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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

Community's choice! What should the next numbering of the |OT| format be?

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I appreciate it. I only like AotY to see what other specific people like and why they're into it. The overall vote is meaningless.

I like it for discovering new stuff I hadn't heard of / would not have tried otherwise.

Like Tsuritama.


Subete no aware
Pet Girl 14

I can't believe I hate this show even more than I do. You take a show with a decent set up and somewhat likable characters and just fucking ruin them for the sake of selling more novels and BDs.

That's not to say you can't indefinitely delay this shit forever, but at least TRY to come up with new complications so you aren't retelling the same damn story for the 5th fucking time. Christ.

This is the infuriating part because the writer knows its bullshit, but continues to write bullshit anyway. No, lampshading this shit doesn't get you a free pass any more. Hipsters and assholes killed self-aware irony, so fuck you if you try and expect me to accept it.

Of course, the teacher is involved in all the truth telling in the show. But since she's not actually a real character, she's absolved of any responsibility toward contributing to the growth of this mess of a shitty love triangle + side romance.

This is ALMOST as idiotic as Kids on the Slope and the stupidity of that love triangle. God.

I don't even know if this is #hatewatch for me anymore, or just anime fan OCD. Lately, I've dropped better shows for smaller problems, but I have that shitty "I'm already 14 episodes in" thing that ruins the lives of all nerds (and Aaron Sorkin fans).


Speaking of shit that I finished to completion, that final episode of Nogizaka Haruka finally came out. I totally forgot there was a Kugiloli:

I feel like this show is weird because of how harems seem to have evolved since this franchise was conceived. It has everything that nerds like (bland harem protagonist, rich otaku super shy and naive girl, a harem that involves every type of woman AND a main love triangle, many many nerd references to both various franchise and to events like Comiket), which is probably why it was successful at the time, but I guess that just isn't enough to satisfy nerds now. Given how hard these OVAs have bombed, it seems that only older fans are buying these... and probably just so they can put them on the shelf next to the last discs they bought a couple years ago.

I wonder what it is though. Have harems somehow changed in the last four years? Or is anime fandom just super churny and there's a magic age of the sadlife anime nerd where once you hit a certain age, you have to drop anime entirely and move on with your life?

If that's the case, it just makes sense that the original fans of Haruka have grown up and moved on, leaving only the super hardcore nerds to see the franchise limp to its ending (which, I still feel is a fucking miracle that this thing even ended... someone must have done dirty things to get this to happen). Maybe hard core nerd shows only have a lifespan of three or four years before the fans start families/get jobs/whatever and a new generation of fans moves on to the next big thing?

This realization makes working in the anime industry even worse than I thought it was... since unless you are Ghibli, there doesn't seem to be any kind of long tail that you can consistently rely on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I feel that certain shows deserve to be respected and the overall votes are a partial testament to that.
I guess. I tend to feel that when opinions are clumped together something is lost. Popularity always winds up being a major factor in what wins, so I find myself more interested in what people like on a personal level. Maybe I just think this because I am grumpy about the results though.


Anemone wears pants underneath.

She certainly was not in that episode.

Mobile Suit Gundam 16

D-did they really just show Mirai topless? W-what?

Also, Amuro has at long last begun his total breakdown, it would seem. Frau Bow is ticked he's leaving before she can get some, but Amuro has had enough. Especially now that he's a man after seeing Mirai topless.


I feel like firehawk's SAO rant should be framed and put on a wall somewhere.

At the very least it should follow SAO's writeup in the AOTY thread and in all anime threads for years to come.
What is with the OT name vote? Why not just call it OT5? Clearly I'm not in on something here lol.
I feel like we shouldn't post where the shows are currently standing. People might alter their votes later on or people who have yet to vote my change them accordingly. Can we please avoid saying which anime is where please.
This please


The 2010 was started randomly by someone who wasn't even an AnimeGaf regular. We had no idea who he was and there was no warning there was gonna be a vote. Its a terrible vote nonetheless.


My votes always suck because I have like two shows I want to vote for and the rest are just vote stuffers I think up at that time.


That's what I should do, but I always feel bad if I don't fill out ten. Last year I think I filled out one show (Wandering Son) and then went back and just listed a bunch of stuff.

That said my votes this year were already moneyhatted by funimation, so no one needs to worry about their integrity.


That's what I should do, but I always feel bad if I don't fill out ten. Last year I think I filled out one show (Wandering Son) and then went back and just listed a bunch of stuff.

That said my votes this year were already moneyhatted by funimation, so no one needs to worry about their integrity.

5 bucks if you vote for Inu x Boku number 1.


I feel like this show is weird because of how harems seem to have evolved since this franchise was conceived. It has everything that nerds like (bland harem protagonist, rich otaku super shy and naive girl, a harem that involves every type of woman AND a main love triangle, many many nerd references to both various franchise and to events like Comiket), which is probably why it was successful at the time, but I guess that just isn't enough to satisfy nerds now. Given how hard these OVAs have bombed, it seems that only older fans are buying these... and probably just so they can put them on the shelf next to the last discs they bought a couple years ago.

I wonder what it is though. Have harems somehow changed in the last four years? Or is anime fandom just super churny and there's a magic age of the sadlife anime nerd where once you hit a certain age, you have to drop anime entirely and move on with your life?

If that's the case, it just makes sense that the original fans of Haruka have grown up and moved on, leaving only the super hardcore nerds to see the franchise limp to its ending (which, I still feel is a fucking miracle that this thing even ended... someone must have done dirty things to get this to happen). Maybe hard core nerd shows only have a lifespan of three or four years before the fans start families/get jobs/whatever and a new generation of fans moves on to the next big thing?

This realization makes working in the anime industry even worse than I thought it was... since unless you are Ghibli, there doesn't seem to be any kind of long tail that you can consistently rely on.
I don't think Nogizaka Haruka was too successful initially. Rather, I would say that the dropoffs between each season and the OVAs are in line with the franchise decay you see in a lot of other shows that were popular a couple of years ago like Zero no Tsukaima. Otaku have short attention span and Nogizaka Haruka wasn't exactly a popular series like, say, Shakugan no Shana was (and even that had mediocre sales for its final season compared to its first and second).

I personally think that harems have changed. I don't have evidence to back it up, but I feel like they sell and are produced less than in the mid-2000's and that shows like Infinite Stratos, Haganai, and Oreimo are anomalies that mask how much the harem/action or even just the regular harem have fallen out of favor. There will still be big harem hits, of course. The second seasons of Haganai, Oreimo, and Railgun will probably be really successful. I just think that the successful harem shows are, for the most part, successful because of the light novel industry and that anime producers are more conservative about making harems that aren't successful light novels already.

It kinda feels like harems have been divided into two categories: low-selling, poorly-produced anime intending only to promote a light novel or a visual novel (Campione, Hoshikaka, OreTsuba, Da Capo III probably) or popular, more ambitious series intending to create or bolster their franchise (Oreimo, Sword Art Online, Horizon). Maybe it's just because I started watching anime in 2006, so I don't have good perspective and it has always been like this. I don't really have evidence to back up all of this speculation either.

In this case, though, I would say that Nogizaka Haruka's sales are because of a changing demographic. I just think people lost interest.

Edit: I know the two categories sound almost the same! It makes sense in my head though. :<


The Light of El Cantare
The Unlimited: Hyoubu Kyousuke 02:


This actually had fairly competent execution. The art was a little better, the various character introductions were handled concisely with power showcases that avoided being straight infodumps, and there are signs of an overarching plot. This was basically a day in the life of PANDRA (the terrorist organization to which the show's characters belong), familiarizing the viewer with how they operate and who they target for death before moving on to whatever bigger things the narrative has in store.

Andy's not a super-interesting protagonist yet, but the whole dynamic of him being a mole and having to constantly interact with people he (presumably) finds morally despicable is uncommon enough to be interesting for that alone. I suppose it's true that Kyousuke is the real protagonist, but it's easier to identify with Andy because he's not a bad guy and we're supposed to be emotionally invested in his safety.

Another okay episode and I might actually start actively recommending this to people looking for something to watch this season.

A few disjointed thoughts:

- What kind of terrorist organization slaps their name on the products that they're embezzling funds to manufacture? Even Al Qaeda changed its drink line's name to Snapple.* Maybe PANDRA is just that invincible :lol

- This really is Code:Breaker junior.

- I must say, I appreciate the easter eggs they're throwing in for ZKC fans. Pic 1 Pic 2

- oh fuck oh fuck they're actually going to be in this fuuuuck

JOKE. I am mocking that old conspiracy theory, not professing to believe it


Noir 1

Pretty good first episode. Looking forward to more action scenes, and that Yuki Kajiura soundtrack is SO GOOD.

I love Noir to death but it does drag for 10-12 episodes before the plot gets moving.
Most of the initial episides are single missions and THE SAME EXACT FLASHBACK played literally a dozen times.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That would be because that's what the vote is trying to determine: What's most liked by most people.
Okay. I see it as what shows were pervasive. There is also a lot of bias towards late year stuff, which even I'm guilty of. I just don't find the comprehensive to be very helpful or interesting I guess. Stuff that deserves more attention gets brought up in certain people's votes but gets pushed way off to the side for bad shows that pulled in more viewers. It is kind of a downer to see what makes the list in comparison to what gets left off of it.
I love Noir to death but it does drag for 10-12 episodes before the plot gets moving.
Most of the initial episides are single missions and THE SAME EXACT FLASHBACK played literally a dozen times.

Noted. But really as long as this plays as many times as it did in the first episode, I think I can handle it.


Can't believe that talent was wasted on SAO. :(

Hope you enjoy part one of the amazingly inoffensive girls with guns series.

Speaking of composers which I would like to see in more series, I would like to see Katou Tatsuya get more music composing jobs. I feel like everyone who watches Horizon (and likes it, lol) thinks the soundtrack is good, and I thought the music for Campione was decent too.


Sucks at poetry
Escaflowne Movie


I FUCKING LOOOVED IT!! The animation, soundtrack, story re-envisioning, and action were stellar all around! It's the perfect companion to the series. It doesn't step on the series' feet, nor does it plot the same story beats that we already know. The background art is to die for (it really is), and the redesigns of the characters are great! The world was dripping in rich history. I may have preferred to see this as a four part OVA to fill in the story a little more and flesh out some characters, but as it is, it was quite spectacular! I also enjoyed how the armors were partially organic requiring a more direct blood oath from the pilot. If I have any complaint it's that the final conflict is a bit anti-climactic, and a few of the side characters are washed over, but other than that this was just excellent. I love this whole series so much.

Did I mention dat soundtrack?? DAT soundtrack!
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