As expected. That $100 price tag is going to make quite a difference, both in america and the rest of the world.
Lol is this a joke ?
As expected. That $100 price tag is going to make quite a difference, both in america and the rest of the world.
it's easy to fathom. imagine a dark, inescapable abyss. imagine the PS4 being tossed into it. that is the place of complete not-give-a-shit Japan is going to be when PS4 launches
I'm hoping Sony gives a total to date world wide after the international launch.
Can they honestly call it sold through numbers based on an assumption? I mean, wouldn't that be a lie? But you're right though, it seems awfully quick of them to be able to declare figures like this.
If Sony beat MS in NA, then I think it's safe to say we can predict which console will win this generation in terms of pure sales.
Don't read too much into it.
Lol is this a joke ?
That's excellent considering all the online hate agenda and the policies that everyone hated. Did not expect that much.
Lol is this a joke ?
Good number, solid launch, though clearly they sold less in NA due to the limits. Very interested to hear how many Sony launches with internationally.
The big question: how many in NA?
Can they honestly call it sold through numbers based on an assumption? I mean, wouldn't that be a lie? But you're right though, it seems awfully quick of them to be able to declare figures like this.
Every bit of future sales will dry up if one or the other doesn't deliver on the games. You can only sell potential for so long.
But I agree they will sell close to a million next week.
Actually, the PS4 is lauching in 40+ countries this year.I believe Sony are launching in 32 more countries this year.
I can tell it's not selling much if at all considering you can still buy Xbone easily here in Australia, even through
In the last 24 hours:
Over 60 million zombies have been killed in Dead Rising 3
Over 3.6 million miles driven in Forza Motorsport 5"
Over 7.1 million combos in Killer Instinct
Over 8.5 million enemies defeated in Ryse: Son of Rome
And, fans also found time for some exercise, with over 43.3 million Fit Points earned in Xbox Fitness.
Apologies for my ignorance but what does "sell through" actually mean? , what does "through" imply?
This is going to be a very interesting holiday.
Maybe 4 mil between XBOX One and PS4?
Unless Microsoft gains ground in Europe.
Grimløck;90926216 said:Not bad. Are they launching in other territories this year?
So it looks like the 66% PS4/33% XB1 numbers we saw in polls is turning out to be correct. If Sony sells another million+ in their Europe/Oceania/Asia launches through the end of the year it looks like it'll be a 2:1 ratio worldwide.
Apologies for my ignorance but what does "sell through" actually mean? , what does "through" imply?
no one but depressed nintendo fans thought this.
1'000'000 sold is "not selling much at all"?
Seems reasonable.
Really glad to see both platforms launch so well. I didn't think MS would have a million at launch, though it makes sense given the territories they were spread in. Hopefully they can keep supply running through the end of the year.
So it looks like the 66% PS4/33% XB1 numbers we saw in polls is turning out to be correct. If Sony sells another million+ in their Europe/Oceania/Asia launches through the end of the year it looks like it'll be a 2:1 ratio worldwide.
1million In 13 territories? So Sony has reached that mark In only the us?