I'm conflicted over this. I haven't bought NMS although I intend to after its patched up a bit, but coming from someone who has sold stuff on eBay I dread someone doing a refund or a chargeback because its something out of your hands at that point.
Like, if the game flat out doesn't work, that's one thing. There's a reasonable expectation that the game will actually work. But if you buy the game, play it more than you would expect to play most any other AAA game, then get it refunded...like, why? Because you got bored with it? Because you feel like you were lied to? It just reminds me of me as a cheapskate kid abusing EB's return policy, buying Max Payne and beating it within 7 days so I could return it.
I mean shit, if I got a refund for all the mediocre games I've bought over the years that I thought were gonna be the second coming of Christ...well I'd have more money I guess, but my time has become far more precious to me these days.