Probably just flew in from a SFV tourney. No time to fixxavier's hair looking extra what the hell this week.
That would have been a billion times funnier without him immediately dropping Storm's name afterward.
I was just messing around since Y2J looked drunk.Is he known to drink lol? He has the look of a guy that still works out, but is quite bloated......It's a weird looking physique.
Hey guys, Edge is looking hot. Beautiful hair
I wonder if this is scripted? All five of these guys could go so well on their own.
New Day can take it. So let the gloves come off.Why is WWE burying New Day? Its one of their few acts that are over.
sports cheap heat is the fucking worst
Why the fuck is this on now lol. Basically a commercial for a network show.
Anyways, somebody needs to gif a few of the botches from the match.