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You like Nintendo, but why do you like Nintendo?


Elaborating on 1 point I mentioned earlier: when Wii U was a dumbster fire and Nintendo reported losing money for the first time, instead of firing people, the executives took large paycuts to cover the losses. Just how many layoffs and studio closures have happened in this industry in just the last 2 years? Again, they're the only ones that have it together.
Thats only half truth. There was never any major layoff from them in japan (that i know of), however they did do major layoffs outside of the country (like one time they laid off 320 people in Nintendo of Europe)


Gold Member
They aren't trying to turn games into movies. They are the most consistent at innovating new gameplay ideas. Super Mario 3D World could have been like 30 separate games, just based on the quality of the different mechanics sprinkled throughout the various levels. They are masters of this.


Gold Member
I don't like Nintendo for various reasons. Don't like most of their games either. I've tried but they just don't appeal to me. Perhaps because I wasn't much of a console gamer until the PS3/360/Wii years and so I don't have much nostalgia for the games.

Wii Sports was fun though


What time is it?
Don't like most of their games either.
Because they are the only ones still in the portable game. The fact that they don't censor anymore 3rd party (ironic considering their 80s and 90s past), the fact that I can play old pc games and roguleikes on the switch with ease. The first party hits as well as first party strategy games like fire emblem. Sony abandoned jrpgs, which is one of the things that attracted me to them in the 90s (and many other reasons) and now Nintendo has the crown back, in my eyes.

Oh and I own all systems. I like how Nintendo focuses on gameplay and a reasonable priced system over graphics. I don't dig their multiplayer systems or friend codes, but don't play multiplayer anyway.
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There are pros and cons but for me their focus on gameplay and variety of games. They create and publish so many awesome games and I love their choice of focusing on games that can challenge me in multiple genres. Not everything is perfect and interests but they have enough games for me to enjoy. There focus on gameplay first in their games and problem solving is satisfying. I love that I have to put my brain to work to solve their games. Also they make games for everyone is awesome so its easy to play and recommend their games for people of all different ages. Now they also do some dumb stuff. I mean they need to stop with dumb lawsuits, stop going after emulators and rom sites for their legacy content, shutting down fan games, make their legacy content for ownership better (I have switch online and think its lame that I can't buy these games instead of locking it behind a paywall of $20 dollars), and their online store is so janky and also just the junk on that shop (it reminds of the shovel ware hell that was the Wii days). Nintendo is not perfect but they are one of my favorite game developers.


Neo Member
They make fun and enjoyable games that make you feel like a kid again. Plus I can play those games with my 5 year old daughter. Nintendo also doesn't seem to be in a rush to go all digital either, which is a plus.
Growing up as a SEGA kid I don't have the nostalgia for Nintendo like others do, so I don't view them on any kind of pedestal. I do enjoy some of their games still, in particular Zelda (including the musou spin-offs), Kirby and Metroid, and sorely miss F-Zero, but don't really enjoy much else aside from the odd random new game.
Their games are still just games that are fun, rank high and are mostly instant classics, and are not some GaaS bullshit and still rake in the cash.
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I like them because they always focus on gameplay.
Even Monolith Soft always mixes up the gameplay of Xenoblade. I think it's because of Nintendo influence.

Nintendo also makes a lot of banger music



Back in the 80s, game plots were just "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?". Graphics were about if your artist was talented enough to make an 16x16 square look like something rather than how much money you could throw at it. Games differentiated themselves in how smoothly and fun it felt to move the character and how much fun the levels were to interact with. Eventually, the industry shifted. It became all about realism and immersion and Digital Foundry and games made to service the story rather than the other way around. Most of the consumers went that way (or at least the hardcore ones; certainly seems like most people on this site). Sony, Microsoft, and practically all major third parties aimed to cater to them. Me? I never did. I'm still about how fun it felt to move the character and how much fun the levels were to interact with. And Nintendo is the biggest gaming company that still cares about that stuff. And by making their own system, they create a market for games that care about that stuff.

And they care a lot about it. You can read interviews that make it clear their attention to details is insane. I remember seeing an interview with an ex-Retro employee who mentioned that Nintendo's comments on Metroid Prime's level designs were so extensive that they were shifting where crates were, because they were seeing something the designers at Retro weren't. Or how Miyamoto spent hours simply going up and down trees in Breath of the Wild to make sure it felt right. Sure, not every game is brilliant. Sure, other game companies have some excellently designed game mechanics and levels too. But Nintendo is so consistent at it that most games at least deserve a second glance from me.

From a more recent perspective, the hybrid model of the Switch is brilliant. Especially for someone like me, a handheld that can have the full, 100% console experience while also being able to be used as a console for the few times I have the time for that is perfect, and given that both Valve and Sony (and, per rumors, Microsoft) have their own versions now clearly shows I'm not the only one. And it is so successful that nearly every third party game I'm interested in is also on it. The fact that it launched with the first traditional Zelda game in over 30 years is just the cherry on the top.


best game design in the business...
That's why.

they haven't fallen victim to the cinematic AAA virus.

they make games because they have fun gameplay ideas not because they want to make a shitty simulacrum of an AMC TV show or Hollywood movie.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
nintendo make good game


I grew up with Mario, Link & Zelda, Samus, etc in the late 80s. and these characters all grew up with me too. Watching them evolve from their initial appearances to what they are now has been incredible.

For example- Playing the new Zelda game gives me such a sense of nostalgia, and it feels so nice to revisit Hyrule from an overhead perspective again.
I love the games and the worlds they create (Super Nintendo world in USJ is also great).

But I don’t feel the same way of the company itself. I mean they come over as huge assholes. They will go against their fanbase when it comes to fan art. They will sue other companies because of the smallest things. They don’t care about game preservation in any way. And they are greedy bastards on top of that. Every time they re-release an older game, they only make small improvements if any and will charge full price for it.
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Love hate relationship with Nintendo. I liked Famicom, but I was more MSX boy. I liked Super Famicom, but I became Sega fanboy since MegaDrive.
Nintendo was always my #2 f - mostly because I loved their handheld machines.
Once Sega went out of HW business, I had no love for all the rest of them. Nintendo, Sony, MS... - but at the same time it gave me a good time to really invest my time with Nintendo handhelds and consoles, which gave me more appreciation of what they offer for what it is.

So as a company I respect Nintendo very much. They stick to what they do the best and rarely falter from the principle, even to the point of feeling outdated to some... but if there's a real "master crafts man" in gaming world, it's no other than Nintendo and their Kyoto style games.


Because they’re not afraid to go in their own direction. Nintendo just seems to be okay with doing their own thing while not getting wrapped up in what MS/Sony are doing.


Neo Member
Not a Nintendo fan and have only been disappointed by their games.
They killed off 2D where so much of their best looking IP lives, disregarded the significance of their proprietary hardware and had it reverse engineered into BC NES/SNES/N64 consoles completely out of their control.

That said, Nintendo's avoided x86/4k/RT and made good money in spite of this which means Sony could rerelease the PS2 with DualSense controllers and do the same thing only better.
Nintendo's value is as a rightful rival to Sony. PS chasing MS into 4k oblivion has been a mistake and PS battling it out against 720p Nintendo is a good thing for consoles.
Both Nintendo and PS have drifted from their pure consoles of the past (SNES/PS2) and it's entirely possible that war between them could result in another peak console gaming era.
In an ideal scenario we'll see both of them bring back legacy hardware and open it up to developers - churning out new digital-only PS2/SNES games that take advantage of new controller designs.


Super Mario World
Punch Out
Super Punch Out
Donkey Kong Country
Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Metroid
Killer Instinct
Blast Corps
Killer Instinct Gold
Super Mario 64
Goldeneye 007
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Smash Bros.
Pokémon BLUE & RED
Mario Party 64
Mario Party 2
Mario Golf 64
Mario Kart 64
Sin & Punishment
Smash Bros. Melee
Luigi’s Mansion
Eternal Darkness
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Animal Crossing
Mario Sunshine
Zelda: Wind Waker
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii Sports
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Smash Bros. Brawl
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Punch Out Wii
New Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong County Returns
Wii Sports Resort
Mario Kart Wii
Smash Bros. Wii U
Mario Kart 8
Super Mario 3D World
Bayonetta 2
Donkey Kong County: Tropical Freeze
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Metroid Dread
Smash Bros Ultimate
Mario Odyssey
Mario Wonder
Kirby Forgotten Land
Astral Chain
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Switch Sports
Tetris 99
Metroid Prime Remastered

Just to name a few.
I really can't understand why Nintendo does not release their games on the PC as every new game is 100% playable via emulation, so they are leaving massive amounts of cash on the floor.

Plus the fact not everyone wants to play games using a crap handheld.
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I was deep into Nintendo at the start of the Switch era but over the years since I've come to be less and less interested in their games. The experimental and weird Nintendo games of the GC/Wii era has made way to very cookie cutter Disney-ified experience IMO. A new Zelda game was something I would hunt for every detail about for years but Tears of the Kingdom was so boring and I have skipped all the Switch Zelda games except for BotW and Skyward Sword HD. Skipped Mario Wonder, Pikmin 4, Luigi's Mansion 3... Smash Bros Ultimate was okay but I didn't even bother getting the first wave of DLC. Animal Crossing New Horizons doesn't feel quite the same as the N64/GC game. However I did enjoy Metroid Prime Remastered and Metroid Dread so Prime 4 is looking like a potential bright spot.

But luckily the Switch had loads to offer elsewhere so you don't need Nintendo games any more for the first time since the SNES.


Nintendo make brain happy. It breaks a lot of 'rules' doing so, but I just learned to go with it and not bother rationalizing.
My brother got my switch but I'm playing the games I bought for the emulator. The gameplay stands pretty much the test time compared to most modern forgettable games.


Gold Member
I have never liked Nintendo... no, that's too strong... I always have being indifferent to Nintendo and their games... no... actually, I think I dislike Nintendo after all.... but why?

i don't find "fun" collecting coins and I hate silent protagonists and Pokémon is lame...well, that's where the indifference comes from.

so, it's not about disliking Nintendo then, but the people that like Nintendo and say that Nintendo is the only one making "fun" games when to me their games are boring AF.
I don't. I hope their anti-competititve and anti-videogame conservation litigation comes back to bite them in the ass. They have not made a single great consumer product since the Wii. Good thing kids and young adults these days prefer laptops, ipads, and phones. I will drink to their demise when their audience ages out.
Because their game are really good. People try to discredit them for reasons I don't understand. Just look at the discussion around Astro Bot. Absolutely amazing game. One of the best games Sony has put out, and the thing most people say is that it's like a Nintendo game. That says it all.


Because they make games I like to play. Their portfolio is diverse with different kinds of genres and gameplay styles. I have grown up with those kinds of games, and continue to make those kinds of experiences.
I have never liked Nintendo... no, that's too strong... I always have being indifferent to Nintendo and their games... no... actually, I think I dislike Nintendo after all.... but why?

i don't find "fun" collecting coins and I hate silent protagonists and Pokémon is lame...well, that's where the indifference comes from.

so, it's not about disliking Nintendo then, but the people that like Nintendo and say that Nintendo is the only one making "fun" games when to me their games are boring AF.
Mario isn't silent. The legend says that if you offend Mario this way he will come to you in the middle of the night, exactly at 2:38AM and you will slide down the pipe - "wahooo, my friend, wahoo" wait for Mario
I don't. I hope their anti-competititve and anti-videogame conservation litigation comes back to bite them in the ass. They have not made a single great consumer product since the Wii. Good thing kids and young adults these days prefer laptops, ipads, and phones. I will drink to their demise when their audience ages out.
How would you like for them to change?


Because playing their games bring me joy and out from this so sad world.

Scared Nintendo GIF

Mario 3D World, Galaxy, Captain Toad...etc are all just out of this world and incredibly fun.
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