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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors


holy shit so powerful.... FUCK YOU DIO. And now I know how Alice died.


Ending ruined by
hearing one of the characters say "exactly what it says on the tin" for the hundredth time. I like that the OVA was a total lie, though.


I hit a brick wall in the
Q room

If someone could be so kind as to tell me how to solve this entire puzzle so I can be done with puzzles and get to the true end? :(

giant rubik cube pops up in my face and I have no clue what to do with it other than hit on the cube.

Every time I go back to the first AB game, and Zero III is like "Yoo, wassuppp. Siggyyyyy! PHIDO!!" I lose it.

One of the better Zero III lines.


I hit a brick wall in the
Q room

If someone could be so kind as to tell me how to solve this entire puzzle so I can be done with puzzles and get to the true end? :(

giant rubik cube pops up in my face and I have no clue what to do with it other than hit on the cube.

Look at a face of the cube. Figure out which tiles are "winning" tiles. Then look at the wall behind the cube. Tap the "winning" tiles.


So, I just spent like 20 minutes trying to get the gold file in the PEC room for the dumbest reason imaginable.

I was sitting there trying to figure out how the hell the diagram on the machine with two yellow/magenta and one cyan/yellow/magenta related to the diagram you use to get the code for the door lock. Turns out it wasn't yellow, it was fucking GREEN. I'm sitting here looking at my 3DS and I cannot understand how anyone would look at that and think it was anything but yellow. Is this less stupid on Vita? I literally only figured it out because on Easy, Clover reads out the colors by name. I didn't notice she was saying 'green' and not 'yellow' either until like the third time I tried it.

At least it never crashed for me, looking at this thread that seems to be an issue in that room.


Completely lost in the
Crew Quarters

People say to look at the pieces of aluminum upside down but I don't see anything at all. What am I missing?
Just hit Lock 3.

Fuck you, Dio! That was such an intense run there, and that last bit was incredible. The scene where Sigma was watching Quark in the infirmary was also really powerful.

This game, man. 10 hours in, and I've now hit two locks. I sense that I still have a wild ride ahead of me.


Hit the 'To Be Continued' in the leftmost (I'm guessing
) route. What the hell is going on?

I have the password, but I'm missing the ID. Looking at the flowchart all that's left is Dio's route, then. I'm guessing after that I'm going to hit a cascade of unlocks. Dio's got a Myrmidon knife, so I'm thinking he's a terrorist and planted the bombs, which will unlock Sigma and Phi's routes, and then somewhere I'll get the numbers for Alice's route...


I want to confirm I finished the game before moving onto the spoiler thread, MAJOR SPOILERS:
Akane was speaking to someone who resided in Kyle's body telling him that he would be critical in changing the history. Also, I was trying to figure out who that person exactly is. I have a few theories, but I guess I'll see others' speculations in the spoiler thread. So was that the final part of the game?

Anyway, I loved this game, and it will probably be my Game of the Year. I haven't been this addicted to a game in such a long while. Now I can act like a functional human being who doesn't constantly think about this game!

The wait for the final entry in this trilogy will be a long one.


Look at a face of the cube. Figure out which tiles are "winning" tiles. Then look at the wall behind the cube. Tap the "winning" tiles.

What are the winning tiles? I got one but I cant seem to get the others even though I'm matching all the fours on the cube to the wall.


What are the winning tiles? I got one but I cant seem to get the others even though I'm matching all the fours on the cube to the wall.

The number on the tile indicates how many winning tiles are in the vicinity. The vicinity meaning the tile itself and the four adjacent tiles. For example,

[spoiler]Cube        Wall
|1000000|   |       |
|2100000|   |X      |
|3100000|   |X      |
|3100000|   |X      |
|2100000|   |X      |[/spoiler]
Yesssssssss! Finally! The game made it all the way down to Australia! Also, it looks like I got the red watch! : D



Crystal Bearer
I want to confirm I finished the game before moving onto the spoiler thread, MAJOR SPOILERS:
Akane was speaking to someone who resided in Kyle's body telling him that he would be critical in changing the history. Also, I was trying to figure out who that person exactly is. I have a few theories, but I guess I'll see others' speculations in the spoiler thread. So was that the final part of the game?

Anyway, I loved this game, and it will probably be my Game of the Year. I haven't been this addicted to a game in such a long while. Now I can act like a functional human being who doesn't constantly think about this game!

The wait for the final entry in this trilogy will be a long one.

Yeah, that's the final part. It's a big set up to part 3... hence 'End or Beginning' ;)
As for the person Kyle's consciousness has entered back in 2028... well, we'll have to wait until the next game to find out.


What are the winning tiles? I got one but I cant seem to get the others even though I'm matching all the fours on the cube to the wall.

For anyone else who may want some assistance on a certain room, but major spoilers
It's not necessarily just the four's meaning you highlight the corresponding cube on the wall.

Think of a + shape.

When you click on a square, and that square says four (the four surrounding it are important, but ignore them for now, we'll approach this one at a time), the four is saying that, possibly including the square that you type on, four out of five squares (the fives squares making up a + shape) include boxes you must click on.

So example, you see this on the far left in the corner

2 1
2 1

You would hit both of the two's. The ones make sense because the only "winning boxes" within a plus shaped area are the ones right to their left. Except for the one at the top, it means that there's one below. And the two's make sense because either way there are two winning boxes within a plus shaped radius of each other.

Just keep in mind that one's don't always mean you don't have to click on them! If I recall you specifically have to select one of the 1's at one point.

Good luck! Q Room seems depressingly hard at first, but it's not so bad.

Ending ruined by
hearing one of the characters say "exactly what it says on the tin" for the hundredth time. I like that the OVA was a total lie, though.

Yeah I hate that phrase now, otherwise great ending

Aeana posted this, but yes!



There's this one string of dialogue where Sigma and Phi have this intense double-ellipses face off while pondering something, and it goes on for a hilariously long time. It was either after a round of AB voting or
on the path to Phi's end while defusing the first bomb


Yeah, that's the final part. It's a big set up to part 3... hence 'End or Beginning' ;)
As for the person Kyle's consciousness has entered back in 2028... well, we'll have to wait until the next game to find out.

That's what I figured, but I am still in denial that I'll have to wait a few years before I can play the final game. As everything was ending, I was getting an "Empire Strikes Back" feeling from it. So, I'm not too surprised at this confirmation.

Time to tell my other friends about how wonderful this game is and force them to buy multiple copies. But force, I'll trick them to play 999. :-D


Rolling Girl
Started an hour ago. O: I was stuck in the first room for a while but it looks like it glitched and wouldn't give me the okay for the puzzle, so resetting the game fixed that. Loving the game so far! :D


I wonder what awaits me in Sigma and Phi's endings...?

Then I only have Quark and Luna left to go before the True ending...



Well, tomorrow will be the day to finish.
Kinda sad that I accidentally spoiled myself on 1 of the endings earlier, which made a bunch of things more clear.

The Phi path automatically goes into the true end right?
Cause I'm not seeing any other open branch.
Hehe. Finally caved and started the game early! Only did the first room so far, but I'm liking what I see and hear. The 3DS VAing does sound a little distant at first, but it's nothing I can't get used to.

Can't wait to get into the main meat of this game! ^.^


You know what sucks?
Having the password for the computer screen and not knowing what the user ID is. The weird part is the game made it sound like I was supposed to know, but I couldn't tell you what I had missed.


Treatment Center door
completely random. I give up

edit: never mind, just solved it! YESSSSS


Oh my god I have no clue wtf they are talking about in
the final ending.

My head hurts now....MGS and Blazblue is easier to understand than this.


Theories so far (The only "ending" I have is the one all the way to the left on the flowchart:
Where you run into the computer and have to know the login and password, which I did not know

I think someone is actually a GAULEM. What GOLM mentioned before he was turned off was that there were things for Gaulems that could have humanlike skin and hair and such. I think it's K or the dead old woman.
If the above is not true, then I think K may be Hongou (Ace) from the first game. He sounds like he would be old enough, he didn't die in the first game, he had his memory wiped because he would just kill Clover and Alice (and maybe Luna, but I'll get to that in a second) if he had his memory, and Clover would freak the fuck out when she saw his face. If this is the case, then it makes it obvious that K must be the killer. But wait, K was dead in the ending I got, or was he? Ace faked his death in the first game, he could do it again. I think he slowly regained his memory (if he ever lost it in the first place) and didn't say anything as he remembered. Sure, we saw the axe in his back, but if that was there and went THROUGH the armor, why didn't they just use that opening to get some of the armor off his body?
I've thought this ever since the game was initially revealed and still think it: Luna is Akane. She looks like her, acts like her, and CLOVER WAS FUCKING ARGUING WITH HER ON THE SECURITY CAMERA! I imagine the conversation was something like "You bitch, this was supposed to be over back in Nevada!" Also, I'm pretty sure I remember Luna saying something about "Rich old men watching them play this game for their entertainment." Either that was intentionally just a throwback joke, or it was even more pointing to the fact that she's Akane.
Another possibility to the "Someone is a Gaulem" theory: Quark is a Gaulem and the killer. It would explain why he was acting weird and collapsed. It would explain where he would have the strength to wield and axe and lance, and most importantly, it would explain why his bracelet was dropped: Injecting a robot with stuff doesn't do anything.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

19th platinum and happy. Game was so good.

Although the game had a number of spelling errors. I'm not used dunno being "donno".


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Welcome to the few, the proud, the.... people who beat the game.

I feel bad I had to FAQs some puzzles like
the last Dice Puzzle, the Board Game puzzle, and the PEC Room.
The first two were frustrating me and the last one was well... Broken (like your record breaks) from what I've heard.
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