Syphon Filter
Official Tier 2 launch is May-August then.
Microsoft might pull a Sega Saturn shiro.
werent they in sept too?
Official Tier 2 launch is May-August then.
Microsoft might pull a Sega Saturn shiro.
I need some Lost Odyssey 2 in my life
never going to happen
Same! I think people underestimate Microsoft's ability to see what fans and hardcore gamers want and give it to them. I always thought the original Xbox was really a Dreamcast 2.
I wouldn't take those publisher/developer lists as a notice that they're actively developing games for Xbox One.
Xbox - 472,992
Xbox 360 - 1,612,391
How many years was Xbox 1 on sale there?
Please read my other post that I made earlier to see what I meant & why I don't want most Japanese games being exclusive to Xbox One:
3rd party exclusives can be good for games we wouldn't have gotten without it. See Ryse, Fatal Frame,DR3, Bayonetta and maybe TF.
GAF would have been heartbroken if ryse never happened.
Will sell an average of 380 a week.
all they have to do is launch with a ff7 remake, and it's curtains.
yes i want more support for Japanese games in the west
but i dont want it on a console thats bigger than half the size of my TV(and comes with a worthless camera)
won't know until 9/4
ATLUS hmmm
Ryse to sell more than W101 in Japan in the first week.
What a waste of stock, save it for a region where it will actually sell.
Their presence in that list is quite contradictory to statements they have made in the past about development. I honestly don't think they'll be putting out anything of note.Dammit Cave do not make me consider getting MS' DRM machine.
3rd party exclusives can be good for games we wouldn't have gotten without it. See Ryse, Fatal Frame,DR3, Bayonetta and maybe TF.
Dammit Cave do not make me consider getting MS' DRM machine.
how about sunset overdrive are they second party? cuz I'm really looking forward to that one.That excuse is just been thrown around now. Respawn was already making the game for PC before. Ryse started as a Kinect game that's why it had to be funded by MS. Why Capcom gets involved in those deals is beyond me (had plenty of opportunity to learn their lesson with Lost Planet releasing first for Xbox 360 and DR1 exclusivity). Lets see how Bayonetta works out, is they had trouble funding the game it is probably a big red flag for its potential to succeed.
Studios who know how to leverage their games with platform holders sell temporary exclusive content and co-marketing to make extra money from console wars, but their game still gets released everywhere and they retain the rights over an IP and it prospers.
Exclusives make sense for first-party and second party studios who plan on doing this for a long time.
Is it still fun to laugh at the fact that KH3 is on X1 and not the Wii U
That excuse is just been thrown around now. Respawn was already making the game for PC before. Ryse started as a Kinect game that's why it had to be funded by MS. Why Capcom gets involved in those deals is beyond me (had plenty of opportunity to learn their lesson with Lost Planet releasing first for Xbox 360 and DR1 exclusivity).
Studios who know how to leverage their games with platform holders sell temporary exclusive content and co-marketing to make extra money from console wars, but their game still gets released everywhere and they retain the rights over an IP and it prospers.
Exclusives make sense for first-party and second party studios who plan on doing this for a long time.
yet itll be bought on PS4 more so cause plot reasons
if you own an Xbox One and buy KH3 without playing the others your head will explode(probably)
Dammit Cave do not make me consider getting MS' DRM machine.
Bayonetta 2 was likely being made for 360/PS3 before also.
yet itll be bought on PS4 more so cause plot reasons
if you own an Xbox One and buy KH3 without playing the others your head will explode(probably)
yet itll be bought on PS4 more so cause plot reasons
if you own an Xbox One and buy KH3 without playing the others your head will explode(probably)
A mainline console KH hasn't come out since the PS2 days. I didn't play the spin offs (in in the middle of them now) but if I never did I could buy it on Xbox One and be fine. Plenty of people went from PS2 -> Xbox 360.
yet itll be bought on PS4 more so cause plot reasons
if you own an Xbox One and buy KH3 without playing the others your head will explode(probably)
I think it's gonna be a long while before we know what Cave is going to do with their business in general. We'd be lucky to see a new shmup on any home console in the next three years. I honestly don't even think that's gonna happen unless Microsoft gets smart and lets them release their games as arcade titles (as they all should've been from the start) to maximize exposure and sales.
maybe in planning stages, but they said over and over again it wasn't happening without Nintendo.
Even if you played the others, your head might still explode. I'm actually wondering how the game will do on the Xbox One.
Even if you played the others, your head might still explode. I'm actually wondering how the game will do on the Xbox One.
One of Their titles, Wonderflick, was announced for Xbox One and Ps4 like last year.level 5 is a surprise,what could it be? I thought they had issues with MS.
One of Their titles, Wonderflick, was announced for Xbox One and Ps4 like last year.
Persona 3 FES + Persona 4 Golden HD pack
I think Cave wanted retail from the start. 5pb tried to go to XBLA and couldn't.