Jesus. Every damn year. You people.
i really wanna know if CM Punk is gonna be in the game. When do you think they did the scans? cause he'll STAND OUT if he left right before they did them.
Do you think they will include Corporate Kane? I think he's better than fat red suit Kane
eh, looking at what 2K did with the NBA 2K player models on PS4, I wouldn't be surprised if that Cena screenshot was sincere.
Of course, it says nothing about the actual gameplay, which is most likely still dogshit. But having pretty graphics FINALLY is a good start? I guess?
Bets on what CM Punk's CAW presets will be called?
Straight Edge Star?
Best in the World?
Pepsi Man?
Bets on what CM Punk's CAW presets will be called?
Straight Edge Star?
Best in the World?
Pepsi Man?
I just want them to update his outfit. It's been outdated since 2012.Speaking of Souplaya I look forward to seeing if his annual critique of Kane's half arsed entrance rings true for another year of WWE video games.
Even the PS4 would catch on fire trying to render this.It depends, can the newfangled graphical prowess of this entry capture the majesty of Corporate Kane's Punk slaying physique? perhaps, in which case he'll have to miss out on the last gen editions of the game, my PS3 wouldn't be able to handle that.
skinny fat ass quitter
Roman Reigns would never do this...
Looks like WWE Legend Daniel Bryan is being replaced by Sting. The new young face of WWE.
Wasn't Benoit in the game after he died, but they hid him away in the files or something?
Wasn't he the CAW dummy you throw around or something?
I don't know what's funnier. The dude doing the patented Terry Funk Moonsault and shattering his knees or the other one just landing flat on the ladder and rotating to the floor
I never even noticed how bad that dude's moonsault was until now
Lol head first on the ladder
took a peek at the OT and GS and this forum gets worse every day. everything is outrage after outrage after outrage. spreads like a disease. wildfire. it's toxic.
took a peek at the OT and GS and this forum gets worse every day. everything is outrage after outrage after outrage. spreads like a disease. wildfire. it's toxic.
Lambda Pie
Alexa Bliss Alexa Bliss Alexa Bliss!
Never take a peek, everyone. Stay here. Stay safe.
Who did this to lamb-lamb :/
Whatever happened to Omerta, folks
Roman Reigns would never do this...
You did this? FE?
It's like I don't even know you anymore.
EDIT: Also help me in here FE
I remember he definitely being a CAW training dummy at least in RvS 06 or 07
Or close enough to him, the dummy was green I think
Apparently some President stole my birthday. I'm recruiting a posse to get my birthday back from this Obama fellow. Who's in
WWE Superstar Randy Orton teased a fan by calling her "Latino Ms. Piggy" on Twitter, blasting her picture out to millions of his followers ... and wrestling fans are now on the attack.
The woman snapped a pic with Orton Sunday afternoon in Texas and then posted it online. But Orton tweeted the same photo shortly after to his girlfriend with a pretty mean caption.
"Look @kimklro I met the Latino Ms. Piggy today at the gym. I wish you were there to have a good laugh with me! #MsPig"
Turns out there's some serious beef between the fan and Orton's girlfriend ... a few months ago the wrestler blocked her on Twitter for sending harassing messages to his girlfriend.
She also tweeted saying he was a douche when they took the photo.
Some wrestling fans were still pissed however ... for example, "I lost all respect I had for @RandyOrton after reading that last tweet. You should be ashamed of yourself."