I have to collect about 300 spin metal....Jesus take the wheel!
Sunsingers don't need armor to get 2 grenades, and fusion grenade is a gaurantee kill. Magnetic is not. I've never been killed by one. That being said I think Titans have a great assortment of grenades lots of choices.Truth. Guaranteed one-hit kill in PvP, rapes Minotaurs a new one at the VoG. And Armamentarium lets us charge two <3
Yeah they better get right on that.
Using PS4 stats as a sample: currently, 2 out of 3 people playing Destiny have not completed the Vault of Glass a single time. 85% have never done it on Hard.
Roughly three-quarters of the people playing have not yet maxed a subclass.
Let's bear in mind what outliers we are in this discussion, eh?
Rage building...Space Bus #2
PSN profiles takes into account only the people that have gone to psn profiles and check their PSN on it.Kinda wonder what the flawless raider trophy is. On PSN it says flawless trophy is ~0.1 % and on it is 0.89% Are those numbers different from PSN and psnprofiles? Also assuming PSN takes into account people who literally logged into Destiny and not the current active users.
Anyone wanna do Nightfall or Weekly? Help a gaffer outa_javierp on PSN.
Fun times in Iron Banner tonight guys
Even though the Epilogue isn't very deadly, I still like it for supression.
yeah in about an hour though.Hawkian you doing IB tonight? I left to get food and my usual team filled my spot... playing IB solo is no fun.
28 to start is my guess. 30 or more for hard, maaaaaybe.
huh. This one shows it at 1.1%. PSN really says 0.1? the .89 versus 1.1 could be some kind of rounding quirk but an entire percentage point...Kinda wonder what the flawless raider trophy is. On PSN it says flawless trophy is ~0.1 % and on it is 0.89% Are those numbers different from PSN and psnprofiles? Also assuming PSN takes into account people who literally logged into Destiny and not the current active users.
Rage building...
Axion bolt and Fusion grenade are at the top of my list of shit I hate in this game during crucible. Easily.Oooooh which ones do you hate the most?
Not a chance. Titans have like 2 good grenades, maybe 3 if you count flashbang and you're playing with a good team that can take advantage.I think titans get that award
Anyone raiding tonight? Normal, hard. Fresh, halfway. Anything would be ok. I just want to do it.
Anyone raiding tonight? Normal, hard. Fresh, halfway. Anything would be ok. I just want to do it.
Anyone raiding tonight? Normal, hard. Fresh, halfway. Anything would be ok. I just want to do it.
I'm looking for a hard raid myself
I would be up for a hard raid.
Hard mode raid. Starting whenever we get 6.
1. Shem0275 30 hunter
2. lunlunqq
3. johnFkennedy
Xur. I can't get over this xur crap.
Hard mode raid. Starting whenever we get 6.
1. Shem0275 30 hunter
2. lunlunqq
3. johnFkennedy
I'm down for a hard raid.
PSN: MiidSoss
lvl 30 Warlock
Hard mode raid. Starting whenever we get 6.
1. Shem0275 30 hunter
2. lunlunqq
3. johnFkennedy
4. MiidSoss 30 lock
Sure...30 Titan - Fixed
Xur. I can't get over this xur crap.
Is anyone running the 28 heroic? I need to run it and night falls on my 3 characters for the coins ;-;
Hard mode raid. Starting whenever we get 6.
1. Shem0275 30 hunter
2. lunlunqq
3. SEBattleship
4. MiidSoss 30 lock
5. Fixed 30 titan
Hard mode raid. Starting whenever we get 6.
1. Shem0275 30 hunter
2. lunlunqq
3. SEBattleship
4. MiidSoss 30 lock
I'd like for my 29 Hunter to jump in for GK/Atheon, but I can run the rest with my 30 Lock, or 30 Titan if that's OK PSN The_Reckoning
I'd like for my 29 Hunter to jump in for GK/Atheon, but I can run the rest with my 30 Lock, or 30 Titan if that's OK PSN The_Reckoning
You missed one, which would make six.
EDIT: Nevermind....
huh. This one shows it at 1.1%. PSN really says 0.1? the .89 versus 1.1 could be some kind of rounding quirk but an entire percentage point...
Randoms must have ADHD or something. We're winning and everyone decides to three cap and then we eventually lose.
They must be kids or college students trolling when they should be studying for Finals.
Planet Destiny just copy pasted everything Urk said here without mentioning the source.
Quality blogging, right there.