That was an amazing site
And smarks, I thought HHH was going to bury Bryan?
Cant till tomorrow.Take those damn #YESes off your avatars. It's over you bastards!
I rarely watch WWE these days, but I checked out Wrestlemania last night. I was pretty shocked that they had Brock beat the streak. I always thought they'd use that as a launching platform for some new guy. Taker must really never wanna wrestle again.
Take those damn #YESes off your avatars. It's over you bastards!
Isn't necessarily about wanting to. It's pretty obvious he's physically spent. They probably knew this was the last year he can pass a physical.
Well time will tell. If taker is in a match next year this will be even more baffling.
Also, is Cesaro supposed to be a heel? Cause that guy looks like he should forever be a face.
Let them have their fun and rub it in.Take those damn #YESes off your avatars. It's over you bastards!
He turned on Swagger & Zeb after they chewed him out for losing the tag title match. That, plus the handshake from Big Shoe points to him being face now.
I think I enjoyed Wrestlemania more than a lot of people I read about simply because I'm a casual fan. The Undertaker / Lesnar match to me was awesome, as was the whole show. I look at it like, holy shit he actually lost, Lesnar won! OMG WOW. Meanwhile all of these other people are looking at it like, why would they put Lesnar over hes leaving this is stupid blah blah contracts, hbk, streak, bad business. IMO if you treat this entertainment like its a sport and watch it for the action instead of "seeing what the wwe will do" you will enjoy it more.
I doubt they wait that long.I would expect Brock vs Bryan at next Wrestlemania.
I would expect Brock vs Bryan at Extreme Rules.
There's no reason to have Taker wrestle anymore. The Streak was the only thing keeping him around.
As people already said, they can launch a new face by beating Lesnar. Any up and comer that did so would be hated for the rest of his career.
I think they could have pulled off breaking the streak with a face. Heel Brock just becomes more heelish in doing it, but I don't think it would be impossible to launch a face with it. Just have Undertaker shake his hand at the end, and you'll own the crowd.
Let them have their fun and rub it in.
()Yeah, even I predicted Bryan would win both matches in the GAF pool.
We only have to sport D.Brine's mug for a week, right? I have to support my Bruins in the playoffs.
Take those damn #YESes off your avatars. It's over you bastards!
Just for you, Vinny.
Eerie how Taker looks Big Showish there.
Is that carny for blown up?
I rarely watch WWE these days, but I checked out Wrestlemania last night. I was pretty shocked that they had Brock beat the streak. I always thought they'd use that as a launching platform for some new guy. Taker must really never wanna wrestle again.
Why would they give the streak to a new guy? It would ruin their career. Look at how shocked people were.
It depends on who the guy is. Giving it to Lesnar feels like a waste.
This is actually the best thing they could've done.
A win over the streak would just kill someone's career. Think about it. Think about how legendary Taker is...if an up and comer beat him at Mania, he'd get hated his whole career. I don't mean heat if he was a heel (one that, by the way, would never be able to turn face), I mean legit hate. And then we have the fact that the streak would be used as a stepping plate for someone, and that that someone probably wouldn't live up to the would flop. We don't have that with Lesnar, Heyman will probably give the perfect follow up and he'll face Bryan for the title.
Fact is Taker had to go out on a loss. He's old school, old guys leave looking at the lights. Hogan, Austin, Foley, Flair, Michaels, Rock (if 29 was his last match). Heck even JBL. Someone had to break the streak. And face it, we were getting tired of the same old ass promo and the same old ass match every year, it's been going on since WM 25! The build ups are always the same. So he ended it, to the only guy that could and would.
Face it, the streak matches have always been about Taker and not about whoever's facing him. A full-time wrestler would get hated for breaking the streak. Punk wouldn't get another pop for the rest of his life. A up and comer wouldn't live up to it. A legend or someone like HHH would be the worst. Fuck, Cena winning it would be even worse than what happened with Bray, and everybody raged over that. It had to be a legitimate monster heel part-timer. Who else do we have?
This is also a perfect start for the Reality Era. You'll never forget WM XXX the same way you'll always remember WM X-Seven, it's the end of an era, and simultaneously the start of a new one. It could've been a better match and definitely a better feud, but damn it if it wasn't smart that Brock won tonight. This gets Red Wedding level of heartache from every wrestling fan in the world.
It depends on who the guy is. Giving it to Lesnar feels like a waste.
Any ideas about what will happen at RAW tonight?
Will we still be seeing Sting?
I agree with this:
I would like to see Cena turn heel and have Heyman manage him.
Is that carny for blown up?
I thought the word for that was Batista.
Hey no one thought Lesnar would win.MichaelJordanLaugh.gif
That aint happening. Cena is about as status quo as you can humanly get.
I expect them to be written off TV for a little tonight. Triple H tries to go power crazy, Vince puts his foot down. Hogan or Sting is the new GM or some bullshit
I would like to see Cena turn heel and have Heyman manage him.
I would love Hogan in some kind of role which would stretch to a weekly capacity. He delivers a better reaction than pretty much the entire roster.
Especially if they are looking to fill more content on the WWE Network.
He is enjoying himself
I was expecting him to be at WM.
Oh well
Nobody watches TNA.Someone doesn't watch TNA.
He is enjoying himself
I was expecting him to be at WM.
Oh well
Someone doesn't watch TNA.
I don't buy into the idea that giving a younger guy the rub for ending the streak would ruin his career. It would only ruin the guys career of the match was really bad. If a young guy challenged the streak, put on a really great back and forth match, managed to do the impossible and beat Undertaker, and then have Undertaker shake his hand after the match, I think fans could get behind that and respect a guy who could pull that off especially if it was a face vs face match.
If a new guy came up and had an awful match with Taker like Brock/Taker was, then yeah it would ruin the guy's career. Hell depending on how Raw goes tonight the only reason Brock might be able to absorb that bad match is because Heyman is there to deflect a lot of it.