You can also blow people up and attach balloons to basesIs there much variety in the missions? Pretty much all I've seen people do is infiltrate a base and either blow something up or attach a balloon to somebody.
You can also blow people up and attach balloons to basesIs there much variety in the missions? Pretty much all I've seen people do is infiltrate a base and either blow something up or attach a balloon to somebody.
I always end up with Octopus, which is taking people out with tranqs and other non-lethal ways.
!!!Get into jungle LS, the OG masc hero pick
I want to try battlefury on him!!!
he's coming
and so am I (mooning)
edit: -codename titan
Little surprised by how little insight EE is offering in this cast. He's quite entertaining however.
please tag your posts with your code name so we can establish a hierarchy
-codename chick
-Big Boss
- Solid Snake
-solid shaft
edit: -codename titan
- codename hot ryu
codename peacock
-codename wutface
codename: big dick swag aka Iron Man Molecules
hoping they do well and not be underwhelming
YaphetS + ZSMJ team
hoping they do well and not be underwhelming
it's here, it's here. First step to EVO 2036.
it's here, it's here. First step to EVO 2036.
how much?
Dota doesn't somehow attract more assholes than other games, if other games forced you to play 40 minute games in which you're dependant on your teammates to win you'd find a lot more assholes there too.
Dota has finally made it
-codename: CiGrip
who ever plays techies is no doubt going to the deepest hole in hell
Dota has finally made it
-codename: CiGrip
please tag your posts with your code name so we can establish a hierarchy
-codename chick
My shoulder is still fucked up
please tag your posts with your code name so we can establish a hierarchy
-codename chick
can someone explain this kaceytron shit?
Sexy Gril4chan troll who's very good at what she does.