Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

Hmm, how do I do that. Post? :)

Holy hell you went back a long way to find that!

I think it's 3 months and 300 posts gets your member status upgraded from junior.

Wait... I speak to you all the time in the IRC... I think I just associate everyone in there with being on here all the time too lol.
Oh god this horse boss can boost it's damage and then one shot me even if I have a wind resist persona, I guess my only option is to grind :X

Also thanks for the info on hama/mudo guys!

Edit; Or maybe I can fuse a Persona with null wind? Let's try this instead

Edit 2: Oh it can cancel wind resistance... fuck

Edit 3: Oh apparently that ends, and he will randomly negate and instead opt to attack the immune mc over and over again with garula, lol boss is over


Well I wouldn't be able to complete an entire section of Tartarus in one night on Hard so I'd probably be much higher, really the trick is just mess around with fusions until you get a persona that dominates the boss

Yep, thats pretty much how SMT has worked for me. Relatively right level+nice setup=overkill the boss
Well I wouldn't be able to complete an entire section of Tartarus in one night on Hard so I'd probably be much higher, really the trick is just mess around with fusions until you get a persona that dominates the boss

You'll end up dying a lot randomly to bosses. Quite a few bosses have the potential to kill you in one turn if RNG decides they'll all target you with their strongest/most effective move. In general they have better attacks/resistances that what you carry around.

If you are playing blind, that means you also don't know what the boss's element is or what attacks it uses, so it's harder to prepare. This is worse in early game because there are fewer personas in general with null elements/resistances you really need, and the lower persona carrying count makes it pretty much impossible to go into a boss fight ready for any situation. Several times I would get wiped and then come back prepared and destroy them, either because of my preparation or I just got luckier with the enemy's moves.

Ex: There's this trio of bosses (I think someone said they're like hulk hogans) that use revolution, power charge, and spam physical attacks and destroy you. First playthrough in FES I recall I pretty much died turn 2-3. Second attempt I think I managed to tank them with a higher level persona that resists phys, in addition to spamming their weakness so they couldn't hit me (I didn't live long enough first attempt to figure out they had a weakness). In P3P I destroyed them in a couple turns due to being overlevelled and knowing their weakness and what they used.

This happened again when I encountered a trio of bosses (I think some knights) that use mind charge maziodynes on me, with elec break on the side. I brought Yukari (and maybe Aigis too?) and the enemy got one more and I was almost dead by end of second turn, only saved by my Akihiko who got Elec breaked and tanked a hit for me. I didn't survive third turn. The next attempt I didn't bring Yukari and brought Ken as a healer instead, and I had a Persona with absorb elec, and it was a lot easier.

tl;dr random bosses will occasionally destroy you first time through. And sometimes you can happen to have a good team and destroy them first try, though sometimes it takes a second+ attempt.

Also despite the fact I posted that pic with Sho, I didn't really understand it that much myself, just found it mildly amusing.
The one nice thing is that they give a perma warp point in every tartarus boss room, and warping back heals you fully and lets you save. I believe this was changed in P3P but at least in FES it keeps the bosses from feeling unfair. Imagine if there was no perma warp on the boss floors and they were instead every 5 or 10 floors that would truly make getting to a boss and dying in 2-3 turns before you understand it's weakness and attacks.
The one nice thing is that they give a perma warp point in every tartarus boss room, and warping back heals you fully and lets you save. I believe this was changed in P3P but at least in FES it keeps the bosses from feeling unfair. Imagine if there was no perma warp on the boss floors and they were instead every 5 or 10 floors that would truly make getting to a boss and dying in 2-3 turns before you understand it's weakness and attacks.

Yeah, so at least when you died it wasn't too inconvenient. Don't know why they took out the save point in P4G?

Wow. This is pretty old.

I think the pregnancy announcement meme is getting there too.

I saw a lot of those while looking for appropriate pictures to post and had no idea what they even were. Now I know.


Something else to keep in mind, especially when you fight the 3 mini-bosses at once type fights: Just because something isn't weak to an element, doesn't mean they aren't weak to status effects. It's easy to ignore them, but there were some mini boss fights that went from incredibly hard to a joke simply by having a persona with Sexy Dance + Charm Boost.
Something else to keep in mind, especially when you fight the 3 mini-bosses at once type fights: Just because something isn't weak to an element, doesn't mean they aren't weak to status effects. It's easy to ignore them, but there were some mini boss fights that went from incredibly hard to a joke simply by having a persona with Sexy Dance + Charm Boost.

Yeah I never really used it to be honest, as I only had a couple that actually had that, and I personally get frustrated if I miss enemies more than once, which can happen with status ailments. Although I do believe one time Mitsuru decided to use Marin Karin and actually hit a boss with it? First time I was impressed with it, as not only did the other boss do quite a bit of damage, but I didn't even know in the first place that ailments affected them. I played P4 first, and charm, arguably one of the most powerful ailments against groups, was not present in it, so I never used moves that were purely chance to cause status ailments. If I did afflict enemy with a status ailment, it would usually be an added bonus to damage, like seal bomb, mustard bomb, arm chopper, etc.

Also do you guys think they should change the damage formula such that multi-hits don't do so much damage? Or add multi-hits for magic/almighty spells? For example, arm chopper and hysterical slap are better than other light damage spells and even some medium damage spells, blade of fury better than other medium spells and some heavy spells, akasha arts and agneyastra better than other single-hit, all target physical spells like deathbound, hassou tobi on top. Did they nerf Hassou Tobi in P4G? In PQ each hit has a chance individually to hit/crit, and its only X hits total among all the enemies, more like the random target spells, not 8 hits against each enemy. But then with chance for each hit individually to hit/crit means that there's a higher chance of getting into boosted state, and with passives to boost crit rate the chance is really high up there.



So once I max my social stats what the heck do I do at night besides go to Tartarus?

That's the problem, worse in P3Fes because there are more night Social Links in P3P female route (which also makes it easier to finish day time social links). There is nothing to do. It's like how in subsequent playthroughs that a forced summer school event where you spend a week going to summer school is just a waste. Likewise listening to lectures is pointless, better to sleep in class even though there's little point to doing that either because it's too boring to just go to Tartarus each day to grind on random mobs, gaining 100EXP on average when you require 10000 to level up but unable to progress to harder enemies because of the time requirement before you can proceed. You could also just go to random floors and kill lower level guys for the items they drop for use at the fusion lady, or just tell your allies to split up and grab a whole lot of treasure chests. I got to that point in P3P and quit once I realized Ryoji is refusing to hang out with me but just talks casually. In P3FES you'll reach that point earlier because of the aforementioned fewer night S-links. I personally just went to the arcade and played games to get my main boss killers' stats up (Odin and Siegried for me) up to close to 99. And then you're breaking the game, dealing nearly a thousand damage at times because of your high stats, awesome personas, and being overlevelled.

Note that in FES, I barely did anything outside of raising social links and raising stats early game, and had tons of trouble due to being underleveled by anywhere from 3-10 levels. I only went to Tartarus when I was feeling great, and even then limited myself to ~once a week. As a result I finished the night events earlier, resulting in that huge sink in time. In P3P I grinded a lot more in earlygame, especially because I decided to play hard mode, but even then I was close to the end (~2months) and I only had to max one night s-link up 6 levels before I would have nothing to do. And he never wanted to hang out with me either for the past ~month.
What the heck human villains? I wasn't expecting that at all

Also found the devil link, and lost so much money lol

Edit: WOO Maxed my first social link (Chihiro/Justice), guess now I can start dating another girl

What the heck human villains? I wasn't expecting that at all

Also found the devil link, and lost so much money lol

Edit: WOO Maxed my first social link (Chihiro/Justice), guess now I can start dating another girl


Don't worry, you'll have more than enough money soon enough. As long as you don't spend all your money from the compendium or from buying unnecessary items, it should be ok. When in Tartarus, I tend to aim for money somewhat frequently from shuffle time, second to experience. You could go run through random, relatively low level floors and tell your party members to split up so you can grab lots of loot from chests.

And it is a pain to social link a bunch of girls. Might have contributed to why I left 3 members at level 1-3 at end game and everyone else max (Yukari, Fuuka and Aigis were the three left behind, I forgot about them until basically 2 months before end and I knew there was no way I could max all the girls' links. I decided to spend time with Mitsuru and Aigis since Aigis doesn't count as a girl with respect to dating, though Mitsuru took priority because I wanted Niflheim, while by that point the Lovers and Priestess final personas were bad).

Is it bad that I prioritize some social links because I like the final personas more than the actual link? I did Magician and Emperor pretty early so I could get those severe level spells, but I wouldn't call the links amazing. While Junpei is pretty much objectively better than Kenji in P3P, I still did Emperor S Link early for Odin.

In P4 it was my first playthrough and I only maxed like half of the people's social links (not including forced ones, ex Fool) and the rest ranged from 9-4. I remember I started Naoki's in October-November because I forgot about his existence for a couple months. In second playthrough I maxed everyone's but Naoki's, he was stuck at level 4.
So I understand the whole MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN complaint when people talk about P3FES, up till this point I've felt the AI has largely been okay, but damn Mirtsu is borderline brain dead, heal or kill? Nope lets try and charm the low healthy enemy

Edit: Also I guess the fusion Elizabeth quest are bugged, IE you don't have to actually cast the spell to get credit, just having both Personas in your party and having the game say " you can cast this spell now" is enough
So I understand the whole MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN MARIN KARIN complaint when people talk about P3FES, up till this point I've felt the AI has largely been okay, but damn Mirtsu is borderline brain dead, heal or kill? Nope lets try and charm the low healthy enemy

Edit: Also I guess the fusion Elizabeth quest are bugged, IE you don't have to actually cast the spell to get credit, just having both Personas in your party and having the game say " you can cast this spell now" is enough

It's not terrible, but yes the AI is known for things like that and obviously is worse than controlling them. A couple things that may or may not affect you, but I remember.

In addition to marin karin are the elemental break spells, which for some reason cost tons of SP just so the AI can waste more when you would probably prefer something else. Same with Mind Charge, where Mitsuru will charge up because she can't kill with her next move, but if she attacked then the party member that goes after could have killed. While allowed to act freely, members will not abuse the weaknesses of multiple enemies, instead sometimes just targeting one twice which may not be as good as leaving it be and spending the second turn attacking another enemy. Setting allies to knock down is also a pain because if your plan revolves around knocking enemies down and not using an All out Attack so they lose their turn, and repeating till death, the allies will just waste the one-more turn waiting instead of something productive like healing, recovering SP with an item, etc. If you get downed, you cannot change the allies' strategy, so if your plan revolves around your allies attacking and you supporting and you get downed, you won't be able to get one of them to cover for you while you are inactive. If you don't scan enemies but happen to know their weakness (get lucky and guess the correct element for All out Attack in your first encounter) your allies don't remember what it is. Allies with light or dark will attack bosses with those spells even though you know every boss cannot be affected by them before scanning. They also cannot use any items outside of relatively weak healing items and ailment curing ones, though I think they have an infinite supply.

That's all I remember at the moment, I could probably remember more if I spent more time thinking about it.


To properly play P3:Fes, it helps to understand the "Tactics" menu and what each does.

"Act Freely" - will attack an enemy's weakness if it's known, will heal someone(if capable) if they're below 33%, otherwise won't mind buffing themselves with Mind Charge/try status effecting an enemy.

"Full Assault" - will attack an enemy's weakness if known, then will do it again to try and kill off the same enemy. Will never heal, nor try to inflict status on the enemy.

"Heal/Support" - will attack an enemy's weakness if it's known. Will heal anyone below 75% health, and will freely buff/debuff if they're able. Will only attack if neither of those 2 conditions are met.

"Knock Down" - will attack an enemy's weakness if it's known, then attack the next enemy's weakness if it's known. If a weakness is not something they can cast, will resort to a physical attack to try for a crit to knock the enemy down. If they don't know an elemental weakness, and the target is immune to their physical, will automatically pass their turn. If everything is already on the ground, will also pass their turn. Will never heal, no matter what is going on.

If you run Mitsuru in your group, you're almost always better off keeping her on full assault or knock down. Act Freely helps in case the MC suddenly needs healing, but this is where a lot of the "Marin F'n Karin" moments happen.

Ok, this is just too precious

Yeah, saw something like that too. Though it said "You're fucked now big bro"

Also saw one with Dojima, though I don't remember the caption

LOL is a sundae right? Didn't look closely.

Edit: saw this, and the caption brings up a good question of whether or not people will take the fanbase seriously with all the stuff we've been doing.

Edit 2: I'm scared


Random Persona 3 thing I just remembered.

It took me years to realize that the "Ganesha Bank" ( one of the arcade prizes) is just a piggy bank that looks like a Ganesha instead of a pig.

I was so, so confused first time seeing it.


Since I'd known some details about Naoto way beforehand,
I was kind of surprised her dungeon was less about gender, and more about her maturity.
And I'm kind of glad for it. I'd learned way back that Naoto dresses as a boy cause the field of detectives is a male-dominated society, and while that's definitely true, I just saw it as kind of a weak justification.
I didn't have the full details, but I definitely like the fact that it's not only that, but her heroes (of course detectives) are male, so she chose that for herself, rather than just "fitting in".

Guess Who

Since I'd known some details about Naoto way beforehand, I was kind of surprised
her dungeon was less about gender, and more about her maturity.
And I'm kind of glad for it. I'd learned way back that Naoto dresses as a boy cause the field of detectives is a male-dominated society, and while that's definitely true, I just saw it as kind of a weak justification.
I didn't have the full details, but I definitely like the fact that it's not only that, but her heroes (of course detectives) are male, so she chose that for herself, rather than just "fitting in".

The thing about Naoto is
she was originally just meant to be straight up male in the early stages of development and they gender-flipped her partway through, which is why the central themes of her character development are about maturity and the gender stuff feels a bit tacked on.

Technically this is P4 spoilers even if it's very obvious, so tagging for safety.


The thing about Naoto is
she was originally just meant to be straight up male in the early stages of development and they gender-flipped her partway through, which is why the central themes of her character development are about maturity and the gender stuff feels a bit tacked on.

Technically this is P4 spoilers even if it's very obvious, so tagging for safety.

Her design in the actual game is pretty much Soejima's male design, reproportioned to be slightly more feminine. The 'proper' Naoto design is the one in all the post-release art.

It's kinda weird, really.
The realest of talks: This was my genuine reaction to the cross-dressing pagent. I was so psyched to participate.

Does it say what place the character got? I assume second? Should have beat teddie...
Junpei would be pretty good cross-dressing though. Too bad there's no Shinji.

So here's that Ultimax spoilercast mentioned eariler, you probably want to finish Ultimax's story modes before listening:

(click image for episode link)

Is it bad how amusing I found the picture?

Also how long after a game's release do you think it will be before spoilers are allowed?
So here's that Ultimax spoilercast mentioned eariler, you probably want to finish Ultimax's story modes before listening:

(click image for episode link)

Just listened to the whole thing, you edited that REALLY WELL!

I had a blast coming on to talk about stuff (even if it did seem like I was complaining a lot).

You ever have that moment where as soon as the recording stops, your brain kicks in with "here's over 9000 other points you could have made."?

Also, that title card is godlike. Hopefully I can participate sometime again in the future because this was a lot of fun to be a part of!
Just listened to the whole thing, you edited that REALLY WELL!

I had a blast coming on to talk about stuff (even if it did seem like I was complaining a lot).

You ever have that moment where as soon as the recording stops, your brain kicks in with "here's over 9000 other points you could have made."?

Also, that title card is godlike. Hopefully I can participate sometime again in the future because this was a lot of fun to be a part of!

All the goddamn time.

PK Gaming

Does it say what place the character got? I assume second? Should have beat teddie...

Junpei would be pretty good cross-dressing though. Too bad there's no Shinji.

Is it bad how amusing I found the picture?

Also how long after a game's release do you think it will be before spoilers are allowed?

Sukaban!Yu was admittedly pretty solid, but nothing can top Alice!Teddie


The thing about Naoto is
she was originally just meant to be straight up male in the early stages of development and they gender-flipped her partway through, which is why the central themes of her character development are about maturity and the gender stuff feels a bit tacked on.

Technically this is P4 spoilers even if it's very obvious, so tagging for safety.

Huh, just checked the Wiki, and apparently
Teddie was supposed to be female too
Doesn't state why they decided to change it. Seems pretty weird.


I know the article was written a couple days ago and I'm sure somebody posted it in here, but I just saw @AtlusUSA tweet it out so I thought I'd post it for those who might've missed it like me.

"Persona 5, compared to the other titles that have been announced..," he muses, "I'm involved in it much more than just the character designs. But I can't really talk about that now."


I guess that confirms he's the art director again. Which seemed obvious, but still has me so fucking relieved.
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