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XCOM 2 |OT| Be Aggressive! Be Be Aggressive!


that puzzling face

Screw waiting for a patch. Money can't buy this level of comedy.


Boot up the game for a first time in half a week

Avenger Defense mission.

Stealthed Ranger with Rapid Fire next to disruptor

Rapid Fire's second shot misses the disruptor


See you space cowboy
Had the same thing happen to me, not during avenger defense though (this is why you get a long range sniper!). Sounds like a rapid fire interaction bug with targetable objects.


Boot up the game for a first time in half a week

Avenger Defense mission.

Stealthed Ranger with Rapid Fire next to disruptor

Rapid Fire's second shot misses the disruptor


See you space cowboy

Pass the word, Falk misses

Clearly this is on you, not your Ranger. Your powers just work over multiple universes and affects everything you touch, even on tactical and, perhaps, even strategic level.
Holy shit now Killzone ALWAYS has the animation shooting off in random directions I love this game.

I bet their pistols work like this too
Sometimes when I use Killzone it shows the first shot, then everything slows to a total crawl with nothing happening for about five seconds, then it says "ah, fuck it" and just jumps everything ahead sheepishly.


that puzzling face
Yeah, that was my experience prior as per my older posts:

I just put two and two together here. Two times in a mission, I set up the ambush, and it only shot once, out of a sniper with 5 rounds. Except he actually did fire at all of them - damage, burning (ammo type) and ammo count were consistent with having shot at all enemies that went into bullet time, even if the animation only played once. I actually was laughing prior because my sniper was on a rooftop shooting down at a lower rooftop, and a survivor appeared to have fallen for 10 damage and somehow been lit on fire while running for cover.

Granted, this game as it is is buggy enough that there might be two separate bugs - one just a display like mine, and another where it actually isn't triggering. But that's my anecdotal experience with the ability anyway.

That was when we thought Killzone was outright bugged and not firing.

Who knows, maybe XCOM 2's code is self-evolving/mutating and each individual installation slowly diverges from how it was at launch and someone somewhere out there will have a code base that's mutated to run flawlessly, sorta like infinite monkeys and Shakespeare and a patch will simply be copying that guy's folder and packaging it for Steam distribution.
I really need to finish my I/C run, but I'm not looking forward to the last mission(s?) after everything everyone has said, and I think there's an achievement for getting every continent bonus, so I'm going for that.
My Grenadier gave her life to give the rest of the team suppressive fire so they could extract a captured Dark VIP, and so the most talented soldiers could live. She got flanked and got shot to pieces by an ADVENT Officer and Trooper. Also RIP one of my rookies who ran an overwatch trap trying to make it to extraction in time.
Fuck, this game is buggy.

Aced a mission on Commander/Ironman because I had nice heigth advantage with two snipers.
On return to base the camera showed me some ground textures and wouldn't move. Exit, restart game, have to do the mission again -_-

Load into the mission; no high ground in sight :(
Hmm, in case this current run goes south...

Anyone think it's a good idea to rush Psi and then go for all other upgrades after I've got a Psi lab up and two Ops in the oven?
I didn't think Floaters were in this game?
Yeah, yeah, Archons.
So worth a proximity mine to watch them fall to their dea...err, oh. Oh.


Oh oh, a Faceless charging a late game Ranger.

Hmm, in case this current run goes south...

Anyone think it's a good idea to rush Psi and then go for all other upgrades after I've got a Psi lab up and two Ops in the oven?

Ehhh, you will probably get slaughtered with no armor and weapon upgrades.
But it's worth a try nonetheless.


Are blades useful?

Also, what should I be currently working on right now? I'm about to tackle the first Avatar Blacksite. What should I be striving to research?

So far I've:

-2 days away from Proving Grounds

-About to construct my first Power Supply thing

-Autopsied a Faceless

-Performing a Snake alien autopsy

-2 engineers, 1 scientist

-Built a radio tower in Far East

-Avatar project has 4 blocks

-still on Ballistic weapons

-regularly recruit troops and switch them out regularly to gain experience


What do??!
Are blades useful?

Also, what should I be currently working on right now? I'm about to tackle the first Avatar Blacksite. What should I be striving to research?

So far I've:

-2 days away from Proving Grounds

-About to construct my first Power Supply thing

-Performing a Snake alien autopsy

-2 engineers, 1 scientist

-Built a radio tower in Far East

-Avatar project has 4 blocks

-still on Ballistic weapons

-regularly recruit troops and switch them out regularly to gain experience

What do??!

You gotta keep your guys shooting straight, not to mention alive, and that's easily the best way to do it.
If you see research that leads to weapons or armor, start it ASAP.

Also, be bullish on experimental grenades with the Proving Ground, they're really helpful.

And honestly, I'd still consider that early game, you ain't seen nothing yet.


Drunky McMurder
You should have moved on from ballistic weapons long ago (at the very least, it seems like you're far enough along so that you don't want to tackle the blacksite without mag weapons for everyone). I can't think of any autopsies more important than magnetic weapons. Do you have upgraded armor yet? The snake autopsy won't really do you any good without the proving grounds and extra HP from higher level armor.

Are you running at max power? The relay could have been a waste of money at that point if you haven't built extra comms.
Stop doing autopsies, for one. Unless it rewards a universal upgrade like improved blades or gremlins (Stun Lancer and MEC respectively) or a mimic beacon if you want to switch to easy mode (Faceless), it's best to just let the corpses pile up until you get the option to complete it instantly. Focus on weapons and armor. I'd get an Advanced Warfare center and Guerilla Tactics School up and running asap.
Actually now that I've finished the game once, I'm wondering what people are thinking about optimal ways of developing their xcom.

I've been going
-guerilla tactics first (that sweet, sweet squad size and wet work)
-finishing quest/necessary research
-prioritizing weapons and armor research
-honestly, I hold back on the AWC. extra perks and healing are nice, but they don't shift battles like having a earlier proving ground or psi lab.
- and keeping the resistance network expanded as much as possible, supplies really can be difference between being underdeveloped, or having an advantage.

What order are people doing things in their Xcom research and development?


I swear Mutons have broken aim in this game. I am playing on Commander Ironman and so far I have lost 3 soldiers, all to Mutons.
Each time I lost someone, I was behind half cover, highest elevation, with Aid Protocol and the Muton being disorientated on the bottom floor. It should just simply be impossible to kill 3 of my dudes that way.

Oh yeah, and each one was a crit.
Actually, that was one thing I was wondering about. What changes when difficulty increases? Is it just damage and health numbers or do enemy and soldier hit/crit chances change as well?
Well after going through commander difficulty without losing a soldier, my legend campaign sadly won't be the same. During my first retaliation mission, my sniper missed and hit a car which exploded killing my soldier hiding behind it. Difference in difficulty is good, having problems having enough soldiers who aren't injured to send isn't so good but it's great fun. I think I might lose this one but I will keep trying until I teach those pesky aliens they aren't welcome on our planet.
Actually, that was one thing I was wondering about. What changes when difficulty increases? Is it just damage and health numbers or do enemy and soldier hit/crit chances change as well?

There's a ton of subtle changes under the hood -- for instance, in all but the highest difficulty level there are hidden boosts to your aim percentages that will come into effect if you miss a few shots in a row (among many other things). Here's some examples.


relies on auto-aim
Some off the top Legendary changes:
Intel to expand doubled
Costs to make shit at roughly doubled (Corpses amount increased)
Time to excavate doubled
Research times increased
Various +1-+2 HP buffs and +1 armor and faster Alien progression (See: 4hp troopers and grenades deal 3 dmg 80% of the time, and two 10hp sectoids on map 2, snakes can be in map 3, etc.
Wound times increased
GTS upgrades more expensive, buildings more expensive.

It's actually nuts how much it changes.

Dodge chances go from 0% to like 29374982734%

Had 37% point blank chance to dodge kn a viper. Lol

I swear Mutons have broken aim in this game. I am playing on Commander Ironman and so far I have lost 3 soldiers, all to Mutons.
Each time I lost someone, I was behind half cover, highest elevation, with Aid Protocol and the Muton being disorientated on the bottom floor. It should just simply be impossible to kill 3 of my dudes that way.

Oh yeah, and each one was a crit.
There's a bug where like 1% chance to hit will always crit. Honestly it feels like 10-15% and I've lost guys like this before.
Actually now that I've finished the game once, I'm wondering what people are thinking about optimal ways of developing their xcom.

I've been going
-guerilla tactics first (that sweet, sweet squad size and wet work)
-finishing quest/necessary research
-prioritizing weapons and armor research
-honestly, I hold back on the AWC. extra perks and healing are nice, but they don't shift battles like having a earlier proving ground or psi lab.
- and keeping the resistance network expanded as much as possible, supplies really can be difference between being underdeveloped, or having an advantage.

What order are people doing things in their Xcom research and development?
Depends on your approach. If you are rushing Psi or not. If you suicide Rangers with Shard Guns you can skip AWC
Pass the word, Falk misses
Falk in my game is a Specialist with Rupture at rank 3. But his aim is 69. My other specialist of same rank has 80. It's a mod so everyone isn't the same but Jesus.
I decided start using shadowplay to capture some of the fun moments and see if I could make some webm videos to share with people. Here's the first result. It's poor quality, but I suppose it's working about the same level as the game's mechanics. I wish I had captured some of the earlier fun stuff I had today in a mission with awesome scene where a sectopod marches forward from the fog an gets executed instantly.

Proximity mines make for really nice overwatch traps.



Quick questions: Does a Flashbang grenade somehow work on a revealed faceless and prevent him from attacking? I play on LEgendary Ironman and will maybe lose two soldiers if I try. Better to sacrifice one if it doesn't work. Any experience?


Quick questions: Does a Flashbang grenade somehow work on a revealed faceless and prevent him from attacking? I play on LEgendary Ironman and will maybe lose two soldiers if I try. Better to sacrifice one if it doesn't work. Any experience?

He attacks, but he moves less. Tho if you can move your peoples, you can outrun him even without it. Faceless kiting is one of the joys of early game legend.
It's Be E Agressive

This is #1 on my wishlist, but everything I read makes me scared to buy it yet. Not because of the performance, because I'm a coward.
Is it worth paying intel to rush plated armor research? Only have my teams equipped with magnetic rifles right now, so really need to speed things up.
Loaded my first campaign again to see if I could progress a bit further after some insight from my second campaign and I got my whole squad killed in two turns. At least that's a closed case now.
For anyone new to the game remember to keep your soldiers 4 or more squares away from each other when fighting Mutons and Vipers. Mutons only throw (usually?) grenades when they can hit two soldiers and the same with a Vipers Venom. Now on legendary difficulty this may change but it's a useful tip.


He attacks, but he moves less. Tho if you can move your peoples, you can outrun him even without it. Faceless kiting is one of the joys of early game legend.

Thanks, that helped very much. I managed to get them out savely and pulled off a flawless retaliation mission. I am happy.
For anyone new to the game remember to keep your soldiers 4 or more squares away from each other when fighting Mutons and Vipers. Mutons only throw (usually?) grenades when they can hit two soldiers and the same with a Vipers Venom. Now on legendary difficulty this may change but it's a useful tip.

Vipers can spit poison at individuals, so that doesn't help for them. Definitely keep your troops spread out if fighting Mutons, though, and I would add MECs to that list as well.


Rodent Whores
mid-game spoilers:

Well this is weird, I skulljacked a codex to pop the avatar, and I noticed the skull jack option was still open on my second Specialists (I have 2 Specialists and encountered 2 Codexes in a single pod), so I skulljacked the second Codex to see what would happen.

Another Avatar popped, so now I have to deal with 2 of 'em at the same time omg.

Oh, and the second Specialists running over to Jack the codex aggroed a Sectopod :/


My god.
I could barely handle one Avatar, dunno how you'd handle all of that.
Extract. Extract!!!

This is no time to be a hero.

Oh shit that can happen?

Hope that doesn't come up again.

That was a cool fight. I recorded it and will post to Youtube later :)

Video is up!


Featuring Jintor, PinkCrayon, Reishiki, johancruijff, Diancecht, and Carcetti


I guess part of the difficulty curve in this game are all of the small things to take into consideration. After you internalize some of them, you stop thinking about it, but, yeah. Lots and lots of tiny decisions go into a turn.
Ever since the hotfix, loading times are really random. Sometimes they are pretty fast. Other times they take a bit longer than what I am content with. Other times (like just now), I had a 5 minute transition from mission to avenger and in the end it just froze anyway.
He attacks, but he moves less. Tho if you can move your peoples, you can outrun him even without it. Faceless kiting is one of the joys of early game legend.

Not true in my experience (on Legendary). Disoriented Faceless can't attack. Really saved my bacon during a retaliation mission when two faceless were right up in my squad's grill as it was dealing with a pod of vipers/stun lancers.
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