COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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Yeah, got the Quitely art book from IST.

Same exact thing they did with "The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner" where it's just a compilation of different issues/covers and nothing extra whatsoever.


wait, that's why some of ya'll shit on Quitely? cause he draws similar faces?

i mean

do you know how many artists do this? fuck, Preacher's one of my all-time favorite books but let's not pretend Dillon has more than 2, 3 tops
Just read fourteen issues of Batman Eternal. @_@

I didn't expect to enjoy the series so much. All the characters feel unique and have an importance. The plot moves at an impressive pace and there hasn't been a single issue I could really complain about the art.

Other things:
Joker's daughter made me groan twice
I'm really liking these new chacters, especially Steph and Julia
Glad Harper is getting a lot more development.

A weekly Bat title was the only way to tell this story. The alternative would have been a crossover nightmare.
Yeah, got the Quitely art book from IST.

Same exact thing they did with "The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner" where it's just a compilation of different issues/covers and nothing extra whatsoever.

Same. I was disappointed. I was hoping it was similar to "Cover Run: The DC Comics Art of Adam Hughes."


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
LOL, fair enough. I'm going to drop a ton of money this evening and join statue GAF with the new Frank Quitely set. That classic Batman suit, though. The absolute best!


fucking. dead.
omfgggg you guys, reading through the pages I missed while I was sleeping, this wood and quitely stuff has me crying into my cereal, my kid probably thinks i'm having a breakdown.

I haven't read the Baltimore novel, but I very well may give it a shot after I'm finished with The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. So it's basically book ends for the comic? If I've understood you correctly, it deals with his origins, then there's a gap in time where the comics take place, and then it picks back up at some point when he catches up to Haigus? Intriguing...

Am I the only one that edits their posts 26 times over the course of the following 10 minutes?

That's the impression I'm under man! Like I said, I couldn't really get into Golden's prose style but I think that's the idea, and they leave a large gap in the middle and pick up when Baltimore in much older - all the comic content has been in that gap (although they obviously go over his origin too)

And no lol, I tend to drastically fuck with every one of my posts. I'm not sure how you people actually decipher the original version each time, absolutely brutal typos, and often I get in a flow of trying to say what I want, I miss that I've completely broke grammar. I actually added a full new paragraph to that last post you replied too, after I dug up something else I saw you say about Hellboy haha, and I didn't want to double post before you replied XD

Shit, Comics GAF - Hellboy Vol. 1 Library Edition is ready and waiting... I'm so fueled up for it!!

And here, we, go!

I just had five books drop through my letter box, two to go and I've got the full order. Looking at Hellboy in Hell vol. 1, Baltimore vol. 4, BPRD Hell On Earth 7 & 8 and Lobster volume 3 here!


Oh sweet, my two newest tp's came in the mail today.

Still need to collect all of the Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man (own the first fifteen trades), but Death of Spider-Man was just € 8, so I needed that right away. Still haven't decided if I should collect all off the Miles Morales stuff, my bookcase is getting a bit too full lol.

And yay, Uncanny Avengers volume 1. I really like Remender's style and I'm certainly collecting his run. The Red Shadow is a bit what the fuck when I'm reading it again, but it's pretty cool. The next few chapters are even crazier though. And oh, I really like Thor in this series. Maybe I've read the wrong stuff, but I never found him that interesting. In Uncanny Avengers... he's awesome.



Just wanted to post some Quitely positivity here. That dude can drawn an incredible action shot and has some pretty flawless scale.
Can't believe the only issue he's drawn since Batman and Robin #3 has been a fuckin Mark Millar book

Here's hoping that Pax Americana issue comes out this year
This is Tom Taylor's first Marvel comic and it sounds like he's someone Marvel has been wanting to bring into the fold for a while now?

Axel Alonso: This was an opportunity for Tom to land on something big and juicy and own it. And he is.



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just wanted to post some Quitely positivity here. That dude can drawn an incredible action shot and has some pretty flawless scale.

Has anyone read Jupiter's Legacy? I remember hearing good things about Starlight, but I can't remember hearing anything about Jupiter's Legacy. I want it to be good so badly so I can get more Frank Quitely in my life.

Kipp, I'm gonna be buying a MS Surface tablet soon and will be following in your footsteps (minus all that "reading" you do with your big red "omnibus"). Maybe we can collaborate on some art pieces! Until then, if you need a colorist, hit me up!

Awesome! Sounds good!

Am I the only one that edits their posts 26 times over the course of the following 10 minutes?

Just saw the spoiler part of this post after donie replied to it, hence the random late reply to this, but oh my goodness yes. I'm a terrible perfectionist when it comes to my posts and it's crippling. Haha. I'll even post, step away from the computer to do something, then think of something that I said in my post that I now want to say differently and go back and edit it. It's pretty bad.
And that nervousness of "Oh I hope somebody hasn't quoted this yet, because I'll look like a total weirdo if anyone notices I edited my post just to change my word choice."

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm not sure how old Babs is in the new52, because I kept falling asleep during the Batgirl issues I picked up when it first came out, but if the new Batgirl is 1/5 as good as Ms. Marvel, I'll be happy.

Even with some suspect art in this issue, Ms. Marvel is a god damn fun read. It's got alligator wrestling for fuck's sake.


I'm not sure how old Babs is in the new52, because I kept falling asleep during the Batgirl issues I picked up when it first came out, but if the new Batgirl is 1/5 as good as Ms. Marvel, I'll be happy.

Even with some suspect art in this issue, Ms. Marvel is a god damn fun read. It's got alligator wrestling for fuck's sake.

Babs just got better man...don't hate.
While I understand some of where people are coming from in regards to Batgirl, I happened to really like the creepy undertone to the book with moments of levity. I also think Simone did a good job at general world building, such as her relationship with Ricky and giving her an interesting ongoing villain/foil in Knightfall. Also, those Ventriloquist issues were creepy as fuck.


While I understand some of where people are coming from in regards to Batgirl, I happened to really like the creepy undertone to the book with moments of levity. I also think Simone did a good job at general world building, such as her relationship with Ricky and giving her an interesting ongoing villain/foil in Knightfall. Also, those Ventriloquist issues were creepy as fuck.

I would have been fine with more Gail if they had just gone with a more unique artstyle. The art is bog standard dc house style. The worst offender. But the story was good. Hated Ricky though.


I would have been fine with more Gail if they had just gone with a more unique artstyle. The art is bog standard dc house style. The worst offender. But the story was good. Hated Ricky though.

I like the story, but goddamn the art is fugly..
So thought I'd write a little about Baltimore today. I figure everyone knows enough about Hellboy and BPRD these days and those series get a lot of exposure, but Baltimore is pretty cool since it's Mike working with a different creator than the usual suspects, and probably more significantly it sits in it's own bubble separated from the hellboy universe, meaning it comes with no baggage. Specifically I read volume 3 this week, which is a nice short story collection and very accessible:


The core concept of Baltimore is a world very much like our own up until World War 1, where the horrific bloodshed in the trenches acts as a catalyst to resurrect vampires and thus give us a funky alternate history where the inquisition is brought back, a much worse plague sweeps the continent and so on. The book is still very much set in the 1910s so it hasn't gone too crazy yet, but as the story progresses, it comes fairly clear there's no going back from the changes that have happened and the world is going to end up pretty different. The thread that runs through all the mini series and one shots so far is the titular hero Lord Baltimore, who was present at the return of the vampires, chasing a powerful blood sucker called Haigus who killed his family across Europe. This is our in to how the world is being affected by the horrors that have been unleashed as the story can pretty much open in any country that suits them, since Baltimore is pretty much following whatever vague leads he can find across and around Europe. Baltimore is a nice change of pace from a lot of the Mignola-verse characters as he isn't really proactively trying to help people. He doesn't consider himself a hero and a routine part of the set-up to each story is usually him trying to ignore whatever plight the local townspeople finds themselves in, but getting dragged into it during the course his own business anyway.

While volume 1 and 2 were pretty good, and as interesting as the world was and as BRILLIANT as the art was, the pacing in both 5 issuearcs dragged a little. Volume 3 however takes a similar format to some of the hellboy and bprd collections of shorts, and only one story is two issues of content long, all the others being a single issue or shorter. Each story finds Baltimore mid-hunt for Haigus and Dr. Leskovar's Remedy even begins quite spectacularly with Baltimore being hurled out of an exploding aircraft on a beach of onlooking villagers, already mid aventure dealing with an issue he's ran into between stories which I really liked. The stories take take him from England, all the way through Germany, Italy and onto Croatia, and the book really serves to flesh out Baltimore's world as it stands and let the reader see how bad things have really got since this version of WW1 ended. By going for something shorter and more to the point each time, I think Golden really finds his groove with the character, and the team really displays that they are falling over themselves with good ideas and kooky monsters, and they do a great job at subverting some of your expectations with where they're going to go each time. They also begin to weave some of the characters introduced in previous stories together and actually managed to tighten the greater narrative, despite abandoning the long single story focused arcs. I don't really want to spoil much in case anyone does decide to check the series out, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention the character of the inquisitor. While Baltimore is playing his own cat and mouse chase with Haigus, the inquisitor Duvic plays his own with Baltimore, believing Baltimore to be tainted by the evil he hunts, and deems him just as bad as the vampires, and the dude is really compelling. While a fair amount of Baltimore centers around Baltimore's singular focus on catching Haigus that often makes you wonder if it'll be his eventual downfall, Duvic is even more compromised, doing some really heinous disgusting thing in the name an even greater good, while being a total monster and following a really warped sense of morality. And of course, a comic book is nothing without a great artist, and Ben Stenbeck really kills it. He was pretty great in the first witchfinder series, and he really nails it here too. He very capably handles any of the craziness Mignola and Golden throws at him.

Overall, I just wanted to devote a little time to the book since it's what I read this past week, and I don't see many people speak about it. That's probably partly down to the intermittent release schedule and partly down to the fact it doesn't tie into the hellboy world, as most stuff Mignola touches does. I won't be disingenuous and say I am gaga crazy for it like Hellboy and BPRD but, I do think it's a book on the rise, and that volume 3 in particular was really really good. After book 1 and 2 I was like "okay, I'll check out the third", and now I'm chomping at the bit to read volume 4. You don't have to have read anything that came before to enjoy it though, everything is laid out clear, and the HC itself is really really nice, I wish the average hellboy or bprd book came in this format with top quality binding and a nice dustjacket (on that note, if anyone wants to see what the book is like, I can take some pictures, just let me know :) ). If you find yourself daunted by the sheer quantity of hellboy and the bprd, or if you've read ALL of that and want more in the same vein, Baltimore is a real nice spin on everything that's great by Mignola. If you can get it for a good price, go for it guys.
Legendary Star Lord was alright. Bought what I expected from Sam Humphries and a Mike Marts edited book. Rocket Raccoon was pretty good. We will probably get twelve issues of each before they are cancelled or rebranded. Which has always been the plan.


What's with Batgirls cowl ears moving to different places every few panels? Sometimes they are near the centre of her head. Babs looks really bad in that artstyle.

I more bothered with the off costume drawing


and yeah fuck Ricky.


Who's sticking with Iron Fist Living Weapon? I'm split on the book, i keep thinking i'll drop it but i can't. Just read issue #4 and it's creepily entertaining while also slightly boring. I can't say i liked any one part, what's going on in K'un-L'un or bedroom shenanigans, but i still want to read more.



Messi is a Magik stan? Comics-GAF is a dark place.

EDIT: And I blame Kipp fully for the reopening of The Quitely Conflict
I'll forgive Future's End for it's slower pace because of it's use of characters I honestly didn't expect to see much more of after their series ended.

I mean, last issue had Voodoo in it. That was out of left-fuckin-field.
Who's sticking with Iron Fist Living Weapon? I'm split on the book, i keep thinking i'll drop it but i can't. Just read issue #4 and it's creepily entertaining while also slightly boring. I can't say i liked any one part, what's going on in K'un-L'un or bedroom shenanigans, but i still want to read more.

I'm probably going to drop it after this arc ends. I don't like the art and they're making Danny Rand to be a jerk. Maybe I should just hunt down Fractions run and re-read it instead.


Has anyone read Jupiter's Legacy? I remember hearing good things about Starlight, but I can't remember hearing anything about Jupiter's Legacy. I want it to be good so badly so I can get more Frank Quitely in my life

I like it. It's not as amazing as it was hyped up to be but it gets the job done. It's sort of like Invincible with rape.
Also, who's reading the current Transformer series Robots in Disguise or More than Meets the Eye?

Are both worth reading? I think I hear more fanfare for MTMTE. I actually really enjoy a lot of the IDW transformer stuff, I feel like they do more character building for the property than the shows/games/movies ever did.


I just read Y: The Last Man....The whole thing, 1-60....In two sittings.

11/10...except the last issue was a bit weird.


Magik is the second best X-Man after Kitty, and ahead of Jean/Emma.

Come at me.

Messi your misandry is alarming ;_;
well she is a female character

everybody likes Kitty tho, so maybe some of that rubbed off on her, explains her popularity

kitty is cool though magik is just... there

I just read Y: The Last Man....The whole thing, 1-60....In two sittings.

11/10...except the last issue was a bit weird.
Now that's marathon reading I can support. Last issue is a bit odd but I like the message of
hope, even after all that's happened, and carefree Yorick


I just read Y: The Last Man....The whole thing, 1-60....In two sittings.

11/10...except the last issue was a bit weird.


Amazing series, might be my favourite series. The last few issues are just heartbreaking. I imagine those
At few issues for people who followed from issue 1 were quite difficult.

355's end left me distraught. God fucking damn it.

The Uncanny X-Men issues 5 and 6 centred on Magik and they had wonderful art.




Amazing series, might be my favourite series. The last few issues are just heartbreaking. I imagine those
At few issues for people who followed from issue 1 were quite difficult.

355's end left me distraught. God fucking damn it.

The Uncanny X-Men issues 5 and 6 centred on Magik and they had wonderful art.


Yeah don't get used to it. The art turns to shite.


About Baltimore. I've got a bud who has the "The Plague Ships" singles so I can give this a try. He says it's more horror than the rest of the Hellboy stuff so I'm immediately intrigued.


(on that note, if anyone wants to see what the book is like, I can take some pictures, just let me know :) )
I'd like to see some pics, please! And thanks for the write-up, you've piqued my curiosity :)
Magik is the second best X-Man after Kitty, and ahead of Jean/Emma.

Come at me.
I'm comin at you, Messi. Emma is top-tier when it comes to X-Men, definitely better than Kitty!


Amazing series, might be my favourite series. The last few issues are just heartbreaking. I imagine those
At few issues for people who followed from issue 1 were quite difficult.

355's end left me distraught. God fucking damn it.

Oh man, Y: The Last Man.
I think 355's death got spoiled for me, but the moment was still heartbreaking thanks to the context (her and Yorick realising their feelings for one another). Amerspand's death broke me though, I was crying like a baby :(

So I've been going through Annihilation and I am so glad I didn't but the omnibus. So far it's been very disappointing. The Nova miniseries was cool (which makes sense considering it was written by DnA, who I hear are great), but everything else has been rather boring and messy. The art is mostly bad, terrible or "just okay". I just find it really hard to care about a story about Drax stranded on Earth with a couple aliens I couldn't give two shits about. Ronan the Accuser wasn't interesting, either. Right now I'm in the middle of the Silver Surfer issues and I'm going to power through to the end and determine if I want to keep reading the other cosmic Marvel events. I was so hyped to finally read Annihilation and so far it has been a wet fart :(


I'd like to see some pics, please! And thanks for the write-up, you've piqued my curiosity :)

I'm comin at you, Messi. Emma is top-tier when it comes to X-Men, definitely better than Kitty!

Oh man, Y: The Last Man.
I think 355's death got spoiled for me, but the moment was still heartbreaking thanks to the context (her and Yorick realising their feelings for one another). Amerspand's death broke me though, I was crying like a baby :(

I didn't like Amp :/
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