Well fuck I wont be able to reach Level 30 with Iron Banner then because of my helmet.
What's with the Suros hate? They're not even that big of a problem. Unless you only hate the sound....
What's with the Suros hate? They're not even that big of a problem. Unless you only hate the sound....
Well fuck I wont be able to reach Level 30 with Iron Banner then because of my helmet.![]()
I'd like to know what these ridiculously stable sniper rifles are, though. If I don't headshot (or if my bullet gets eaten by a lagshield) I'm usually dead since everyone else can apparently just hurrdurr two bodyshots.
It's one of the top two assault rifles, and was basically handed out for free twice. Easy to use, too.
With everyone using them, it gets annoying fast.
I've seen that ship.Imposter was trying to ruin my stats.
Joined game in progress and put a stop to that.
Fortune favors the just!
2) Praedyth's Revenge nearly max stability (6 round magazine with Field Scout - raid drop)
You don't have an exotic helm from Xur yet?
Ran NF1 with Gaffers last night:
RL arc (me)
Plan C
Not that we had terrible difficulty with the NF, but dropping all arc weapons was a funny sight.
Ran NF2 with a buddy replacing one:
Helm of Saint-14 (!!!!!!!)
Armamentarium x2
I got the helm I've gambling for on my alt! Oh, the two chests had a DIS difference of >30 which is still a kick in the crotch to see.
After seeing 5/6 exotics drop in 2 runs, I couldn't wait to run it the third time with my regular crew. I got Energy and they got dupes. -_-'
Praedyth's Revenge is a legendary and it can have full stability with Ambush SLH25. At least mine does![]()
Body shot 301
Crit 901
Body shot 273
Crit 819
Both fully upgraded. Fatebringer is without explosive rounds.
I just happened to be on patrol :lol
Edit: That was just against vandals, but Hawkmoon obviously hits harder.
Hawkmoon hits significantly harder in pvp too. Everytime I engage in a fatebringer hawkmoon duel I wish I was using the hawkmoon instead of the fatebringer ;(
1) Patience and Time MAX stability with CQB ballistics (6 round magazine with Field Scout - exotic drop)
2) Praedyth's Revenge nearly max stability (6 round magazine with Field Scout - raid drop)
With stability they both destroy with almost NO target drift.
Ice Breaker?That thing is all over the map.forget about it(or so I hear, I still don't have one)
Need 2 for normal raid if possible![]()
Dang straight!! Oooh will have to try that. Had equipped the bottom sight setting. I take it we'll be seeing them tonight..
AE+PR+G'HORN=Let's Do This![]()
Has anyone done a DPS comparison between the Vision of Confluence in Full Auto vs. SUROS Regime?
Playing with both last night, I felt like the VoC was more powerful, especially at longer ranges (obviously). But they seem to have similar Rates of Fire as well. Or am I way off?
Need 2 for normal raid if possible![]()
Noticed a fried has a 2410 Grimoire score, what's the max?
You can only queue up for Rumble with a fireteam of 3 max.I wish we had a custom Crucible playlists, private matches or at least a HC only mode. That'd be a blast.
Could we get 6 people and form up a GAF HC only rumble match?
I've got 2450 and i believe max is around 2600-2700 iirc
I have a Prudence II (New Monarchy dropped sniper) that has nearly maxed Stability due to one of it's perks. It also has the perk where the last round in the magazine does bonus damage and an extremely quick reload speed. For a dropped sniper rifle it is quite good.
No.Any indication that your Score affects your in game drops in any way? Thanks!
Pretty sure suros fires faster, and with the heavy hitting rounds it destroys VoC from a medium distance if they Han Solo it.
Any indication that your Score affects your in game drops in any way? Thanks!
Any indication that your Score affects your in game drops in any way? Thanks!
You can only queue up for Rumble with a fireteam of 3 max.
Vision Of Confluence was shown to do more damage with ADS body (or non- critical shots) and significantly more damage during ADS critical or precision shots than Suros Regime. I think Suros was much closer with non- precision damage when firing from the hip (As DPS is higher by a small margin), but VoC still won. A lot of this is due to the recent Scout Rifle Buff (+% 6 overall damage) and Assault Rifle nerf (-% 2 overall damage and precision damage reduced from x1.50 to x1.25).Has anyone done a DPS comparison between the Vision of Confluence in Full Auto vs. SUROS Regime?
Playing with both last night, I felt like the VoC was more powerful, especially at longer ranges (obviously). But they seem to have similar Rates of Fire as well. Or am I way off?
It's quite depressing to realize I've been bamboozled by Iron Banner. I thought the gear in there would let me go for level 28 to level 30. :| This has been a waste of time.
It's quite depressing to realize I've been bamboozled by Iron Banner. I thought the gear in there would let me go for level 28 to level 30. :| This has been a waste of time.
It can if you need boots and gloves to get to 30.It's quite depressing to realize I've been bamboozled by Iron Banner. I thought the gear in there would let me go for level 28 to level 30. :| This has been a waste of time.
It's quite depressing to realize I've been bamboozled by Iron Banner. I thought the gear in there would let me go for level 28 to level 30. :| This has been a waste of time.
Pretty sure suros fires faster, and with the heavy hitting rounds it destroys VoC from a medium distance if they Han Solo it.
It's quite depressing to realize I've been bamboozled by Iron Banner. I thought the gear in there would let me go for level 28 to level 30. :| This has been a waste of time.
I've got 2450 and i believe max is around 2600-2700 iirc
I'm at 2495 and I can see about 100 points that I'm missing. That hardest thing to account for is unfinished content dead ghosts. They do add to your score.
If is say the actual max is 2700 if you count all the bugged cards that aren't being handed out.
Vision Of Confluence was shown to do more damage with ADS body (or non- critical shots) and significantly more damage during ADS critical or precision shots than Suros Regime. I think Suros was much closer with non- precision damage when firing from the hip (As DPS is higher by a small margin), but VoC still won. A lot of this is due to the recent Scout Rifle Buff (+% 6 overall damage) and Assault Rifle nerf (-% 2 overall damage and precision damage reduced from x1.50 to x1.25).
There was a Reddit link in one of the old topics with a guy who really broke down weapon damage and did comparisons that seemed pretty legit, so That's where I'm getting my info. It also feels true in my experience.
Is there a good guide that tells you how to get all the cards?
Yes. I'll post it later when I get away from my phone.
Also. Just double checked I'm missing 190 points from the grimoire. I have 30 points worth of unfinished cards so 2660 is the legit max. Max obtainable is probably is probably 2720.
I'm still not quite following your situation, but isn't the most efficient way to get to 30 to get an exotic helm and then either legendary raid or IB gear for the other parts? To me, if I were you I would still try to get the arms and legs from IB, buy an exotic helm from Xur and hope to get a chest from the normal raid.
Maybe I'm not understanding your issue though.
My issue is I didn't know you needed ALL your gear to go up to 30 light to reach level 30. I guess it makes sense now that I've typed that sentence.
I don't really Raid, only done it once, don't really care much for it. I thought the Iron Banner gear would be enough to get me from level 28 to level 30. Now I'm in the hands of a random Raid and RNGeesus to reach level 30. Sucks.