Yeah, performance is bad even with AA and Ambient Occlusion off. Although it's not as bad as those terrible pauses between actions and movements. What causes that?
So I made a few guys in the editor but how do I actually put them into a squad ingame?
I'm just after the first real mission and can't find any buttons for import nor are they in the roster :|
They will appear in the recruitment screen (or as mission rewards, or as VIP's and so). Thing is by default the game mixes random dudes and guys from your character pool, so they may not be there yet.
There's a way to force the game to use your pool duddes, tweaking a couple lines in certain .ini file:
Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config\XComGameData.ini
Search for these lines:
You can change those eCPSM_Mixed with:
eCPSM_RandomOnly -> The game will use only random dudes.
eCPSM_PoolOnly -> The game will try to use only Pool duddes. I've done a quick test with just a couple characters in the pool, and seems to create random dudes when needed if there are not enough guys, but I've only played a couple missions.
And I suppose you will need to restart the game