I'm ordering my new cpu+mobo+ram this weekend.
My budget is 430 euros (I could spend more if I had to but I really would rather not unless I have a very good reason like much better bang for buck by spending 20 more)
Buying from this store:
www.power4pc.be so my choices are limited to what they sell.
Going with an i5 4690k
Is there any reason why I should not buy this motherboard?
I just want a solid z97 mobo that works (not some model with a flaw that needed a revision later), not interested in any gamez0r maximus motherboards that cost an arm and a leg; and I will never use SLI
Would this fit the bill?
What ram would you guys suggest? (I want 8GB, 1.5v or less, cl9 and 2 sticks for dual channel)
Is there any reason to not pick this? Or is there any better option around the same price on there?
As for the cooler:
Is this a newer version of the evo 212 or still the old one?
How quiet is it? I would like at least inaudible on idle
Has anyone run this fan with a lower fan profile on a 4.5ghz i5?
I run my old arctic freezer capped at 800 rpm ( I think I set it at 300 rpm on idle) and it does the job with my phenom II, would like to be able to do something similar with a new cooler to keep things silent.
30-35 euros is really the max i'd wana spend on a cooler.
I care about noise way more than just low temps as long as it's good enough to OC to 4.5ghz so if there's something cheaper or better that accomplishes that I'd like to know

I vaguely remember the 212 being a performance cooler rather than low noise cooler but don't know what else is a good alternative these days.