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Your gaming profile (likes and dislikes)


Though I'd like to say I have an unbiased opinion about videogames, that wouldn't be true. We all have things we like and dislike and sometimes that sways your opinion. So, for future reference (arguments =P ), lets list a little profile about ourselves.

-Currently I like my PS2 best. Microsoft is having an excellent year. GBA rules. (I didn't mention the GC, because there hasn't been any games released this year that I've been interested in)

-I've always had a weakspot for Sega. I don't think everything they make is awesome, but I will actually try most of their products even if they aren't that great.

-I like Virtua Fighter. Best fighting game series. Period. Soul Calibur is my second fav, though SC2 was a huge letdown. Then DOA (DOA3 sucked ass).

-2D fighters are old. I used to buy everyone that was released on the Saturn and Dreamcast, but I've had my fill. I can't get excited about them anymore.

-I HATED the N64. Crap system, with crap games. Fortunately, the GBA and the GC have renewed my faith in Nintendo.

-I prefer PC FPS games. Keyboard and mouse is infinitely superior to controller.

-I think EA is a good developer. *gasp*

-Microsoft and Sony are equally as evil. =P

-I'm a PC graphics whore. I could care less about some aliasing on a console game, but when it comes to my PC ...

-Not a fan of sports games.

-Bored of Japanese RPGs.

-Love MMOs for some reason.

-Ninja Gaiden did not deserve a C-. ^_~

-I like the PS2 controller best of the current crop.

-Love horror games.

-I loved the control scheme for Metroid Prime.


Hmmmm ... rather unorganized. Ah well, you get the idea.

Post yours.



You know that cliche "I like everything"?

Well, I do.

Parlor games like Mario Party, or Tetris.

FPS shooters like Halo, or Timesplitters.

Adventure FPS shooters like Deus Ex, or Metroid Prime

3rd person shooters like Max Payne, or Psi-Ops (I think only people at GAF bought it :p).

Tactical shooters like SOCOM, or Ghost Recon.

Adventure games like Zelda.

Stealth like SC, MGS, and Thief.

Melodramatic Japanese RPG's.

200+ hour, detail driven, non-linear RPG's.

Serious sports games like Madden, or NBA Live.

Over the top sports games like NBA Street, or SSX.

Fighters like Tekken, or Virtua Fighter.

Horror games like RE, and Silent Hill.

Platformers like Mario.

I enjoyed every system i've ever had, and that's because i've never owned a 3DO, a CD-I, or a Jaguar. Lucky me :p.

To sum it up. I like everything that doesn't suck.


I tend to be biased toward RPGs and turn-based-strategy games, and against FPSs. It takes a lot to get me interested in an FPS these days.
A control freak.
Got more arcade sticks than I know people.
Best PC control setup you've ever seen. It can handle anything.
I take notes and make maps when I configure games.
A new PC game takes me at least two hours to get ready to play.
I get the Steel Battalion controller out and dream about "What if?"

I love fighting games.
Nearly all of them.
Midnight to 4a.m. in practice mode is not wasted time.
I'm damn good but don't claim to be the best.

I worship Metal Slug 3.
It's better than Contra 3.
If I can't play it with a proper SNK slanted four, I ain't playin'.

I really enjoyed NFSU.
When the cops come all I hear is "Woo woo wooo!"

I can't stand Japanese RPGs.
Final Fantasy is lost on me.
Valkyrie Profile is a rare, precious jewel.

Love da Halo.
I've been called "Pistol Jesus."
Best Hog driver ever.

I'm only passably interested in racers.
I like 2D F-Zero much more than 3D.

If I could only have one console forever, I'd choose the Dreamcast.
Capcom showed that system much love.

I still play around two hours of Tetris a week.

evil ways

I currently own all 3 consoles, plus an import PS2, GBA SP and a Dreamcast(fo' life), but the PS2 is where I get most of my gaming on.

Aside from Goldeneye and the Doom series, I despise First Person Shooters, I also hate Golf games. Right now I'm worn out as far as RPGs are concerned, since I've been playing them non stop since the late 80's and have no interest whatsoever on any upcoming RPG, at least until I take a break from them.

Favorite genres are action/adventure, fighting, platformers and shooters. Sports if you count wrestling and basketball.

Favorite gaming series are Zelda, Grand Theft Auto, Castlevania, Tekken, Metal Gear/Solid, Resident Evil, Shinobi, Silent Hill, Contra and Mortal Kombat. Final Fantasy too, but just not at the moment.

I was a huge Nintendo fanboy from 1987-1995, even though I also owned a Sega Master System, Sega Genesis/Sega CD, and a 3D0 during those years, but then Nintendo fucked up, and I welcomed the Playstation into my household.

I was also a big arcade gamer for a long time, mostly SF2, MK II & 3, the Tekkens, Marvel vs Capcom 1 & 2, the SF Alphas, but then my local arcades got stuck on Tekken 4 & VF4, the regulars left, and I drifted away as well, since most games hit the consoles pretty fast anyway.


Console Market Analyst
My Larry King contribution...

A mix of cinematic presentation and free roaming gameplay make the complete gaming package. GTA is the best property to come out this generation, haters be damned.

If Nintendo losing games like Burnout 3 because of lack of online support isn't a wake up call for them, and they don't have a dedicated network with Revolution, I'll start looking for lobotomy scars.

I'm starting to believe Halo 2 could be the Xbox's Perfect Dark: A lackluster console FPS follow-up which is eclipsed by everything happening on the PC end, but with a fanbase so blind, loyal, and obnoxious, they'll sing its praises no matter what.

I rent nearly all the games I play, and I don't feel dirty about it. The $50 price point is incredibly stupid when competing media is half the price. I applaud Sega for releasing ESPN Football at $20.

I actually like the control scheme in Metroid Prime, and can't wait to use something similar with Resident Evil 4.

God of War tops my list of most wanted games. Everything about it just "clicks" with me.

As much as I like it, I want the Metal Gear Solid series to end with Snake Eater. Kojima's formula is wearing a bit thin, and I think he could use a new genre to reinvent himself. Possibly horror...


-I've never liked sports games save for the arcade-style score-based ones like Tony Hawk.

-I like games that have RPG elements in them and other sorts of genre hybrids.

-I used to be in love with the rhythm/action genre, and well, I still am, but its kind of in a sorry state right now, so I'm not as interested as I used to be.

-I'm not really biased, but I would have to say I like Sony, and ambivalent towards Microsoft, and have a mild dislike for Nintendo.

-Then again, I hate to debase my opinions like that, but for the sake of simplification and sparing everyone a multi-page tirade I'm going to leave it at that.

-I don't like to get into long flame wars much. I'll usually say what I want to say and then leave the thread.

-I generally judge games based upon the quality of their production, not whether its my cup of tea or not. As I said, I don't like sports games, but I can't deny that some are better than others, so I'd rather not make a blanket statement and say all sports games suck because of their subject matter.

-I like MMOs and FPSs.

-In fact, I like PC gaming in general, but have had a hard time getting into their main staple franchises on and off for years (Except for a brief stint playing KAG, haven't liked an RTS since StarCraft and generally can't get into western, open-ended RPGs unless they have some mild semblance of direction like Diablo II. Morrowind is the exception and mainly because its so explorable).

-I used to fall into a more elitist crowd on the forum as far as game tastes were concerned, but I find that if you take a closer eye to the dynamics around the popularity of certain games and the ideas of the games themselves, that loathed franchises (loathed by certain people, anyway) like MGS or Final Fantasy have A LOT more merit than most people give them. i.e. the oft-mentioned Valkyrie Profile. Its a great game, with an interesting system, but it has its shortcomings, and I can concede its probably slightly better than your average FF game, but people wish to laud it as God's gift to gaming merely because its different. I just can't play my tastes that way anymore. I'm generally able to find the appeal in most popular games, liked by the elite or not.

-I like the trend of cinematic presentation in games, if well done. I've always believed that videogames are a hybrid media and yeah, well, while gameplay might be the most important overall, other areas of production cannot be ignored. A game has to be a complete packaged to be AAA and I don't believe one can become so based solely upon gameplay. Maybe an A, but not a AAA. I still think MGS2 is a great game in all aspects. People bash it for its long cutscenes. Sure, maybe they are, but they're extremely well-done cutscenes. And when you do get control, the gameplay is top notch. So suffice to say, I'm not seeing the problem beyond largely negligable complaints.
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