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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004

Man fuck this tried and true archeology quest first of all the quest log doesn'tt ell you fucking shit on how to do it because blizzard has gotten so lazy at writing quests since everyone just uses the map so you have to google it and then it drops like shit, done 4 digsites and I still don't have enough of the quest item.

I waited 2 weeks for this bullshit.
Why are Arcway and Court of Stars Mythic-only and have Suramar story quests locked behind them? Does the dev team not play their own game and know how their userbase basically acts the longer an expansion has been out?

At least make Heroic variants with an 840 ilvl gate that appear in the Dungeon Finder once you hit the appropriate rep level with the Night Fallen so players who come later to the content actually have a chance to complete the Suramar story quests. Or if you want Mythic-only dungeons, don't tie story quests to them.


No One Remembers
Why are Arcway and Court of Stars Mythic-only and have Suramar story quests locked behind them? Does the dev team not play their own game and know how their userbase basically acts the longer an expansion has been out?

At least make Heroic variants with an 840 ilvl gate that appear in the Dungeon Finder once you hit the appropriate rep level with the Night Fallen so players who come later to the content actually have a chance to complete the Suramar story quests. Or if you want Mythic-only dungeons, don't tie story quests to them.

7.2 will have heroic versions of those dungeons which you can queue into with the Dungeon Finder/LFG tool.

Given the ease of baseline mythic 5-mans this expansion, I don't have a problem with stories having a dungeon component to them.


People called Romanes they go the house?
7.2 will have heroic versions of those dungeons which you can queue into with the Dungeon Finder/LFG tool.

Given the ease of baseline mythic 5-mans this expansion, I don't have a problem with stories having a dungeon component to them.

Eh, the problem with Mythic 0 dungeons is that relatively few people want to do them, especially now.

When they first launched it was easy to find a group, but most raiders now are looking to spam keys or get their own done - Mythic zeros can be relatively harder to find.

You can (or at least could) find groups for stuff like Eye due to the Artifact appearance quest being locked in there, but CoS/Arc are much more worthwhile to run keys for with the set bonuses getting upgraded.

Though, to be fair, I don't think the dungeon quests are at all necessary to 'finish' Suramar from an achievement point of view, which is probably at least part of what Blizz is basing things on.


a bunch of us procrastinated so hard on the balance of power questline that we left all the regular mythics until the last minute. I got the last part of that quest done about 10 minutes before the raid last night. I'm sure some people will still be running mythic+0 for that at least.

As for how easy base mythic dungeons are now, we ended up doing them with 4 DPS and someone's crappy alt tanking. Nobody ever died.
7.2 will have heroic versions of those dungeons which you can queue into with the Dungeon Finder/LFG tool.

Given the ease of baseline mythic 5-mans this expansion, I don't have a problem with stories having a dungeon component to them.

Thank fuck, because...

Eh, the problem with Mythic 0 dungeons is that relatively few people want to do them, especially now.


I've spent the last few nights scanning the questing, dungeon and custom filters in the group finder and there are virtually no normal mythic runs happening, just people looking for mythic key carries or dodgy people looking to sell carries for mythic dungeons, raids, pvp wins, AP and so on.

Though, to be fair, I don't think the dungeon quests are at all necessary to 'finish' Suramar from an achievement point of view, which is probably at least part of what Blizz is basing things on.

Really because it looks like they're required quests for the achievements for both Loremaster and Pathfinder Part 1. Both Thalyssra and Valtrois provided me quests for the Arcway and Court of Stars and there hasn't been a new Suramar quest since. The only non-dungeon Suramar quest I currently have is hit Revered with the Nightfallen, which I'm about to, and I've got three chapters left in the first part of the Suramar campaign. So unless that rep quest is a gate I need to pass to unlock those further chapters, all I have left are dungeon quests.
Really because it looks like they're required quests for the achievements for both Loremaster and Pathfinder Part 1. Both Thalyssra and Valtrois provided me quests for the Arcway and Court of Stars and there hasn't been a new Suramar quest since. The only non-dungeon Suramar quest I currently have is hit Revered with the Nightfallen, which I'm about to, and I've got three chapters left in the first part of the Suramar campaign. So unless that rep quest is a gate I need to pass to unlock firther chapters, all I have left are dungeon quests.

Chapters unlock at revered, 7000 into exalted and 20000 into exalted. Those might not be exact but around there. The dungeons are not required for Pathfinder or continuing the storyline.

I've had Pathfinder done for months and have kept up with the Suramar quests and I still have one of those in my quest log.

Melee hunter not only best melee but best DPS?


take with grain of salt, it's only day 1.

I don't even raid till tonight though.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Really because it looks like they're required quests for the achievements for both Loremaster and Pathfinder Part 1. Both Thalyssra and Valtrois provided me quests for the Arcway and Court of Stars and there hasn't been a new Suramar quest since. The only non-dungeon Suramar quest I currently have is hit Revered with the Nightfallen, which I'm about to, and I've got three chapters left in the first part of the Suramar campaign. So unless that rep quest is a gate I need to pass to unlock those further chapters, all I have left are dungeon quests.

Yeah, as Cartographer says, there's a big blank space in quest availability being rep-locked after you hit revered, but none of the 3 dungeon quests are required for Pathfinder.

Honestly, I really wish there was something like MoP boosts that you could buy for alts upon hitting exalted on one character or what have you, considering the free level 20 AK they deigned to give. Just going through on a recent alt, and I don't have the rep necessary to keep things going, and Nightfallen Rep tokens are pretty infrequent from my class halls.

World Quests take less (arguably) time to do per character than all the MoP dailies, but it's still really alt-unfriendly.


I'm amazed they haven't adjusted the weekly cap on Illidan's grind.

I'd be interested to hear suggested orders for when it opens up and you get a choice of five bosses.

We did The first 3, then:

Spellblade - 1 shot
Krosus - 1 shot
Botanist - 2 shot
Tichondrius - 2 shot
Then had time for 1 pull on Star Augur. Star Augur seemed like the hardest of of them and Krosus seemed like the easiest (if you have the DPS)


Aw, my poor feral. :-(

guessing that's because of the dearth of single target fights in Nighthold.

Wonder how many of those DKs are running breath of sindragosa. I don't have the bracers or ring, but I do have the belt which is apparently good for it. I'll have to give the build a try but I dunno if I'll like it at all.

Sephuz Secret fan club update: So far the only fight that I haven't been able to proc the effect on is Krosus, because at least on normal mode we never got any adds. Ring is MVP in there, don't know anything about tichondrius/ellisande/gul'dan but I guess I'll know by Sunday.


guessing that's because of the dearth of single target fights in Nighthold.

Wonder how many of those DKs are running breath of sindragosa. I don't have the bracers or ring, but I do have the belt which is apparently good for it. I'll have to give the build a try but I dunno if I'll like it at all.

Sephuz Secret fan club update: So far the only fight that I haven't been able to proc the effect on is Krosus, because at least on normal mode we never got any adds. Ring is MVP in there, don't know anything about tichondrius/ellisande/gul'dan but I guess I'll know by Sunday.

Most DKs are running breath, but obliteration builds are still mixed into top parses all over so it's not that bad. Have been having success with breath even without the belt/bracers/ring (have the helm and the pants now), it's still a strong CD without that stuff and the tier bonuses are only going to help it.

My sims, grain of salt, put me very close between Breath/horn, breath freezing fog, and FF obliterate. like within 10k dps of each other, and obviously the last option is the easiest to play by a landslide, just less bursty. ymmv.


Ah right, cool. Thought I'd missed something when it was saying 3 days left, but I guess it's a special one exempt from rotation.

The ones in Suramar are on a different timer, as I recall. There was that spider-elf one a few weeks back too, independent of the usual one.


the top 10 at least in cata was immense everyone ran at least 2-3 splits and thats just NA

im not entirely sure but i think ppl who dont run splits can break top 100 US these days with all the gear and mythic +. i would be surprised if it wasnt the case at least.

(yeah there are quite a few just checked)

You can be incredibly successful without splits. it's mostly a benefit for tier bonuses since M+ filled gear gaps a lot.

Also, in Cata the US wasn't really about splits until dragon soul. Most top guilds had lots of alts but there wasn't like a huge amount of 'hey let's run splits to funnel gear' like that. It's really only become an epidemic the past two expansions.

Source: Myself and other people that make up experience in at least 5 of the top 10 US guilds during that time.

The proliferation of splits is one of the major factors that drove me away from that level of raiding. Doing one split like I do now isn't that bad and the gains are immense, doing multiple and having to REALLY maintain your alts? no thanks. Saps the fun from the game.


semen stains the mountaintops
In the very single targety fights, Fury seems to be doing pretty well this tier, at least right now. We're stop 3 in a few of them, which is something that I would've never expected since we used to be so horrible at single target.


Is it the boulderfist changeS?

Its a combination of things. BF and Hailstorm were both grossly overnerfed, the single target is still decent but its just even more RNG dependent, especially with the surprise Appendages nerf Blizzard slipped in at the last second. Though I think the bigger issue may be that our AE is still pretty awful compared with most others and Nighthold is just much more "friendly" to specs that have more balanced ST v AE output.


Bull on a Donut
In the very single targety fights, Fury seems to be doing pretty well this tier, at least right now. We're stop 3 in a few of them, which is something that I would've never expected since we used to be so horrible at single target.

The new reckless abandon and frothing berserker have done wonders for Fury - the spec feels and plays much better.

Also since NH doesn't have as many Juggernaut unfriendly fights as ToV and EN -- allows us to stack Jugg to 20+ (especially since kill times will only go down from here), then pop that big BC with reckless abandon for 7s of auto-crit enraged executes. FeelsGoodMan.

Warriors will skyrocket once more of them get Draught of Souls as well, since that trinket can deal up to 20% of a warrior's ST damage (good trinket for many classes, but by far best utilized on warriors). Expecting a nerf though, they really should have made the trinket auto-crit and then adjusted the damage down similar to the KJ trinket -- otherwise battle cry acts as a free 100% damage multiplier on top of all the other standard multipliers and mastery.
I wouldn't mind doing splits, at least one, probably. For heroics. But I certainly don't have the time right now to maintain more than one alt at even a moderate level. I know many people in my guild probably wouldn't have the time to even do that. My guild isn't really hardcore enough right now for splits. Probably would have to raid a full 4 nights during progression to make it fly, or have 3 hours raid nights instead of 2.5 hour ones. (We do occasionally extend a bit on progression content if close to a kill and/or during new raid tiers.)

Could consider adding Tuesdays though if everyone could make it, I don't know if there's any longstanding conflicts with anyone, but our official schedule has just been Wednesdays, Thursdays, Mondays since this specific group formed in HFC. With alt runs/fooling around on Sundays.

Would enjoy doing splits more if I could have more than one DH on the realm, as during HFC I played two different DKs on two raid teams on the same server (though it didn't start that way). Still playing around with the idea of leveling a second DH and seeing if I get better legendaries on her, since I just hit 4 mediocre to bad ones on my main. AK 20 instantly is nice, but it certainly would be quite a bit of grinding to get up to point 48/49 (with 35 in veng) where I am currently. I don't know if it would really be worth it, having to juggle server transfers and losing stuff (unlocked artifact appearances, etc.). Otherwise I can play my mage as an alt I guess.
So yea /played I have 11hrs of playtime on my Monk at 110, the time walking Nighthold cache gave me my tier chest piece, guild carried me through mythic DHT, got Windwalker legendary boots. And to top it off at the end of last night, I was at my 33rd trait.
Chapters unlock at revered, 7000 into exalted and 20000 into exalted. Those might not be exact but around there. The dungeons are not required for Pathfinder or continuing the storyline.

I've had Pathfinder done for months and have kept up with the Suramar quests and I still have one of those in my quest log.

Yeah, as Cartographer says, there's a big blank space in quest availability being rep-locked after you hit revered, but none of the 3 dungeon quests are required for Pathfinder.

Honestly, I really wish there was something like MoP boosts that you could buy for alts upon hitting exalted on one character or what have you, considering the free level 20 AK they deigned to give. Just going through on a recent alt, and I don't have the rep necessary to keep things going, and Nightfallen Rep tokens are pretty infrequent from my class halls.

World Quests take less (arguably) time to do per character than all the MoP dailies, but it's still really alt-unfriendly.

If that's the case and I don't need those Mythics to complete Legion Pathfinder/Loremaster, that's awesome. I'll just keep on grinding out Withered Training and Nightfallen World Quests for rep until the next round of quests appear.

I've made pretty decent headway into Broken Isle Diplomat and Loremaster on this Mage and was not looking forward to potentially re-doing all that on another class, like a Druid, Shaman, Warrior or Demon Hunter, just for the sake of easier PUGing.

I kind of wish more of this stuff was account-wide. Things like re-grinding Nightfallen rep or This Side Up.
I'm stuck on Millie Watt in the Brawler's Guild. I got her down to 1% but died twice, and I'm even using flasks, food and drums which I never had to do in Dreanor. Am I like, missing something? The fight isn't hard, but I just can't pump out the damage even though I'm doing like 375k while moving around.

I'm Demo which sucks for moving around but I still have 40 traits so it evens out
wasn't there supposed to be a questline to raid the broken isle? The uh, y'know. Gul'dans stronghold?(And not the raid..like setting up a frontline on the island?
and the last raid will take place on another planet?

Dunno, just that 7.3 is Argus and its not its own expansion.

Argus is probably the capital of the Burning Legion, and once we kill Kil'Jaedan in Tomb, the only one left will be...well, you know. I'm not sure where Legion is going but if we kill the big man himself then that'd be pretty surprising. I guess we'd be moving right into the Void Lords? Next xpac is probably N'zoth/Azshara at this rate.


Dunno, just that 7.3 is Argus and its not its own expansion.

Argus is probably the capital of the Burning Legion, and once we kill Kil'Jaedan in Tomb, the only one left will be...well, you know. I'm not sure where Legion is going but if we kill the big man himself then that'd be pretty surprising. I guess we'd be moving right into the Void Lords? Next xpac is probably N'zoth/Azshara at this rate.

No probably, we know that Argus is their HQ, its been referenced a few times.

I wonder if we'd see Archimonde again, I mean we didn't kill him under either of the two requirements for perma-death (either have his soul eaten by a Demon Hunter or kill them in the Twisting Nether/home plane) so...Archimonde 3.0?

Anyways, yes, N'Zoth is most certainly coming, its been hinted at a number of times, particularly by the knaifu Xal'atath.
No probably, we know that Argus is their HQ, its been referenced a few times.

I wonder if we'd see Archimonde again, I mean we didn't kill him under either of the two requirements for perma-death (either have his soul eaten by a Demon Hunter or kill them in the Twisting Nether/home plane) so...Archimonde 3.0?

Anyways, yes, N'Zoth is most certainly coming, its been hinted at a number of times, particularly by the knaifu Xal'atath.

Archimonde is gone, I presume. In the Mythic encounter at the end of HFC he pulls you into the Nether and that is where he dies.


Thinking about it, it wouldn't be too hard to make up new Legion adversaries given how there are millions of demons that make it up.

That and pretty much every demon that ever died on Azeroth came back at the end of the Broken Shore event. I saw Hakkar and Jaraxxus there.

Here is a good image of the planet you see in Star Augur's fourth phase. This is what drove Sargares to madness, apparently.

More old Gods/Voidlord teases for the next addon yay. Im rdy for you Azshara and N'zoth.


semen stains the mountaintops
Yay, 4-piece!

Now I'm at 26% haste, though.

They really didn't want Fury to have a lot of haste in Nighthold, almost none of our tier has it.
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