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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

Community's choice! What should the next numbering of the |OT| format be?

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I read DTL's posts with an ironic tone. It makes everything much more enjoyable.

CB's opening is one of the best I've seen. It's nice and simple with a sweet track that really suits the style of the opening and the show in general. That's the reason I have the silhouette of Edward from the opening as my wallpaper. The only opening I've seen that I maybe like more than CB's is Death Note's second opening. It's bizarre effects and shots paired with metal made for a really cool, stylish opening. Also second Jojo 2012 opening is pretty fucking fabulous too now that I think about it.
There's just nothing special about the opening at all. An opening should get you in the mood of the anime through both the words, the emotions through the song, as well as the scenes selected. Nothing that they did for the Bebop Opening did this, or at least cared to even spend time trying to make someone interested in watching the episode.

Consider the three best anime openings
Accel World - Burst Through Gravity
Guilty Crown - Everlasting Guilty Crown
Naruto Shippuden - Hero's Come Back

And compare any of them to Cowboy Bebop's - Tank and its very clear how it pales in comparison to even one of the weaker of the best OP's (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - Blaze). Like what is the OP even doing there for Bebop, its misleading making one think Spike is some epic character with epic gun skills, that there are tons of good space fights and what not and etc. What we got was far from that. And they could have honestly chose a better song.

The opening as a whole.

i see your point and i understand what's going on ..

First , in the cowboy beebop opening Spikes NEVER ( i mean it ) is depicted with a gun ..or having epic gun skills ..what you see is him avoiding bullets ( by rolling backwards , maybe to get cover), or at least fighting back with kicks , you see him smoking ( like many other characters ).
At the end you see a 1 sec moment of jet holding a gun and if you're referencing to the part with 3 guns at the ends it's faye.
In the same opening , you do see spike , either fighting ( barehanded ) or falling .

Second the same opening does put a lot of spaceships in said opening , mainly what will be used by the characters themselves ... on that point i can't see how you managed to deduce "space fights" but not "space hunt" ( cowboy maybe wasn't a big hint enough ? ) Oh well i won't stay on that point long ...maybe i'm just not seeing it.

The beebop opening uses a lot of primary colors and plenty of shadows .This style make the opening look good even years after the first release ..they weren't trying to go for a realistic opening they actually managed to keep the feeligns they wanted to convey with the theme they used in the anime ( maining : chases , spaceship , guns & mystery ( in the detective sense )). Now considering the themes present in the opening , were you really fooled ?

Fourth , the music " tank " i honnestly don't see what they did wrong on that aspect .. there are no lyrics .except at the beginning .. the music does the work intended and the opening actually uses the music as markers to enhance the tournaround points that might change the whole serie ( guns & space ships again ) or even to give you hints about each character talent( when you see Ed's hand for example ).

Based on all those points i

-don't see how someone could have been fooled by the opening.
-think the opening actually present the whole package
-think the opening actually depict the mood of the anime
-think cowboy beebop opening is a real gem because they managed to do that without lyrics.

No sisters or distractions in site. This one is pretty much all about Hanekawa. It takes a few minutes to explore the relationship between Araragi and Shinobu near the time she reverted to a child. We also discover
her love of donuts
in this episode. Totally awesome comedy with no hint of perversion. Absolutely amazing on their part.

Hanekawa's parts involve some serious blood loss. They didn't hold back one bit on that aspect at all. This totally feels like Nekomonogatari now!

Araragi has to head home so I have a feeling we are gonna get some more sister action... ugh


I have to say I watched each of DTL's links for his 'best openings' and they all seemed like complete surface-level nonsense to me. Then again, I haven't watched any of them really except Shippuden, so whatever.


I read DTL's posts with an ironic tone. It makes everything much more enjoyable.

CB's opening is one of the best I've seen. It's nice and simple with a sweet track that really suits the style of the opening and the show in general. That's the reason I have the silhouette of Edward from the opening as my wallpaper. The only opening I've seen that I maybe like more than CB's is Death Note's second opening. It's bizarre effects and shots paired with metal made for a really cool, stylish opening. Also second Jojo 2012 opening is pretty fucking fabulous too now that I think about it.

imagine if for example, James Bond had openings consisting of pop music and fight scenes from the movie itself.

actually that makes me want to throw up brb purging

I have to say I watched each of DTL's links for his 'best openings' and they all seemed like complete surface-level nonsense to me. Then again, I haven't watched any of them really except Shippuden, so whatever.

because they are
there is little to no thought gone into them, and you could quite easily edit most of them yourself
theyre closer to fan made AMVs than substantial opening animations


Tragic victim of fan death
I have to say I watched each of DTL's links for his 'best openings' and they all seemed like complete surface-level nonsense to me. Then again, I haven't watched any of them really except Shippuden, so whatever.

I have to say I watched each of DTL's links for his 'best openings' and they all seemed like complete surface-level nonsense to me. Then again, I haven't watched any of them really except Shippuden, so whatever.

Everlasting is legit good. Has a nice song that accompanies the visuals great and a bit of symbolism thrown in with the parallels to Shu/Guy and Inori/Mana.


Openings are one of those things I like but are so superfluous who the fuck cares.

I don't really think openings can be considered superfluous, especially in a television medium. For movies, I guess depending on how artistic or well received the title credits are, it can be either "whatever" or "fucking awesome", but when it comes to television programming, it is sort of a tradition where the opening credit sequence is something which is repeated every week and is a sort of headliner for the show itself. It is something people tend to associate with the show more than anything else, and the best opening sequences are ones designed to both represent the show at large and also to set the tone for the start of a new episode.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Yeah, that's fair. I don't cosplay but if I did I would naturally want to look like the character I was trying to portray as much as possible. Unless I was doing some kind of spoof or something naturally.

There's actually some interesting fan art featuring Miku, such as this picture I screen capped off of a YouTube video. I don't know what the source is yet.


Hatsune Miku has some incredible fanart of her. :3

Yes. I am not just saying that so I can see you draw more lewd females. But I do know that women like bold and brash displays of confidence.


My suggestion is to masturbate in public.



Seeing it once per series is enough unless they do creative things with them... I'd rather if they just went into the show with credits and we got 24 minutes of show in stead of 21 (or 16 in the case of battle animes).

I wouldn't be opposed to that, but it's not going to happen. It also dilutes the effectiveness when shows do do something different (cold opens, one-episode different credits, changing credits over the course of a series etc)


Crest of the Stars (Sekai no Monshou)

Episode 1

I'm not watching this because of the idea of the current season being a "backlog season" but I just wanted to take a look at this show anyway and it's happening to coincide with that popular idea.


Who is this mysterious maiden? I just love this shot and I actually liked the lighting in this here and the colour of blue of her hair. Any anime where the characters have nice detailed or animated hair is great in my book.

Anyway, I've never seen the show before and I don't know anything about it but I really liked this first episode. It definitely had a hook to it that I found to be pretty interesting. The show seems to use it's own calendar system and while in the end some might view it as adding an slight unnecessary complication, I personally always really love that kind of thing and it's little details like that that I think help with world building and help bring the story into it's own. The whole brief history that was introduced so far I'm really liking.

Haha, speaking of world building, the very first spoken lines I thought I recognized as English but then I figured the characters were speaking Japanese and maybe some "Engrish" and I was just missing some words but then I couldn't understand anything at all. That's when I realized that the show seems to have invented a language,for part of it anyway, which I thought was pretty neat.

I'm not sure on the character designs yet. At times I actually quite like them as they have that slightly older look to them but other times I'm not sure on the facial outlines. I'd have to double check but I think that I read the show originally came out in the late nineties in Japan.

The first episode seems to have this almost weirdly pervasive thing with the lighting though where there is an extreme amount of glaring in the picture. I have a couple of examples here where in the first there are a couple of characters in a park or courtyard type area and the streetlamps I suppose it is are lighting up the top left quite a bit.


In the second picture you see on of those characters now inside and upset at the currently developing plot points at that current point in the episode and the internal lights just seem way too bright.


There are many more examples all throughout the episode but I only chose these two. That would probably be my only major complaint for this first episode.

There are some really nice shots of the Abh fleet though which all seem to be hand drawn and high in number and the episode has some nice scene transitions, such as where a defense satellite of the planet Martine fires on a Abh ship, to which it returns fire but instead of seeing the satellite explode you instead see a mug explode and shatter,spilling it's contents, as the current president of the planet is informed of what has happened just a short time later. That one maybe isn't the most original anymore but I liked how scenes were tied together in this way rather than fades or just sudden switches.

I knew that Lafiel mentioned that his username came from this show at one point and looking up the show I had seen images of some of the characters but I didn't know who the character was. Right at the end you see her and it turns out Lafiel is the girl I had seen in most of the images when I very briefly looked up the show. Then I remembered he actually had her picture as his avatar for a short time before switching back to Asuka or Miki and felt kind of silly for forgetting...

I actually thought you put more emphasis on the "e" for something more like "Lah-Fee-El(like the English letter L)" or "Lah-fee-ale(like the drink ale)". Something more like that anyway but she pronounces it as "Lah-feel".

Since it was in the episode preview her seiyuu wasn't listed in the credits but it definitely sounded like Ayako Kawasumi, whom many people would know as the voice of Saber in Fate/Zero. I always liked her voice acting and wanted to hear more of her and while I'm sure she's probably been cast in many animes, all the one's I've seen so far she's either not in or more of a smaller support role character, sans the before mentioned Fate/Zero, so personally I thought that was another plus.

In the end I really liked this first episode overall and look forward to the rest. As this isn't a currently airing show, taking a quick look it seems many enjoy the show so it's at least slightly reassuring that it won't turn badly. I personally may still end up not liking it but at least there a bit more of a guarantee there that it won't turn out badly unlike with what you encounter with a currently airing show.
Man, the amount of trolling in this thread has exploded in the past hour.

Nope... its been going on for months man. GAF is relentless in their bashing of SAO without justification. I just grew a thicker skin and accepted that only a chosen few of us understand what makes the show so superior and above the rest of the offerings of 2012.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't really think openings can be considered superfluous, especially in a television medium. For movies, I guess depending on how artistic or well received the title credits are, it can be either "whatever" or "fucking awesome", but when it comes to television programming, it is sort of a tradition where the opening credit sequence is something which is repeated every week and is a sort of headliner for the show itself. It is something people tend to associate with the show more than anything else, and the best opening sequences are ones designed to both represent the show at large and also to set the tone for the start of a new episode.
I think a good opening can help enhance a show by setting a tone or describing the show in ninety seconds (or give a false sense of mood in the case of Madoka), but the fact that a sizeable portion of people admit to skipping them tells me their contribution to a work rarely goes beyond what jingles do to television commercials.
because they are
there is little to no thought gone into them, and you could quite easily edit most of them yourself
theyre closer to fan made AMVs than substantial opening animations

Except tsubasa reservoir chronicles , all of his examples are good openings ( for me )..
those openings had a good music and a normal direction ... they were just not good examples , to put down "tank".

"hero's come back" is alright as a opening , nice use of colors and of animation while presenting the arc it was focused on.. a great work for a nice opening ..

BUt you can't tell me that "everlasting guilty crown" is better than "tank" ... there are in like in 2 different leagues. One stands the test of time properly , the other won't in a few years.

Openings are one of those things I like but are so superfluous who the fuck cares.
Openings get you in the mood , especially if they are good... the only valid reason to skip them is if you marathon your shows


Nope... its been going on for months man. GAF is relentless in their bashing of SAO without justification. I just grew a thicker skin and accepted that only a chosen few of us understand what makes the show so superior and above the rest of the offerings of 2012.

there's only so many head asplode pictures i can pull up dude

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Nope... its been going on for months man. GAF is relentless in their bashing of SAO without justification.
I will admit to not even bothering watching the show in the first place, but to say people don't justify their dislike for SAO when we've vastly perused its writing incompetences and degradation of female characters for the sake of fan titillation is very cynical.
I think a good opening can help enhance a show by setting a tone or describing the show in ninety seconds (or give a false sense of mood in the case of Madoka), but the fact that a sizeable portion of people admit to skipping them tells me their contribution to a work rarely goes beyond what jingles do to television commercials.

Some people skip to the end in books, too. Does that mean that authors should just publish the last chapter of their books?


Except tsubasa reservoir chronicles , all of his examples are good opening ( for me )..
those openings had a good music and a normal direction ... they were just not good example , to put down "tank".

hero's come back is alright as a opening , nice use of colors and of animation while presenting the arc it was focused on.. a great work for a nice opening ..

BUt you can't tel me that "everlasting guilty crown" is better than "tank" there are like in 2 different leagues. One stands the test of time properly , the other won't in a few years.

Ill put it this way, the bebop visuals are directly linked to the audio cues
the examples he provided do a little bit of it, but a lot of it is just flashy visuals with no purpose


I think a good opening can help enhance a show by setting a tone or describing the show in ninety seconds (or give a false sense of mood in the case of Madoka), but the fact that a sizeable portion of people admit to skipping them tells me their contribution to a work rarely goes beyond what jingles do to television commercials.

I don't think how people watch something on DVR has much relation to the importance of something designed for the broadcast medium.


Sword Art Online Episode 15/16

Now with fairies/cousincest romance!

I don't know why I'm coming back to this. Perhaps I'm hoping to get some enjoyment out of the failure, but it just seems to be wallowing in mediocrity. Perhaps if sistercousin confesses her love the hilarity that will ensue will be worth it? I doubt it.
That shot in 14 when Kirito and Asuna disintegrate was pretty nice. Good use of colour. Shame it was in Sword Art Online. I'm hiding my one compliment behind a spoiler so I don't look less cool for complimenting Sword Art Online.


Tragic victim of fan death
Sword Art Online Episode 15/16

Now with fairies/cousincest romance!

I don't know why I'm coming back to this. Perhaps I'm hoping to get some enjoyment out of the failure, but it just seems to be wallowing in mediocrity. Perhaps if sistercousin confesses her love the hilarity that will ensue will be worth it? I doubt it.
That shot in 14 when Kirito and Asuna disintegrate was pretty nice. Good use of colour. Shame it was in Sword Art Online. I'm hiding my one compliment behind a spoiler so I don't look less cool for complimenting Sword Art Online.

Good luck!!


In the end I really liked this first episode overall and look forward to the rest. As this isn't a currently airing show, taking a quick look it seems many enjoy the show so it's at least slightly reassuring that it won't turn badly. I personally may still end up not liking it but at least there a bit more of a guarantee there that it won't turn out badly unlike with what you encounter with a currently airing show.
I can assure you it consistently remains pretty good! even if the series post-crest aren't as consistent in terms of quality, they have some of the best moments in the series, which make up for that.
i see your point and i understand what's going on ..

First , in the cowboy beebop opening Spikes NEVER ( i mean it ) is depicted with a gun ..or having epic gun skills ..what you see is him avoiding bullets ( by rolling backwards , maybe to get cover), or at least fighting back with kicks , you see him smoking ( like many other characters ).
At the end you see a 1 sec moment of jet holding a gun and if you're referencing to the part with 3 guns at the ends it's faye.
In the same opening , you do see spike , either fighting ( barehanded ) or falling .

Second the same opening does put a lot of spaceships in said opening , mainly what will be used by the characters themselves ... on that point i can't see how you managed to deduce "space fights" but not "space hunt" ( cowboy maybe wasn't a big hint enough ? ) Oh well i won't stay on that point long ...maybe i'm just not seeing it.

The beebop opening uses a lot of primary colors and plenty of shadows .This style make the opening look good even years after the first release ..they weren't trying to go for a realistic opening they actually managed to keep the feeligns they wanted to convey with the theme they used in the anime ( maining : chases , spaceship , guns & mystery ( in the detective sense )). Now considering the themes present in the opening , were you really fooled ?

Fourth , the music " tank " i honnestly don't see what they did wrong on that aspect .. there are no lyrics .except at the beginning .. the music does the work intended and the opening actually uses the music as markers to enhance the tournaround points that might change the whole serie ( guns & space ships again ) or even to give you hints about each character talent( when you see Ed's hand for example ).

Based on all those points i

-don't see how someone could have been fooled by the opening.
-think the opening actually present the whole package
-think the opening actually depict the mood of the anime
-think cowboy beebop opening is a real gem because they managed to do that without lyrics.

I dont think going without much lyrics was a really good move on their part. Perhaps if they traded it with some type of "cowboyish" vocal sound it would have sounded much better. It just makes for something that is less memorable than say some catchy words or just some phrase/verse that captures the idea of what Im watching. Consider burst through gravity, Ill never forget that "now tell me where you wanna go, to accel world" etc. What do I have to remember Cowboy Bebop by? Perhaps it is as you say the visuals. Well I will probably always remember the three guns part as well as those space ships, but for the show as a whole, did they really always have space fights (I think I mentioned in my summary of the series that that was a misleading aspect as many of the episodes only had such an event after 17+ minutes of boring antics no one cared about involving Faye or whatever). Dont think what they did would really be considered space hunt, at least, in terms of the purpose of the Bebop.

I guess I interpreted spikes motions in the op as being what he ought to have been or what the main character would be like. If character is epic in the opening then they ought to be that way in the anime and vice versa. If we take what you said as falling, then perhaps it ought not be surprising as to Spike's performance during the duration of the anime.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Some people skip to the end in books, too. Does that mean that authors should just publish the last chapter of their books?
They are more like the covers than the first chapter. They are supposed to be what wraps your attention when channel surfing/book perusing.
I don't think how people watch something on DVR has much relation to the importance of something designed for the broadcast medium.
I could theoretically watch all of Legend of the Galactic Heroes skipping all of its OPs and I wouldn't miss a thing narratively speaking. I understand the things are important for the commercial aspect of the medium.


I could theoretically watch all of Legend of the Galactic Heroes skipping all of its OPs and I wouldn't miss a thing narratively speaking. I understand the things are important for the commercial aspect of the medium.

Narrative is only one aspect of a show. You could probably also watch all of that show without sound, with subtitles on, and you wouldn't miss a thing narratively speaking either. That doesn't make the audio superfluous in any way. The logo design of a show also has nothing to do with the narrative, but it is also an important element of the overall design. It is not superfluous. It's all about presentation and how people remember something. You sell short the creative aspects involved in the creation of a show by calling such elements superfluous.
I dont think going without much lyrics was a really good move on their part. Perhaps if they traded in the vocals with something with some type of "cowboyish" sound it would have sounded much better. It just makes for something that is less memorable than say some catchy words or just some phrase/verse that captures the idea of what Im watching. Consider burst through gravity, Ill never forget that "now tell me where you wanna go, to accel world" etc. What do I have to remember Cowboy Bebop by? Perhaps it is as you say the visuals. Well I will probably always remember the three guns part as well as those space ships, but for the show as a whole, did they really always have space fights (I think I mentioned in my summary of the series that that was a misleading aspect as many of the episodes only had such an event after 17+ minutes of boring antics no one cared about involving Faye or whatever). Dont think what they did would really be considered space hunt, at least, in terms of the purpose of the Bebop.

I guess I interpreted spikes motions in the op as being what he ought to have been or what the main character would be like. If character is epic in the opening then they ought to be that way in the anime and vice versa. If we take what you said as falling, then perhaps it ought not be surprising as to Spike's performance during the duration of the anime.

The characters main actions in the opening are ambigous and showed very quick to provide the viewer time to make his own opinion. You made yours , i totally disagree with it ...i'll just leave it at that.
i think the cowboy beebop anime has plenty of chases be it on the ground or on air.. i honnestly don't see how you could have missed those either ....

From the bottom of my heart is don't see how you reached this conclusion , but it's yours .. so i'll stop here.

Do try the movie ...( it's a stand alone plot )


DTL, I want to know where your ideas of what is considered "cowboyish" came from? Because the last time I watched anything with cowboys in it I don't recall hearing a shitty country rendition of a Beatles song.
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