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WOW OMG: Steam is refunding No Man's Sky even if you played more then 2 hours


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.
Who cares about whether or not other people think you deserve the refund? Don't justify yourselves to anyone. Both Sony and Steam are big boys and can handle themselves. If they don't want you to get the refund you won't get it. If they do, then you get it back.

People are so concerned with what other people are doing with their money. Let the consumer and producer take care of it.


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.
On the other hand, maybe the industry will get a bit of a scare that game breaking bugs at launch simply won't be accepted so easily anymore.

Yes i think they also work on weekends.
I wish GoG.com support did.


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.

Heck I wish I could have gotten a refund for my copy of Skyrim on PS3 that was literally unplayable after I put dozens of hours into it.


I remember when I bought Skyrim on PS3 and got the save file bug. When the save file got too big the frame rate went into a slideshow. It was completely unplayable. I never got a refund for that and I ended up re-buying it on PC when I built a new PC. I took the L.

Just this past year I bought SFV on PS4 and the online didn't work for a week and had bare bones single player mode. Not to mention I couldn't accumulate currency while the servers were down when I played those single player modes. I took the L.

I'm not taking the L with this game. I asked for a refund and Sony granted it so I'm very pleased. I only played 8-10 hours and when I found out you don't see other players I quit. Sean lied the entire time about his game and he loved getting all the media attention. Now that his game is garbage he goes silent. When I screw up at work I own up to it. Failure sucks, but you take L and learn from it. Anyone who bought this game is entitled to a refund in my opinion no matter how many hours played.

This is the straw that broke my back. I'm not pre ordering ANYTHING. Not Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn or any other games I'm super hyped about.
What are you talking about? If you have waited for a few days to read reviews and impressions you would have known ALL of the issues, these aren't secret issues that you couldn't have possibly known until you yourself bought it. Especially in an industry where people keep getting burned by pre-ordering its products and never learn from it. Don't buy a game blindly, play it for a good week, and then decide it's bad or not worth the money, that's just plain stupid.

Again, if the game is filled with game breaking bugs or crashes then you deserve a refund, HOWEVER, if you decided you don't like the game after good 8 hours or so, you shouldn't be entitled to a refund. That's just how I see it.
Are you daft?

I specifically mention that omission of features and a product that continuously breaks warrants all the backlash it gets.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you miss the part where I said devs need to be forthcoming and the media needs to do its job?

Why the fuck do we even let them speak and write about games before release if the onus lies directly with the consumer and noone else?

How did you miss my opening point about consumers and due diligence? I never said consumers SHOULDNT be mindful, I said the priority should be on the devs FIRST AMD FOREMOST with honesty about their product.

The consumer is only as informed as they can be and shouldn't be chastised for reading materials or watching videos showcasing a product that isn't fucking true and being lied to.

The anti-consumerism in this thread is fucking insane. Literally devoid of rational thought and logic.

I'm a consumer and a dev. This is fucking bullshit. Period. I take full responsibility for my game as every dev should. I don't expect the consumer to be responsible for any of my inequities. That's just bullshit.


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.

Consumers should stop pre-ordering and stop thinking every dev is telling the truth.

Being smart with your money is a good thing and if that means refunding then so be it.
Who cares about whether or not other people think you deserve the refund? Don't justify yourselves to anyone. Both Sony and Steam are big boys and can handle themselves. If they don't want you to get the refund you won't get it. If they do, then you get it back.

People are so concerned with what other people are doing with their money. Let the consumer and producer take care of it.
Yep^^ spot on


I think those who are crying foul of the refund aren't piling on Kyoufu, it's more about the concept of how slippery the slope is for refunding a game (or entertainment product) after dozens of hours of use. I have nothing against him or anyone who feels they have a legit complaint about the game - it's your right to ask for a refund if you feel that way.

To me, this is more about how the Internet At Large will take info like this and abuse it. It's less about No Man's Sky and more about the cultural shift to "I heard I can refund this so I'm going to game the system". Content ceators can get fucked if widespread refunds are granted when people just didn't like it or ran into techical issues at a late stage. I don't care about Hello Games - they'll be just fine and are already feeling the heat - it's more about the next small dev who has a game that people abuse the system for.

Kyoufu kind of got caught in an Internet shitstorm for what was a legit complaint...I think some people are reacting more to the implications of this. That being said, the word "thief" was kind of a low blow and didn't help the meta conversation.


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.

And the pushback wouldn't be justified. If you don't want to give refunds to people, don't release extremely buggy games. If the nature of the game makes it so that it is going to be buggy no matter what, there needs to be some kind of disclaimer before it's sold.


No because for some reason I feel like I have to defend myself. I don't even know why.

But I really want to just step away because to me, being refunded for a broken product is a no-brainer and it boggles my mind that I'm being called a thief for doing this.

Videogames are some kind of special snowflake or something.


I put probably 10 hours into the game in the first week and dropped it due to consistent crashes. I don't know whenever I should refund the game though. I do feel ripped off and I don't want to support the shitty practices Hello Games used to sell the game but I did enjoy it when I could. I doubt Sony would accept my request anyway.

Imagine the cumulative life hours Sean stole from all those gamers, the wide-eyed, discovery seeking beings.

Even the ones who didn't get crashes but where playing in search of the game they were promised. Even if it meant trying to get to the end....

Do it for them. He's basically a life thief imo.


I genuinely think there is going to be significant pushback from developers and the industry after this. Maybe this is a one time thing against NMS but people are refunding based on criteria that could apply to a lot of games. Seriously bethesda would need to refund everything based on their buggy release history.

In what way do you think they will push back? They haven't a chance in the UK/EU. There is even talk of making the refund period longer.


It is absolutely indulgent bitterness. That's accurate. I'm bitter I paid $60 based on hype and promises and got something that in no way resembled what I was sold on. Not even close. It's not the same game. The "game" is missing.

The silver lining is I'm getting enjoyment out of the shit show.

You can't really call it schadenfreude because HG has profited immensely from the hype and preorders and day one sales.

Did you get a refund? I guess it seemed like a bit much in light in a thread where people are relatively happy getting refunds. Like, you are now getting your back on HG!

I'm not downplaying the utterly misleading marketing.

Venom Fox

I think those who are crying foul of the refund aren't piling on Kyoufu, it's more about the concept of how slippery the slope is for refunding a game (or entertainment product) after dozens of hours of use. I have nothing against him or anyone who feels they have a legit complaint about the game - it's your right to ask for a refund if you feel that way.

To me, this is more about how the Internet At Large will take info like this and abuse it. It's less about No Man's Sky and more about the cultural shift to "I heard I can refund this so I'm going to game the system". Content ceators can get fucked if widespread refunds are granted when people just didn't like it or ran into techical issues at a late stage. I don't care about Hello Games - they'll be just fine and are already feeling the heat - it's more about the next small dev who has a game that people abuse the system for.

Kyoufu kind of got caught in an Internet shitstorm for what was a legit complaint...people are reacting more to the implications of this.
Good post! Feel sad for Kyoufu though. He had a genuine reason.


Also, the "!t's not a game, is art" reasoning is not... mmmh... fitting. I mean, not a very substantial statement.

It is a game.


The problem I have is do I wait and believe Hello will fix/patch/add stuff, hoping the entire product pulls a 'DriveClub'-like turn around or just return it?

I'm not as violently angry at Murray and Co like some are here, but my patience is running thin.

I'm also getting hit with crashes a lot and it's sucking away the enjoyment I have with this game.
PS4 physical copy from Amazon, so I don't even know if I can return it. Might be SOL anyway. :/

Communication is a big part of what's missing. Not being willing to hire more people (out of a large pool of profit) for technical/engineering/communication to make your project work as billed, that's almost the definition of greed when you consider the number of people effected by it.

I'd very much like some input/perspective from the devs here, but there's a point when "biting off more than you can chew" moves from something unexpected to a deliberate choice.
If i go to the theater, and something out of my control ends up making it a miserable experience, you best believe I'll ask for a refund.

That doesn't mean I won't watch it some other time, but at that moment, the deal is off.


If i go to the theater, and something out of my control ends up making it a miserable experience, you best believe I'll ask for a refund.

That doesn't mean I won't watch it some other time, but at that moment, the deal is off.

Nah, that's me done with this game.


Just got a refund on Amazon. Did it purely on principle. I was going to trade it in for $25, but how the game was handled and how poorly it ran I don't feel bad in least bit. My console had hard locked multiple times and there were nights where I spent more time crashing to the home screen than playing the game.


I still cannot believe that people is still saying that 50 hours is "your money's worth"... The game is not 50 hours long, the game still has much to do, and he can't do what he was said he can do, travel to other systems and all that... It's not about how much he played, he is about how he can't continue playing and he deserves to be get the money back.

If this would have happened to the people complaning about this, they wouldn't doubt in demanding their money back because they can't continue playing.


I have had a string of bad crashes and a loss of items due to clipping through planet surfaces. The rep on the PSN Live Chat said, "You've played 5%, so you may not get a refund."

I guess I'll keep trying?
Huh, the 5% is from your obtained trophies. Odd that they're using that as some kind of metric for a game that is being refunded for performance issues you'd only experience during regular gameplay.
I think those who are crying foul of the refund aren't piling on Kyoufu, it's more about the concept of how slippery the slope is for refunding a game (or entertainment product) after dozens of hours of use. I have nothing against him or anyone who feels they have a legit complaint about the game - it's your right to ask for a refund if you feel that way.

To me, this is more about how the Internet At Large will take info like this and abuse it. It's less about No Man's Sky and more about the cultural shift to "I heard I can refund this so I'm going to game the system". Content ceators can get fucked if widespread refunds are granted when people just didn't like it or ran into techical issues at a late stage. I don't care about Hello Games - they'll be just fine and are already feeling the heat - it's more about the next small dev who has a game that people abuse the system for.

Kyoufu kind of got caught in an Internet shitstorm for what was a legit complaint...I think some people are reacting more to the implications of this. That being said, the word "thief" was kind of a low blow and didn't help the meta conversation.

Once again, these are big companies. Sony and Steam aren't going to allow widespread abuse - they aren't new to the game. They'll revamp their systems, they'll clamp down, they'll say no after reviewing each case if people can't prove their points about a game being buggy.

No Man's Sky is a special case. It's an exception to the rule. If I were to get a refund for, say, Samurai Warriors 4, I'd fail because that game works as intended and as advertised.

Consumers will and have always abused refunds, but that's no reason to pushback on a system that could potentially help them.

So no, the bullying and the complaints against people getting refunds due to impending future abuse are unfounded because these companies are run by people who aren't green or new to the bullshit.
At least take the time to read all of what Shahid has said on this topic, just selecting one tweet is reductive, when there's a bit more nuance to his position that you might otherwise miss.

His tweet calling people thieves is specifically about people requesting a refund just because they decided they didn't like it. I don't think he feels that way about people requesting refunds because of technical problems.

Then doubling down on the theif comment and not actually giving technical issues a pass doesn't help his cause.

I agree with the mentality of a few weeks in and a few dozeen hours without proof of issues does not warrent a refund. But there is a poster here on GAF that the tweet seemed to be targeting and that poster does have proof of serious issues that make the game unplayable.


Who cares about whether or not other people think you deserve the refund? Don't justify yourselves to anyone. Both Sony and Steam are big boys and can handle themselves. If they don't want you to get the refund you won't get it. If they do, then you get it back.

People are so concerned with what other people are doing with their money. Let the consumer and producer take care of it.

Once again, these are big companies. Sony and Steam aren't going to allow widespread abuse - they aren't new to the game. They'll revamp their systems, they'll clamp down, they'll say no after reviewing each case if people can't prove their points about a game being buggy.

No Man's Sky is a special case. It's an exception to the rule. If I were to get a refund for, say, Samurai Warriors 4, I'd fail because that game works as intended and as advertised.

Consumers will and have always abused refunds, but that's no reason to pushback on a system that could potentially help them.

So no, the bullying and the complaints against people getting refunds due to impending future abuse are unfounded because these companies are run by people who aren't green or new to the bullshit.

Spot on.
Seriously it will go to the Guinness records as the biggest flop in the entire universe... lol

Thank fuck I wasn't sold on this hype train


Also, the "!t's not a game, is art" reasoning is not... mmmh... fitting. I mean, not a very substantial statement.

It is a game.
"Don't treat it like a consumer product."

When it's marketed and sold like any other consumer product, I'm going to treat it like one, Shahid. Don't shift how you treat/categorize something based on how it suits you.

Venom Fox


I haven't had the time nor the inclination to read through this thread. I jumped in when I saw the thing about refunds after 50 plus hours and thought that there would be people who might, just might, abuse that system. That's all I fucking said.

Don't you fucking dare try to suggest I had malicious intent towards anyone here. I couldn't quote whoever the fuck it is you think I'm attacking if I tried.

I also said that PC users are experiencing tons of issues and are fully entitled to a refund, so you're starting to get your fucking wires crossed on who's saying what.

I'm a father. I'm tired. I ain't got time to cherry pick people out of a crowd to try and argue with. Simply put, you're stupid and naive if you don't think there aren't people who will try to abuse the refund system. A broken product is a broken product, pure and simple. I never tried to argue that, and I didn't try to run anyone out of the forum or make them feel ashamed for refunding a broken fucking game. READ my post history, and then move the fuck along, PLEASE.
But you just quoted my post where I agreed that users will abuse the system... I'm a father too if that helps but I still read the posts. Also calm down with the swearing please. There is no need for that. I was simply trying to say that some of your posts seemed aimed at other people. I don't have my wires crossed and I hope you try and understand the situation.

Edit: I'll clarify the situation further.

Shahid was directing his twitter comment at Kyoufu which even Kyoufu feels he did.

You posted this:
I agree.

"I put over 50 hours into this game...oh now I think I'll jump on this bandwagon and suddenly decide it wasn't worth my time. Give me my money back."

Fucking seriously? It took you 50+ hours to come to the conclusion you don't like the game and want your money back?

In direct response to what Shahid said. This then was replied to by me with the comments I made about Kyoufu being bullied over something he didn't do wrong. Nearly every post after contained the comments about people putting in 50 hours and being refunded because they didn't like it. Something which Kyoufu didn't do and shahid was wrong to call him out on.

That post I posted of yours above prompted me to believe you were aiming your posts at Kyoufu because that's what Shahid was doing and you responded like that.


Is this a new precedent then? I can't remember retailers offering refunds for physical games before. Shame I couldn't have got my $60 back for Skyrim PS3.



Thank fuck I wasn't sold on this hype train

Accurate. I'm freely admitting that I'm getting enjoyment out of the shit show. It's cathartic.

Is this a new precedent then? I can't remember retailers offering refunds for physical games before. Shame I couldn't have got my $60 back for Skyrim PS3.

The disparity between promises and how the game was framed as being and what the product ended up being is in itself unprecedented, so an unprecedented refund policy seems suitable


What about partial refunding? You enjoyed it while it worked, so it's fair you only get refunded for the parts that didn't work. However that brings the question: how to measure each part and its value?
Nah, that's me done with this game.

Depending on the game, yeah, but I'm the guy that waited weeks for Battlefield 4 to not be a broken POS, and probably months for Master Chief Collection to be somewhat acceptable.

I definitely wouldn't begrudge anyone for getting a refund for either of those games.


Is this a new precedent then? I can't remember retailers offering refunds for physical games before. Shame I couldn't have got my $60 back for Skyrim PS3.

I was surprised, they immediately refunded without any question. I just said it frequently crashed and hard locked my PS4 on multiple occasions (all of which are true), the guy asked for my order number and just created a return. They must have some flag on the game.


I actually hope this starts a trend, if a game is a broken ass mess, get a refund. Rocksteady did it with Arkham Knight for PC. Look at Just Cause 3 players, they can't play the game because the performance gets worse after each patch, they should start asking for refunds en masse too.

People can return kitchen electronics, sporting equipment and a whole lot of other shit if they break or don't perform as well after 50 hours, what makes nerdy video games special?

People saying you can't watch a movie and then demand a refund, well you can, I did. Walked out halfway through Transformers 2 and got a refund from the counter. Getting a refund because you don't like something is a fairly common that many companies use.

Kyoufu did nothing wrong in exercising his consumer rights.

Can't believe the fanboy corporate apologist crap in this thread.
Steam and PSN could easily make use of something like what Walmart does. You can refund any game 3 times in a 6 month rolling window no questions asked, additionally you may get a refund in case of a broken game or if the product doesn't work as advertised an indefinite number of times. Could it lead to abuse? Or course, but the % of people who would abuse the system probably weren't buying many games to begin with.
Because of the size and nature of the game you had to put many hours into it to realise all the shit they said were in the game, simply wasn't. So even if you sink many hours into it I think it's still fair for a refund.


What about partial refunding? You enjoyed it while it worked, so it's fair you only get refunded for the parts that didn't work. However that brings the question: how to measure each part and its value?

Partial Refund: return No Man's Sky and get The Order: 1886 and Street Fighter IV for free. Sony could call it the "Disappointing Games Partial Refund Promotion".


Worships the porcelain goddess
I think that logic makes a lot of sense for any number of things, what does he not know?

1) The product no longer worked
2) The request was granted. They agreed with him.

If you just keep saying he doesnt deserve it, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This issue continue to expose some completely silliness in people. Not inly that, exposed just how brainwashed we have become as consumers that we should accept products that no longer work or accept false advertisments.
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