Watching people try to unpack The Impact!'s first episode is going to be fun.Now Watching: Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact! (7/12-8/9)
every time I hear the word 'sadist' I immediately shy away
Nintendoman has been after me for awhile to do this show so more people can experience the mecha goodness, so here it is!
Next "Let's Watch" is up:
Now Watching: Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact! (7/12-8/9)
You're not the only one.Cant stop watching the Mob Psycho 100 OP. it's so fuckin good
Nintendoman has been after me for awhile to do this show so more people can experience the mecha goodness, so here it is!
Next "Let's Watch" is up:
Now Watching: Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact! (7/12-8/9)
Good, good. While the second half is messier in some respects, it follows through on most of the plot threads set up in the first half, even ones you wouldn't think would come back, so you should enjoy that as well.
I've heard some good stuff about this, and I would like a new series to binge. What say you, Anime GAF?
I've heard some good stuff about this, and I would like a new series to binge. What say you, Anime GAF?
Mob Psycho 100 - 01
That visual fidelity, no way that can hold up for the entire run. But even so, with that art direction it's a treat.
Judging by the OPM anime I'm not fond of One's humor and this first episode didn't elicit any laughs either, but I'll see. The direction certainly is better and that'll help. I'm hoping Reigen's pretense doesn't continue throughout the entire show because that aspect felt already obnoxious to me and Mob should notice rather sooner than later.
... by a bunch of Japanese teenagers using giant recolored Doraemons.
I may be reading too much into this, but my take is that Mob does realize Reigen is a fraud, at least subconsciously, but chooses not to acknowledge that because Reigen is the only "friend" of any kind he has. Mob is rather lonely and somewhat ostracized at school, after all.
Re:Zero 4
Man I'm late to the jokes, but: Subaru x Puck OTP.
In fact, it was weird when they greeted to each other in the past episode, as Puck shouldn't remember him after the first time rewind. Is it because she is a spirit?
I may be reading too much into this, but my take is that Mob does realize Reigen is a fraud, at least subconsciously, but chooses not to acknowledge that because Reigen is the only "friend" of any kind he has. Mob is rather lonely and somewhat ostracized at school, after all.
Isn't Puck a he?
This is a question that people forgot and/or don't understand is just coming back now....
It makes me laugh that Betelgeuse in Re:Zero and Yukihira Soma in Shokugeki no Soma are voiced by the same guy.
Hmm that would be nice.
Sweetness and Lightning - 02
I mean the premise felt questionable to begin with and some of this stuff is just plain dumb. I mean, now this girl has a fricking kitchen knife phobia? Really? And how does the teacher cooking with her possibly prevent the restaurant from shutting down because her mother's too busy? And no, even if you push the cute kid as a catalyst for this development, this relationship between a teacher and student is not appropriate. If she at least wasn't in any of his classes, but she is.
But yeh, the biggest problem is how nonsensical the girl and her cooking proposition are.
Kirito is in Re:Zero? I hope he's an arrogant smug.
Except, that, you know... nothing you pointed out was actually dumb.
Having a knife phobia isn't exactly unheard of. Especially if you cut yourself at a young age or something. Plus in this case its meant to serve 2 things: a subtle growth of the character to be more independent (which, her dependence on others is the reason she wanted them to stay this episode (since she refuses to cut anything)) and to be a parallel tothe daughter's growth as a child since they both eventually get training knifes. The daughter to practice, and Kotori to help grow out of her phobia.
The whole shutting down thing at the beginning of the episode isn't literally her saying that will absolutely happen. The worry is that the space is used so sparingly and she is worried that it has become something needless without point. Its just that, her worrying. Having people around and having a reason for the place to exist combats that worry. Its more about her loneliness than anything else, really.
As for the last point, there has been absolutely NOTHING happening as of yet. I really don't see how them cooking together is some taboo or anything. They are literally just cooking together, that's all. The mother, at this point, knows about it and even gave them a (despite being confusing) recipe guide for the night. The teacher even wants to talk to the parent about all this because he does realize that its not really overly appropriate to be around a student in secret, even if it is just cooking. So I really fail to see your point, unless you are just choosing to neglect noticing details because you find some small part of this "icky".And more importantly, nothing has happened at all in the 35 chapters that I've read. She does develop a crush on him, but that hasn't happened yet, and nothing really becomes of that
I'm not speaking of a romantic relationship. He's grading her and he's supposed to remain impartial, which is difficult when they have this sort of relationship outside of school.
This show is so cute. Off to Mob Psycho now..
I was not impressed by this, despite enjoying the show. It barely did anything different, and it still had the same weaknesses as the series. But this would be fine. They just had to add a lot of unnecessary drama, while the movie retreads story points that were already covered like "Mirai's not a normal person" and throws away all the character development.. Actually, even the strong points of the series, like Kyoani's attention to detail and the animation, seemed underwhelming compared to most of the major moments in the show. Maybe the only thing that made this a worthy watch is the fact that it answers some questions after the finale, though I'd prefer a 30 minute OVA over a whole movie. Oh and it had some rad costumes like the one Hiroomi wore at the start.
This show is so cute. Off to Mob Psycho now..
It won't be so cute when they are getting married and she is changing his Depends.
at first glance Mob and Saitama actually appear to be quite similar. both leading a ''boring'' let's kill some monsters every now and then life, both having this huge humongous power but not really making a big deal out of it, and so on and so forth. the main difference here is Reigen, who makes up for Mob's apparent dullness and lack of personality, whereas Saitama was the only main character so he had to crack those jokes and make ~funny faces~ all by himself.Mob Psycho 100 Ep 1
- But boring design mixed with little personality (Saitama had his sense of humor and loads of personality), makes for a very dull lead character where even if he's strong as fuck and shit I'm not sure if it can make up for the lack in everything else. But it's only episode 1, we're likely to get more of a view into his personality as the show goes on (I hope).
The other lead, the psychic detective dude, fortunately has enough personality to carry Mob when they're together so if they're together often then it shouldn't be a BIG deal. Anything else I could say doesn't need to be said (gorgeous animation, visuals, etc...).
at first glance Mob and Saitama actually appear to be quite similar. both leading a ''boring'' let's kill some monsters every now and then life, both having this huge humongous power but not really making a big deal out of it, and so on and so forth. the main difference here is Reigen, who makes up for Mob's apparent dullness and lack of personality, whereas Saitama was the only main character so he had to crack those jokes and make ~funny faces~ all by himself.
as you mentioned, yes, it's just the first episode, basically an introductory episode, and there are still many more key characters who haven't been introduced yet. you're definitely going to see more of Mob's personality in the future episodes, things will also get way more interesting.
it does look superb and I really hope they can keep that up.
Man I'm still pissed that for Danganronpa (UDG spoilers)neagis sis isn't the new Junko. That'd be so fucking great but instead we get Monica.
Like, imagine if instead they put the UDG story in the despair series that's starting tomorrow and towards the end neagis sis loses and becomes the new ultimate despair, which in turn leads to the reveal that she's the villain for future.
But I guess at that level of wishful thinking I'm just writing fanfic.