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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Junior Member
Man I just fell in love with using Mercy. I love sitting back and healing everyone while zipping around the map to revive fallen teammates. I feel like I'm much more useful in this role.


Man I just fell in love with using Mercy. I love sitting back and healing everyone while zipping around the map to revive fallen teammates. I feel like I'm much more useful in this role.

i dunno how to zip around effectively. you need to be locked on to a teammate from a distance to use that right?


So Zenyatta.. is he just awful, or is there something I'm missing?

With little health, no maneuverability, no CC, no self-heal or shield or anything, he seems way too vulnerable to.. everything. Get into the action and he'll die to splash, stray bullets, and real snipers. Try to hang in the back, and he'll die repeatedly to any half-competent Reaper, Genji, Tracer, Pharah, or Winston who decides to go after him.

Play smart. Your healing orb will continue healing for about five seconds after breaking LoS. That lets you hide while they're fighting. ALWAYS have your healing orb on someone. It makes charging your ult much faster and teammates will appreciate it. Also, ALWAYS have your Discord orb on an enemy, or at least try. You'd be shocked how quickly even a well armored tank goes down because of that orb. Zen can also lay down some serious damage on someone that has that orb on them. Don't be afraid to attack but just realize that your primary role is almost always going to be healing.

When using your ult, don't be afraid of standing in the open with it on. For whatever reason a lot of people don't seem to understand yet that Zen is totally immune to damage while using it, so they focus fire on him. Teammates then have a clear shot at people concentrating on you. Also turrets keep firing at you if you're the first in their LoS, so teammates can burst them down quickly.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Dear GAF, today I learned that hitting Mei's Ice Wall ability twice while placing it rotates it 90 degrees.

Game Changer.

Holy shit had no idea, thats actually pretty neat and useful.


Dear Mei users, don't put that fucking ice wall in front of your teammates when they started their Ultimate attack.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I would say he's the most offensive support. You gotta use his debuff all the time and pop around corners to attack. Heals are dealt out whenever needed, of course!

I love him, you absolutely smoke people once you've debuffed them. He's the support you pick when you don't want to play support but no one else will.


For you.
The only thing that annoys me about the whole microtransaction/loot box thing is that trophy about getting 50 items for a hero.

yeah. Even the guy that opened 350 boxes didn't get any hero to reach the 50s (though to be fair he ended up with more than enough credits to buy the remaining ones )


Unconfirmed Member
Didnt test exact numbers but it is fast, like PC level fast. Don't worry about that.

Was about to lose hope when I just spotted ya at the bottom of the page! Thanks so much!

I'm so, so tempted. Once I finish Dark Souls 3 tonight I don't think anything can stop me... Backlog be damned.
5 min round they never got the payload to the check point and I absolutely worked as Hanzo. So much so 10 out of 12 people voted for me and I got a legendary kudos. Awesome! Game is so good!

Edit: sorry for the off screen mobile shot.


Just had my most satisfying match ever with widowmaker.

It feels good when you have enough space and vision to apply a shitload of pressure on the enemy team to the point where they constantly have to cover


300 what?

Cents? That can't be dollars.

Pls no.

In other news, I love using Winston but I can't help but feel he needs a buff of some sort. Either a stronger shield or a more damaging Ult.

It just feels like Rein does it better, which sucks since I love Winston's character.



Dear Mei users, don't put that fucking ice wall in front of your teammates when they started their Ultimate attack.

Hahaha, earlier an enemy Mei totally screwed over her McCree teammate. Dude had us all in his sights with High Noon and she slaps an ice wall right in front of him 😂😂 Thanks, sweetie!


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
5 min round they never got the payload to the check point and I absolutely worked as Hanzo. So much so 10 out of 12 people voted for me and I got a legendary kudos. Awesome! Game is so good!

Edit: sorry for the off screen mobile shot.

Wow congrats!

Do you get anything for getting 10 likes?


Hahaha, earlier an enemy Mei totally screwed over her McCree teammate. Dude had us all in his sights with High Noon and she slaps an ice wall right in front of him 😂😂 Thanks, sweetie!

that was probably my team because I was McCree playiing with randoms and that exact thing happened to me. if you played on PS4, maybe i was playing against you eariler today lol
Zenyatta's discord orb shouldn't be line of sight. Makes no sense to have to keep sight on an enemy when you're the squishiest, least mobile thing in the game
Play smart. Your healing orb will continue healing for about five seconds after breaking LoS. That lets you hide while they're fighting. ALWAYS have your healing orb on someone. It makes charging your ult much faster and teammates will appreciate it. Also, ALWAYS have your Discord orb on an enemy, or at least try. You'd be shocked how quickly even a well armored tank goes down because of that orb. Zen can also lay down some serious damage on someone that has that orb on them. Don't be afraid to attack but just realize that your primary role is almost always going to be healing.

When using your ult, don't be afraid of standing in the open with it on. For whatever reason a lot of people don't seem to understand yet that Zen is totally immune to damage while using it, so they focus fire on him. Teammates then have a clear shot at people concentrating on you. Also turrets keep firing at you if you're the first in their LoS, so teammates can burst them down quickly.

This enlightened child gets it


that was probably my team because I was McCree playiing with randoms and that exact thing happened to me. if you played on PS4, maybe i was playing against you eariler today lol

Hah, I do! Small world if it was! Ambient70 is my PSN if you ever wanna group up.

As soon as I saw the wall go up I busted out laughing and was like oh shit that McCree player is piiiiiiiiissed lmao


The matchmaking really needs to be modified for the game conditions to join

I've had 3 matches today with less than 30 seconds...all defeats
And just had another one where I received the "Found Game" message which loaded to the defeat screen.

Didn't even see the character select screen and 0xp but still counts as a loss for me
Dear Mei users, don't put that fucking ice wall in front of your teammates when they started their Ultimate attack.

This is why I'm hesitant to play Mei. A bad player of just about any other hero is just a weak link... but a bad Mei can actively HURT your team through stuff like this.


I dominated tonight. Got 3 POTGs as Tracer. The second I joined my group, I got it. I also managed to get 30 eliminations. My best match yet.


Hey everyone,

Just curious what you all think is the best way going about learning a character. I'm at player level 9-ish on PS4 and didn't participate in the Beta.

The characters I like playing the most are D. Va and Mei. I also enjoy Lucio, Zenyatta, and Zarya at times.

So far, I usually switch characters to try to fill whatever role my team is missing, but the end result is that I'm not really familiar with any characters. I'd like to learn how to use Mei better, but she seems to contribute very little to the team.

I just don't feel like I'm contributing anything (except when I play Lucio). I'd like to learn how to play Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Symmetra one day.

tl;dr: Should you just pick one or two characters and stick with them even if it means a wonky team composition or just keep playing and switching and it will come to you eventually?

Check out this guy's channel. He has some good tutorial videos on how to play each character. Take some of his advice and learn the rest as you go. https://www.youtube.com/user/unitlosttube
Zenyatta's discord orb shouldn't be line of sight. Makes no sense to have to keep sight on an enemy when you're the squishiest, least mobile thing in the game

His orbs didn't use to go away after broken line of sight. They nerfed him around the start of April, which made him extremely difficult to play unless we've got a Reinhardt I can hide directly behind.
Dear Mei users, don't put that fucking ice wall in front of your teammates when they started their Ultimate attack.
I've seen this happen multiple times.

One time an enemy Mei placed a wall right under her own Reaper that just started his Ult and was about to kill me. She saved me! Thanks dumbo.

Another time, an enemy Mei placed a wall right in front of her team right when I was single digits from dying.

Like I've said, a bad Mei can really kill a team in ways that other characters don't seem to.
Yup got my favorite skin color for Mercy and got the Gundam Skins for Pharah.

Well yes, I honestly hate the loot boxes are randomized instead of favoring your most played characters.

So instead of just grinding and hoping for a small chance of actually getting something I want, I said F--- it. Not bragging or anything but with all the overtime pay I get, it's not that big of a hit.

What's your favorite Mercy skin?

Finally I got my second decent skin.

Now I'm ready to play Overwatch as a Raid Boss.

I'm jealous, love that skin!

Pharma eh? Is she a new healer? Does she drop antibiotics, pain killers, anti-inflammatories, and some Xanax for Winston to use so he can calm down after using his ultimate? ;) :)

Just kidding. :)

Pharma = Sombra

I guess tonight is "get put on the worst possible team imaginable every time until you want to never play this game" night.

It's terrible, isn't it? :(

Zenyatta's discord orb shouldn't be line of sight. Makes no sense to have to keep sight on an enemy when you're the squishiest, least mobile thing in the game

I haven't played as Zen yet, but this is very discouraging. :\


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
someone stop me from buying loot boxes

Whenever I almost buy loot boxes I consider the fact that I'm level 20 and have received JACK SHIT from all 20 of those boxes.. Why would I pay hard earned USD for 20 more of those?!
They nerfed him because having it last forever was too powerful. Besides, once marked the target shouldn't live that long.

His orbs didn't use to go away after broken line of sight. They nerfed him around the start of April, which made him extremely difficult to play unless we've got a Reinhardt I can hide directly behind.

Yeah, lasting forever would be way too long. Maybe 10 seconds or so would be fine. Knowing blizz, he'll get reworked a dozen times lul


Hah, I do! Small world if it was! Ambient70 is my PSN if you ever wanna group up.

As soon as I saw the wall go up I busted out laughing and was like oh shit that McCree player is piiiiiiiiissed lmao

gawd, that was probably me and yea, i was super pissed, lol

sure, i'm xLiKx. if you send me a request, make sure to let me know who you are. i have like 30 pending requests from people i dunno. not using a mic for this game atm cuz i'm usually just going with the flow since i'm new to the game.

The butts are really good in this game.

i didn't expect such nice hip animations until i was spectating behind characters like Symmetra


My own anecdotal evidence shows that tank and support are almost always the last two chosen, meaning usually the last two people aren't particularly thrilled with choosing either of them (and sometimes just won't lol).

that's kinda what i figured - i've got a few friends who are developing decent reinhardts so i can pocket support and let the randoms fill out the "fun" roles


gawd, that was probably me and yea, i was super pissed, lol

sure, i'm xLiKx. if you send me a request, make sure to let me know who you are. i have like 30 pending requests from people i dunno. not using a mic for this game atm cuz i'm usually just going with the flow since i'm new to the game.

i didn't expect such nice hip animations until i was spectating behind characters like Symmetra

Will do! I won't be on this evening any more but I'll add you tomorrow.
This is why I'm hesitant to play Mei. A bad player of just about any other hero is just a weak link... but a bad Mei can actively HURT your team through stuff like this.

Had one that kept walking a hole we were shooting out of on the capture point. Was so irked, I grabbed my mic and cussed him/her the hell out. They stopped so it worked.

Yes, I get intense when gaming. :(
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