Feel the Swift
Stop justifying quitting, christ.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
Holy shit. This has to be a joke post.
Quitting in any of the situations you just mentioned is just awful. Go play a game of domination in cod and see how shit those spawns are.
Good thing social playlists are coming in the next few days.I was hoping 343 would be adding some stuff for more social/relaxed play but thus far they haven't. Which is an incredible disappointment.
Warzone is a sit back and relax playlist, but they should have more.Yeah but the difference is that you can quit out of an unenjoyable game in Call of Duty without punishment. Get a laggy game and you can leave. Get one where you repeatedly get donged on and you can leave. Get a game where you just repeatedly have bad luck and you can leave.
Can't do that without Halo without getting punished both in the game and by getting angry messages from people on your team. There is absolutely 100% no justifiable reason for me to be forced to sit in on a game where two people on my team quit out and the third is AFK. Yeah. That's fun. That'll encourage me to power through that adversity. Yup.
It's the main reason I haven't played Halo 5 since the week after it came out. 343 has done absolutely nothing to cater to the non-MLG/highly competitive crowd. If you want to relax and play a game without stressing out or trying your absolute best then Halo 5 is not for you.
I was hoping 343 would be adding some stuff for more social/relaxed play but thus far they haven't. Which is an incredible disappointment.
Good thing social playlists are coming in the next few days.
Warzone is a sit back and relax playlist, but they should have more.
Also quitting is bad, but I expect as much from a Wild fan.
Are we getting any new gametypes with the December update?
Are we getting any new gametypes with the December update?
My life right now:
My life right now:
My life right now:
My life right now:
I never quit a multiplayer match ever, on Halo, COD, Battlefield etc quitters ruin the mp experience a lot, my first matchmaking game on Halo 3 was a 1v4 and I won the game alone, never quit people even if the odds are against you, there is still a chance to win
My favorite part of that experience was the beautiful, chaotic timing of it all. One guy managed to slip into the core room and be there right as I exited that terminal, while the rest of my team was absent. I wasn't even mad. I was kind of impressed actually.
The MP in this game is sooo good. But I just queued up for four arena matches in a row and three times someone on my team left, resulting in a prompt loss. Once was in a strongholds match where we were up 75-20 too.
The leaving in this game has to be punished, because its ruining the competitive nature of it.
That fun GIF came at the right time, downer time in the thread that last page!
Everyone forget about it, chill, and be hype for the update which is totally coming tomorrow!
No guarantee. No purchase necessary.
U didnt see my hands joke huh. Im not gonna chill homie. Nah uh. Nope.
Nah youre right. It was bad.I did, it was bad.
Kidding, what joke?
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
LOL. This is embarrassing. You're rage quitting. Lol @ "protesting".
You said you dont have the right hands to use the answer. ... I said someone told me they were made for pottery.. Almost put a picture of someone doing pottery.. But elzar would have enjoyed that too much. Maybe. Haha
Where've you been hiding? Or have I just not been on Xbox much? :3
You quit games over a single dumb spawn or lag spike? You couldn't be more of a hyper-over-omega-uber-weenie crybaby if you tried. Halo 5 has issues, sure, but have you played literally any other game?Nah.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
They better, Halo 5 was a huge let down in this sense. Screw new forged maps, put the team's time into making gametypes like KOTH and Infection.Probably not.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
If 343i wants to reduce quitting, maybe they should wait for people like you to grow up.Nah.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
Holy shit. Mods, can we get a ban in here!?
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.