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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


I've been going through purgatory trying to get upgrades for my Shaman. I got 870 shoulders from the Traitor's Oath set from Arcway, out of a Mythic+ chest. If I can get the matching bracers, even if they are item level 840, they will be a monster upgrade for me because of the proc (3000 Crit with an uptime of ~20-25%). So I've been running Arcway every day.. daily lockout on Mythic and then M+ if I can find a group. No luck yet though I did get myself a Chrono Shard finally.

The other one is Spontaneous Tentacles. I've used every bonus roll on this item for months in LFR and normal, and now Heroic. It's going to be like the Rune of Re-Origination which just did not fucking exist for me, even though I kept beating on that fucker Lei Shen like he owed me money..


Two new toys from the presents under the tree this morning! Endothermic Blaster and Disposable Winter Veil Suits. The latter lays out a chest which gives everyone a Winter Veil set that's much higher quality than the old stuff.
Nice. <3

How's Legion, these days? Tempted to pull the trigger since I have some money right now.

Same as ever, good but getting a little stale. Thankfully the new raid is right around the corner.

Also brewmaster damage buff coming next patch <3. Creeping up one hotfix at a time.


Honestly I saw these Guardian nerfs coming a mile away, if only for logistical reasons. It is already pretty easy for me to hit full armor cap (4-5 Ironfurs) with current gear, if they didn't nerf anything Bear AM would stop scaling pretty quickly and hit a mitigation cap. Though I don't love that they're nerfing base rage gen, talent rage gen, one golden trait, AND Ironfur armor all at the same time, seems like typical blizz to do too many things at once instead of a few at a time.

But to be fair, even in our Mythic +12 runs I am able to use Maul pretty freely, so these nerfs will mostly mean my mitigation is the same as it was before, but I do ~5% less damage due to Maul. I don't think these nerfs will hurt TOO bad, it is a solid core of mechanics, functional high HP pool and large number of defensive CDs that make Guardian strong, and most of that isn't changing. But I always remain afraid, knowing blizzard, so hopefully they're done swinging the nerf bat for a bit.
Oh it is very clear we needed the nerf, we are ridiculously strong compared to all other tanks. My only concern is like you mention, that Blizzard could go too far with their nerf bat and cripple us just for the sake of making other tanks feel stronger.

Its always difficult balancing but in my perfect world tanks would be on even footing for actual "tankiness" but each class offer a different stylenof tanking.


Sold a WoW Token and bought this..i wanted it the day it was announced but now i had the money for it. Even had enough gold left to buy a Vial of the Sands also! :D




Oh it is very clear we needed the nerf, we are ridiculously strong compared to all other tanks. My only concern is like you mention, that Blizzard could go too far with their nerf bat and cripple us just for the sake of making other tanks feel stronger.

Its always difficult balancing but in my perfect world tanks would be on even footing for actual "tankiness" but each class offer a different stylenof tanking.

Yea, that is my perfect world scenario as well, since I love tanking on several of the classes. I think blizz has two problems when designing tanks though in terms of balance. One is that "different but equal" can work numerically, but player perception can hurt this. Just look at BrM, it is arguably one of the strongest tanks numerically, and can outright live through situations that would kill even a Guardian druid in one hit because of stagger. Their toolkit is also amazing for Mythic+. But because the way they work isn't very intuitive, and the way they take damage makes healers feel like they are constantly in danger makes them unpopular. But if you buff them to the point where they are just better, everyone will swap to that class and just take the time to actually learn to play it, so you can't do that either. Similarly, a tank like a Druid that is designed around mitigating damage so they don't take it at all (Armor) versus a tank that is designed around self healing back the damage they take (DK, DH) appear very different to a healer. DK and DH by design have to take more damage per second than a Bear to be balanced if they can self heal so much more, but because of this they become spikier. They can deal with their own HP spikes pretty easily, but to a healer, their HP jumping around might scare them and cause them to throw emergency heals, or stop healing another target to swap to the tank. Something like Guardian has a smooth damage curve which is more predictable for a healer, even if in both cases the DTPS minus Self healing number is the same for all tanks. Just some cases of how "different but equal in strength" still results in one being "better", but where you can't really throw a buff at one.

Another issue is that tanks generally have a minimum kit that they need to have to be considered a functional tank. They need some form of ranged tool to pull/gain threat on targets, they need physical AM, magical AM, they need reasonable AoE threat abilities, and they need CDs/oh shit buttons. Deviating too far in any of these areas just makes things annoying for one tank, and doesn't really provide enough flavor to warrant the difference. Examples being playing a BrM in dungeons without Rushing Jade Wind, just ends up being more annoying than it should've been. Or how they removed IBF from Blood DK to create a "flavor" of tank with different kind of CDs, but it didn't work so they added back IBF. It limits a little how different they can actually make the tanks.

Just some random thoughts on difficulties of tank balancing.
I really like Mage but the downside to being a pure dps class is the queue times and when groups fall apart. Running normal Maw of Souls and the group wipes twice on the first sub-boss on the boat, hunter barraged twice, pulled everything nearby in the instance while we're fighting the sub-boss, and the healer ragequits (not that I blame them). We wait a bit, the ret pali leaves, the tank leaves, the derp hunter leaves and then I'm left sitting there twiddling my thumbs for a bit before I give up on waiting another half an hour for a new group to form. I left the dungeon, kept questing and then just left the instance group when it was evident no one else was going to be joining anytime soon.

I think I need to roll a Druid or Shaman. Something that can allow me to play ranged dps but still switch over to heal and or tank when needed. That pretty much limits the choices to Druid or Shaman.


I don't know why they made it the same thing as the WotLK version. Who was saying "Man, I wish we could do that dungeon again"?

Maybe it was a subtle shot at all the nostalgia junkies, a way of saying "oh, you think everything was better back then, do you?" At least I hope it was, because if they thought people genuinely missed that place, they are looking at the wrong metrics.
Maybe it was a subtle shot at all the nostalgia junkies, a way of saying "oh, you think everything was better back then, do you?" At least I hope it was, because if they thought people genuinely missed that place, they are looking at the wrong metrics.

they already do that by making sure i get Black Morass every time i do bc timewalking


Got my 2nd legendary from a Mythic+ last night. It's my 2nd BIS, and I've got the first already, and they synergize.

I'm gonna fuck shit up 2 weeks after I get to 15k Resources


they already do that by making sure i get Black Morass every time i do bc timewalking

I honestly prefer Black Morass in BC timewalking over almost everything else. It's quick and there's really no way people can screw it up by over pulling or not knowing mechanics. Arcatraz on the other hand...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I honestly prefer Black Morass in BC timewalking over almost everything else. It's quick and there's really no way people can screw it up by over pulling or not knowing mechanics. Arcatraz on the other hand...
Something about the pace in BM just frustrates me. In a normal dungeon you can blow stuff out with DPS and feel like you are moving faster but with Black Morass you are kind of just stuck at a light jog with period of absolutely nothing.
I honestly prefer Black Morass in BC timewalking over almost everything else. It's quick and there's really no way people can screw it up by over pulling or not knowing mechanics. Arcatraz on the other hand...

I like it, too.

But I also don't mind the current version of Violet Hold, either.

WotLK dungeons got overexposed because you were encouraged to spam queue random heroics. With more gear, you moved through the other dungeons much faster with a few exceptions, while with Violet Hold speed didn't increase quite as much and you had to wait around.

That's not really the case in Legion. And on top of that, there's no VH keystone either, so I rarely see it.


I wish Blizz would remove Violet Hold, that place is dreadfully boring.

Honestly I forget it exists most of the time. Not having a mythic+ version ensures I almost never see it, since I have no reason to run random heroics/mythic1s (which is a good thing). But I've been trying to max my rep with TBC Timewalking faction recently by doing heroic Durn and Black Morass every day, so I definitely know how much "wave of portal" dungeons suck.

I'd take Arcatraz/Shattered Halls timewalking over Black Morass any day...


Yeah but I remember them saying somewhere that it wouldn't be the same format with waves.

I might be making all that up.

No, they did. When they were talking about it, they said we'd unlock secret areas we never saw before and find out about the very creation of Dalaran itself.
As a gnome, fuck Black Morass. And they brought Violet Hold back because they used Dalaran again and it's an easy way to make a "new" dungeon by simply populating it with different bosses.
Started up a new paladin on Sargeras, decided to use ElvUI as a test run for maybe converting for other characters. Played with it during Legion beta so I'm not completely clueless with it though. Takes awhile to tweak things the way I like though, and I'm still not sure how to adjust certain things.

Like I chose the "class colors" skin setup at the start, and since it's a paladin it made a bunch of stuff pink, like the movers for adjusting where things go. That was probably a mistake in hindsight, but IDK a good way to fix without doing the initial setup again, which I don't know what exactly it would reset.


4 Arcway runs today, +2, +3, +6 all 3 chested, +9 one chest in 30 minutes. Still no set bracers.

Unstable Horrorslime is secret BIS for Enhancement. You heard it here first.


Not Wario
Started up a new paladin on Sargeras, decided to use ElvUI as a test run for maybe converting for other characters. Played with it during Legion beta so I'm not completely clueless with it though. Takes awhile to tweak things the way I like though, and I'm still not sure how to adjust certain things.

Like I chose the "class colors" skin setup at the start, and since it's a paladin it made a bunch of stuff pink, like the movers for adjusting where things go. That was probably a mistake in hindsight, but IDK a good way to fix without doing the initial setup again, which I don't know what exactly it would reset.

How far in are you on your pally? Seems to tie settings to character name, so if you start a new one, that should allow you to reset it. Alternatively, I have to imagine there's some way to do it under the profiles section of config as well.
Apparently upgrading your legendary items to the new item level in 7.1.5 is locked behind the Illidan 8-week loot macguffin quest line.

On top of the collect 50 boss drop quest? rofl

if you get a legendary drop in the world after the patch it will be the max ilvl btw, so reroll again when you get that 940 on your alt.

legion is being kneecapped so goddamn hard by this system


I did 10 fragments every week, the next step is helya and I guess lfr doesn't count, which would make it pretty much impossible for me

I did a lot of keystone dungeons though so getting the 10 fragments each week was easy
I did 10 fragments every week, the next step is helya and I guess lfr doesn't count, which would make it pretty much impossible for me

I did a lot of keystone dungeons though so getting the 10 fragments each week was easy

? LFR worked for me. I did it the day it was first possible so I dunno if it was patched.
I did 10 fragments every week, the next step is helya and I guess lfr doesn't count, which would make it pretty much impossible for me

I did a lot of keystone dungeons though so getting the 10 fragments each week was easy

LFR works.

The 10 fragment thing was never a big deal once they fixed the drop rates.

The eight week thing is, especially for people who are just going to hear about it now or until after the next reset.

I did it on my main without much of a thought. But I'm never going to bother with it on my alts. The preceding scenarios are a chore. I only kept with it to see exactly how terrible their attempt to bring back Illidan really is.

if you get a legendary drop in the world after the patch it will be the max ilvl btw, so reroll again when you get that 940 on your alt.

Chief reason this is dumb if true. It's possible you'd just be better off rolling a new 110.


? LFR worked for me. I did it the day it was first possible so I dunno if it was patched.

LFR works.

that's good to know, I'll do it next week then

if you get a legendary drop in the world after the patch it will be the max ilvl btw, so reroll again when you get that 940 on your alt.

hmm, they better make the uprading easy and simple then and not some 1% drop from mythic guldan
do we know anything more how it's done?
hmm, they better make the uprading easy and simple then and not some 1% drop from mythic guldan
do we know anything more how it's done?

I can guess.

The quest says you have to acquire 50 Remnants of Aman'thul, so you will have to get drops of bosses like every raid the past 4 years.

Unknown if this will be one huge leap or incremental like crystalized fel. I would say probably a leap or bigger jumps then crystalized fel since there is content after Nighthold.
How far in are you on your pally? Seems to tie settings to character name, so if you start a new one, that should allow you to reset it. Alternatively, I have to imagine there's some way to do it under the profiles section of config as well.

Well, level 1. But I already gave her like 8k worth of 30 slot bags so....



They'll almost certainly remove the cap on those fragments and probably make them drop massively in Nighthold. Blizzard does love their "catch up mechanics" more than anything.


Chief reason this is dumb if true. It's possible you'd just be better off rolling a new 110.

Actually wondering if I should idle my Shaman until 7.1.5. I have 3 legendaries and after the 4th one it supposedly takes a lot longer to get more. I haven't been too fussed about it because they are all good. Emalon's Charged Core and Spiritual Journey combo is godly in Mythic+.
It's kinda irritating how the legendary situation is for those playing multiple specs. I sweat bullets every time I put my Brew lootspec on for specific trinket since I need a healer/dps lege next and if I'm unfortunate enough to get a third tank legendary it will take foreeever for the next one to drop.

Not to even mention bad leges. It's much more efficient to play an alt rather than multispec 1 character if you want decent chance at getting good leges.
Actually wondering if I should idle my Shaman until 7.1.5. I have 3 legendaries and after the 4th one it supposedly takes a lot longer to get more. I haven't been too fussed about it because they are all good. Emalon's Charged Core and Spiritual Journey combo is godly in Mythic+.

I'm wondering the same thing, even though my main has done the quest. I have two that I am happy with for how I play. Doing the collect 50 thing twice will be fine, but it would sort of stink to get a third legendary a few days before the patch and have to upgrade that one, too.
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