Kabuki Quantum Lover
Good PPV, but what a terrible, terrible ending.
Thumbs up for Foley and Edge/Shawn and Vince. I said WOW.
Thumbs up for Foley and Edge/Shawn and Vince. I said WOW.
evil ways said:I was hoping WWE would salvage this disaster by having Cena take the mic, and do a massive heel turn on the crowd, but I guess there's still merchandise to be sold, crappy matches to be had, and odds to be overcomed.
dskillzhtown said:I would hate for RVD to be champ though as he sucks more than Cena in the ring.
Keyser Soze said:Fuck this shit
really just fuck it
complete bullcrap
Penguin said:I honestly don't some of the hate for Cena.
dskillzhtown said:The bigger reason is that Cena is pulling in more money for the company than any HHH title run has. Sorry guys, but a champ is there to make money for the company, Cena is doing that so he needs to remain champ. I say change up his booking to make him a bit more interesting again, but if he is pulling in the money, why make a change? But seriously, in wrestling 101, there is no reason to make a change with Cena. Anyone out there who doesn't get that, doesn't understand wrestling at all. A heel turn probably is in order for Cena and if WWE history is anything to go on, tomorrow night will be the night to do it.
I for one hope he stays champ until the ECW PPV. The heat on him there will be incredible. I would hate for RVD to be champ though as he sucks more than Cena in the ring. Cena's style is just horrid and there is no way he will bring in the money Cena is. I say have HHH cost RVD the title at One Night Stand and start that fued.
As far as HHH's entrance, that shit is real?
dskillzhtown said:The bigger reason is that Cena is pulling in more money for the company than any HHH title run has. Sorry guys, but a champ is there to make money for the company, Cena is doing that so he needs to remain champ. I say change up his booking to make him a bit more interesting again, but if he is pulling in the money, why make a change? But seriously, in wrestling 101, there is no reason to make a change with Cena. Anyone out there who doesn't get that, doesn't understand wrestling at all. A heel turn probably is in order for Cena and if WWE history is anything to go on, tomorrow night will be the night to do it.
I for one hope he stays champ until the ECW PPV. The heat on him there will be incredible. I would hate for RVD to be champ though as he sucks more than Cena in the ring. Cena's style is just horrid and there is no way he will bring in the money Cena is. I say have HHH cost RVD the title at One Night Stand and start that fued.
As far as HHH's entrance, that shit is real?
xabre said:Cena is just the IWC's scapegoat for shitty 'superman' booking.
Plus his gimmick is stale and boring and he isn't the most technically proficient wrestler.
koam said:I haven't followed wrstling in a long time but the way you guys are reacting to Cena is the way I was with HHH when he refused to job to anyone for the longest time. In fact, the reason I stopped was cause I got sick of seeing HHH and his 30 minute speaches all the time.
Keyser Soze said:I forgot about Shelton's "spiderman" leap and sticking to the ladder, that was great! Infact Shelton is GOD! Stick him Carlito together and you got a good fued IMO...
....Cena still won though which turns everything to shit.
Outcast2004 said:Did not like Finkles CEHAP SHOT at Bret. He was a man of his word about not showing up.
The Faceless Master said:and all this talk about rey being a weak champ... or not believable... it just depends on how it's booked from here on out... then again, this IS the WWE so they'll probably blow it or just take the belt off him quickly... anyway, who can deny what rey has done (especially early on) for the industry, and who are you all to say he shouldn't be champ because he's small??? the same people who complain about hosses like snitsky i bet...
"First of all I'd like to say hello to all the computer guys out there, Im actually pretty popular with the computer people!"
:lol :lol :lolDMczaf said:I think HBK did a shout out to us on the Post Game Show
DMczaf said:I think HBK did a shout out to us on the Post Game Show
O_O damn work, why couldn't it be a public holiday, also damn my friends on holidays or with part time jobs DAMNDMczaf said:
DMczaf said:
Did you miss the 40 Shelton/Carlito matches that took place on TV last year?Keyser Soze said:I forgot about Shelton's "spiderman" leap and sticking to the ladder, that was great! Infact Shelton is GOD! Stick him Carlito together and you got a good fued IMO...
DMczaf said:![]()
Battlezone said:Dear Chicago:
I just love the collective WTF faces of 10,000 guys in Chicago who realized all at the same time that they're now going to have to shell out 34.95 to see Cena lose at Backlash. The ironic thing is, by booing Cena at the HOF, Vince probably changed the main event to bang a bigger buyrate for Backlash. Based on the Backlash promo (Cena: I'm coming back to take what's MINE!), that almost certainly seems to be the case.
I'm sure people will bitch about this Wrestlemania based on the main event, but I enjoyed all of it, with the exception of Taker/Henry. And until the screwup at the end, the Trish/Mickie match was easily the highlight of the show.
Cerebral Palsy said:The Vinny Mac and HBK match was hilarious. The rest of Wrestlemania was pretty boring. Was happy to see RVD win, and to see Foley get his ass damaged again. I guess the Angle/Rey/Orton match was okay. The main event made me freaking fall asleep. HHH and Cena suck ass.
EnvoyDenali said:you are unpleasable.. please watch dawons' creek re-runs.
:lol Oh shit, I thought you guys were joking about that :lolDMczaf said:http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/3805/crotch6pp.gif
Cerebral Palsy said:Unpleasable? If that means can't standing trash like Big Show/Kane vs. Carlito/Masters, Benoit vs. JBL, Boogey Man vs. Booker T, Undertaker vs. Henry, HHH vs. Cena... I guess I am unpleasable. The womens matches would be totally forgetable if they weren't boner inducing. The Vinny Mac match was the best for the hilarity that ensued. The ladder match, Foley match, and Angle 3 way were all okay. Rest of the ppv was a yawn fest.
DMczaf said:I think HBK did a shout out to us on the Post Game Show
Ninja Scooter said:its all been worth it.
EnvoyDenali said:what you are describing here is someone who isnt a WWE fan, so why would you watch or comment on it and take so muhc time to talk about it? i am not an daewoo fan, so i dont generally enter daewoo discussions and harp on how much i dont like their cars. as you can see, people who enjoy WWE product really thought this ppv was amazing... benoit/jbl was awesome i thought, and the tag mathc was great too.. hhh vs cena was boring? i could see not being pleased with cena winning, but boring??? that match had more emotion and energy in it and from the crowd than any match in a long time.
let me put it this way, if you didnt like this ppv, then dont bother watching RAW, smackdown or any PPV for the rest of the year.. maybe check in again around the next royal rumble, and enjoy TNA in the meantime.
Cerebral Palsy said:I'm a fan of wrestling. I paid good money to see WM22. I will give my honest opinion of the show if I feel like it. I'm not going to say every match was good just because I'm a fan. The Vinny Mac match was hilariously awesome. It brought back some memories of the Attitude era. The matches I called trash were trash. Sorry.
EnvoyDenali said:I didnt say that you couldnt watch or pay to watch... you are missing the point entirely or didnt read what i typed..
i said, if you didnt enjoy that, and its your "good money" that you hard earned.. save yourself the time, anger, and money in the future and not watch WWE, cause this show was amazing and people who enjoy WWE thought it was amazing.. if you didnt enjoy this, you probably wont enjoy most raws/smackdowns or future PPV's for the time being, so i was simply, as a good friend, recommending you save yourself the time and money and do something more productive or enjoyable with your time! thats all buddy.
and you thought some matches were trash, thats great. I thought the ppv was frigging awesome. I also know its called an opinion, and the type who claim to know what entertainment is trash or not trash,.. well, i dont want to say anything mean, its not worth it. sorry you didnt enjoy the show you paid money for. sorry.
Agreed.EnvoyDenali said:let me put it this way, if you didnt like this ppv, then dont bother watching RAW, smackdown or any PPV for the rest of the year.. maybe check in again around the next royal rumble, and enjoy TNA in the meantime.