It's really not that bad. Plus, you can get the [equipment]binding ring very early in the game. (75% health instead of 50%)
Okay, I'm a Cleric.
Sorry Patches.
Nah. If you're doing it right, you won't lose a single HP anyway. At least that's my experience with hard boss fights in D'Souls: die -> die -> die -> die -> die -> ... -> die -> perfect!
And at least you're no longer dying on your way to the boss.
So it seems that Cling Ring have made its glorious return to the game![]()
I tried to add to the download queue in SEN web store but I could only "Add to cart" (for free) and after that it let me add it to the queue.
EDIT: speaking of which, is there any way to know if a game added to the queue has started/finished downloading?
Jumping with L3, seriously?
t'd make sense. The game is massive.
Is it still well interconnected, or is it more like Demon's Souls with different branches that don't connect (except here there are no real barriers like Archstones)?
Woohoo, this game is spicy! Had loads of close calls, but there have only been a handful of times where I inconveniently died. Even had a 3v1 Invasion encounter! On top of that, I haven't lost my soul pile once so far! Swordsman btw.You will need a shield if you try to take on Mr. Floaty Knight.
Remember kids, you can drop a sign when hollow. You just can't see signs or summon anyone to your own game.
Honestly, I love everything about the game so far except the framerate (PS3). Some areas look graphically worse than others, sure, but that's not a big deal to me. What hurts is this abysmal framerate. I've been playing Dark Souls 1 on my PS3 lately, leading up to this, and I can tell you the framerate in the first game wasn't anywhere near as bad, if you don't count blight town. I love souls, I'm the biggest fanboy ever, but I have to be honest. This framerate is not ok.
Are you playing from the disc or downloaded version?
Jumping with L3, seriously?
Thinking of playing a Swordsman, how is its play style compared to Warrior/Knight?
Yuck. L3 and R3 should't be used for basic stuff like jumping.
I feel sorry for the people trying Souls out for the first time.
Superior in every way.Thinking of playing a Swordsman, how is its play style compared to Warrior/Knight?
it's here, it's finally here!
added it to the queue list where you can watch if something is happening. didn't work for me, but then I realized I unplugged the internet cable. >_>
early mildly-spoilerish question:when I first meet pate, he talks about an area ahead with a door that shuts behind me. I went in and died. how do i get back in again?
the framerate never gets to blight town levels, that's not what I mean, it's just sorta always *kinda* bad. outdoors it tends to feel about 20ish almost all the time. indoors it gets a bit better sometimes. It's annoying and it detracts from the game, for me, quite a bit.
you can change it back in the options (at least in the network test you could).
You can change it to the old style.
Yuck. L3 and R3 should't be used for basic stuff like jumping.
What do you think about the animations and hit impact?
the framerate never gets to blight town levels, that's not what I mean, it's just sorta always *kinda* bad. outdoors it tends to feel about 20ish almost all the time. indoors it gets a bit better sometimes. It's annoying and it detracts from the game, for me, quite a bit.
Have you played Dragon's Dogma? Is it close to that? There were a lot of complaints about it but I thought it was mostly fine...
the framerate never gets to blight town levels, that's not what I mean, it's just sorta always *kinda* bad. outdoors it tends to feel about 20ish almost all the time. indoors it gets a bit better sometimes. It's annoying and it detracts from the game, for me, quite a bit.
Have you played Dragon's Dogma? Is it close to that? There were a lot of complaints about it but I thought it was mostly fine...
Framerate probably in the Dragon's Dogma for PS3 range, I'd say. Seems to be an apt comparison.
Framerate probably in the Dragon's Dogma for PS3 range, I'd say. Seems to be an apt comparison.
Framerate probably in the Dragon's Dogma for PS3 range, I'd say. Seems to be an apt comparison.
Not sure when is last call for getting onto a USPS truck. USPS does't do the hold package at office for pick up. Not sure if I should just go buy a standard edition at bestbuy to stop the pain of waiting.
Guys, I hope this question doesn't get buried in the hype, but can anyone confirm if the game is region free on 360? I'm in Canada but my 360 is PAL.
If it's not I'll just try and wait for PC.
Still no delivery estimate from Amazon. Why does this world hate me?
Dark Souls II is, like its predecessors, brilliant, beautiful, and absolutely essential.
Not sure when is last call for getting onto a USPS truck. USPS does't do the hold package at office for pick up. Not sure if I should just go buy a standard edition at bestbuy to stop the pain of waiting.
Not sure when is last call for getting onto a USPS truck. USPS does't do the hold package at office for pick up. Not sure if I should just go buy a standard edition at bestbuy to stop the pain of waiting.
the framerate never gets to blight town levels, that's not what I mean, it's just sorta always *kinda* bad. outdoors it tends to feel about 20ish almost all the time. indoors it gets a bit better sometimes. It's annoying and it detracts from the game, for me, quite a bit.
How is this game in 3D? Dark Souls was amazing in 3D on my PC and I do not see myself playing it without!
I do see that the game was released today, however when you ordered it, the emailed invoice we sent you didn't provide a delivery date since it's temporarily out of order. As soon as we get more in, we'll email you the estimated delivery date and ship it immediately to you. It's not likely to arrive today since we still do not have more in stock. I'm sorry that you were provided incorrect information previously!
From my perspective it absolutely is. We'll see what others say, but I think it's pretty clear.Is the framerate worse than in DS1 (ignoring blighttown)?