I am getting this too.
Or they will just make everything OP and call it a day.
Nerf incoming of course.
It's getting nerfed?!
Anyone else getting this message?
Can't log in with either character, can't log in with my wife's account.
Playing on the PS4 that is linked to my account, and I have PS+.
I'm starting to see the shittiness of Online Only games.
It only really matters when paired with a good player. Most Mythoclast users I've met have been pretty dreadful, easy to outsmart or bait into a safe kill.
The occassional good ones are a nightmare, though.
It has to - way too strong in PVP. Yes, it's fun to destroy people, but the balance is missing. The Vex is very difficult to obtain. So, the best course of action would be to adjust the PVP settings and leave PVE alone. There to need to be super powerful weapons that are difficult to get. Otherwise, what's the point of doing the super hard content?
Are you on xbox one? If you are i can give you the checkpoint.
If not, use destinylfg. Its what i used to find the checkpoint.
Except it's not easy to obtainGet checkpoint from DestinyLFG, cheese boss, receive Vex.
Talk about burning the midnight oil, now my Hunter Alt is Raid (Normal) ready!
(Missing purple boots =/, have to wait till I accumulate 30 Vanguard so I can buy them >_<)
Warlock stuck =/, need Raid Boots + Helmet (which is only given last boss, Hard mode)
Now to start working on my Titan...
For Hunters out there, whats better?, the knucklehead or the alpha lupi?
Might shard one of them, I'm leaning towards lupi to be destroyed, got it through a Legendary engram
Except it's not easy to obtainGet checkpoint from DestinyLFG, cheese boss, receive Vex.
Started a Warlock alt after playing Hunter all this time and it saddens me. I feel like every aspect of my new character is more powerful.
Does anyone else feel like Hunter gets the short end of the stick in this game?
Honestly I don't see why anyone would pick the class other than the way it looks. The range on my melee is absurd compared to my Hunter and sometimes in gives me extra shield. Super I can throw giant AOE balls around, and I can completely maneuver in the air when I jump. I don't feel like Hunters have anything sufficient to balance out the lack of such options. I've yet to try Titan but that seems like the exact same situation. Ridiculous AOE Super, Bubble shield, shoulder charge, etc. If I had a dollar for every time I Blink Striked a Titan in the face and only took half his health while he taps me once and I explode...
Ok, so Blade Dancer Super is pretty good, but I actually have to seek out targets and hope I don't get manhandled while I'm try to take targets out. As opposed to to simply pointing and decimating an area like the other classes.
I guess its supposed to be a ranged class? But exactly what does Hunter have that makes it a superior range fighter? The other classes are free to snipe.
I feel like the only true advantage is the extreme range of the Golden Gun Super and maybe the invisibility (use this a lot to do recon in Nightfalls).
Is it really that hard?
Got randomly invited to a raid. My first time. Helped killing this floating shielded teleporting guy. Got raid gauntlets for my hunter.
Guess that's why i don't have any luck with everything else. lol
PSN store is down too. Probably a network thang
Bounties is the fastest method... sad it is limited to 5 per day but it is like 300-500 reps in 10-20 minutes.
You have lost connection to Destiny servers. Your permission to access online multiplayer gameplay may have changed or your profile may have been signed in elsewhere.
At least it wasn't all bad since I was using my Vita for most of it and just leveled up and watched football all day Saturday and Sunday..
I won't lie. . I've been feeling this way about my hunter class for awhile. I was debating creating a sunbro but instead I just made another hunter alt to help farm raid gear and strange coins. Who knows. Maybe once I have enough strange coins I will just buy the exotic hunter armor I want (chest for sunbro) and save up for a Warlock alt. .
But I do like stealth revives, they come in handy. But reviving yourself from the death can also come in handy.
I'm the poster child for getting nothing but chatter white, loading screen ships and shards. I raid with 3 characters and continually get shut out. One piece, rest nothing.
I'm on PS4 and every time I tried to log in my character, I get this error message :
Does anyone know what it actually means?
I'm on PS4 and every time I tried to log in my character, I get this error message :
Does anyone know what it actually means?
It's good, probably will be a lot better when the gun update hits. Mine's fully leveled, has the Mulligan, stability, and grenade cooldown perks active. Can't speak to PvP, but it's pretty great for Strikes.I got cryptic dragon from am engram last night, is it any good? I've been using a hand canon since the beginning, but this is seems like a fairly decent weapon.
Destiny and PSN servers down for me...anyone else facing the same problem?
Do you still have room I tried to join when you sent the invite yesterday but it said party full ... Guess I was too late
Well the commons bounties I got...I very rarely come across 5 bounties that can be done in 20 minutes :L
But yeah I suppose that's about it.
My first character was a hunter. Sweet character, love him.
My second was a titan. Hmm, seems to be a better character, skills are more useful.
My final alt was a warlock. WTF, how is self-rez not OP? If I had to pick one character to continue, it'd be the warlock for sure. Hunter is still my "main" tho.
I'm on PS4 and every time I tried to log in my character, I get this error message :
Does anyone know what it actually means?
do we know what will replace Iron Banner tomorrow?
PSN is meant to go offline for for 7 hours due to maintenance in 23 minutes, this might just be the beginnings of that.
I'm using the Vita more often, and feeling less shitty at it. What look speed do you use? I've been bouncing from 3 to 4
Same here! Why I had to leave the game just for a few minutes... WHY?!
I don't know how to embed a tweet:
Ask Playstation Twitter
"Routine PSN maintenance Monday 10/13, 10am-5pm Pacific time. Log in prior to retain online play/app access,"
Apparently I wasn't logged in, even though I purposely left my PS4 on and logged in this morning, so I can't play Destiny at all until the maintenance is done. Thanks Sony!
Well the commons bounties I got...
- Striker without die (3-5 minutes on Earth?)
- 6 Patrols (2-3 minutes?)
- Random mission on Heroic (speed run in 2-3 minutes... just run and kill just what you need)
- 2 kills with Fusion Rifle (1-2 minutes on the first Moon mission... if you leave in place that enemies come you can back to this checkpoint in another day)
- 10 Ultra or Yellow enemies (it takes some time but there are places 2-3 enemies... I usually got these before play the Daily mission and and it almost complete the 10)
- 3 Public Events (this is fast but you need schedule... I do every :15 or :45 on Earth... when it is :10 I enter in the Patrol in Earth and run to the place)
I don't remember othersit is really fast... in 30 minutes I'm done with the Daily mission and PVE bounties.
Now PVP bounties are slow... really slow... some from Iron Banner are crazy hard too (10 kills in a row without die? Top player in the match? I got these only once).