Some of the stuff around the mechanics is arguably flawed, but it is fucking incomparable to Destiny.
+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ lovely graphics
- there is only one gameplay mechanic. Yes, it's great and polished, but there is only that. Shooting. I guess driving your hoverbike is the second, but that's tangiential.
- there is no story. There is 5 minutes of exposition. There is no ending. There is no development. Then not a single plot point after the intro for a 4-5 hour campaign you're expected to grind on forever after
- there are four tiny maps, which have literally nothing in them. Like literally nothing. The maps are just facades. Nothing changes or moves. 90% of the buildings can't be explored.
- the only 'collectibles' are, what, Glimmer and materials? Materials are idential bullshit you can't even use until you're level 25 or so.
- The enemies are imbeciles who spawn in roughly the same places every time
- the levelling and upgrade system is based on an RNG (though this is changing with Taken King). You're expected to replay mind-numbingly rudimentary and repetitive missions just to 'level up'
Other than MGSV and Destiny not really being comparable you really have everything wrong on Destiny.
You can't call out a shooter for not being anything more than shooter, even when it is in some way.
From your talk about story, it seems you either never finished the game or didn't play it. I say this because there is story in the expansions. It has a mediocre story I'll give you that, but you can't compare a game with a player created avatar to a story driven narrative like MGS. It has a ton of backstory, as much as Metal Gear.
Again did you play the game? Because glimmer and materials are not 'collectible', but the game's economy like GMP.
The enemies usually appear in the same spots, sure but there are various events that change this. Still MGSV does this. Just because don't spawn doesn't mean they aren't in the same spots.
And leveling, it is going to change next week, but you are expected to play the game as the game is meant. Playing raids, the actual well implemented 'end game' gives you weapons. Those activities are fun and you used to get armor, marks and weapons for playing them, this is how you got new gear or the things to buy it. Even then at the beginning of the game, when leveling was relevant you got all those by just playing, not grinding and after you really don't need to play those missions to get those.
You know what's facetious? Your 'understanding' of Destiny. I'm sorry. You can hate the game that's cool, it's not your thing, but you clearly lack knowledge of it to speak about it like you do .