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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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The Lesnar vs. Taker match sucked though, they had almost no heat. People did not care about the match, that is evident both online and in the arena. You could hear Michael P.S Hayes comb his hair in the back, it was dead silent.

So breaking the streak, saved the match, because everyone forgot about it. The irony is that people cared more about Taker in that arena after 21-1, rather than 21-0.

But the show as a whole was great. One of the best recent Mania's i can remember.

GOAT's in the ring with Austin, Rocky and Hogan
Bryan beating Hunter, crowd was amazing
Cesaro throwing Big Show
Taker losing the streak
Semi botched RKO that almost killed Orton
Bryan winning, people went nuts!

Most Mania's especially recent ones, you can only name 1-2 special moments

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Triple H put on one hell of a performance last night. He's...I...

He's one of the all-time greats


Stream worked fantastically as well! Props to WWE on getting the kinks worked out as I only had 3 very very minor hiccups with it.

Yeah I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked. Just a couple of very brief stalls, and a few spots of hd buffering. I had serious concerns about it working, but they pulled it off!
He's the GOAT when it comes to being a heel.


Nobody complained when Taker/HBK 2 went last

Because everyone knew it was a response to HBK/Taker 1 blowing up the crowd. AND there was a chance HBK might have gone over since, well, he's HBK.

No one was expecting anything of taker/lesnar at all, so putting it on last would have made it obvious what was going to happen


so i haven't finished it yet, but internet spoilers make it impossible to avoid. ending the streak to lesnar is the stupidest shit ever. i always figured he would retire by losing to someone, but i always figured it would be a current or future star. someone like DB beating him last night would have made sense. lesnar doesn't need that kind of push, even if he lost, i would still expect him to beat the living shit out of taker in a real fight, whereas DB looks like the kind of guy that would benefit from a push like going over taker at mania


If Bray had won I'd have no complaints about this show. The Undertaker streak was never going to end happily either way, and it's true Lesnar is one of the few who can take the heat.

Cena simply should have went down though.


HHH/Bryan was maybe the match of the year that didn't involve Sami Zayn/Cesaro

Nobody complained when Taker/HBK 2 went last

because it was Taker's streak vs Shawn's career. One way or the other, you knew you had an historic moment between your hands. That's not the case here. There would have been zero reason to put Taker/Brock last if Taker was winning,.



Because everyone knew it was a response to HBK/Taker 1 blowing up the crowd. AND there was a chance HBK might have gone over since, well, he's HBK.

No one was expecting anything of taker/lesnar at all, so putting it on last would have made it obvious what was going to happen

Honestly, predictability be damned in that case. If Undertaker is walking out of his last match he deserves the HBK ending.


What honestly pisses me off as a fan is just that the crappy way the streak died is overshadowing what was otherwise a really damn good Wrestlemania.

Actually makes me really happy and added to the shows greatness. If it just ended that shitty match with the Undertaker winning again it would have been the worst match on the card. With that ending, at least it's something now.


Predictability is a big issue with wrestling these days. It is rare when you can hit someone with a finish like Taker losing the streak and shock the world as they did last night.
Usos vs Real Americans- *** - This was a spectacular tag match between 2 great teams.. I'm not acknowledging 2 other teams were in this. Where does the tag division go from here? There are only 4 tag teams left and 2 of them are complete dogshit. The other 2, Usos and Rhodes, can't really face each other

HHH vs Bryan- ****.5*- Match of the night for sure. The buildup really paid off. I for one am not tired of Trips.

Shield vs Kane/NAO- *- Kind of wish the Shield had bigger plans here. The ending move was pretty awesome though.

Battle Royale-***- disaster of a start but it got really incredible down to the last 8 guys or so. Kofi with his best spot ever, del Rio and Sheamus going out together and then of course Cesaro picking up Big Show.

Cena vs Wyatt- ***.5*- little slow for my tastes but the ring psychology of this match was something I haven't really seen before. It just didn't pay off for a meaningful ending.

Undertaker vs Brock- *.5*- I'm not sure how to rate this. Terrible match but the most shocking moment evar.

Divas shit show- .5*- whatever

Maine Event-****- the Rko power bomb spot was incredible. Glad to see trips out there and finally get a taste of his own medicine. Incredible stuff here.

One of the best WMs ever. Even the weaker matches had awesome moments. Except for the divas shit.


Keep reading dirtsheets today, which is unlike me. No update on Ortons condition that I can see. Will be one lucky fucking escape if he just gets out of that with bruising.
Sami Zayn should take credit for softening Cesaro back into believing in GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP and FRIENDSHIP RESPECT.

It really was a fantastic Wrestlemania, many memorable moments. Considering how meh most the ones recently have been (thanks Rock/Cena etc zzzzzz) I'm really happy to get what I wanted (Daniel Bryan).

The "Well actually that's not all I want" bit from Raw setting up D-Bry's title win, hnnnng!

Think about it, most WM's lately have come and gone with us thinking well I'm glad that celebrity focused shitfest is over so we can get some 'lesser importance' feuds going that will actually be good.

"Snooki's cartwheel was the best bit of the night." is not something to be happy with.

WM30 was.
If Bray had won I'd have no complaints about this show. The Undertaker streak was never going to end happily either way, and it's true Lesnar is one of the few who can take the heat.

Cena simply should have went down though.

Streak ending was coming should have ended years ago, but giving it to Lesnar was beyond stupid, if it was Lesnar before his health problems I would have no issues with him ending the streak...but this guy isn't the same beast he was..should have given it to a up and coming star like Bray..
The Lesnar vs. Taker match sucked though, they had almost no heat. People did not care about the match, that is evident both online and in the arena. You could hear Michael P.S Hayes comb his hair in the back, it was dead silent.

So breaking the streak, saved the match, because everyone forgot about it. The irony is that people cared more about Taker in that arena after 21-1, rather than 21-0.

But the show as a whole was great. One of the best recent Mania's i can remember.

GOAT's in the ring with Austin, Rocky and Hogan
Bryan beating Hunter, crowd was amazing
Cesaro throwing Big Show
Taker losing the streak
Semi botched RKO that almost killed Orton
Bryan winning, people went nuts!

Most Mania's especially recent ones, you can only name 1-2 special moments

Kofi's moment. Bray's awesome spider bridge counter to the drop fist of doom.

This mania really did have loads of legitimately great moments.

I love how under booked Brock was. Making him look kind of weak in the build up to the match should have been the smoke to tell us that they were actually going through with this. Now it seems obvious in retrospect. Good job. I mean, yeah it's a shame Taker can't go anymore, but I'm really glad they ended the streak, because the reaction to it has been amazing. When he nearly killed himself at Mania two years ago with the suicide dive was the writing on the wall for me that there wasn't long left.
Re thinking the main event, one part I noticed that made me laugh was after Orton botched the RKO through the table and was legitimately hurt, Batista had no idea what to do when he realized Orton wasn't getting up.
Triple H put on one hell of a performance last night. He's...I...

He's one of the all-time greats

He looked great. The slightly trimmer look to previous years looks a lot better for a man his age.

Also him and steph are godly heels.

I expect them to be written off TV for a little tonight. Triple H tries to go power crazy, Vince puts his foot down. Hogan or Sting is the new GM or some bullshit


Just shook hands with the NXT champ before going through security. Pretty quiet guy but was friendly.

Also Mason Ryam seems like a nice guy. Excudes a lot more personality than on TV.

Flairs daughter looks like she partied too hard. Keeping the legacy going.



He looked great. The slightly trimmer look to previous years looks a lot better for a man his age.

Also him and steph are godly heels.

I expect them to be written off TV for a little tonight. Triple H tries to go power crazy, Vince puts his foot down. Hogan or Sting is the new GM or some bullshit

Speaking of heels. Did you see the heels Steph was walking around in?


I expect them to be written off TV for a little tonight. Triple H tries to go power crazy, Vince puts his foot down. Hogan or Sting is the new GM or some bullshit
I want Commissioner Warrior.
And he must have an army of midgets and JTG to carry out his bidding.
Speaking of heels. Did you see the heels Steph was walking around in?

When I saw her holding her ankle after Bryan took them both out in the main event, I wasn't sure if she'd rolled her ankle or not. From the replay it didn't look like it, but it'd have been really easy to do in those heels.
I think to feel better I just need a book or something to come out where Undertaker says it was all him. Everything went how he requested.

I don't for one second think any of it was just booked and he was told this is how its going down etc, he probably planned the whole thing and Vince etc was trying to convince him otherwise - if thats how he wanted it then well ok.

But geez man, let us give you a proper send off. :(



I want Commissioner Warrior.
And he must have an army of midgets and JTG to carry out his bidding.

I'd watch Ultimate Commissioner.

But if his hall of fame speech was any indication, he's not entirely over shit from the past and I'm not sure he should be put on TV.

Him botching the company name and calling it WWF was great though


I think to feel better I just need a book or something to come out where Undertaker says it was all him. Everything went how he requested.

I don't for one second think any of it was just booked and he was told this is how its going down etc, he probably planned the whole thing and Vince etc was trying to convince him otherwise - if thats how he wanted it then well ok.

But geez man, let us give you a proper send off. :(


Sting wouldn't have been a proper send off. It would have been like that American Gladiators shit where you pummel each other with those padded sticks, but zimmerframes instead.

Could be the first ever WHOSE HIP WILL BREAK FIRST match though.


It's a shame Sting's ego wouldn't let him come to WWE a decade ago. Sting/Taker could have been an all time great match.

So, now that HHH put Bryan over pretty damn well. Can we now officially dub Cena the new active lord of burials?
I rarely watch WWE these days, but I checked out Wrestlemania last night. I was pretty shocked that they had Brock beat the streak. I always thought they'd use that as a launching platform for some new guy. Taker must really never wanna wrestle again.


Before Raw tonight I'm tempted to put on the main event from last night again and re-watch it so I can appreciate it a bit more. Everything after 21-1 was a blur for me.


That was an amazing site

And smarks, I thought HHH was going to bury Bryan?

Barely anyone thought that since the stipulation to go to the title match was added, at least what I saw in the thread. There were far more #YES's than #NO's in the avatar stakes even before that.
Also, is Cesaro supposed to be a heel? Cause that guy looks like he should forever be a face.

No, he is a face.

The pre-show was him breaking away, shaking The Giant's hand further confirmed it.

Crowd have been eating him up for weeks already. Imagine what they're gonna do once he's allowed to actually do more wow things.

Reigns who?

I remember back when Ryback was getting undeserved 'pushes' just to fail, hurt people and look stupid... Cesaro couldn't even get on WM. :| Thankfully someone at WWE woke up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Take those damn #YESes off your avatars. It's over you bastards!


I rarely watch WWE these days, but I checked out Wrestlemania last night. I was pretty shocked that they had Brock beat the streak. I always thought they'd use that as a launching platform for some new guy. Taker must really never wanna wrestle again.

As people already said, they can launch a new face by beating Lesnar. Any up and comer that did so would be hated for the rest of his career.
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