After being on a Nintendo-exclusive kick the last several years, I picked up the S over the weekend as well as a vertical stand, and chatpad/headset combo. Took advantage of the 60% off with a ton of old accessories, traded in my launch Xbox One... and this console has been such a fresh breath of air. Took forever to install my current Xbox games (MCC, Halo 5, Gears Ultimate Edition (though I'm putting off on installing Rare Replay cuz I'm lazy)), and had run back to Gamestop to swap the included controller (defective) for a new one after the chatpad destroyed the port (that chatpad was kind of a pain to attach as well)...
After the initial hiccups and long installations, I'm absolutely in love with it. Almost as much if not more than my 360 S. Everything is much more responsive, the OS doesn't feel like it was made from string and paperclips anymore (I did test out my fully updated launch console before trading in), the size and vertical orientation are much more convenient with my set-up... been addicted to replaying Halo 1 for achievements, and didn't have to pay for a Kinect I didn't want (I never even took the one with my launch console out of the box). This is how the Xbox One should have been day 1. Kudos to Microsoft for turning the ship back right; I'm very impressed!
Granted I am still in the honeymoon phase, but it has been awhile since I've been legit excited to come home after work and play some games. I can't wait to discover all the things this little box has to offer.
I definitely want to pick up Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Gears 4, and maybe a Forza game in the near future as well. Microsoft has a nice exclusive lineup. ^-^