hole that Nadesico has just left in my life. What I need is one good non-Gundam Mecha Anime.

Well you have some various choices...
Rahxephon- weird mecha like evangelion
Kiddy grade- semi-mecha but a fucking lot of fun
Gurren Laggan - blow your face off with awesome mecha
Escaflowne- fantasy mecha
Gao Gai gar- nonserious entertaining wtf mecha
But Im no mecha expert these are just ones I like.

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai 1

Anime is saved.

Red > Sasami > Yellow > Black

Can. Not. Wait.
I need ShaftCute now :(

Tamako Market 1

This was a sweet watch. It looked great, had a relaxed tone and has a good opening to boot. The was a good time and I'd like to see more from it this season. I do have one issue with it, however. I dislike
"x" and/or small dots to signify an animal's anal cavity
and it shows up thrice too much here. Having nothing in that region would suit me fine. Anyways, it's a minor remark towards an entire episode that was a delight to watch. I'm eager to see how the tone will be maintained (and characters touched on) in coming episodes.

This reminds me of a joke in Tsukuyomi moonphase where a cat didnt have the x and the grandfather guy was shocked by it.
It was hilarious when I watched it.


Kotoura-san 1

Oh man, that first half was so hilariously over-melodramatic that it gives Jun Maeda a run for his money. After that it kinda tampers off for a bit with the despair being played up every now and then. Hilarious stuff that people should watch for the first half.

edit: the abusive parents and comforting grandfather thing reminded me of the infinitely better Happy Birthday, Inochi Kagayaku Toki
The courage to use incest to repair the bonds of familiar love all over the world!

I'm joking of course. Mostly. I think...
I see that you paid attention and are actually using what you've learned in nisemonogatari in your real world activities !!

So, Anime GAF, while I'm still watching Gundam RAGE, MSG, and Eureka Seven, I need something to fill the hole that Nadesico has just left in my life. What I need is one good non-Gundam Mecha Anime.
Rofl gundam RAGE ...

As for your question well i suggest : Goddannar ...

Very old school but full of hot blooded moments !! With an actual plot too. anyway if you don't know it i really suggest you try this one !

it's no classic but it's a fun anime that is perfect for a transition between 2 classic animes.

Gundam AGE 12

1. Where did Commander Candybar get a communicator after Grodek JUST TOOK ALL HIS COMMUNICATORS?
He hid it ! As for where he could have hidden that , ask your imagination or the G.AGE writters
2. How did Commander Candybar get onto a warship waiting a good distance outside the colony when Grodek and company handcuffed him to a boat and left it stranded in the water?
He took the direct route , unlike the cast (no i'm not joking )
3. How did Commander Candybar get out of those cuffs?
Various special nights during his youth ???
he was faking it .!!!
4. Where does Commander Candybar get all those candybars? Why doesn't he ever finish one?
Where do he get them ? No idea , but he must have special reserves .

He can't finish one because he is always talking !
5. How stupid does Commander Candybar have to be to NOT secure the Gundam like the other mobile suits?
Too busy eating to do an actual work. Besides they underestimated the gundam it seems.
6. Why do the UE always show up at convenient times to bail Flit out? No, seriously. Can Flit and company resolve NOTHING without the UE's assistance?
Plot armor .. the real reason will be revealed much much later ( i won't spoiler this one )
7. Who really just abandons a space fortress? I mean, c'mon.
Stupid people. or mad rich scientits with a lot of money .. It's not the 2nd option so it must be the first one
This whole thing was set up by Flit's mom. In the final episode, he'll stab the last UE and find out it was mommy, and she set it all up so everybody would love her little boy as a hero.
This is not dumb enough .. you should think of something dumber and you might be closer to the truth .

And I'm sick of every enemy they have instantly becoming their friends at the end of the episode because Flit taught them a Very Special Lesson through the power of beating up the dUEs ex machina.

This will stop soon . Wait Ep12 ?? then it's the last time you'll see that. But you might see something dumber instead ..
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