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XCOM 2 |OT| Be Aggressive! Be Be Aggressive!


Second-rate Anihawk
So I finally beat my first run on veteran.

Any commander tips? I started a run and wtf Sectoids on the first guerrilla ops.


relies on auto-aim
Maybe, but it's hard to tell what a good size would be, because if the length extended thanks to a hack reward/one of the upgrades you get for the final mission, the cone will get narrower at certain distances, plus the enemies tend to scatter whenever they're revealed, so a big cone is more likely to be useful.

I might narrow it by four tiles and maybe increase the cooldown to see if that makes it less OP, but I don't think I'll make too many mechanical changes to the mod.
3 Ammo and minimum 2 turn CD would make sense. Barrels get hot :p
So I finally beat my first run on veteran.

Any commander tips? I started a run and wtf Sectoids on the first guerrilla ops.
You can get a sectoid or two on gatecrasher and they have 10hp on Legendary HAHAHAHA

Really, though it's more of the same, but you may have to be a bit more aware of flank routes and use full cover since you likely won't have the early game damage to wipe pods completely. Mitigate that (and of course pod activation) early and you should be fine.


3 Ammo and minimum 2 turn CD would make sense. Barrels get hot :p

You can get a sectoid or two on gatecrasher and they have 10hp on Legendary HAHAHAHA

Really, though it's more of the same, but you may have to be a bit more aware of flank routes and use full cover since you likely won't have the early game damage to wipe pods completely. Mitigate that (and of course pod activation) early and you should be fine.

From my experience, Sectoids won't prioritize Mindspin or shooting at your squad if it has a chance to zombify a corpse. Unless the AI changes in Legendary, of course.


Pretty sure sectoids will always make a zombie if possible on any difficulty.

Gatecrasher on Legendary has 3 pods: one trooper pod (3 enemies), one officer pod (3 enemies IIRC), one sectoid pod (2-3 enemies, can't remember).

As for Veteran -> Commander, most everything stays the same. You'll still want to be killing pods in one turn, but it'll be slightly more difficult because of extra armor/health. Grenadiers are still king early-midgame, rangers really ramp up because of their scouting/single-target damage. Sharpshooters and specialists generally have their same niches as before.

Early-game Commander, don't forget to bring the flashbangs. Aim penalties and psi disruption is too good to pass up. An early scope/stock will really help, so I usually prioritize modular weapons as my first research. After that, I generally go for the tech that lets you contact regions and build the comm array, then for mag weapons (I'll also pick up muton autopsies if possible for those plasma nades), leaving armor for last. Generally you shouldn't have to worry about tech too much - you'll be getting mag weapons within two, three months, so damage isn't an issue.

Anyways, veteran to commander isn't a huge step up in difficulty. The same strategies you were using in veteran will probably work if you can manage to reliably one-turn pods.


relies on auto-aim
From my experience, Sectoids won't prioritize Mindspin or shooting at your squad if it has a chance to zombify a corpse. Unless the AI changes in Legendary, of course.
Yup, more if they run away and you don't have flashbangs since first mission so you are forced to chew ammo on zombie or take bad shots on sectoid.
Man, I really like this game, but some of the esthetic choices for T3 Weapons/Armor is just horrible.

Should have been

T1 - Literally thrown together armor from destroyed Advent armor and pre-war gear that was found in old military outposts. Weapons from pre-war due to Advents bio-lock ability and ID requirements for all weapons. Includes the original XCOM T1 gear to use.

T2 - Current T1 look of proper suits and amor with T1 guns.

T3 - Exo-Skeleton suits that are human made with all the hydraulics and esthetics from the current T2 Exo suit. T2 with some T3 slim looks, basically make it look human but strong and lightweight enough to be believable. Weapons are Magnetic in nature.

Psionic troopers get to have the current T3 look of all the shiny sleek shit, they are basically science experiments so all the prototype shit should go to them.


the mag weapons and predator armor look is so drab and dystopian looking, I can't rush tier 3 space magic weapons/armor fast enough.
Here's something really neat - a custom mod launcher that does compatibility checks:

Skips the official xcom launcher
Basic compability check (duplicate ids, class conflicts)
Basic steam support (details, changelog, unsubscribe)
Cleans old ModOverride entries from XComEngine.ini
Can delete unnecessary files to reduce memory footprint


Here's something really neat - a custom mod launcher that does compatibility checks:


Yep, it's really nice. My favorite feature is being able to copy-paste things like this:

Gameplay - Alien Buffs (7):
	Muton Centurion Alien Pack                           	LW_AlienPack                        	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=577474474
	Improved AI v1.45                                    	ImprovedAI                          	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618390218
	ADVENT MEC : Breacher                                	ADVENTMECBreacher                   	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=647998839
	Sectoid Commander                                    	SectoidCommander                    	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=655821827
	A Better ADVENT                                      	ABetterADVENT                       	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=628891110
	Grenades Damage Falloff                              	GrenadesDamageFalloff               	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=626050983
	[IESS+] Increased Enemy Squad Size Plus              	IncreasedEnemySquadSizePlus         	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625780621

Gameplay - XCOM Buffs (16):
	SMG Pack                                             	LW_SMGPack                          	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=577409322
	Leader Pack                                          	LW_OfficerPack                      	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=577517577
	Skulljack and EMP Tweaks                             	SkulljackandEMPTweaks               	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619704123
	Less Gravely Wounded                                 	LessGravelyWounded                  	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619938300
	Grenadier's Armory (aka, the Light Flamethrower mod) 	LightFlamethrower                   	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=620632796
	Subtle Sword Tweaks                                  	SubtleSwordTweaks                   	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623686693
	Beatdown Skill                                       	BeatdownSkill                       	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623809996
	Advanced Modular Weapons                             	AdvancedModularWeapons              	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=626023136
	Steady Weapon                                        	SteadyWeapon                        	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=626609469
	Hunters Instinct for Swords                          	HuntersInstinctforSwords            	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=627968794
	Grenade Throwing Tweaks                              	GrenadeThrowingTweaks               	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=629228359
	AoE psi targeting Tweaks                             	AoEpsitargetingTweaks               	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=629860683
	AWC Reroll Tweak                                     	AWCReroll                           	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=643113427
	Quick Start                                          	QuickStart                          	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=624624424
	Larger Starting Squad                                	LargerStartingSquad                 	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619922328
	Configurable Mission Timers                          	ConfigurableMissionTimers           	https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618055274
I've got like 42 mods running, mostly so I can have Valkyria Chronicles characters show up:
Unsorted (2):
Load Replay                                      	LoadReplay                       	617434458
Title Menu Continue Button                       	TitleMenuContinueButton          	639497066

Soldier Customization (19):
XCOM EU/EW Ports                                 	MrKXCom1Stuffs                   	648432638
[Customisation Set] Im Too Fancy For Thouse Ayys 	ImTooFancyForThouseAyys          	616824432
Anarchys Children Extra Options                  	AnarchysChildrenExtraOptions     	651406954
Zaeed Messani Voice Pack                         	ZaeedMessaniVoicePack            	629732466
WA's Custom Gear                                 	WA'sCustomGear                   	653902466
Valkyria Chronicles Country Pack                 	ValkyriaChroniclesCountryPack    	650861466
Valkyria Chronicles Character Pool               	CPValkyriaChronicles             	649891902
Symmetrical Kevlar Arms!                         	CZsymArms                        	626636844
New Countries                                    	NewCountries                     	618481020
More hair colors                                 	NewHairmod                       	628668732
More eye colors                                  	Moreeyecolors                    	629415386
More armor colors                                	Morearmorcolors                  	629604401
Military Camouflage Patterns                     	MilitaryCamouflagePatterns       	619706632
MGS4 Frog Trooper Outfit                         	MGS4FrogTrooperOutfit            	641364603
Longer Names                                     	LongerNames                      	623154867
Historical Camo Pack                             	HistoricalCamoPack               	640328382
Eyepatch Right                                   	EyepatchRight                    	618187166
Lipstick Pack (Facepaint)                        	Kazzerk'sLipstickPack(Facepaint) 	620998078
Custom Face Paints                               	ReplikantsCustomFacePaints       	619525059

Maps (3):
Maps by Vozati                                   	MapsbyVozati                     	655847458
World Expansion Project: ADVENT                  	MapExpansionProjectADVENT        	626303273
More Maps Pack                                   	MoreMapsPack                     	625430712

Gameplay (15):
Additional Mission Types                         	AdditionalMissionTypes           	647242867
After Action - Days Wounded                      	AfterActionDaysWounded           	637551769
Blackmarket Usage                                	BlackmarketUsage                 	648410303
Cone of Fire                                     	ConeofFire                       	654431933
Evac All                                         	EvacAll                          	618669868
Experimental Item Unlock                         	ExperimentalItemUnlock           	622282000
Gotcha (Flank Preview Evolved)                   	FlankPreview                     	629910798
Leader Pack                                      	LW_OfficerPack                   	577517577
True retroactive AWC                             	TrueretroactiveAWC               	620586407
True Concealment                                 	TrueConcealment                  	618077830
Suppressable targeting abilities                 	Suppressabletargetingabilities   	638860768
Show Enemies on Mission Planning                 	ShowEnemiesonMissionPlanning     	635257372
Show ability cooldown                            	Showabilitycooldown              	634163703
Overwatch All/Others                             	OverwatchAll                     	621695447
Numeric Health Display                           	NumericHealthDisplay             	621376448

Weapons (2):
Halo Reach Weapons                               	HaloReachWeapons                 	641554054
SMG Pack                                         	LW_SMGPack                       	577409322

Enemies (1):
Muton Centurion Alien Pack                       	LW_AlienPack                     	577474474


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I've got like 42 mods running, mostly so I can have Valkyria Chronicles characters show up:
Unsorted (2):
Load Replay                                      	LoadReplay                       	617434458
Title Menu Continue Button                       	TitleMenuContinueButton          	639497066

Soldier Customization (19):
XCOM EU/EW Ports                                 	MrKXCom1Stuffs                   	648432638
[Customisation Set] Im Too Fancy For Thouse Ayys 	ImTooFancyForThouseAyys          	616824432
Anarchys Children Extra Options                  	AnarchysChildrenExtraOptions     	651406954
Zaeed Messani Voice Pack                         	ZaeedMessaniVoicePack            	629732466
WA's Custom Gear                                 	WA'sCustomGear                   	653902466
Valkyria Chronicles Country Pack                 	ValkyriaChroniclesCountryPack    	650861466
Valkyria Chronicles Character Pool               	CPValkyriaChronicles             	649891902
Symmetrical Kevlar Arms!                         	CZsymArms                        	626636844
New Countries                                    	NewCountries                     	618481020
More hair colors                                 	NewHairmod                       	628668732
More eye colors                                  	Moreeyecolors                    	629415386
More armor colors                                	Morearmorcolors                  	629604401
Military Camouflage Patterns                     	MilitaryCamouflagePatterns       	619706632
MGS4 Frog Trooper Outfit                         	MGS4FrogTrooperOutfit            	641364603
Longer Names                                     	LongerNames                      	623154867
Historical Camo Pack                             	HistoricalCamoPack               	640328382
Eyepatch Right                                   	EyepatchRight                    	618187166
Lipstick Pack (Facepaint)                        	Kazzerk'sLipstickPack(Facepaint) 	620998078
Custom Face Paints                               	ReplikantsCustomFacePaints       	619525059

Maps (3):
Maps by Vozati                                   	MapsbyVozati                     	655847458
World Expansion Project: ADVENT                  	MapExpansionProjectADVENT        	626303273
More Maps Pack                                   	MoreMapsPack                     	625430712

Gameplay (15):
Additional Mission Types                         	AdditionalMissionTypes           	647242867
After Action - Days Wounded                      	AfterActionDaysWounded           	637551769
Blackmarket Usage                                	BlackmarketUsage                 	648410303
Cone of Fire                                     	ConeofFire                       	654431933
Evac All                                         	EvacAll                          	618669868
Experimental Item Unlock                         	ExperimentalItemUnlock           	622282000
Gotcha (Flank Preview Evolved)                   	FlankPreview                     	629910798
Leader Pack                                      	LW_OfficerPack                   	577517577
True retroactive AWC                             	TrueretroactiveAWC               	620586407
True Concealment                                 	TrueConcealment                  	618077830
Suppressable targeting abilities                 	Suppressabletargetingabilities   	638860768
Show Enemies on Mission Planning                 	ShowEnemiesonMissionPlanning     	635257372
Show ability cooldown                            	Showabilitycooldown              	634163703
Overwatch All/Others                             	OverwatchAll                     	621695447
Numeric Health Display                           	NumericHealthDisplay             	621376448

Weapons (2):
Halo Reach Weapons                               	HaloReachWeapons                 	641554054
SMG Pack                                         	LW_SMGPack                       	577409322

Enemies (1):
Muton Centurion Alien Pack                       	LW_AlienPack                     	577474474

Valkyria Chronicles characters whaaaaaaaat?
Valkyria Chronicles characters whaaaaaaaat?

Ehhhhh, don't worry about that one.

I'm working on my own one that's going to have *every* single playable character in the series, including Azure Revolution's characters once it comes out.

Also with much more lore-friendly bios that translate the characters into the XCOM 2 setting better. Havelock's pool borders too close on anime hijinx with its bios for my taste.

Also, I came up with a far more creative way to represent Darcsens than making their last name "????"

Ehhhhh, don't worry about that one.

I'm working on my own one that's going to have *every* single playable character in the series, including Azure Revolution's characters once it comes out.
I'm willing to help out with voice pack stuff for the VC1 characters if you ever want to incorporate that into your mod.
I'm willing to help out with voice pack stuff for the VC1 characters if you ever want to incorporate that into your mod.

Maybe, but that gets iffy when we get to VC3 and VAR's* undubbed characters. Maybe they'd be useful though for finally having a set of Japanese voices to give Japanese XCOM units.

*It's a Sega game. Don't assume a localization is happening until they finally announce it on every single channel they can and showcase it at a conference. And even then, don't assume it's actually happening. PSO2 Never Forget.
So how does one go about fixing the ini for this game after the patch reduced the crew size and graphics?

Anyone have an upload of the ini file already tweaked?
Can someone tell me how to enable the voice pack mods i've subscribed to? I don't see them in the voice listing on the character customization screen
BTW, the Alien Hunters DLC comes out next month, according to Garth DeAngelis, and the SDK will get an update allowing for modding of base game templates (like the default list of skills in the GTS).


Alien Hunters DLC won't introduce new mechanics, would it?

In other news, I broke 100 installed mods (about 30 cosmetics) last weekend.
Alien Hunters DLC won't introduce new mechanics, would it?
It'll do new stuff with weapons, armor, and maybe enemies for sure (like firebreathing Vipers), but beyond that, I don't know. I do know from the DLC achievements that the armors will have special abilities, but not much beyond that.
Ok, I admit I am an idiot.
Now, what do I do with this homepage.
There is not an .exe file anywhere in that and trying to google a solution isn't leading me to no "you idiot, this is how dumb people like you download stuff from github" homepage.
Go to the "Releases" tab and download it there.


Just leave Steam running in the background so it can pick up which mods have updated.

Also, right click in the mod list to create categories and move mods into them.

I am doing that, but the software isn't "seeing" that Steam is running.

I am entering a wormhole of solving one issue and creating another. lol

Edit2: Oh, it worked! Yay!

I'm at 86 mods with 74 of them being active.
I can't wait for the laser weapon and class building mods.

Details from another forum:
Out right now is the Toolbox, which lets you:

Configurable camera rotation in tactical missions
Damage variation
Random stats for new soldiers
Random stats on level-ups
UI that shows soldier stats in various menus
UI and other support for up to 12-soldier squads
Red Fog (injuries affect stats)

Or basically being pretty late to the party in other words. (Although it does include a neat debug thing of auto resolving tactical battles if you're that lazy for a moment.) :V

Additionally, Long War Studios is working on four more mods that will be available to download on Steam Workshop for free over the coming months. The second mod will be the “Perk Pack” mod, which will be a solder class construction kit. The “Laser Pack” mod is the third mod and will be a new weapon tier coming out the same day as the “Perk Pack”. The fourth mod that will be coming to XCOM 2 is the “Alien Pack” mod and will add 10 new alien enemies. The fifth and last mod from the Long War Studios team is still in the works and we’ll be sharing more details soon.
Hot news! Alien Hunters drops a week from today!

These new Rulers, including the Viper King, are quite formidable, Commander. They will show up at random in your campaign, once you’ve completed the new narrative mission, and each will have their own unique behavior and tactics, so don’t expect them to act like their subordinates. If you can’t take out a ruler quick enough, the alien will escape to fight another day. We believe these rulers are incredibly intelligent and are pursuing your soldiers across the globe.

You won’t be without help in this new fight, however, as Alien Hunters also includes four new one-of-a-kind weapons: the Bolt Caster, a high damage single-shot weapon; the Hunter’s Axe, a powerful new blade weapon that can be thrown at enemies or used to dispatch foes at close range; the ShadowKeeper pistol, which has the Shadowfall ability that is guaranteed to hit and will place its user in concealment if the enemy is killed; and the Frost Bomb grenade, which is able to temporarily freeze targets. Chief Shen has asked us to point out that each of these weapons is a prototype, so if a soldier equipping any of these weapons falls in battle, be sure to physically carry them to the Skyranger or else you’ll lose the weapons forever.

On top of the new weapons, there are also three new suits of armor that can be unlocked in Alien Hunters. Each armor set is created from the corpse of a Ruler alien, and provides unique tactical abilities for the wearer. Each unique armor set also strikes fear into the subordinate alien caste. For example, the Icarus Suit is outfitted with powerful boosters that allow its wearer to fly around the map for maximum mobility.

Also, there's going to be a new patch:
Alien Hunters will also include a compatibility patch for XCOM 2. This patch will include authentication for Alien Hunters, as well as general bug fixes, balancing in the single player, performance optimizations and a rebalanced multiplayer experience for the base game.


Wooo, excited for this. I'll do a run with IESS+ using the longwar toolbox to up the squad size (and maybe other stuff like red fog, which I quite enjoyed on EU LW) in preparation for new DLC.

Freezebomb grenade seems cool. I wonder how early in the game you can get it, since it seems like a godsend for dealing with those early stun lancers.


Lol. for some reason I'd always read Alien hunters as saying XCOM was gonna be fielding more specific alien-hunting units. I never read it the other way around until the PR dropped


Damn, you're right. I still have not seen it this way until you said it.

Ohhhhh, dang, this is cool, so they have this huge amazing HP pool, but they can be defeated without being actually killed (they escape) and then they just keep coming until you can finally kill them for good? That's good. Wow.


A new, recurring enemy to nemesis seems great. I'll probably wait for the final DLC with the new soldier class (also a GPU upgrade) before doing another run, but this gets me excited.

Apparently, Alien Rulers have an, um, different, way of doing things. Instead of having turns like everybody else, they take an action after every time your guys take an action. If you end your turn prematurely, they get 1/2 of the unspent action points to play with as they will. For those of you playing along at home, that means that you're looking at as many as 12 Alien Ruler actions during YOUR TURN in vanilla.

On the plus side (such as it is), their health pool is persistent, and there's only 1 per playthrough. So after they wipe out your team in one fell swoop, those 2 points of damage you dealt beforehand carry over. It's... something.

Jake Solomon is a sadist.



Apparently, Alien Rulers have an, um, different, way of doing things. Instead of having turns like everybody else, they take an action after every time your guys take an action. If you end your turn prematurely, they get 1/2 of the unspent action points to play with as they will. For those of you playing along at home, that means that you're looking at as many as 12 Alien Ruler actions during YOUR TURN in vanilla.

On the plus side (such as it is), their health pool is persistent, and there's only 1 per playthrough. So after they wipe out your team in one fell swoop, those 2 points of damage you dealt beforehand carry over. It's... something.

Jake Solomon is a sadist.

Love it.
Well, if it is well balanced instead of just rage inducing. But I am assuming Firaxis won't release a DLC that will break the game, so.
I dunno if I just ran into a common bug, but I can't access anything in my Avenger other than Research. This is right after the dude talks to me about the chip in my head.
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