Mental Atrophy
I like how Murderess is in a completely different spot than the map tells you. This wouldn't be a problem if you could change party members without having to track them down individually.
Just finished Chapter 5 and while the silent protagonist was a little bit awkward in one of the cutscenes, it was still a nice progress in the overall story. I enjoy the story so far and looking foreward to what happens next.
Btw after which Chapter it's possible to get your skell license?
I've been did a bunch of probes but didn't complete the Kristy quests. And I just started an affinity quest! Its the repair job one, shouldn't be too difficult. I wish you could drop those quests halfway through, but it is what it is. Maybe then I should be high level enough to do chapter 4. Thank you!
You're really passionate about defending the game, aren't you
Dang. Looks like I gotta wait for the flight module before I get to grind like a mofo. When do you get one, again?
it's been bothering me for a while now where's your avatar from? It looked like Dream from Sandman at first but I can't tell haha
Man I really can't get used to this combat system. I think I spent 2 hours just "fighting" low level enemies, and I put that in quotes because I still don't know what to do.
So here are my questions about combat:
1. Is there a dodge or defend mechanic, or does moving around during the fight do anything beside get you closer to attack
2. What does that B button prompt that comes up mean.
3. Why is melee combat so slow
4. It tells me to target with the R button and draw with the A button, except i've never been able to target anything, most of the time i walk into the monsters line of sight and then they attack.
Man I really can't get used to this combat system. I think I spent 2 hours just "fighting" low level enemies, and I put that in quotes because I still don't know what to do.
So here are my questions about combat:
1. Is there a dodge or defend mechanic, or does moving around during the fight do anything beside get you closer to attack
2. What does that B button prompt that comes up mean.
3. Why is melee combat so slow
4. It tells me to target with the R button and draw with the A button, except i've never been able to target anything, most of the time i walk into the monsters line of sight and then they attack.
1. I don't think moving can make you dodge anything. Positioning yourself can help your attacks though (get on the enemies' back).Man I really can't get used to this combat system. I think I spent 2 hours just "fighting" low level enemies, and I put that in quotes because I still don't know what to do.
So here are my questions about combat:
1. Is there a dodge or defend mechanic, or does moving around during the fight do anything beside get you closer to attack
2. What does that B button prompt that comes up mean.
3. Why is melee combat so slow
4. It tells me to target with the R button and draw with the A button, except i've never been able to target anything, most of the time i walk into the monsters line of sight and then they attack.
30 hours in and the honeymoon period is beginning to transition into slight disdain as many of the flaws are eating at me leaving a bit of frustration. Not nearly to the degree that MGSV or Fallout 4 left me cold though. I am still thoroughly enjoying what is good.
Totally agree, especially about the Chapter 5 cutscene in particular. It was really weird and kind of took me out of the scene. If Shulk had been there, he would havelet out a very awesome sounding scream.
The silent protag is still very much a turn off for me in this game. It has FFXIV-syndrome where your character nods constantly to stuff and things just come off as really stilted. If they were going to do the "create your own character" thing, they should have just done it like Mass Effect or Dragon Age where your character still talks quite often and is part of cutscenes in a meaningful way (and isn't awkward in said cutscenes).
It's probably my biggest disappointment about the game. I'm still enjoying it, but compared to the first Xenoblade, it just doesn't have that special/charming feeling to me.
I have plenty of problems with the game myself and I find complaining about character choice and impact to be a lazy and thoughtless criticism. Even the argument about your character not really being the main character rings hollow on me. I agree that Elma is more of the main character, but I don't have a problem with that.
Look at a pretty universally praised game like Persona 4 and you find both of these same 'problems' - MC plays second banana to Yosuke for most of the story. Your dialogue choices make little to no difference except in specific cases and with regards to how many social link points you get.
It could easily be improved, but I find it pretty low on the list of things I'd criticize about this game.
For anyone that hasn't done the "Repair Job" Affinity Quest with Lin yet, just say NO to the second part, I wasted about 2 hours of my life on that. Just feed Tatsu and move on
Any quest that makes you "hope" for a certain random item to drop from an enemy is terrible.
You're really passionate about defending the game, aren't you
Just noticed the aerial cam option, and I love it.
Chapter 6
After you finish chapter 6
I have plenty of problems with the game myself and I find complaining about character choice and impact to be a lazy and thoughtless criticism. Even the argument about your character not really being the main character rings hollow on me. I agree that Elma is more of the main character, but I don't have a problem with that.
Look at a pretty universally praised game like Persona 4 and you find both of these same 'problems' - MC plays second banana to Yosuke for most of the story. Your dialogue choices make little to no difference except in specific cases and with regards to how many social link points you get.
It could easily be improved, but I find it pretty low on the list of things I'd criticize about this game.
Quest becomes available after chapter 9.
No, I just want people to be fair and stop not giving attention about the feedback of oher people otherwise that thread is pointless if people ignore usefull infos giving by others.
Also that game has flaws (ex : people dislike the music or Tatsu ? I won't go against them), that's for certain (that's why I will never give it 10/10) but I would dislike anyone who would spread misinformations.
Misinformation hurted too many games that I know.
The problem isn't inherently the lack of character impact, it's that the presentation went down the tubes due to the decision to make the player controller character silent. As a result the tradeoff is that the player gets more 'options' however those options come off as usually as half-baked. In addition, the party dynamic is completely fucked partially as a result in this game.
So what's left are these cutscenes that are awkwardly framed and player deviations not being enough to justify that.
Then they probably shouldn't have done 20 different options.
Level 48 should be high enough to do chapter 9 without much difficulty, I imagine.
Ugh i feel this one, as I OVERLY praise personas, but I really can't stand silent mc..Look at a pretty universally praised game like Persona 4 and you find both of these same 'problems' - MC plays second banana to Yosuke for most of the story. Your dialogue choices make little to no difference except in specific cases and with regards to how many social link points you get.
It could easily be improved, but I find it pretty low on the list of things I'd criticize about this game.
Anyone here a high rank enforcer/psycorruptor/mastermind? I'm playing as a tank-ish DPS longsword character, but I have three extra art slots after assigning the melee arts I want and the assault rifle arts are practically worthless. So my question is, does the raygun get some good debuff arts I could use with my otherwise mostly melee build?
One can but hope![]()
Raygun gets Myopic Screen, which causes Blackout, as well as an art that causes Debuff Resistance Down (I forget what it's called). I haven't fully maxed out Mastermind yet so I don't have everything, but those are the two I remember offhand as being most useful. The others I use regularly are damage arts (though one of them causes Topple, Gravity Blast, I think it was.)
First off, there is a bit to take in and there can be an information overload, so I can be hard to click with. but to answer your questions.Man I really can't get used to this combat system. I think I spent 2 hours just "fighting" low level enemies, and I put that in quotes because I still don't know what to do.
So here are my questions about combat:
1. Is there a dodge or defend mechanic, or does moving around during the fight do anything beside get you closer to attack
2. What does that B button prompt that comes up mean.
3. Why is melee combat so slow
4. It tells me to target with the R button and draw with the A button, except i've never been able to target anything, most of the time i walk into the monsters line of sight and then they attack.
I think I broke the game, it's so easy now post-game:
I get 300k gold and 30k Miranium every 4min after getting one of the superweapons (antimatter cannon). Then spam that mission (Scouting Antropolis) and since you get enough miranium for fuel, it's very easy. The mission is also very short. One shotting all enemies xD
Thanks, sounds like they would be worth it. Do you happen to know if brainjack, or whatever it was that could make enemies attack each other, is a raygun art? Would love to be able to use that one
Anyway, too many chapter numbers floating around this thread now. I'm still pretty early in the story and don't want to know that I'll get X or Y item/character/capability/exciting cutscene after chapter Z. I want to be surprised so I'll be bailing out for now. See you on Mira.
Is there a tutorial about weapons anywhere? At level 18 my assault rifle has a damage stat of 8, and there are rare weapons i have that are equippable at level 20 which have a damage stat of 6. Not sure how to read this.
I think I broke the game, it's so easy now post-game:
I get 300k gold and 30k Miranium every 4min after getting one of the superweapons (antimatter cannon). Then spam that mission (Scouting Antropolis) and since you get enough miranium for fuel, it's very easy. The mission is also very short. One shotting all enemies xD
It does, but it's a knife art
Oh my God, i dont remember if i saved last time ...Fell asleep. Didn't save. System shut down.
Save often people....
Power down disabled
Spoilers are tagged well, if you are this precious about spoilers you should probably stay off the Internet in general
I'm only an hour in though, lol. Probably the first of many.
Watch Torvalds use the Xenoblade X script as his next commit message.Disconnecting from the internet is a bit overkill don't you think? It's highly unlikely that I will run into Xenoblade X spoilers while checking stocks or reading what's been added to the Linux kernel. Leaving the thread, as I said I would, will suffice I think. But thanks for the well-intentioned advice.
I think I broke the game, it's so easy now post-game:
I get 300k gold and 30k Miranium every 4min after getting one of the superweapons (antimatter cannon). Then spam that mission (Scouting Antropolis) and since you get enough miranium for fuel, it's very easy. The mission is also very short. One shotting all enemies xD
I think you can more or less safely ignore the base stat of each weapon and just pay attention to the augments they have. If you don't know what an augment does (for example, Reinvigorate, which is not very descriptive at all), you can check it's description out by going to the terminal next to the shop one and choose to upgrade gear.
No other way to see though, as far as I know, which is obviously stupid as hell.
Quoting this for future grinding use. No idea if I'll be interested in post-game, though, usually lose all interest in a game when the main story's over and done with.
Damn, no brainjacking for me then
Maybe I'll experiment with the classes later on when I can grind BP.
I feel like I'm the only one who likes Tatsu. Riki was the cute mascot character who was secretly a 40 year old father of 11 who had surprisingly insightful things to say at times. Tatsu serves the same mascot character role but instead of moments of insight he has these moments of being a complete asshole for no reason and it makes me laugh everytime.
Thanks for advice, i will look into it. Perhaps its better to let the game pick best gear and check the weapon it selected, as i have been basing it off the damage stat only.