I've been playing XCOM 2 all afternoon. I love it, but I was harshly reminded that this game is XCOM first, 2 second. If that makes sense. Some quick thoughts about it:
I like the new abilities for the different classes. They make it worthwhile training more than snipers, which were my bread and butter in the first game. I'm trying to work out how Specialists best function... Any tips?
The game is absolutely brutal. Seven or eight missions in, and it's already throwing at me two Mecs, four Stun Lancers, two Sectoids and a Chosen. I was able to play the first game without getting any soldier wounded. Now I have to be happy if no one dies.
Aiming percentages still feel like total bullshit. They feel totally biased against you. I downloaded a mod that separates the chances for Hit, Crit and Dodge as they worked in Enemy Unknown, so at least they feel a bit more natural. Otherwise the game uses a single roll to determine whether the shot hits, crits or is dodged.
Some enemies are way, way too OP. Those dudes in white can mind-control one of your characters, put another one in stasis and shoot at yet another one. The same goes for Sectoids. In a squad of four, that's devastating. Stun Lancers are super quick, move very far and hit like a truck. Muttons and Mecs have a lot of health and armor, and they use grenades to blast your team to pieces if there are two units close together. In the end, I'm having to play extremely cautiously, so as to be able to kill one of those enemies before they even have the chance to attack. Otherwise I'm fucked.
I wish the game moved slower. There's a new event every few days, and it doesn't give me the chance to recover from the previous battle or develop new technologies. I wish events were more spaced out, to give me some time to breathe between missions.
Its a game that greatly values flanking and taking advantage of weakness.
My tips:
- Flank every time you get.
- No, seriously, flank every time.
No, seriously, get your man back there and flank them, worse case, the enemy has to reposition and you might even get an Overwatch shot on them.
- no joke, I would actually call XCOM 2 primarily a Flanking Simulator.
- Download the mod Gotcha Again, it has a icon that lets you know when you're flanking that is invaluable.
- using the Left-Alt target preview can also help.
- Flashbang Sectoids, or anything with psionics. Really good way to mediate them. Can't mind control you when they're disoriented, and it knocks any current effects off them.
- in general, use grenades and flashbang all the time, they're pretty strong. There's no hit percentage for an explosion, and enviromental damage to remove cover for other shooters is quite the wombo combo. Heavy grenadier use is entirely valid when not dealing with Lost.
- upgrade weapons asap. Better guns was the best technogical solution, who knew?
-Dont be afraid to be bold and use a sword, especially early game when conventional weapons just aren't cutting it. Sometimes a target just needs to be taken out even if it's risky.
In the end, I'm having to play extremely cautiously, so as to be able to kill one of those enemies before they even have the chance to attack. Otherwise I'm fucked.
Got that right. That's XCOM. You gotta find the biggest threat and neutralize it as soon as possible. They can't kill you when they're dead. Focusing priority targets is also crucial.