- William "The Refrigerator" Perry was next, inducted by John Cena. Almost the entire building was booing John Cena, and a "Cena Sucks" chant started up. Cena remarked "It seems everyone is ready for Wrestlemania". They showed HHH on the screens, and the place popped. The crowd was not letting Cena talk, and Triple H stood up briefly at one point, resulting in chants of "Triple H" and "One More Day". The crowd then chanted "F*** You Cena" as Cena tried to do a Howard Cosell impersonation. Music started to play as Cena talked in an attempt to drown out the crowd, who were now chanting "Boring". The fans continued to boo Cena, while the screens above the stage focused on a small group of fans who were clapping for Cena.
I'm not much of a Cena fan but that is pretty tasteless to do at a Hall of Fame ceremony :|