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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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I have a hard time following both at once. Once i start posting, I focus on reading the thread and don't even know what's going on during the show. I don't know how everyone does it, maybe they have like 3 monitor setups or something.

I dropped 10 cold hard American dollars on this, I want to get my money's worth.

I have the network on my ps3, and I'm posting on my laptop.

How's your setup?
The longer I go with no issues, the more confident I get. I feel like WWE and MLBAM probably prepared for something like 5x the number of people they actually expect.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
What's that old Wresltemania theme that goes Whoooooaa Whooooaa Wrestlemania, fighitng to surviveJUST LIKE THAT JUST LIKE THAT?

Can't find the one without the wreslters talking
What's that old Wresltemania theme that goes Whoooooaa Whooooaa Wrestlemania, fighitng to surviveJUST LIKE THAT JUST LIKE THAT"?

Can't find the one without the wreslters talking

I had that on an old Coke Cola cassette tape or something.

Damn, google images really does have a picture for everything! This was it:

Fatal Four-Way Tag-Team Match: The Uso’s (c) vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Rybaxel
Uso's win.
*fantasy booking alert* The Real American's have a fallout, setting up a match for later in the night.

Wrestlemania payday Andre the Giant Battle Royal
I got nothing for this. I suspect someone will make a return to win. I guess RVD. If not then I expect it to just be a rib on someone small like mysterio. "Look Maggle the statue is bigger than he is lawwwwlll"

I would like to say this match would be used to elevate someone or start an angle but nah.

The Shield vs. Korporate Kane and The Corporate Outlaws

Shield should win. If they lose it better be to some extreme shenanigans.
*fantasy booking alert* Shield win but are beaten down after the match or in the back later in the show, setting up for later

Obligatory Divas encounter
AJ wins
*fantasy booking alert* as soon as all the diva's are in the ring the bell rings and we immediately get seven roll ups. Every member of total diva's sans Eva rolls up a non total diva's wrestler. Every non total diva except AJ gets pinned. Your new Diva's champions, The Cast of Total Diva's (except Eva). A queen of the ring tournament is set up the next night on raw to find out the one true champ. There I just booked the diva's division until summerslam better than wwe has any chance of doing.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

This a is tough one but I'm going to go with Bray. Cena has nothing to gain and Bray has everything to lose

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

Da Undataka wins. I hope this match is on during Game of Thrones because I have no interest in it. Worse set up than Taker wanting a rematch vs HHH because "HHH won the War"

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
Match of the night right here. Bryan wins, but is beaten down post match.
*fantasy booking alert* Bryan wins but is beaten down by HHH and the NAO and possibly Kane after the match. Bryan is loaded onto a stretcher as the crowd loses their shit.

Ceasaro vs. Swagger
Ceasaro wins breaking away from swags and Zeb starting his face turn.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan
*fantasy booking alert*
Immediately following the previous match we are shown Bryan being loaded into and ambulance and it pulls off. Batista and Orton come out to NUCLEAR heat. Just before the match starts we see a clip of the ambulance hauling ass back into the arena. Ding, the match starts and Batista and Orton go at it. Every few minutes we catch Bryan in the back fighting his way back out the ring. He finally makes it as the crowd explodes. The match continues on for a while longer and it looks as if Bryan is about to win when out comes HHH. Bryan takes the fight to HHH and gets him out of the ring and goes back to the match where he is almost about to win again. HHH is recovering and out come the NAO and possibly more goons. SIERRA HOTEL INDIA ECHO LIMA DELTA SHIELD. The shield come out and fights of H's and NAO blocking off the ring from interference. Ceasaro or someone else they want to push as a face could possibly join them. Bryan wins, the shield disappear into the crowd and the locker room comes out to hoist Bryan on their shoulders


or Batista picks up the win to face Bryan one on one the next night on Raw. Tista winning tonight with HHH help will guarantee monster heat for both until at least SummerSlam.
Bryan wins on Raw

Amazing what WWE managed to pull out of their ass since Elimination Chamber. This was looking to one of the worst mania ever, now the card is pretty good despite so much talent still being completely wasted. Best mania in years


Booker T is so bad it's entertaining.

No way. Booker is awesome. He's always so excited and seems like he loves his job. I would like for Booker and Rene to work together.

Why the fuck does Nattie have to be the first person to talk on all these packages? I hate in general when they have the young people talk about older stuff in packages that happened when they were young or not even born yet.


The pre-show being exclusive for a service that isn't available to all your fans is really stupid.

At least there are VPNs and something but it's still a big "fuck you" to non-americans.
I have this thread on one tab, and the preshow on a different one. When the show starts, I might get my chromebook or phone to post on.

The only thing I'm interested in is shitting on D.B. fans when he loses.

You can open two windows of your internet browser. GAF on one side, the stream on the other. Each taking half your screen.

That's how I handle RAW each week.
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