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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |OT| of Who the hell is Deathwing, anyway?

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Hey guys!

Bear with me for this one because it might be a bit long, but it involves a giveaway of limited edition (so limited theres only 1 of them!) Astrogaming A40's, maybe some Gamer Soap giveaways too, cute girls, funny dudes, launch parties and of course WoW Cataclysm!

Alright so a little site some of you may have heard of does a weekly WoW show called Legendary (ahead of Oprah on itunes) and this week for the launch of Cata they're going to be live streaming 2 launch parties on the internet. The first one will be from a Gamestop in San Fransisco with a cute girl named Kenzie and a dude some of you might recognize from Zam and his BFF Report, MikeB. (FFXIV Copypasta video anyone?)

If you're going to the midnight launch at the Gamestop in San Fransisco be on the lookout for these two! They will have a pretty fancy live stream/camera setup and they will be interviewing people in line so if you're there make sure you shoutout NeoGAF (and me! :p)

The other party they are streaming is from the Best Buy in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This one is going to be pretty intense because they will actually be letting people inside the store and they will have plasma TV's setup streaming the show inside the store! They will also be giving away the WoW mouse/headsets and $25 gift cards to Best Buy.

This show is going to be hosted by the one and only Lore from Tankspot.com/The Weekly Marmot/Gamebreaker, he will also be live streaming from inside the Best Buy so if you're there again, shoutout NeoGAF and me! They are also going to have free wireless setup for everyone so they can mess around on their electronic devices while waiting, and so they can play when the servers go up! And also a DJ!

Here the flier:


This show is also going to be rebroadcast in Best Buy's all across the country (they will have TV's setup) so you might get lucky and be at one of those!

During the show they will be giving away a one of a kind Gamebreaker.tv edition of Astrogaming A40's ($200 retail, used in MLG)


ANYONE can win these, you just have to be in the stream while its happening, details will be given later! There may also be some Gamer Soap given away!

The stream officially starts at 8PST but will be going up a little bit earlier so you can come chill in the chat for now if you want. So come check out the stream, see some cute girls, win some free stuff, and if you like it share it with your friends! It hasn't even started we're already up over 1,300 viewers! Thanks for giving me your time and putting up with this post :p

Oh and one more thing, when the parties are over Lore and Mike B will both have live streams of them going for server first 85, so be sure to stick around and watch the sleep deprivation kick in.


Or alternatively;



Haha, she's 81 on the list, 84 when you mouseover her, and then 80 when you actually visit her armory page. :lol

Gotta assume that parts are outdated instead of some parts being magically ahead, so yeah, she's 84.


it's a fun experience to be one of the first level caps on the server but i've done it twice in BC and WOTLK.. i'm ready to just reroll.. i may regret not racing to 85 but oh well..

edit: Starting from the bottom in blues trying to get good enough gear to do heroics; having a core group of ~5 level caps trying to get as geared as possible to start raiding and waiting on the rest of the guild to get to level cap. It's really fun, but i don't have the time like i used to.

sooo much fun though.


VGChampion said:
Goblins are where it's at. I'll do a Worgen for the starting zone but I can't stomach the alliance.

I feel the same way about horde but maybe it could be because my horde toons are on such a shitty server.

I have 4 horde toons on Fizzcrank. I took a year off from playing alliance and tried the other side. None of my hordes are high level. I've got a 72 BE hunter, 60 Tauren Druid, 62 DK, and a 43 UD warrior. I hadn't actually played on the server for over a year until last week when I decided to roll an Orc Mage.

Now admittedly, I don't really know anyone on the server anymore, so my hordies aren't in a good guild. But imagine my shock when I went to the AH to buy my first Mage glyph and not a single glyph for any class could be found for less than 300 gold. Primes, majors, and minors were all at prices I had never seen before. I asked over trade chat why glyph prices were so high on this server and I got some of the worst and rudest responses ever. Most of which were telling me to go back to my old server if I didn't like it. Somebody said that allies outnumbered them 2.5 to 1 and they had to make a profit somehow. My response was something to the effect that horde numbers will never increase if people are content to rob noobs at the auction house. And no question - 300g for a glyph is robbery. The rest of the AH prices were just as bad. Nobody is buying anything at that Horde AH and not leaving with a sore ass. W


God damn Amazon, finally shipped my CE at 9PM. If I don't get it tomorrow I'll be levid, even though it does say I should get it on the 7th.
RPGCrazied said:
God damn Amazon, finally shipped my CE at 9PM. If I don't get it tomorrow I'll be levid, even though it does say I should get it on the 7th.

Well, I know mine went out Fed-Ex Overnight. If yours went out the same way you should get it tomorrow. I've never had any problems with them.


Stormwatch said:
Well, I know mine went out Fed-Ex Overnight. If yours went out the same way you should get it tomorrow. I've never had any problems with them.

Yeah it says Fed-Ex and left Indianapolis. I'm in Texas.
Yaweee said:

What a ridiculous change. Even with it, it is still probably better to quest in Blasted Lands to 61 due to how much shorter quests are and how much more quest exp they give.

cutting it off at the 10s, rather than say, 61/71/81 or 62/72/82 is a huge mistake, imo, and just kills freedom to level where you want. I could understand a temporary change for level 80s, but applying it to the lower expansions is dumb.

Hip-hip-hooray for having to spend even more time in Outland with alts.

"No, really, cram your ass in there with 99% of the Cata-owning public just cuz we're so stoked with our work that you'll be seeing for 2 years anyways, YOU LOVE WAITING FOR RESPAWNS."


Lol Alliance fans bitching about Horde and vice versa, both sides come with an equal number of asshat and people that complain about the same crap.

C'mon time, move forward....


VAIL said:
Lol Alliance fans bitching about Horde and vice versa, both sides come with an equal number of asshat and people that complain about the same crap.

C'mon time, move forward....
Nah Alliance are all babies.

Also they have the worst races in the game.

Though I'd trade belfs for spacegoats.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I laugh at all the Horde fanboys who think they are so perfect and free of retards or "babies".

I play on both sides and its the same damn shit. There is the same amount of idiots and kids on both sides. I feel like im reading a bunch of pre-teenagers when i see posts like those from Twig. No, your "badass" orc isnt better than the "tree hugging" night elves or whatever you people call them.
Bisnic said:
I laugh at all the Horde fanboys who think they are so perfect and free of retards or "babies".

I play on both sides and its the same damn shit. There is the same amount of idiots and kids on both sides. I feel like im reading a bunch of pre-teenagers when i see posts like those from Twig. No, your "badass" orc isnt better than the "tree hugging" night elves or whatever you people call them.

It wasn't always like that.


Really Really Exciting Member!
KibblesBits said:
It wasn't always like that.

Really? From what i've seen, its been like that since day 1. Blood Elves kinda destroyed their "superiority", but it didnt killed their pride.

And yes, i do have Horde characters. Undead priest, tauren druid, troll warrior, blood elf rogue.. all 80s. Yet, i never understood why some people act like that toward alliance. Guess im too old for this stupid childish faction pride.


Alliance are the only ones extremely QQ and insecure about their faction on the forums this past month. All kinds of idiots on both side bitch about class and general game mechanics on a day to day basis.


They always were. 0_o But yeah, its mostly cause the Art book is a full size coffee table book, plus all the extra stuff you get. I'm excited to get mines tomorrow.


well, got lvl81, now to grab some sleep then straight back into the grind.

quests are fun so far, the baby bears up trees is probably my favourite quest in WoW.
I don't dislike the Alliance because of the people playing or the way they act, I dislike them because they are my enemy and I like to kill them. It's all in-game here baby. My friends and I joke about how much we hate the alliance but when it comes down to it, I hate most people online in the game and that's why I just play casually in my group. :p

And yeah, old chat was great with only the PvP players allowed to talk in World Defense and Barrens chat. Just mentioning ol' Chucky would get people cracking jokes for a good hour. :lol


Bisnic said:
I laugh at all the Horde fanboys who think they are so perfect and free of retards or "babies".

I play on both sides and its the same damn shit. There is the same amount of idiots and kids on both sides. I feel like im reading a bunch of pre-teenagers when i see posts like those from Twig. No, your "badass" orc isnt better than the "tree hugging" night elves or whatever you people call them.

Man, you're taking this so seriously. Calm down! Haha, I can't believe you reacted like that. You silly goose.

EDIT: For the record, I started Alliance. Switched to Horde. There was a noticeable difference in tone. Alliance liked to whine a lot about how shaman were overpowered wah wah wah. Horde didn't whine as much. They just wanted to kick ass. :3 (This is of course purely anectodal. No doubt each server is different.)

These days there's not much difference. The pretty boys and valley girls balanced things out.

But, really, man. Calm down!

VGChampion said:
I don't dislike the Alliance because of the people playing or the way they act, I dislike them because they are my enemy and I like to kill them.



I love Illidan. This is the flight master in Orgrimmar right now. There was like twice that many people but someone used the choo-choo and like half of them crashed. :lol


well my preorder from Amazon has shipped so hopefully it better be at my doorstep by at least 12pm tomorrow...or ima be pissed.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nowadays there are idiots on both sides. My main beef with the Alliance is how racist all the NPCs are. They just don't give a fuck about anything except their own interests, and have extremely off-putting Manifest Destiny type attitudes toward the rest of the world. Night elves are okay, for the most part.

Look at the Dwarves in Southern Barrens. I went through the entire quest line thinking "THIS PLACE WAS THEIR LAND FIRST YOU ASSFUCKS, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID RUINS, THEY DON'T ENTITLE YOU TO TAKE IT." After I was done I found myself I hoping that Gann has a new quest line where they murderize some dwarves, who clearly deserve it.

Horde on the other hand, never really have evil tendencies as a whole. Oh sure there are dissenting factions and radicals but there are those in every (hell, one of them is King of Stormwind right now *ahem*). Except until now apparently because Sylvanas is going mad and Garrosh is Warchief (you know when Thrall comes back shit is going to hit the fan and one of them is going down)

Who does the Alliance have to redeem it? Jaina. That's it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Twig said:
Used to kill her all the time back in TBC time.

Was good fun!

Anyway now that everyone is an asshole so it's meaningless to pick sides (unless you're one of those diehard Horde vs Alliance types). I want to see New Org and some of the quest lines so I'm going Horde this time.


Has problems recognising girls
One thing I have found leveling characters to 80 on both sides of the divide is that Horde will buff complete strangers 90% of the time. You hardly, if ever, see that happen on Alliance.. the only buffs I ever got were because I had initiated them first and even then sometimes it was simply ignored. For all of the gruff outward appearances of the Horde, there is some tender side to a lot of the players that I've come across over the past 6 years.

There are a lot of younger players on Horde these days because of the generational change, however there are still a few younger people on Alliance as well. I will admit though that the days when Horde were outnumbered in everything is all but gone into the shadows.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haven't had that "problem" ever, people just throw out random buffs whenever/wherever I'm leveling.

I'll say this: Old Horde was superior because of racials and that it was easier to level as one.
But now that's moot.

Any word on racial buffs yet? The disparity between Gobbon/Worgen and the rest is kind of staggering.


I just play Horde 'cause that's where my friends are.

And I gank the fuck out of any Alliance babies because I believe it promotes hostility between the factions, which is great for PvP.

Of course, an unfortunate result of the above attitude is that I don't get angry when I get ganked. I just laugh and taunt the ganker in the hopes that I can keep them around long enough to get a buddy to come and wipe the floor with 'em.

It's best, though, when I kill someone my level three times in a row, and they come out on their main and camp me for half an hour because they're a baby and can't handle a real fight. So great. :3


Horde still has better PVP racials, but asides from that, it's all the same shit. I played nothing but Horde for four or so years and now that I'm rolling Alliance, it's been the exact same shit, the usual ratio of idiots and bros.

Besides, dorfs and spacegoats >>> belfs and emodead.
Dresden said:
Horde still has better PVP racials, but asides from that, it's all the same shit. I played nothing but Horde for four or so years and now that I'm rolling Alliance, it's been the exact same shit, the usual ratio of idiots and bros.

Besides, dorfs and spacegoats >>> belfs and emodead.

Does not compute. Humans have the best PvP racial in the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dresden said:
Horde still has better PVP racials, but asides from that, it's all the same shit. I played nothing but Horde for four or so years and now that I'm rolling Alliance, it's been the exact same shit, the usual ratio of idiots and bros.

Besides, male dorfs and female spacegoats >>> male belfs and male emodead.

And some of the Forsaken questlines are pretty touching. Well, they were, I don't know what they are like now. Whereas dwarves are all "MINING MINING MINING BEER ARCHAEOLOGY BEER GOLD". And spacegoats are "LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT" for some 80 levels.

Does not compute. Humans have the best PvP racial in the game.

And correct me if I'm wrong but Human thing shares a cooldown with the trinket, and is longer than the CD of the trinket?
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