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You like Nintendo, but why do you like Nintendo?


May I have a cookie?
I prefer their approach to creativity, for the most part, over those of Sony and MS:

Reasonably priced hardware, new and unusual ways to interact with it each generation, and no over reliance on realistic graphics and macho shooters.

I think they still haven't reached the pinnacle of diversity and creativity that made Playstation famous during the PSX and PS2 generations, but they've surpassed what has come since.
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May I have a cookie?
Whenever nintendo has a miss it never ends up being concord levels of bad. They've always been consistent with their games for the most part.
It's called having good business sense, and part of the reason Nintendo are better at it is because they have a much more clearly defined vision of what they want to achieve as a company. Sony and Microsoft tend to be more susceptible to chasing trends profits.

Nintendo operate more like artists and craftsmen, genuinely interested in exploring new ideas and understanding the medium and the possibilities it offers to achieve their vision. They are also much more aware of their own abilities and limitations. As a result, they tend not to take uncalculated risks.
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As much as I can be overly critical of Nintendo, I do like their games, as mediocre as they are. As a company, their draconian practices and litigious tendencies especially against fans who just innocently admire their work and feel inspired to create something great (like the Metroid 2 fan remake) are pure evil and controlling. A lot of their fans are quite insufferable though. Sending death threats to Gamespot bc Zelda TP didn't get a perfect 10 is childish.
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One of the very few company that every time they release a first party game, when I start most of their games it literally makes me smile ... Their games makes me happy.

Also their respect for the players is pretty much unmatched in this business.


May I have a cookie?
Also their respect for the players is pretty much unmatched in this business.
I beg to differ. Have you played 3D Zeldas before BOTW? Many of their games are known for forcing the player to repeat cut scenes and perform certain missions multiple times. They've gotten much better at this but I'm not sure "unmatched in the business" is accurate.


Not only I played I still have my N64 and 3ds copys of Ocarina and Majora.

Yes i agreed with you about the mechanics , but I was talking more about when do something wrong they tend to compensate the player or even coming in public saying sorry.... also they one of the few company that admits their mistakes. Is more about their actions and attitude towards the player.


Donald Trump Idk GIF
I'm torn on Nintendo. If they went out of business and just made games and I could play Mario games on the Playstation, that would be the ideal.

But I like their exclusive names JUST enough to get one of their consoles every few generations. I skipped the Wii but got a Wii U (which plays Wii games) and I don't have a Switch but may get a Switch 2.

As Devs, I feel their games are about as good in quality as a game can get. Their games very rarely have glitches or slowdown...it's ridiculous how humongous that Breath of the Wild was and yet it had so few issues. (Yes, I know, some of you will respond with some thread with a list of issues for these games but, I'm sorry, these effect a very small percentage of players). And, man, after years and years of them pumping out Mario and Zelda games, they always find a way to keep these fresh.

Overall I don't like their consoles since, with a Playstation, I really only end up getting like ten total games per Nintendo console. But those games are good enough to warrant the purchase.
* sigh * These "they should go 3rd party" brainworms...

They would take less risks on games/franchises if they were 3rd party because of royalty fees and more dev time targeting other hardware.

Capitan Todd

Neo Member
I think because I grew up with the NES and Game Boy and now I'm slowly introducing my son to gaming with Mario. Their games have a consistent quality with something fun to offer for every age.


Not a Nintendo fan and have only been disappointed by their games.
They killed off 2D where so much of their best looking IP lives, disregarded the significance of their proprietary hardware and had it reverse engineered into BC NES/SNES/N64 consoles completely out of their control.

Wait what?
My main console is PS5 yet I always know if I crave a certain genuine-feeling sweetness and playfulness, I can reach for a Nintendo game. People hate these nebulous descriptions but whatever, there's a certain heart to a Mario or Zelda game that just gives me a sense of joy I don't find anywhere else. Even if the game might not be the greatest shit ever, that feeling of "more than a product" tends to be there for me.


Gold Member
I like their products. I like their style. I like their legacy, having been there since the early 90s.
I like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Xenoblade.
I like the design of many of their consoles and handhelds.
I like the fresh, original design of games like Splatoon. I like their attention to detail in designing every facet of a game. I like that they often start with the question “what would be fun?” and then build a game around a simple idea that works, rather than build characters and a plot and then shoehorn a game around those. I like that they dare to throw away ideas that don’t fit into a specific game, but always keep it in some drawer to reuse it later if it had potential.

I don’t have to like everything about Nintendo, and I won’t buy everything they make.
I don’t care about Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Mario Golf.
I hate that people making good gaming-related content have to censore their videos because Nintendo threatens them to sue for (probably) legitimate use of game footage.
But just like enjoying some of their offering doesn’t mean I’m a fan of it all, the fact that I don’t approve some of their actions and decisions doesn’t mean I should reject them completely.
I'm with most people here in that I like a lot of their games and grew up with them, doesn't mean I agree with everything they do, and yes they can be too litigious sometimes.


Biggest Trails Stan
Gameplay: Most of the time thier games click with me when it comes to gameplay. Some of the most memorable experiences I played are Nintendo games

Graphics: Yes their systems and handhelds can be underpowered but most of the games they release tend to age well graphically

Artstyle: All their franchise I can remember due to how memorable their characters are from older characters like Mario to Zelda to newer characters like the characters from Splatoon and Arms. That just tells me that they can make memorable designs that aren't just Mario and Zelda

Bang For Your Buck: Most of their games are totally worth the asking price and I always feel fully satisfied that I got my money worth out of their product
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I also have to add Nintendo does not get into the modern day politics and social issues, or none that I know of. Many of us here on this forum just want to play a game to have fun and escape from the harsh realities of the modern world. A video game company's main objective in giving a consumer a product, should be based on fun and escapism, not remind them of the realities of modern life.
I don't know, I still remember like yesterday beating Yoshi's Island in 1995 and watching the Killer Instinct SNES commercials in awe. In 2024, they remind me of a campfire that you never want to see go out.


not tag worthy
Was the first console system I fell in love with the games (NES) then I got a SNES my mate had a mega drive so I was split in both of them, I had a Saturn and Dreamcast (never forget)
Then I’ve owned every main line console up to the switch and most of their handhelds (minus virtual boy and game boy colour)

They make games I like and my kids like
I don't know this is fact, but Nintendo games just seem like they are built differently. Most games feel as if the story and characters are created first and then the gameplay is built around it, but Nintendo games feel as if they are mechanically driven. Almost as if they think of a great gameplay mechanic and then try and build a world around it. I like the Last of Us but I can't think of a single unique gameplay element, traversal is just pushing a bin around.


Consistency. No silly mid-gen refreshes of systems. Decent support for their products (They don't really abandon their systems). Decent priced online if you have to have it. Made use of easily accessible and affordable expandable memory options. Their games always look good and they seem to know what to do to make their games fun.

I am not a big Nintendo fan, but they have always been pretty straightforward to me. There are things I don't like, for example a lot of their well known games disappear and don't come back (F-ZERO) and I feel that their eshop is very outdated and a pain to use with a lot of indie trash (so is Playstation's).

IMO both MS and Sony have really lost their way....Sony especially as of late. They have really lost me as a regular consumer and I didn't think such a thing would be possible. Been a fan since PS1.

MS does MS things. I don't expect much from them.


Gold Member
Whenever nintendo has a miss it never ends up being concord levels of bad. They've always been consistent with their games for the most part.

Nintendo wont have any misses when all autestic journals overrate their games to the moon even when releasing turds like the latest Zelda game!

If MS or Sony released a game in that state they will never see the end of it, but its Ninty so .. let give it 85 Meta



What do they say?
Where have you been the last decade or so? Look at literally any fan project, rom hack etc. The way they treat emulation and thier insane definition of emulation in general. Making folk buy the same VC games AGAIN for the Wii U. Youtube DMCA trolling. Patent trolling. The list is endless, they make good games don't get me wrong, but they are a shitty company overall.


The gameplay or the core idea of the gameplay loop almost always comes first with them. They dont reinvent the wheel but they have high consitency with their quality. They also dont feel the need to shove characters genders and sexuality in your face


Nintendo's Games have mastered moment-to-moment gameplay. Their Games aren't necessarily always the best in the genre(plenty of games with better combat e.g) but they sure as hell know how to keep a players attention with smooth handling, things happening on screen etc. It's hard to do, but they nail it 90% of the time in their Games


Gee, I dunno' maybe it's that they put gameplay first and don't bore you to tears with never ending cutscenes written by failed TV-show writers that can't help but to insert whatever activist & political flavour of the week they've downloaded from twitter into their games. Or that you just load it up and can expect it to work without having to wait eons for patches to fix performance or other game breaking bugs. Or that their characters and worlds have genuine charm and wonder to them still. Or that their games don't come front loaded with a 'seasonal content' in the form of a battle passes or other mtx nonsense. Or that, when I buy a physical copy of a Nintendo game, I don't then have to still download the entire game.

Some reasons why I like Nintendo I guess.
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Neo Member
Wait what?
By only offering subpar software/streaming emulation for their old games they've driven users to create their own modern consoles that use FPGA emulation.
Hardware's the only way to get 100% accuracy and Nintendo not offering it via new consoles has created a perfectly legal situation where Nintendo's been cut out of their own ecosystem.

It's not hard to imagine an alternate reality where Nintendo did a better job of managing their legacy IP and offered a digital-only TV console running hardware from their old systems.
The digital-only games could easily be justified by virtue of taking advantage of new controller features, like an option to use joypad controls and triggers that were added after the systems being emulated had been retired.
Digital-only games being able to exist only on their hardware could mean an end to ROMs floating around.


By only offering subpar software/streaming emulation for their old games they've driven users to create their own modern consoles that use FPGA emulation.
Hardware's the only way to get 100% accuracy and Nintendo not offering it via new consoles has created a perfectly legal situation where Nintendo's been cut out of their own ecosystem.

It's not hard to imagine an alternate reality where Nintendo did a better job of managing their legacy IP and offered a digital-only TV console running hardware from their old systems.
The digital-only games could easily be justified by virtue of taking advantage of new controller features, like an option to use joypad controls and triggers that were added after the systems being emulated had been retired.
Digital-only games being able to exist only on their hardware could mean an end to ROMs floating around.

So Nintendo is bad because they didn't make a console containing copies of 90s chipsets inside that plays digital games?

Uhhh ok
My main console is PS5 yet I always know if I crave a certain genuine-feeling sweetness and playfulness, I can reach for a Nintendo game. People hate these nebulous descriptions but whatever, there's a certain heart to a Mario or Zelda game that just gives me a sense of joy I don't find anywhere else. Even if the game might not be the greatest shit ever, that feeling of "more than a product" tends to be there for me.
Which one would you pick between your favorite PlayStation game or favorite Nintendo one?
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