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Zero Time Dilemma (Zero Escape 3) review thread


quick and dirty translation of the first review, no spoilers!

Famitsu Review

Genre: Adventure
Taget Audience: Fans of the ZE series, People who like Room Escape/Mystery&Suspense games,
Average Playtime: 25h

reviewer1 (8/10): While this is the 3rd game in the ZE series, ZTD also is very enjoyable for people starting off with this game. I thought the the gimmick where every 90 minutes your memory get’s erased by the bangle, the three different viewpoints of the teams and the scenario of unearthing the truth behind what’s going on in those fragments were all fantastic. I also liked the emphasis that is put on interpersonal human drama. The difficulty of the puzzles is rather high. I also noticed that the Japanese voice acting isn’t perfectly lip-synced, which might be because of the focus on selling the game overseas.

reviewer2 (8/10): I found the setup very interesting where you go through the story of the three teams in non-chronological order, slowly getting a better sense of the bigger picture and ultimately reaching different conclusions. Being able to skip past scenes after having seen them once is also a great choice. The ‘Quest Part’ where you go about solving puzzles is quite challenging and you can have fun with it, but I would have hoped for there to be a hint function for people who play the game primarily for the story.

reviewer3 (8/10): The mysterious story is very intriguing and the setting doesn’t give you that artificial feeling that’s so common in the Room Escape genre. The structure of the game, where you looking at the Flow Chart, put the Fragments together piece by piece and have different experiences depending on who of the 9 people on the three teams you control ist very elaborate. I also would have liked a help function for when you’re stuck at a puzzle, but I’m thankful for being able to switch to another teams in the middle of it. Also, there are instances where the way you use items becomes difficult and it’s not very user-friendly.

reviewer4 (8/10): The evolution of the game where you experience it from the point of view of three teams in fragments and the feeling of me wanting to quickly find out the truth behind the story got me really excited and had me asking myself “what will happen if I do it like that?”. The difficulty of the puzzles during the Quest Part ist rather high and it’s really necessary to make free use of the memo function and put up an honest effort when tackling the challenges. The light banter of your partners during that part serves as a kind of motivation. On both systems (3DS/Vita), the game makes good use of the touch screen for a good user experience.

edit: there's also a new article in this issue of Famitsu, including new screenshots and an interview with Uchikoshi.


Neo Member
Hmm I get not putting story spoilers in the review but they barely mention it at all and focus mainly on the puzzle aspects or the controls. I'm not really worried about the puzzles, they could be the worst for all I care as long as the story is satisfying but they give no indication of how much they enjoyed or didn't enjoy the story.
Well, they barely mention the story, but when they do, it seems to be positive. The ZE series never was really known for having fun puzzles anyway. 6 days. Here's hoping Amazon comes through.


it's a Famitsu review, they always are very vague and mostly cover the mechanics of a game without going into detail or spoiling the story of a game.

edit: Someone in this thread compared Famitsu to a "canary in a coal mine", which is a great comparison. No bad news is good news :)


Junior Member
Hmm I get not putting story spoilers in the review but they barely mention it at all and focus mainly on the puzzle aspects or the controls. I'm not really worried about the puzzles, they could be the worst for all I care as long as the story is satisfying but they give no indication of how much they enjoyed or didn't enjoy the story.

They all they say the story is interesting. First reviewer uses the adjective fantastic, second reviewer says excited.


I skimmed the Dengeki Playstation review for parts about the story, it goes into more detail. Again, just a quick and dirty translation/ summary.


*reviewer 1: someone who’s new to the series (85/100):

even if this is an individual story, I think it would be better if you’ve played the previous games.

*reviewer 2: (85/100)

The story is like a Western Suspense Drama. [STORY SPOILERS]
IYou get the feeling that Zero is not just toying with the 9 participants, but also with the player themselve. This encourages you to find out who he really is.

*reviewer 3: someone who’s played the previous games (80/100):

Even if it’s the last part of the ZE series, I think you can start off with this game because there’s a summary of what happened with the characters in the prologue to the story of ZTD.

The puzzles are more varied than ever before.

I felt like there neither was a scene that leaves you as shocked nor a set up/trick that’s on the same level as previous games, which was disappointing.

*guest reviewer: someone who’s played the previous games (85/100):

various mysteries, including ones that have been foreshadowed in previous games, are resolved; But you’re left with room for interpretation with several matters so you can be sure that I want to talk about them with people that have played the game.


Really hoping I can just go out to the store and pick the game up if Amazon drops the ball with my preorder.

I need this.
How's the music in this one compared to the previous games? Does Shinji Hosoe top the previous game or is a lot of it reused music like the trailers suggest?


How's the music in this one compared to the previous games? Does Shinji Hosoe top the previous game or is a lot of it reused music like the trailers suggest?
If the mini ost is all of the new tracks then there should be 12 new ones. I'm sure there will be a lot of reused music too. I'm also really glad that this one is starts right after VLR ends. It seems like everyone is happy with the quality(I haven't clicked on black bars) so I'm excited.
On VLR right now. I got a question.

On my first playthrough, and I'm at the
directors office. Everyone, but Sigma, Phi, and Quark are dead. I noticed the flow chart extended its path. Is this the route for the true ending? I'd be kind of sad If I lucked out on getting it so early. I enjoy unraveling the mystery slowly with other endings like 999.


On VLR right now. I got a question.

On my first playthrough, and I'm at the
directors office. Everyone, but Sigma, Phi, and Quark are dead. I noticed the flow chart extended its path. Is this the route for the true ending? I'd be kind of sad If I lucked out on getting it so early. I enjoy unraveling the mystery slowly with other endings like 999.
No you are not at the true ending. You need to get all endings but the true end to get the true end

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
When I try to preorder this through http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Zero+Ti...ategoryId=pcmcat235500050004&id=1219734816693

it says there's no in-store pickup available for any in my city, I'm in Austin TX so does that mean that Best Buy is not getting any copies shipped to any stores? Can someone click on that link and see if this is available for pickup on preorder? I've preordered Fire Emblem Fates this year and I was able to select in store pickup on the preorder to come get it on release day, but I'm not getting that option on ZTD.
On VLR right now. I got a question.

On my first playthrough, and I'm at the
directors office. Everyone, but Sigma, Phi, and Quark are dead. I noticed the flow chart extended its path. Is this the route for the true ending? I'd be kind of sad If I lucked out on getting it so early. I enjoy unraveling the mystery slowly with other endings like 999.
There are plenty of blocks to prevent you from stumbling on anything prematurely. It'll stop you.


When I try to preorder this through http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Zero+Ti...ategoryId=pcmcat235500050004&id=1219734816693

it says there's no in-store pickup available for any in my city, I'm in Austin TX so does that mean that Best Buy is not getting any copies shipped to any stores? Can someone click on that link and see if this is available for pickup on preorder? I've preordered Fire Emblem Fates this year and I was able to select in store pickup on the preorder to come get it on release day, but I'm not getting that option on ZTD.
I'm in Austin as well and don't see it for store pickup in a store within 250 miles. However, they also show the placeholder box art, instead of the final one, so I feel like they know nothing about their stock yet.


Quick question: Does anyone know the exact time when the embargo is up?

I'm also really glad that this one is starts right after VLR ends. It seems like everyone is happy with the quality(I haven't clicked on black bars) so I'm excited.

Me too! Really good - great impressions on twitter/GAF and in those 2 reviews so far, sounds like ZTD was worth the wait :)


So i'm guessing the Username, and password are one of those blocks? "remember death" "memento mori" Stumped on it. Playing the other paths will reveal that info?

You are correct if memory serves correctly. I'm replaying VLR myself at the moment and have not gotten to that point yet.
I believe the info needed to access that computer is gained from other routes. If you find any conspicuous information, be sure to write it down. I don't think the game does it for you.

Anyone else ordered the watch version?

I preordered from Amazon a year ago, still no word on a date.

N° 2048

Just noticed I have Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward from PS+ for free.

Going to play that first then this one :)

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
So i'm guessing the Username, and password are one of those blocks? "remember death" "memento mori" Stumped on it. Playing the other paths will reveal that info?

That one is a rather unique block. You'll uncover the info you need you enter to pass that on the other routes, and can go back to it and enter the ID and pass to proceed.

Most of the other blocks will just show up as black spots on the flowchart, and once you've played certain other routes, they'll turn green indicating you can continue that route further.

The blocks will ensure that no matter what you do, you won't get the true ending till after you've seen practically every other route.

Seriously, VLR's structure is ridiculously intricate. It's amazing.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I'm in Austin as well and don't see it for store pickup in a store within 250 miles. However, they also show the placeholder box art, instead of the final one, so I feel like they know nothing about their stock yet.

Ah cool, thanks bud. I'm wondering if I should just get it free shipped to my home or wait a few more days and see if there's an option for in-store pickup.


Anyone with the game know if you can cycle between items more quickly this time around? This was one of the only few things that bugged me about VLR.


Man, I cannot believe we're actually getting Zero Escape 3. I remember finishing VLR quite a while after it came out and thinking it would be some huge indefinite wait but it's only ended up being 3 years or so for me. I imagine I'll be having a similar feeling around October 25th.

I'm so excited for Tuesday.


OT will end up being posted Monday night prolly. Nachos is working on graphics, and I'm working on finalizing the text and such, but it will be simple, but cool, I think!


Terrified of spoilers so I'm afraid of reading pretty much anything, but let me ask: anything wrong with the 3DS version this time around? That would be my version of choice, but if I'd be getting a noticeably worse product in any noteworthy way I do have a PSTV as well.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Watch a long play of the DS ve4sion then. You won't get the immersion of solving puzzles yourself, but you'll still get the full presentation.

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
I cannot sadly, no DS and no IOS. Best I can do is read the summary.

DS emulation is not hard, virtually any PC can do it these days. Or you could just wait for the PC port they're announcing next month.


Terrified of spoilers so I'm afraid of reading pretty much anything, but let me ask: anything wrong with the 3DS version this time around? That would be my version of choice, but if I'd be getting a noticeably worse product in any noteworthy way I do have a PSTV as well.

Graphically, it's the weakest version (comparison videos in the OP) and someone reviewing the game mentioned small hickups when using sleep mode during the cutscenes. The Famitsu review gave both versions the same score and one reviewer mentioned that touch-screen functions work well on both versions. No mention of something like the save-game bug so far.


I'm finally playing VLR after putting it off for years, and I'm so hooked! The great thing is that I can jump right into ZTD once it's available. Can't wait!
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